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Magickal Soul Rising by Hari Winarso

Magickal Soul Rising by Hari Winarso

EUR 9.99

40 $

Magickal Soul Rising Is a powerful and very energetic magickal tool, the energy of this tool attracts powerful magic and good luck into your life and it may Also take you to places where you make contact with the deeper, darker parts of yourself.

The vibration of this energy is very shamanistic, as it Allows you to access the energy of the natural world and communicate with elementals.

An energy of harmony That aids the birth of creativity and clear psychic visions, and it will aid you to access higher spiritual energy and to make contact with guides and teachers in the higher realms.

This beautiful energy has a vibration That helps to Promote spiritual growth. it blends heavenly and earthly energy and it helps you to remain open and approachable. It assists you to embrace Things That happen, That Are different to your normal way of living your life. These Magickal Soul Rising ™ are Particularly useful to use to boost the other energies. Magickal Soul Rising ™ resonates strongly Within the Third Eye Chakra and is known to stimulate psychic knowing and clear psychic visions or clairvoyance.

Magickal Soul Rising ™ is a strong spiritual energy with the vibration of duality. It will help you to balance the masculine and feminine energy Within yourself and to better understand the aspects of God and the Goddess.

These energy are helpful to use to aid your spiritual growth as they allow teachers spirit to come through to this plane to work with you.

Below tools / techniques of Magickal Soul Rising ™:

Magickal Soul Awakening

Rite Magickal Soul Rising

Magickal Soul Healing

Magickal Soul Connection Link

Magickal Soul Energy Booster

Magickal Soul resonation

Magickal Soul Human Re-Balancing

Magickal Soul Connection Restoration

Magickal Soul Path Re-Connection

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Magickal Soul Rising by Hari Winarso


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Crystalline Clear Blue Multidimensional by Hari Winarso

EUR 13.99

60 $

Is an energy of purification, symbolizing spiritual discernment and stimulating multidimensional evolution.

The Crystalline Clear Blue Multidimensional Protecting against negative energies, psychic attack or entity attachment,

It dissolves old behavior patterns, negative thoughts.

Affording effective protection at all times to prevent inadvertent spirit possession.

Crystalline Clear Blue Multidimensional is a useful tool for detaching and entities spirit possessions at all levels, and for Preventing reattachment, or attachment of Good.

Crystalline Clear Blue Multidimensional opens the gates metaphysical, heightens Encourages intuition and mystical awareness.

This energy is extremely useful for reprogramming a distorted vision of reality and mental attachments or for cleansing undue influence from the third eye.

Crystalline Clear Blue Multidimensional Encourages the raising of the body's vibrations and communication with the highest spiritual levels and multidimensions.

This energy Facilitates self-development in the quickest way possible so it is unlikely to create a smooth passage through life. An energy of personal responsibility, it links you to your higher self, encouraging acceptance for your own happiness or dis-ease, and teaches That You create your own reality through thoughts and attitudes. Also it helps you to Recognize where you fall under outside That influences do not accord with your own soul-view, and to release from These

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Crystalline Clear Blue Multidimensional by Hari Winarso


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Power of Dragon Empowerment by Winarso

Power of Dragon Empowerment by Winarso

EUR 8.99

30 $

Dragons is one of the most fascinating and magically powerful totems of all, the guardians of interdimensional gates and very old Beings of Light.

In many cultures and tribes Considered the dragon is the source of wisdom, divinity and 'good-fortune'.

They Represent the supernatural and infinite self. They are royal offering guidance and encouragement, protection and gifts of love to Those Who befriend them and ask for Their help.

They are loyal, and will lend power and energy to ones aura. To awaken and acknowledge the Dragon Within awakened means to inner wisdom and universal consciousness. Power of Dragon Empowerment will help raise you to the next level. If you are Already developed spiritually, the vibration of Power Of Dragon will greatly accelerate your journey.

