WEI-TO HIGHER FORCE by Hari Andri Winarso

WEI-TO HIGHER FORCE by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

year 2018 - 40 $

Wei-To (Wei-To P'usa) is an important Deva or God in the Chinese Pantheon as his image is always present in all temples as the 'Entry Guardian'.

He is the General-in-Chief of the thirty-two heavenly generals who come under the Four Heavenly Kings and has earned such titles as the 'Protector of the Buddhist Faith', the 'Protector of Monasteries' and the 'Protector of Dharma Books'.

In all temples where his image is found, he is always placed with his back to the statue of Maitreya Buddha (Mi-Lo Fwo) so that he faces the Main or Grand Hall known as the 'Tai Hung Pao Tien' where the main images of the temple are installed.

Wei-To Higher Force has a strong connection with Wei-To P'usa. It was channeled to give you powerful, general, and complete protection.

Besides provides powerful protection energy, it will also helps to removes any negative influences of everything, negativities energy patterns, negative spirits, black magic, curses, etc.

Wei-To Higher Force assist you to defeats all your enemies and makes you victorious in any sides of your life.

It gives you more power, strength, and courages to facing your enemies.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement


EUR 14.99