Mystic Arts of Java Level 9 of 10 by Hari Winarso
19.99 euro
Mystic Arts of Java Level 9 of 10
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This system connecting you with Javanese Shamanic Powers .
There are 10 levels to this program.
Level 9
Prerequisite: Mystic Art of Java Level 1 - 8
This level has benefits to destroy any black magic attacks and also you can use it to heal someone who was attacked by black magic.
This level is useful to increase your charisma. It is a very high energy attraction and when you are using it you will have a powerful attraction to others. Everyone around you will admire you anywhere you are.
This is useful for you as a marketing, shop owner, business, man, etc, and more powerful than previous level energies.
It is also useful to attract the prosperity, abundance, good fortune,charisma, love and sympathy, protection and more. The rajah will invite a guardian angel to protect you.
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