Power Of Dragon Empowerment channeled to help: Connect with the power of the dragon spirit Promote energies of health, vitality and vibrancy Increase magical insight, prowess, longevity, healing powers Bring clarity of knowledge and infinite wisdom Bring success, prosperity, good luck Increase strength, courage, willpower, confidence and balance Undergo sudden or rapid changes of spiritual growth and transformation Protect Deflecting or removing negative energies of all kinds Accelerate the transfer of spiritual knowledge from dragons

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Power of Dragon Empowerment by Winarso


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Unicorn Shakti by Winarso

Unicorn Shakti by Winarso

EUR 8.99

35 $

The unicorn is a legendary animal from European folklore That Resembles a white horse with a large, pointed, spiraling horn projecting from its forehead, and sometimes a goat's beard.

First Mentioned by the ancient Greeks, it Became the most important imaginary animal of the middle ages and Renaissance When It Was commonly described as an extremely wild woodland creature, a symbol of purity and grace, Which could only be captured by a virgin. In the encyclopedias its horn was said to have the power to render poisoned water potable and to heal sickness. Until the 19th century, belief in unicorns was widespread among historians, alchemists, writers, poets, naturalists, physicians, and theologians.

Unicorns Shakti are wondrous, energy who are of the angelic realm who as at this time to help us on a soul level. Unicorn Shakti has the ability to restore broken spirits and helps you develop personal power That can be unlimited.

The Unicorn Shakti can heal and neutralize poisons, Also it can help us to develop our own healing abilities. It work to heal and protect Those with well hearts who endeavor to not only think of Themselves but who have a vision to others help.

The Unicorn Shakti opens the path for:

Reconnecting with the basis of love and childlike innocence.

Having a calming effect.

Easing sleeping problems and nightmares.

Helps Those with mental and physical disabilities and with bed wetting to come to terms with and have the courage to deal with These Afflictions.

Benefiting sensitive souls by protecting Their inner soul energy from feeling the negative forces on earth and helping them reconnect to Their heart space.

Providing loving reinforcement and helps in contacting one's inner child.

Remembering all things joyou

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Unicorn Shakti by Winarso


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Earth Dragon Egg Elixir by Winarso

Earth Dragon Egg Elixir by Winarso

EUR 6.99

25 $ year 2012

Earth Dragon Egg Elixir has a gentle energy, the energy is resonating with the Earth, it grounds and protects and gives strength in

times of need.

This elixir vitalizes purpose, Eliminates energy blockages and stimulates growth on all levels.

It is a stabilizing energy That Strengthens the aura and restores the correct spin to the sacral and solar plexus chakras.

Worn on the body it Has Been known to relieve pain and improves circulation.

Earth Dragon Egg Elixir is very protective, repels negativity, disperses unloving Facilitates release of old thoughts and loves providing support During the change.

Earth Dragon Egg Elixir grounds spiritual energy into the body, held briefly above the third eye breaks trough mental barriers and dissolves mental conditioning.

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Earth Dragon Egg Elixir by Winarso


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Luminous Love Essence by Winarso

Luminous Love Essence by Winarso

EUR 7.99

25 $ year 2013

Brings natural romantic essence, it also bring light of romance in your heart.

It's a beautiful assistant of tremendous love radiance.

It offers hearts connection, harmonious relationship, and personal correlation with your soul-mate.Strengthen your relationship with honesty of your simple sincerity. It allow your auric field to get brighter aura and radiates light of wisdom into happiness.

It also have great energy That help you to lift up your confidence and your self esteem. Luminous Love Essence Allows you to find your true love with the sacred soul elegance.
It has the power to join your masculine energy with feminine energy your partner or conversely.

Stimulate your heart and loved to protect your mate along your relationship and raises mutual trust and mutual respect.
Also it helps it to lead your partner to always be comfortable on your presence in her life

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Luminous Love Essence by Winarso


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Dragon Dance Core Energy by Winarso

EUR 8.99

year 2013 - 35 $

Is a high energy of harmony, it Bringing balance to all levels, this energy harmonizing the physical, etheric, and spiritual planes.

It is a grounding energy, and centering. It aids multidimensional healing.

