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Lavender Vortex Light Energy by Hari Winarso

Lavender Vortex Light Energy by Hari Winarso

EUR 7.99

year 2010 - 35 $

Lavender Vortex Light Energy is an amazing energy with large number of benefits when it activated:It allows access to the records relating to each question or thought and, even without focusing, provides intuitive awareness in all situations.

Assisting one in connecting with the higer realms of knowledge. It can also be used to access the records of ones progression throught past-lives.

A powerful healing and brings progressing energy to ones life.It can assist in proceeding through traumas and changes with ease - promoting understanding.

It simulate all portions of the physicall, intellectual, emotional and subtle bodies.
Assist in proving one protection from mental and physical harm.

Unlock the "doors" to healing concepts and those aspects of the self which tend to be illusive.

It also assists one in accessing that which is hidden in any situation.

Facilitate bridging between the inner and outer worlds, between the self and others residing on this planet, and between the self and other worlds.

Most powerful balancing, anti-depressant, chakra healing and mood stabilizing.
And many other benefits that will find when the Lavender Vortex Light Energy has been activated in yours.

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Radiation Deflector Empowerment by Hari Winarso

EUR 7.99

year 2010 - 35 $

Radiation is harmful in most Circumstances.

Length and strength of exposure plays a factor in later health, appearance, fertility and bodily functioning.

The effects of radiation may even be any carried out in the next generation in some instances. even at low levels it can destroy and break down cells and important structures like the GI tract or the blood system.

This is oftentimes seen in cancer treatment.

Prognosis depends on many variables and there is no guarantee of future health since the exact effects of radiation are so uncertain.

Radiation Deflector Empowerment help protect you from the harmful effects of radiations, including nuclear radiation, high frequencies antennas (cell phone towers), infrared, microwaves or any electromagnetic pollution.

It will help absorb radiation and protect you against Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Electromagnetic fields.

It is a powerful energetic tool channeled to: Protect against harmful electromagnetic fields Neutralize electromagnetic radiation created by computers or other radio frequencies and ELF frequencies

Clear environmental pollution Protect people from other negativities Strengthen and align all chakras and meridians Restructure DNA Remove energy blockages Ground and integrated spiritual energies Boost immune system

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Golden Solar High Energy by Hari Winarso

Golden Solar High Energy by Hari Winarso

EUR 6.99

year 2012 - 25 $

Helpful in manifesting ideas into reality and giving courage in times of change.

Focusing the Golden Solar to the High Energy Solar Plexus Chakra to increase to your personal power.

Spiritual energy it draws down to the Earth, while still keeping you centered here on the ground.

Golden High Energy Solar brings good luck and prosperity. It attracts abundance Also and can stimulate the rise of Kundalini energies.

Golden High Energy Solar helpful to enhances psychic abilities and balances the lower Chakras.

Focusing the energy to Sacral Chakra can bring spiritual grounding.

You can activate Golden Solar High Energy When you need a boost of creative energy, or When dealing with issues Involving power, will, control, and / or concentration.

While Golden High Energy Solar to help raise vibrations, it Also These energies connect to the lower chakras in balance, Which keeps one from feeling disconnected When working with higher goals

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Heart Sphere Higher Force by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 6.99

year 2012 - 25 $

Is a wonderful healing energy!

It helps to clear out and release the clouded / dense areas of all chakras So THAT healing can occur.

Heart Sphere Higher Force will help with healing on all levels (mental, emotional, and physical).

It forms a unique connection to Promote healing in the way That is best for each individual.

Also this force can be used to attract / manifest what you want into your life abundance on all levels, prosperity, love, healing, etc.

It aligns your intent with the Heart Chakra and Source energy.

Heart Sphere Higher Force helps to create an opening So That the Kundalini may travel and the lessons discomfort, Which is sometimes associated with movement.

it Also enhances the meditative state and retrieval of ancient wisdom

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Lotus Healer by Hari Winarso

Lotus Healer by Hari Winarso

EUR 11.99

year 2011 - 65 $

Lotus Healer emits a profound healing vibration and Facilitates the energetic activation of cellular regeneration.

Renders assistance to disorders in all areas of the body, the emotional system, and mental structure.

It is said to assist in opening the heart chakra.

It can used in balancing the physical body as well, but the greatest affects will be That felt in the spiritual development occurs.

Lotus Healer's energy realign the energy centers, relieve energy blockage, stimulate Qi energy, ground, center and protect.

It benificial to treat physical instabilities in the veins, muscles, arteries, bone loss, RNA / DNA balancing, immune system and cellular renewal.

Lotus Healer Works on the heart and lungs by helping to withdraw toxins and activates the absorption of nutrients and oxygen.

