Mystical Angelic Healing Empowerment by Hari Andri Winarso
EUR 14.99
year 2018 - 50 $
Mystical Angelic Healing Empowerment was channeled and created to make you become a facilitator of Angelic healing energy, so you will have an ability to heals multidimensional bodies (spiritual, emotional, etheric and mental bodies).
Mystical Angelic Healing Empowerment will also give you ability to removes all the blockages on your energetic bodies, and also purify all parts of your energetic bodies (Such as: Chakras, Nadis, and Aura).
Mystical Angelic Healing Empowerment are very effective to relieve stress and tiredness, it helps you to relax and refresh easily.
This condition of being relaxed and refreshed will accelerate the healing process for any disease or illness.
You can use this Mystical Angelic Healing Empowerment to clear the negative thinking and calm anxiety.
It will also helps to relase the fears and overcome insomnia.
You can use it for hands-on and long distance healing session with same results, and the healing process will also provides a powerful protection for your and your client's energetic bodies.
you will receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement
EUR 14.99