It opens the mind, expanding ideas and dissolving self- limiting assumptions from the past.

It stimulates the rise of kundalini energy and aids sexual potency. Dragon Dance Core Energy amplifying other healing modalities. it has a strong link with the pituitary gland and can stimulate expanded awareness.

It stimulates the metabolism, treats spinal and cellular disorders, purifies and reenergizes blood, heart, lungs, Regenerates and DNA

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Dragon Dance Core Energy by Winarso


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Dragon Light Spectrum 2015 by Winarso

Dragon Light Spectrum 2015 by Winarso

EUR 7.99

Dragon Light Spectrum 2015 by Winarso 25 $

Contains the full spectrum of light and it work on every level to bring the body into balance.

It Strengthens and stabilizes the body's energy fields and promotes harmony.

Dragon Light Spectrum help you to transform your negative memories into the positive or neutral ones, Also heal the Aura bodies, so healing is occuring on all levels of our being. Dragon Light Spectrum can amplify Both positive thoughts and energy and can When It stimulate positive action is needed.

Dragon Light Spectrum help you release any negative energy you may have absorbed from other people and to help you to fight feelings of inadequacy.

WHAT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "DRAGON LIGHT SPECTRUM" And "DRAGON LIGHT SPECTRUM 2015 ": Technically, there is no difference between DRAGON LIGHT SPECTRUM and DRAGON LIGHT SPECTRUM 2015, the difference is in the DRAGON LIGHT SPECTRUM 2015, the energy 300% unfold than DRAGON LIGHT SPECTRUM.

it is an upgrade from the attunement Dragon Light Spectrum

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Dragon Light Spectrum 2015 by Winarso


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Dragon Light Spectrum 12 by Winarso

Dragon Light Spectrum 12 by Winarso

EUR 6.99

Dragon Light Spectrum 12 by Winarso

year 2012 - 25 $

Contains the full spectrum of light and it work on every level to bring the body into balance.

It Strengthens and stabilizes the body's energy fields and promotes harmony.

Dragon Light Spectrum help you to transform your negative memories into the positive or neutral ones, Also heal the Aura bodies, so healing is occuring on all levels of our being.

Dragon Light Spectrum can amplify Both positive thoughts and energy and can When It stimulate positive action is needed.

It can Promote clarity of thought and to help you to see your way blackberries clearly. Dragon Light Spectrum help you release any negative energy you may have absorbed from other people

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Dragon Light Spectrum 12 by Winarso



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Love Care by Winarso

Love Care by Winarso

EUR 9.99

year 2011 - 50 $

Love Care has the pureness of intense deep love and its vibration has the intensity to Reawaken lost love and passion .

This resonance energy Within You, may remove your sense of neutrality or apathy about love if you acquiesce to its loving energy.

This is an energy of unconditional love,

Love Care aid our spirituality and health as it will connect to the energy of the higher heart chakra and aid us to awaken spiritually to higher states of consciousness.

Through the movement of the energy of Divine love that engenders this energy, it Allows for an intense growth in our spirituality. As we open our heart fully to begin to feel the vibrations of Divine love within , astounding differences are possible if you desire to go with the changes. Love Care resonate energy That correlates with the physical heart and this energy to boost the health of the heart and may stabilize blood pressure. it Provide helpful ways to relieve stress as they will assist the release of stress. As the negative vibrations are cleared.

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Love Care by Winarso


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Inner Love Spectrum byHari Andri Winarso


Inner Love Spectrum byHari Andri Winarso


25 $ year 2014

Inner Love Spectrum is a beautiful spectrum to increase the self-love and release the jealousy and distrust. It is very helpful for you who has problems with your mate.

This spectrum leads you and your mate to strengthen the sense of mutual trust for each other.

Inner Love Spectrum is a great energy, it fills your mind, body and spirit with generosity. It gives more power to forgive and to love yourself and others.

It also assists you to release anger, unhealthy attitudes and/or bad habits. Inner Love Spectrum helps you to develop yourself to be more confident and make you

have a good relation with others.

