White Magick Booster Empowerment by Hari Andri Winarso
EUR 14.99
year 2018 - $50
White Magick is a form of magic that used for helping others, because the White Magick Practitioner is usually tend to focus toward helps in others, such as : healing the mind, body and/or soul, purifying evil spirits, dispel curses, etc.
And also a White Magick Practitioner is usually respect all the rules about what is forbidden and not.
White Magick Booster Empowerment was channeled and created to boost any of your white magick power and improves your abilities of it.
By this empowerment, you will have a powerful white magick forces, so you can helping more peoples and all living beings with your magickal abilities.
you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement
EUR 14.99