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EUR 11.99

year 2016 - 45$

Thiru Neela Kantam has a meaning "Blue Throat".

It is a mantra that has benefit for dissolving karma.

Thiru Neela Kantam Vibration Attunement was channeled to helps you to dissolves negative karmas who may be blocking positive things come to your life, so the positive things will come and flow freely to your life.
Besides, it will release great amounts of negative karma ...

Thiru Neela Kantam Vibration will also removes negative energy from the energetic body, creates positive and harmony vibrations to the environment, and brings joy and happiness.

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EUR 11.99

year 2016 - 45$

Yang Dzay Rilbu is a sacred object of Tibetan Buddhist that known as "Magnet of Prosperity" or "Essence of Good Fortune".

Yang Dzay Rilbu Essence was channeled to helps to re-programming your subsconcious, and open the negative programming that locked in one's subconscious, so you will becoming a powerful magnet of prosperity.

It will open the door of unlimited universal abundance and prosperity in you.

It will attracts blessings, attracts good-luck, abundance and prosperity from all directions for us.

It also helps to accelerates our success in business by open many new possibilities and opportunities to expand and grow.

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EUR 9.99

45 $

Ethereal Essence Champagne is a great essence to dissolve negative energies and emotional blockages.

This essence helps to balances the Yin-Yang sides of us and energy, and it is an excellent way for grounding.

Ethereal Essence Champagne will connecting and balancing the chakras from the Sacral Chakra to the Crown,

These essence will activates and connects the Sacral Chakra through to the Crown Chakra, then helps to ground higher spiritual ideas into physical reality.

These Ethereal Essence Champagne is Also Provides protection from any dark and negative forces present in the ethereal realm.

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EUR 11.99

45 $ year 2016

Causal Chakra (Also called Past Life Chakra) is located 3 to 4 inches behind the center back of the head.

The color is white.

This Chakra related with compassion, love and intuition, And Also through this chakra we receive messages, information and inspiration from the higher spiritual realms.

Causal Chakra Essence was channeled to open and activates this Causal Chakra. Because of this Chakra is a gateway to Angelic Kingdom -

It will Creates a strong connection and communication to access information from the higher spiritual realms, and once information comes into this chakra, the information will send down into the lower energy centers for distribution Throughout the whole body.

Have a strong connection with the higher spiritual Also realms will assist you to explore the spirit and attain the higher wisdom. Causal Chakra Essence assists you to deepening your meditation brings to you peace of mind and mental stillness, And Also accelerates the spiritual enlightenment.

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EUR 6.99

Holy Grace Vibrational Healing That is Particularly effective at clearing of vibrations shock, trauma, anxiety and panic imprinted in the human "energy field" or occurring in present time.

Also it is very helpful for Those experiencing grief.

Holy Grace Vibrational Healing is incredible for easing emotional processing

Following healing procedures or Spiritual Growth Resulting from work. In fact, Holy Grace is extremely helpful any time one is emotionally challenged or going through emotional processing, anxiety, nervousness, states of worry and agitation and any time one is feeling the Generally imbalanced or challenged.

Also this product can be invaluable for children, pets and to assist with insomnia.

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EUR 9.99

year 2016 $ 40

Perfect Body Health Essence was channeled to assist in the cleansing process.

As Within the body toxins build up, cellular functions are decreased At, Resulting in low energy and poor health.

Perfect Body Health Essence will support the natural assists cleansing and rejuvenation process.

Also it will build up a powerful body's natural defenses

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EUR 9.99

year 2016 $ 40

Midbrain attunement was channeled to maximize your brain functions

Increases intelligence and learning ability, improves memory and concentration, boost academic performance and growth, enhances self-confidence and stabilize the emotional.

Midbrain Attunement to assist you Increases your brain power and empowering your Mind, And Also helps you to understand and solve the most difficult problems in a simple way.

After receive the attunement and practice it, you will feel a big difference in your memory power and knowledge level.

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Energetic Antibiotic Essence by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 9.99

45 $ year 2016

Energetic Antibiotic Essence was channeled to help you to fight diseses, viruses, clean infections, boost your immune system, and also help you hela from certain diseases and wounds.

Like as an ordinary antibiotics it can be used as an antibiotic for bacteria inside your body, and a great helper in flu and cold.

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Important: This energy system is for energetic healing only. If you are sick, please see your MD or therapist for treatment. Reiki and Lightwork are forms of energy healing that always help and never harm.

