Mystical Ancient Healing Force by Hari Andri Winarso
EUR 14.99
year 2017 - 60 $
Mystical Ancient Healing Force was channeled to make you become a facilitator of the mystical ancient healing energy.
Mystical Ancient Healing Force makes you have a powerful multidimensional healing ability (spiritual, emotional and physical bodies), and also helps you to removes and clears all the negativities and blockages in your energetic bodies.
Mystical Ancient Healing Force has a powerful healing energy to heals any forms of physical and metaphysical diseases, and decreases negativities by transform negative energy into positive.
It works on the multidimensional level, especially on your mental and mind level by replacing negative thinking, negative attitudes and habits become positive, and also useful to removes mental overload and increases the mental awareness.
When you call in the Mystical Ancient Healing Force before meditation, you will connected with higher vibration of mystical ancient energy that helps you to feel calm and relax the mind, so you can entering a deep meditation state more easily, and the results is you will always have a positive outlook on life, feelings of well being, and positive emotional state (joy, love, happiness, etc).
you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement
EUR 14.99