Vortex Light Shakti Level 1 - by Winarso


Price 15,99 $

Vortex Light Shakti i san excelent energy for enchancing our sense and feeling of security and helping us to establish our boundaries. It promotes a more relaxed attitude to life, balancing mood swings and making us more aware of our own emotions and promotions and promoting inner peace. It is also a protector from negative energies.

This energy is an excellent for meditation, enabling you both access and retrieve ancient wisdom and information about past lives. The Vortex Light Shakti Vortex is full of compressed shakti and is channeled to be intensely active so it can energize the system, and so it can break down and transform emotional and karmic conditioning. As a healing energy, this Vortex Light Shakti effective to heal physical, mental emotional diseases, and also spiritual problems.

1. Level :

- Vortex Light

- 7 Chakras Empowerment

- Palm Chakras Empowerment

- Earth Nature Empowerment

- Sun Moon Vortex Lights

- Diamond Vortex Light Shield Activation

receive manual, attunement chi ball

$ 6.99  paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo

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Vortex Light Shakti Level 1 - by Winarso