EUR 9.99




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Budha Bliss Reiki by Hari Andri Winarso

Budha Bliss Reiki by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 11.99

45 $ year 2016

Budha or Saumya is the Hindu god of merchandise and the protector of merchants. In Hindu mythology, Budha is also the name and personification of the planet Mercury. Budha is said to be the son of lunar god "Chandra" and "Tara". He is the most intelligent of all.

Budha Bliss Reiki was channeled to attracts the life force and blessing from Lord Budha. The energy of Budha Bliss Reiki will infuse your brain to increases your intelligence, improves memory and concentration, and also enhances learning ability. It will also stimulates and increases the efficiency of your mind, so you can think fast, clear, focus and sharp.

Budha Bliss Reiki will becoming a Super Quantum Leap for your mind and intelligence.

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Enlightenment Soul Essence by Hari Winarso

Enlightenment Soul Essence by Hari Winarso

EUR 9.99

40 $ year 2016

Was channeled to awaken your intuition and Strengthen Sensitivity your soul, so you can receive, read and feel every message from the Universe, Higher Self, or Higher Beings to improving your spiritual awareness and Bringing enlightenment in your life.

Enlightenment Soul Essence will enlightened your soul, and bring a light to guide you to Achieve a much better life. Enlightenment Soul Essence will Also help you to find a strong personal motivation to Achieves the best qualities of your physical and spiritual life

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Crystalline Green Ray by Winarso

Crystalline Green Ray by Winarso

EUR 6.99

year 2011 - 30 $

Has a soft gradual energy and will contribute to more cheerful, pleasant people entering your life. It has a vibration of happiness and joy for life ... That will flow outwards ... Throughout your life. It gives you a deeper connection with nature and with plants, trees and animals; and with Mother Gaia herself. this energy Also carries a strong vibration for change. If you are person who is passionate about the earth and who feels That it is time to step forward to help heal the earth, then this energy will be of benefit to you. It is a strong energy to help you to understand who you really ares. Its energy resonates Within the Heart Chakra.

It is a helpful energy to connect with Mother Gaia and the energy of the natural world, and may be used in earth healing rituals. Its vibration Within the Heart Chakra aids you to communicate from the heart and it may aid you to make contact with nature spirits, elemental beings, and other members of the Devic kingdom.

Crystalline Green Ray Also will assist you to feel balanced emotionally. It may Strengthen relationships as it brings a stream of happiness, joy and contentment to your life Which will flow through to Those with-whom you are in contact with.
Once you begin to activate this energy you may recall your purpose for being here on earth at this time.

The vibration of this energetic tool may challenge you to feel respect for all life, including animals. Also this energy may benefit your pets, and if you feel your dog or cat is feeling low and it ... usually it is easy to tell ... Also it will aid them to feel better. By simply make a little intention and then send to them, it can make a difference to how they feel.

This Crystalline Green Ray will blackberries Both Encourage enthusiasm for the healing of your environment, as well as Bringing you personal healing. The lovely energetic energy of this tool will flow out and aid you to heal any personally emotional problems you may have. Even if you feel That all is well in your life, the Additions of extra joy and happiness will you benefit! This energy may assist you with detoxification of your body. It has a strong cleansing action, and is helpful to cleanse kidneys and heal skin rashes as they are Often linked to inadequate elimination of toxins. Also it may boost the immune system as well as energize and revitalize liver function

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Self Reliance Empowerment by Hari Winarso

Self Reliance Empowerment by Hari Winarso

EUR 6.99

year 2012 - $ 25

The ability for an individual to perceive Their own inner strengths, to truly feel them, to sense them as part of ones being, and to come to rely on them, can be enhanced by this Reliance Self Empowerment.

This may lead to enhancement of psychic abilities, but there Appears to be an especially focused inner intuition, an intuitive sense Strengthened for most people.

At the higher vibrational level the empowerment Provides an inner reliance That individuals can come to for Their Own ability to love, to love in the face of great Circumstances difficult, to love even When there is no hope, no chance of That Love being returned.

The highest use of Self Reliance Empowerment is spiritualized will; That as One Discovers this inner strength, this inner ability to love, there is an enhanced capacity to direct it appropriately , to bring it into a form That can truly be helpful.