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Inner Love Spectrum byHari Andri Winarso


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Light Core Essence by Winarso


Light Core Essence by Winarso


25 $ year 2014

Light Core Essence attracts your attention to something better than your past self, and inspires new spirit, fresh mindset, is good for those with depression and or lack of motivation.

It helps you gain insight on new views, perceptions, and mindset, assists you in purifying the content of negative thoughts in your process of self understanding.

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Light Core Essence by Winarso


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Soul Mate Light Circle by Winarso

Soul Mate Light Circle by Winarso


35 $ year 2012

Is perfect for those who fera to love ,or who fera failure ,as it opens the heart and allows you to discover the perfection of your true self and recognise that you are never alone ,it opens the heart to compassion for self and for others and raises self -esteem

It eases guit and balances emotions ,lowering stress and bringging peace

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Soul Mate Light Circle by Winarso


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Energy Enhancement Essence by Winarso

Energy Enhancement Essence by Winarso


35 $ year 2013

Is a great essence to helps you to open your natural internal energy resource

This Energy works and optimize your energetic systems for energy production and conservation

This improves your ability to capitalize on the existing energy and helps you produce abundance energy

Essential benefits:Increase ,enhance and boost the energy instantly

Access to unlimited internal energy source

Improved focus and mood ,

Strengthen the immune system

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Energy Enhancement Essence by Winarso


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Clear Light Flush by Winarso

Clear Light Flush by Winarso


25 $ year 2012

Clear Light Flush is an excellent flush to use for grounding and balancing energy

It is also very helpful when needing to refocus and find/ get / back to Center

Clear Light Flush brings energy of harmony ,creating balance and stimulating interaction on the physical ,etheric and spiritual planes

It may also be used to reduce inflammation ,enhance circulation and ease joint pain

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Clear Light Flush by Winarso


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Heavenly Sleep Essence by Hari Andri Winarso


25 $ year 2015

Heavenly Sleep Essence is a highly beneficial essence that helps us to get a peaceful sleep

We will find it much easier to sleep through the night while working with this essence

It is agreat essence that can help us beat insomnia and overcome sleep disorder

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Heavenly Sleep Essence by Hari Andri Winarso


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Smile of Heart Essence by Hari Winarso



25 $ year 2013

Is a great essence that brings serenity and inner peace. It allows one to always be filled with positive energy and helps to improve themselves to become more positive and reactive to everything is not right.

It also brings soul enlightenment to be a great soul in the process of undergoing improvement.

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Smile of Heart Essence by Hari Winarso


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Coffee Bean Essence by Hari Andri Winarso

Coffee Bean Essence by Hari Andri Winarso


25 $ year 2016

Coffee Bean Essence was channeled to help in reducing nervousness, stress, removing pessimism and dissolving panic attacks. It brings calming energy and strengthens your emotional body to release stress and any other forms of negative feelings.

Physically, Coffee Bean essence will boost your immune system and helps in removing toxins from the body. It also will purify the blood and alleviates the infections.

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Coffee Bean Essence by Hari Andri Winarso


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Heavenly Air Essence by Hari Andri Winarso

Heavenly Air Essence by Hari Andri Winarso


25 $ year 2015

Heavenly Air Essence was channeled to provide balancing and improvement effects on breathing and the sense of taste. It is very helpful to clearing sinus congestion as well as headaches and head colds.

Heavenly Air Essence will also increase the oxygen intake into your brain and release oxygen into the cells in the body. It makes the brain capacity for taking in new information and learning new things increased.

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Heavenly Air Essence by Hari Andri Winarso


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Archangel Jophiel Vibrational Essence by Winarso


40 $ year 2016

was channelled to assist us on the physical and metaphysical levels.

This vibrational essence will cleanse your aura and balance your body and soul ,mind and spirit

helps you to dissolves negative energy and relieve both physical and mental blocks

it will also provides psychic protection and grounds psychic energy

This essence helps to increase your creativity and assist you to open yourself up to new opportunities and ideas

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Archangel Jophiel Vibrational Essence by Winarso


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