EUR 9.00
Lotus Frequency Matrix by Winarso
Price $ 50
Lotus Frequency Matrix is a spiritual energetic toll, channeled from the Source and Ascended Master Kwan Yin as a spiritual healing system. It carrying a very pure vibration and working on the heart energy.
It activates intellect and high consciousness linking into the angelic ralms. Its brilliance comes from cosmic light and sometimes found with a Buddha formation that draws enlightenment and spiritual light.
The energy when worn provides a link to serenity and ternal wisdom. Used in meditation, it takes you to ahigh state of consciousness and accesses inner guidance, it is an energy for facilitating deep change and leaving the past behid. It can act as a karmic cleanser releasing miasms.
It can stimulates the Third Eye, the Crown, and the Higher Crown Chakras. It aligns the Heart Chakra and clarifies the aura. It also promoter lucid dreams, ease and changes recalcitrant attitudes, bringing patience and peace of mind.
Working with this energy can aid one in discovering one’s link to Source and can facilitate the process of clarifying and purifying consciousness so that one speaks and acts from the place of truth. It supports a state of enthusiastic well-being and enhances clairvoyance, mental clarity, gratitude, joy and awareness of destiny.
As a healing tool, it clears allergies, chronic conditions and has a strong detoxifying action. It treats the liver, gallbladder, aids muscular and motor function. It can be placed as appropriate, over the heart and under the pillow to promote lucid dreams, regulates cell disorders, activates T-cells and the thymus, relieves Meniere’s disease, eases high pressure, and alleviates pain and migraine. It also prevents heart attacks and heals heart conditions; it lessons fatigue and overcomes shock. It is a detoxifies, regenerating the liver and effective to overcome addictions and stress.
R eceive manual, attunement chi ball, & lineage.
EUR 9.00
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