Sunstone Light Body by Winarso


Sunstone Light Body from Winarso year 2010

Sunstone have a strong solar energy, so they embody within them the warmth, strength, and openness of the sun. when you are feeling that life is no longer pleasant. These energy help you to feel that life is worth living ! They release stress and aid mental clarity and help you to open to blessing others with your personal abilities and gifts.

These are strong energy to enhance leadership qualities, although this leadership is from the new way of thinking. This leadership brings the aspects of responsibility for being of service and aiding others to help themselves on their journey. They awaken cosmic consciousness and this makes them strong energy for these more challenging times we are living in.

These are powerful energy for bringing joy and other positive feelings into your life. These energy embody potent healing qualities that will re-energize your body.

Their vibration will bring through powerful energy to support and assist the development of the Merkabah within the Lightbody. Through this you may awaken your cosmic consciousness. By the action of Sunstones Sunstone to enhance this area of your life, you will create a more simple and straightforward way of thinking.

If you find that in winter you suffer from the SAD disorder, these energy are affective to help you as they bring warmth and strength. They carry a strong anti-depressant vibration and they are effective if you are feeling stressed.

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Sunstone Light Body by Winarso