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Nature Energy Refreshner by Hari Winarso

Nature Energy Refreshner by Hari Winarso

EUR 7.99

Price $40 By Hari Winarso

Nature Energy Refreshner is the most powerful of the energetic tool that helps balance emotional energy. It helps the user to let go of anger and bitterness, so the emotions are balanced, it has a very positive energy, it helps hope and optimism and to improve self-esteem and self-confidence. The energy is also to attract abundance and to bring prosperity into your life. It is helping to release you from deep-seated fears and blockages that might be holding you back. In healing Nature Energy Refreshner useful to speed up recovery from illness or injury and to boost the immune system. It is thought to be anti-inflammatory, reducing swelling in the lymph node, easing the symptoms of colds and flu and lowering temperatures. You can use it to help reduce the pain of childbirth. It assists midwives by lessening pain and ensuring a good delivery. Refreshes the soul and enables you to see beauty in all you behold. Nature Energy Refreshner reduces sensitivity to weather and environmental pollutants.

Works with it enhances concentration, persistence, endurance and success in one’s endeavors. Due to its association with nature, Nature Energy Refreshner fosters feelings of expansion, freedom and space, the same feelings you experience when you go for a walk along streams or the beach.

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EUR 7.99




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Inner Self Evolution Empowerments Workshop by Hari Winarso

EUR 9.99

50 $ year 2010

When you form a relationship with a person, you make two types of connection. The first type of connection is the spiritual, positive bond That contains energies like unconditional love, good times and lessons learned together, fondness, affection - stuff like that. This is a positive cord That we never sever Because it contains all that is good about the relationship. The second type of connection is a negative cord of attachment - this energetic structure is very different from the positive type Because it contains all the negative energies That have ever been a feature of your relationship.

Inner Self Evolution ™ empowerments Workshop is a method of Spiritual cord cutting. this is by far one of the best ways I have channeled to release any negative emotions we encounter each day, we have held on to from all lives past and present and cutting all That emotional bonds to others are no longer needed in our day to day lives. It is based on Truth That only love is real and all fears and negativities we run across are only illusions we allow ourselves to see and feel.

Inner Self Evolution ™ Workshop is empowerments Also help in deep traumatic healing as: Sexual abuse. Emotional abuse. Physical abuse. Parental neglect. Traumas and phobias. Health-related trauma. Etc. Also it help in: Improving and healing relationships (past, present, future ones). Any kind of self-healing and self-improvement. Circumstances in creating new life. etc


1. Inner Self Attunement ™ Evolution  Receive The Attunement  Pass The Attunement

2. Positive Empowerment The Location

3. Emotional blockages Removal.

4. Mental Detoxification.

5. Trauma Healing.

6. Relationships Toxin Cleansing.

7. Relationships Healing.

8. Life Balancing.

9. Life Focus Empowerment.

10. Inner Courage.

11. Karmic Healing.

12. Self Awareness.

13. Positive Location Empowerment

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Inner Beauty Radiance by Hari Winarso

Inner Beauty Radiance by Hari Winarso

EUR 14.99

60 $ year 2012

Is a great and helpful energy, it helps us connect blackberries deeply with our own inner beauty.

When we are connect with our inner radiance we are in a much better position to express into the outer world the splendor That Lies Within.

Use When We want to connect fully with and shine forth our inner beauty.

When we feel ugly we can so easily lack confidence and self-belief.

Also it supports our spiritual path, spiritual awareness Happens When an energy body is 'sense' or be aware of its own self. As long as a body is experiencing trauma or panic in one way or another - Whether or emotionally physically, 'spirituality' is limited to finding relief from our current symptoms. iegularly gets the energy body toned up and channeling energy properly.

This makes us aware of our own body and spirit, making it easy for us to see the divine in our own every day life and being - a process called 'spiritual awakening'

Inner Beauty Radiance has 7 energy patterns,

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Energetic Booster Axis by Hari Winarso

Energetic Booster Axis by Hari Winarso

EUR 9.99

60 $

Are strong grounding energy, That bring energy up from Mother Gaia, the earth chakra way into the body. This energy Increases our strength and endurance.

These modality channel energy from the earth and bring it up through the body and the entire chakra system to the higher chakras and Particularly to the Third Eye Chakra.

It's action there is helpful to stimulate the mind, and will help to improve our memory. The vibration of Energetic Booster Axis is Particularly helpful to aid us to remember what happened in When We Were meditation as it aids us to remain clear headed, two to its very strong spiritually grounding energy.

Energetic Booster Axis have restorative energy and to be strong aids to enable us to make changes in our life. It help us to go with the flow of life, and to change what needs to be changed without opposing what is happening in our life.

For physical healing, These bring extra earth energy into your body to boost your overall well-being, strength and vitality. It help to channel power from the Earth Chakra up to the Base Chakra with the outcome being is a feeling of improved physical well-being.

Energetic Booster Axis brings a specific vibration That aids your body to function better with increased At strength and endurance. Its action is to aid the healing adrenal glands, the muscular system and the feet and legs.