Relaxes one's overall nature. it can be used to clear clouded areas of the chakras

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Hexagram Protection Net by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 11.99

year 2016 $ 40

Hexagram Protection Net was channeled to brings a high level of energetic protection.

Activates this Hexagram Protection Net will Creates an energetic net That ensnares negative external energies and entities.

Also it is transmutes negative energy into positive to use for the highest and purest good.

Hexagram Protection Net are Also excellent for energizing other energy healing modalities, crystals, essences, etc; and when to used in combination with any other modalities / techniques That it enhances effect

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Waterfall Energy Transmission Device by Hari Winarso

EUR 14.99 

year 2012 - 60 $

is a very helpful energetic device, where it transmit the waterfall energy to you and others, helps to clears the emotional body of past-this-life and life Traumas and negative emotional patterns.

This light is deep and fast acting and can cause intense healing.

Waterfall Energy Transmission Device is a good choice for children recovering from abuse.

Brings deep comforting love energy.

Transforms negative behavior into positive. It grounds and deflects negativity and is uses as a protection energy. it transforms internal negativity, changes and then releases it.

When the works with it, the Also Feel That it protects one from negativity from outside influences. Work with this device Allows us to feel at peace with our surroundings and Those who come into our life. God - Ray is highly energizing. Physically, it is said to increase to blood circulation, AIDS liver and kidney diseases, and is for sexual dysfunction. Gold - Ray Also said to relieve the pain associated with disorders of the liver, gall bladder and endocrine gland

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Energy Transmutation Symbol by Hari Winarso

Energy Transmutation Symbol by Hari Winarso

EUR 9.99

Energy Transmutation Symbol helpful to increase to spiritual attunement and to remove ingrained resistance to spiritual awakening.

Its regenerative effect may create a powerful detoxification of negative energy from the aura, Which can be experienced as a once-and-for-all catharsis or abreaction That clears the emotional blueprint and cellular memory.

Energy Transmutation Symbol helps one to raise one's vibrations So That energy can flow freely Throughout one's being. It helps to dense, negative transmute Thus energy and is helpful with issues where dense energy is present Within one's physical body, such as Tumours and cysts.

It helps to support one's emotional body know That One can acknowledge and release deeply held negative emotional patterns That Are Preventing one from moving forward or are causing physical issues.

The vibrational energy of it magnetises to one whatever one is radiating energy, Thus helping one to see what one is manifesting in one's life, be it positive or negative.

It helps one to be positive in one's thoughts and action

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Light Vortex Super Wave by Hari Winarso

Light Vortex Super Wave by Hari Winarso

EUR 9.99

60 $

Is a very protective modality, and is excellent for removing negativity.

Also it is excellent protection against psychic attacks.

In Particular Light Vortex Super Wave protects the gentle from abuse.

it is Also has ability to remove energetic and clear energy blockages. It has a very powerful energy for all types of energy Because of this work. It can remove an energy block from a person, in Particular chakra, an environment, or a situation.

Also it is a transformational energy where it can transforms negative emotions such as anger and fear into positive feelings.

As part of the transformation process it Allows release Of Those negative emotions. So, Light Vortex Super Wave helps one feel safe, Which can lead to many different kinds of emotional healing, including removing anxiety and stress.

Excellent healer for the physical body, brings divine flow into your life with ease and harmony

. It is a mental healer, dissolving rigid beliefs and old programs, Also restoring balance to the mind. It helps in letting go of what is familiar and Which comforting but no longer serves, aids communication and the transition from a stagnant to a positive situation.

A powerful stimulator for the immune system.

This energy Absorbs negativity and rids the body of bacterial infections.

Physically, it benefits the stomach, intestines, muscle tissue, and can rid one of bacterial or viral infections.

It sharpens and Focuses Internal and external vision, and helps get in touch with buried issues before they explode

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Earth Sphere Energetic by Hari Winarso

Earth Sphere Energetic by Hari Winarso

EUR 7.99

year 2011 - 50 $

Earth Sphere Energetic does not hold negative energy, transmuting it instantly. This modality is excellent for enhancing psychic abilities and grounding them in everyday reality and for removing blockages from your spiritual path.

It is a useful tool for energetic removing vows taken in other lives, especially Those of poverty and chastity.

Earth Sphere Energetic clears away any beliefs and thought forms That keep you mired in poverty, opening the way to abundance.

This Earth Sphere Energetic purifies the etheric blueprint and removes the effects of detrimental attitudes from the past. Also it assists you to move out of Circumstances or an environment That does not allow you to expand.

