EUR 9.99
From Winarso
Price $ 60 year 2011
Solar Sword is powerful healing and cleansing modality and is reputed to cleanse the blood as well as helping to move energy around the body. It has such wonderful abilities to ease pain in joints and ligaments and energize the endocrine system, creating good healing outcomes in the stomach area.
It is a powerful that will enhance tissue revitalization. It relief from many different afflictions. It supports clearing of problems associated with the Sacral Chakra, and draws physical illness out of the spleen, liver and other organs in this area.
Solar Sword links the everyday self to the spiritual self and is highly protective against any negativity, especially from psychic sources, Solar Sword give us ways to relieve stress and may help to clear depression. They aid the emotions and creates a more positive outlook on life.
Solar Sword gives the person who works it a lovely sense of health and healing. It balances the emotions, clears the mind, releases negative energy, eases stress by clearing phobias and fears. It heals the glandular system and stimulates the healing of problems within the DNA as well as relieving karmic related illness. It connects you to inner wisdom via the Sacral Chakra and enhances clairsentience.
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