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Mystic Arts of Java Level 6 of 10

19.99   euro 

This system is not available with any buy and get one free offer

It should never be exchanged.

This system connecting you with Javanese Shamanic Powers .

There are 10 levels to this program.

Level 6

Prerequisite: Mystic Art of Java Level 1 - 5

After MYSTIC ART OF JAVA VOL 1-5 , this sixth volume contains some highest techniques of Mystic Java.

This is the advance volume.

This teaches you the right invocation that deals directly with supernatural forces, and their effect are from the pure magical methods by which these forces can be controlled and influenced.

This is primarily for the people who intend to strive for a better fulfillment in life by the spiritual way. So prepare yourself for the more fantastic journey in your life. This gives us a great power of invulnerability.

Character of this power is defense. It will active and works when you are on a hard and dangerous situation. It gives you powerful hands to strike the enemies. You will be respected and feared by all beings.

It is very rare and powerful.

The love spell is related with passion and you can attract make your opposite sex who you want to come to you and become love you.

He/She will give you anything that you want.

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 19.99  euro 




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Mystic Arts of Java Level 7 of 10 by Hari Winarso
19.99  euro 

Mystic Arts of Java Level 7 of 10

This system is not available with any buy and get one free offer

It should never be exchanged.

This system connecting you with Javanese Shamanic Powers .

There are 10 levels to this program.

Level 7

Prerequisite: Mystic Art of Java Level 1 - 6

At this level you receive very invulnerability power, no one’s weapons can touch you, moreover can harm you.

You receive powerful hands to strike enemies even more powerful than earlier levels, as well as increased charisma, powerful attraction from others, everyone around you will admire anywhere you go, including a powerful love spell where you can attract/make the opposite sex want to come to you and love you, giving you whatever you want.

Big power is given to your palms, and this power will be very dangerous if used for hitting or slapping.

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 19,.99  euro




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Mystic Arts of Java Level 8 of 10 by Hari Winarso

Mystic Arts of Java Level 8 of 10

This system is not available with any buy and get one free offer

It should never be exchanged.

This system connecting you with Javanese Shamanic Powers .

There are 10 levels to this program.

Level 8

Prerequisite: Mystic Art of Java Level 1 - 7

You receive high energy of love attraction, your charisma will be increased, and you will have a powerful attraction to others, everyone around you will admire you everywhere you go!

You will receive invulnerability to fire as well as Anti-Crimes energy for Physical and Meta-Physical crimes, travel protection when you are traveling to other places in distance and power to subdue the enemies.

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19.99 euro




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Mystic Arts of Java Level 9 of 10 by Hari Winarso
19.99  euro

Mystic Arts of Java Level 9 of 10

This system is not available with any buy and get one free offer

It should never be exchanged.

This system connecting you with Javanese Shamanic Powers .

There are 10 levels to this program.

Level 9

Prerequisite: Mystic Art of Java Level 1 - 8

This level has benefits to destroy any black magic attacks and also you can use it to heal someone who was attacked by black magic.

This level is useful to increase your charisma. It is a very high energy attraction and when you are using it you will have a powerful attraction to others. Everyone around you will admire you anywhere you are.

This is useful for you as a marketing, shop owner, business, man, etc, and more powerful than previous level energies.

It is also useful to attract the prosperity, abundance, good fortune,charisma, love and sympathy, protection and more. The rajah will invite a guardian angel to protect you.

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 19.99  euro 




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Mystic Arts of Java Level 10 of 10 by Hari Winarso

Mystic Arts of Java Level 10 of 10

This system is not available with any buy and get one free offer

It should never be exchanged.

This system connecting you with Javanese Shamanic Powers .

There are 10 levels to this program.

Level 10

Prerequisite: Mystic Art of Java Level 1 - 9

This term is one high Javanese Love Terns and can attract someone that you want to be loving you, is one of high love terns and will also give you powerful charisma, attract love and sympathy from other.

It is highly useful to protect your home from negative entities, genie/ghost, etc. it also provides protection from Supernatural attacks like Santet, Voodoo

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19.99  euro




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Special Package - Mystic Arts of Java Levels 1-10 by Hari Winarso
$ 149.99

Mystic Arts of Java Levels 1-10

This Package may be your main choice for buy one get one package free

but it may not be your free choice.

This system connecting you with Javanese Shamanic Powers .

There are 10 levels to this program.

Level 1 Protection against sharp objects, fire, black, magic, psychic attacks, entities and the ability to knock out any opponent in a physical altercation. It also increases your personal charisma so that everyone will admire you, cause any man or woman you are interested in to love you, and make it possible for you to launch psychic attacks when needed.

There are no prerequisites for this level

Level 2

Prerequisite: Mystic Art of Java Level 1

Fulfills all desires, cleanses damage from negative entities and destroys the negative entity, destroys the energy from black magic attacks and can be used to heal the damage caused to people by them, attracts prosperity, good fortune and abundance, strengthens and protects your physical power increasing your invulnerability against sharp weapons, fire, physical attack, black magic and psychic attacks.