Earth Sphere Energetic is an excellent psychic clearing tool and an earth healer. it protects against electromagnetic or geopathic pollution and its effects draws out of the subtle bodie

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Body Toxic Cleansing by Hari Winarso

Body Toxic Cleansing by Hari Winarso

EUR 6.99

year 2010

Body Toxic Cleansing and live in a world where we are Constantly exposed to and absorb into our bodies and blood systems That Are toxic substances to our well being. while most things are eliminated through the elimination and endocrine gland systems, some things are retained by the body indefinitely.

Toxic Body Cleansing channeled to help: Gently flush out toxins and heavy metals from the physical body without going through the endocrine gland system; Healing profiles for all the physical body organs and systems especially ones to Strengthen and upgrade the central nervous, circulatory, endocrine and elimination gland systems and all organs and glands;

Purification of the blood;

Clearing and healing the brain chemistry and cleansing the minds and brains;

Healing profiles for the chakras, meridians, strangeflows, nadis and energetic systems;

Healing profiles to heal any blocks people may have to the optimal circulation of prana / chi / life force energy Throughout Their energetic bodies, organs and systems;

Healing profiles to help restore the most perfect possible level of alkalinity and oxygenation;

Healing profiles to clear out and heal negative, dark, heavy, slow-moving, stuck, congested, damaged, blocked energies from the physical and energetic bodies, quantum fields / particles and energetic spaces;

Healing wash for areas where toxins and heavy metals are released and for the entire quantum fields, parts and particles; energetic bodies, organs and systems; genetics and DNA blood; Etc

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Physical Energy Enhancement by Hari Winarso

Physical Energy Enhancement by Hari Winarso

EUR 6.99

year 2010

Physical Energy Enhancement empowers the solar plexus, Bringing strength to, and in turn empowering the physical system.

Brings into harmony the myriad vibrations at the physical level.

Activates the base chakra in a way Which Focuses and pumps energy into the physical system to bring about very Necessary repair to physical structures.

Physical Energy Enhancement Creates strong bonds between the etheric, astral and lower mental bodies to the physical body, Allowing one to experience direct connection with the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of the personality.

Boosts the immune system.

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High Spirit Flush by Hari Winarso

High Spirit Flush by Hari Winarso

EUR 6.99

year 2012 $ 25

High Spirit Flush are a beautiful high energetic flush. It very helpful to harmonizes the aura, chakra points, and physical body

. High Spirit Flush Also beneficial as Crown Chakra Purification and Protection Release fear.

Works with High Spirit Flush Increase self esteem can protect from the negative energy from someone else's abuse, open the mind to new thoughts Promote clarity of thought.

High Spirit Flush help with digestion as it is Considered beneficial to the endocrine and digestive system - cleansing, purifying and Eliminating poisons That have built up.

It is an excellent energy to calm and soothe distressed conditions. Also it can use to help relieve depression, digestive problems (including constipation and diabetes). It will give joy and love

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Green Vortex Tetralogy Dark Green Vortex by Hari Winarso

EUR 7.99

year 2010 - 40 $

Green is Considered to be one of the most healing among all the colors.

Because green is the color of trees and grasses it is a wonderful color choice to wear anytime you are wanting to feel in-tune with nature.

Green Represents the Spring season and new growth.

The primary focus of Green Vortex ™ Tetralogy is physical healing.

Working With These tetralogy system deeply purify and help heal the physical body, Promote the release of toxins and negative energies stored in the organs, and support the immune system.

Green Vortex Tetralogy ™ brings life, nourishment, and healing to your physical body. it helps resolve many types of physical disharmony with the life-giving green ray it carries. The Green Vortex Tetralogy ™ raises the vibrations of the physical body and with it Provides healing vitality. Green Vortex Tetralogy ™ Focuses its healing effects on the area of greatest disharmony in your body.

The origins of physical illness are almost always than physical. Conflicts and discord in the emotions and mind Often lead to physical problems. Inner disharmonies block the flow of life force to the physical body and feed it with disharmonious energy.

Green Vortex Tetralogy ™ not only addresses the physical manifestation of illness; Also it These helps resolve inner causes of physical distress. Green Vortex Tetralogy ™ Increases the flow of life energy Throughout your entire being.

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Love Attraction Symbol by Hari Winarso

Love Attraction Symbol by Hari Winarso

EUR 7.99

55 $ year 2010

The Human Body has an energy field around it, communicating and connecting to all the other energy fields.

That happens most communication between people happens on this subtle, unspoken level.

You You may have experienced it yourself-if you've ever been immediately drawn to someone for "no reason."

To attract love into your life, it is helpful to be conscious of your energy field - to make sure your energy field is large and healthy.

When you feel beautiful, it shows. Your energy field Becomes large and glowing Because You are feeling so confident, powerful and beautiful

. And this turns heads. That's why it works well When You wear Things That you think are beautiful - it's not Necessarily what you wearing, but how you look and the energy you project When you wear it.

