Surya Vajra Reiki Level 1 - by Winarso


Surya Vajra Reiki 1 Level

This system has an unique and powerful energy for healing and many other purposes. Is not only for physical purposes, this system is also useful for mental and spiritual purposes. Even has a powerful energy, but very simply and easily to works with this system. Don’t need any symbol and specific hands position.

In this system, we will works with 2 kinds of energy, that is : Tummo/Inner Heat, and Reiki Life Force. This 2 kinds energy will combined works together in your session. The Surya Vajra Reiki is also helps to arouse the Kundalini/Fire Serpent.

The Meaning of Surya Vajra Reiki:

- Surya = Sun.

- Vayra = Diamond.

- Reiki = Life Force Energy.

This Surya Vayra Reiki has 3 levels:

1 Level : In the first level, the attunement will open your 3 main channels (Sushumma, Ida, Pingala), open the energy channels to your palms, activate the 7 major charkas, and activate the Lower Dan Tien, then with this the Inner Heat will be active. At this level, you’re using the healing energy only for hands on session. In this level, you will find some extra tools like as:

- Surya Vajra Chakra Clearing

- Surya Vajra Chakra Alignment

- Surya Vajra Three Channels Clearing

- Surya Vajra Auric Cleansing .

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 Surya Vajra Reiki Level 1 - by Winarso