It acts as a general tonic to improve overall feelings of health and vitality.

The vibration of this energy at the Third Eye chakra is quiet strong, and will assist meditation by helping you to dismiss intrusive thoughts That Are Holding You Back.

Once you have Achieved the deep meditation required you may find That You may access the collective memory of man or Akashic records and discover why you are here.

These records may hold Also past life memories and help to Provide the answers you need to live them to more peaceful and productive life in line with spirituals guidance

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Emotional Freedom Reiki by Hari Winarso

Emotional Freedom Reiki by Hari Winarso

EUR 9.99

year 2010 - 60 $

Every thought and feeling has an effect on the body-through the electrical impulses of the nervous system, the chemicals of the endocrine system and the electromagnetic fields of all of the organs. Our bodies are informed how to operate largely by our thoughts and feelings

. If we have habitually harsh thoughts and angry feelings, our body is Told through adrenaline and stronger neural networks to tighten the muscles and not put energy towards healing or digestion So That we are prepared to fight.

This communication comes from the other direction as well. When we are injured, we reserved respond with specific emotions and thoughts. Maybe we feel sad or we think That there is something wrong with us. this inhibits our ability to heal as well.

: Emotional Freedom Reiki inspired from a wonderful therapeutic technique "Emotional Freedom tehnique. "

Emotional Freedom Reiki is a new easy and very effective reiki method.

It is based on the understanding That the mind, body and emotions are integrated and connected. Emotional Freedom Reiki is an energetic system That can be worn any carried or to give you That boost of positive energy. It serves to filter and transform negative frequencies of That energy into frequencies are beneficial to life.

A human being That These experiences energy frequencies feels peaceful, content and energized. Emotional Freedom Reiki addresses the habits we form in our thoughts and emotional reactions.

With Emotional Freedom Reiki, you can fill your mind body and emotions with positive energy. The stronger the positive energy you feel During the Emotional Freedom Reiki practice, the profound the results will be. When you work with Emotional Freedom Reiki, you feel stronger, energetic and blackberries positive. Emotional Freedom Reiki is a charging power of your positive affirmation or statement of love and acceptance.

Some other benefits of Reiki Emotional Freedom:

Recover from negative emotions and patterns blackberries quickly.

Feel harmony and acceptance about your troubles, and then release them.

Make the healing process simply blackberries, joyful, and powerful.

Makes your positive affirmations many times stronger.

You can use it by itself / alone or in combination with Reiki and other healing modalities

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Earth -Wave Elixir by Hari Winarso

Earth -Wave Elixir by Hari Winarso

EUR 6.99

25 $ year 2013

Earth-Wave Elixir brings huge wave into your self to improve your consciousness and to assist you connected with your subconscious mind.

This elixir promotes self acceptance in your self-improvement Efforts.

This is a great natural navigation on your spiritual journey.

It stimulates you to make big movements in every aspect in your life.

Earth-Wave Elixir helps you to rise up and Strengthen the hearts energy basis When you slip into lethargy hole.

This elixir align you with the universal consciousness and Allows you to create powerful breakthrough When You Are Stuck in a pseudo-worldly life

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Ethereal Cleansing Energetic Device by Hari Winarso

EUR 6.99

year 2012 $ 25

Can be especially helpful in closing etheric holes.

These are not so much of a physical origin, two to an individual's own experiences, but two To Those of other entities. after severing an association with a negative entity, this can be a soothing energy.

This device can Significantly Increase the easy release of certain emotional residues into one's aura.

There can be a stimulation of the 8th chakra.

It lears away residual from negative environments.

It assists with emotional cleansing and is Particularly helpful When issues of denial It is noted. For assistance with addictive states

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Mental Deep Care by Hari Winarso

Mental Deep Care by Hari Winarso

EUR 9.99

50 $ year 2011

Is a modality to address the affliction of a dark depression That is deeply rooted Within certain of us.

Such pain is created by a wounding at the core of our being, a wound That is the carried through life.

It could have occurred in childhood, in traumatic episode at a vulnerable age, for example, or be a wound That Has Been Carried across from a previous life.

For some it can be traced through successive Their generations of family. Deep Within the light body there is a pulse, a foundational vibration linked to our desire to live.

The weakening of this pulse can lead to the Deep Mental Care state of mind.

We have difficulty in Maintaining the function of basic aspects of our life such as sleep, eating, caring for ourselves, a positive outlook and self- respect.

The use of Mental Care Deep restores this pulse and Thereby Encourages us to act in ways That make us feel better about ourselves and our immediate environment

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