When you take care of yourself and love yourself, you project That positive energy out into the universe. Other people around you reserved respond to That by wanting to be closer to That positive energy.

In this way, positive energy attracts positive energy.

Love Attraction Synbol is a beautiful and simple energetic tools That magnifies and purifies your personal energy field.

Love Attraction Synbol Strengthens your personal energy field and Thus makes you more attractive to other people.

Love Attraction Synbol That helps you be in the state of happiness and completeness. Not only will you attract love, but the right kind of people as well. Love Attraction Specifically helps you in attracting love into your life.

Love Attraction Symbol helps you attract love by: Making you happy: Because When you feel happy, you feel blackberries loving toward others and you are the Easiest to Love When You are your happiest. Ridding you of negative energy, Because the energy draws everything but love out of the space and you.

Bringing clarity to you and what you want to your intentions, then Bringing Those intentions into the space around you.

Bringing you energy That people will find attractive

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Emotional Healing Vibration by Hari Winarso

Emotional Healing Vibration by Hari Winarso

EUR 6.99

year 2011 - 40 $

Carries positive vibrations and has an ability to assist heart Based loving energy to fill your life. It opens the heart chakra ... then helps to produce a loving connection to the base chakra energy ... which unites your emotional feelings with physical expression.

It has a strong ability to cause coincidence or synchronicity to occur in your life.

It has a very encouraging vibration and is a strong aid to help you to Recognize what direction to take in your life ... and aids you to discover what your life path is.

Emotional Healing Vibration embodies Both the pink ray of the heart and the deeper red ray of the lower chakras and connects your spirituality with physical existence.

These vibration give you excellent ways to relieve stress

. If you sono stati depressed or It stressed, sometimes it is hard to let go of negativity, but this vibration helps you to release pessimistic feelings.

It helps you to feel a greater degree of self-love and aids you to feel blackberries balanced and to accept yourself and all that you are.

It is an excellent healing vibration and is known to aid the body to heal a number of different issues. It is said to assist nervous system disorders, including Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, lupus and Alzheimers.

Emotional Healing Vibration has a positive vibration That will help to lift feelings of depression. It will help to harmonize your brain waves, and assist you to let go of negative emotions

That may be keeping you from feeling satisfied with your lot in life. Feelings such as anger, guilt or jealousy may be helped by its positive energy.

The vibration of this tool Produces a feeling of confidence in your abilities and a sense of inspiration to created an improvement in your personal Circumstances

It has an excellent healing action Within the body at the cellular level, and may aid you if you are feeling a lack of energy.

It is a strong vibration to help the dying to make the transition to Spirit easily

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RAJA PENGASIH by Hari Winarso

RAJA PENGASIH by Hari Winarso

EUR 14.99


$ 80 year 2013

Rajaaja Pengasih has a meaning as "The King of Love", it has an amazing magickal power That Make us attractive than before.

This magickal force Increases our auric radiance, and we will have powerful charisma.

Raja is Pengasih Also has a powerful love energy, everyone will love us, give Their respect and sympathy for us.

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Chakra Kartika by Hari Andri Winarso

Chakra Kartika by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

year 2013 -80 $

Chakra Kartika is a magickal power That makes you looks younger and attractive, it will helps you to Increase self confidence.

This magickal power is Also infuse positive energy to your auric field, I will Strengthen the auric-radiance and Increase personal magnetism.

No one can denied your charms.

After receive initiation, you can create Chakra Also Kartika Essential Water, I know you can helps That others need the benefits of this magickal power without give them initiation

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GARUDA BLISS REIKI by Hari Andri Winarso

GARUDA BLISS REIKI by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 11.99

45 $ year 2016

Garuda Bliss Reiki wass channeled to Creates a strong connection with the higher energy and frequency of Lord Garuda, and Provides His blessings.

Garuda Bliss Reiki useful to maintain and Increases the vital life force and energy level.

This Garuda Bliss Reiki will helps to Increases your courages and self-confidence, remove all kinds of fears, and helps to make you free from mental diseases and depression

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ADI SHAKTI ESSENCE by Hari Andri Winarso

ADI SHAKTI ESSENCE by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 11.99

45 $ year 2016

ADI SHAKTI ESSENCE Shakti is an excellent essence Essence That Creates a strong connection with the Divine Mother.

It has an amazing energy to awaken the Kundalini as the Creative Force Within You, and this Kundalini energy will move through the center of our being, the Central Channel. And when to this Creative Force begins to raise - it clears out any blockages in your energy channels, and opens your chakras, Because of all the blockages in your energy channels are cleared, and your chakras are opened ... the Kundalini energy can moving up easily, and the life force can flow freely in the whole of your body.

Adi Shakti will Essence Also Creates an auric shield and Strengthen your energy field

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