Level 3

Prerequisite: Mystic Art of Java Levels 1 - 2

Includes a higher love spell that causes people to love you and help you in any way possible, allows you to connect with and absorb the power of earth, air, fire and water, and to replicate and absorb the energy of spiritual Masters, increases the level of level your charisma so that everyone admires you and desires your company, attracts wealth and prosperity, and draws customers to your place business.

Level 4

Prerequisite: Mystic Art of Java Levels 1 - 3

Draws customers to your business who want what you have and can afford to pay for it, increases the power of your “iron body” and gives you the ability to absorb the power of your enemies so that they have none as soon as they try to attack you. This can be fatal for them, but is great for you! This level also steps up your charisma to an even higher level, and adds much more power and attraction. It also provides a massive amount of protection from all forms of negative entities, and both physical and metaphysical attacks.

Level 5

Prerequisite: Mystic Art of Java Levels 1 – 4

At this level you have the authorization to give initiation/pengijazahan for others. It includes a love attraction spell, made for your opposite sex to surrender to your desires. It provides powerful protection. It’s benefits include ability to bum negative entities, genie, to protect yourself, your home, etc, as well healing dis eases (physical and non-physical), weakening your enemies power, defuse anger in another, and to void things others wish to do to us.

You will open and generate the magical power or supernatural powers of Anja Chakra.

Level 6

Prerequisite: Mystic Art of Java Levels 1-5

After MYSTIC ART OF JAVA VOL 1-5, this sixth volume contains some highest techniques of Mystic Java. This is the advance volume. This teaches you the right invocation that deals directly with supernatural forces, and their effect are from the pure magical methods by which these forces can be controlled and influenced. This is primarily for the people who intend to strive for a better fulfillment in life by the spiritual way. So prepare yourself for the more fantastic journey in your life. This gives us a great power of invulnerability. Character of this power is defense. It will active and works when you are on a hard and dangerous situation. It gives you powerful hands to strike the enemies. You will be respected and feared by all beings. It is very rare and powerful. The love spell is related with passion and you can attract make your opposite sex who you want to come to you and become love you. He/She will give you anything that you want.

Level 7

Prerequisite Mystic Art of Java Levels 1-6

At this level you receive very invulnerability power, no one’s weapons can touch you, moreover can harm you. You receive powerful hands to strike enemies even more powerful than earlier levels, as well as increased charisma, powerful attraction from others, everyone around you will admire anywhere you go, including a powerful love spell where you can attract/make the opposite sex want to come to you and love you, giving you whatever you want. Big power is given to your palms, and this power will be very dangerous if used for hitting or slapping.

Level 8

Prerequisite Levels 1- 7

You receive high energy of love attraction, your charisma will be increased, and you will have a powerful attraction to others, everyone around you will admire you everywhere you go! You will receive invulnerability to fire as well as Anti-Crimes energy for Physical and Meta-Physical crimes, travel protection when you are traveling to other places in distance and power to subdue the enemies.

Level 9

Prerequisite Levels 1- 8

This level has benefits to destroy any black magic attacks and also you can use it to heal someone who was attacked by black magic. This level is useful to increase your charisma. It is a very high energy attraction and when you are using it you will have a powerful attraction to others. Everyone around you will admire you anywhere you are. This is useful for you as a marketing, shop owner, business, man, etc, and more powerful than previous level energies. It is also useful to attract the prosperity, abundance, good fortune,charisma, love and sympathy, protection and more. The rajah will invite a guardian angel to protect you.

Level 10

Prerequisite Levels 1- 9

This term is one high Javanese Love Terns and can attract someone that you want to be loving you, is one of high love terns and will also give you powerful charisma, attract love and sympathy from other. It is highly useful to protect your home from negative entities, genie/ghost, etc. it also provides protection from Supernatural attacks like Santet, Voodoo

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149,99 euro




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Healthy Aura Essence by Winarso


Healthy Aura Essence by Winarso

EUR 8.99

year 2014 -40 $

Healthy Aura Essence is an awesome essence that specifically works to the etheric subtle body.

It is very useful for the auric field.Healthy Aura Essence will clears occupants,portals woemholes,removes discarnates and many forms of auric attachments.

It infuse the positive energy to the auric field ,and maintain the healthy of aura itself.

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Healthy Aura Essence by Winarso


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Rainbow Light Sphere by Hari Andri Winarso


Rainbow Light Sphere by Hari Andri Winarso
EUR 9.99 -  55 $

Rainbow Light Sphere is used in the treatment of deficiencies of the immune system to protect from negative energy and psychic attack as well as increase the amount of energy applied by other modalities when used in any healing situation.

Rainbow Light Sphere is an unique energetic tool to concentrate the life force in an area and to interact with all who are present

providing revitalizing concent ration of healing energy for other modalities and unifying the group effect.

Has been used to remove emotional blockages, to allow one to reflect personal attitudes, opinions, conceptions and to accept the state of sufficiency.

It strengthens personal integrity and conviction

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Rainbow Light Sphere by Hari Andri Winarso


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Pure Breath Essence by Winarso

Year 2013 - 35 $  EUR 8.99

Pure Breath Essence very helpful to cleanse and ease blockages in the veins and arteries

It helps open them for increased efficiency of the circulatory systems.

This essence is an overall healer for the nervous systems ,enhances the vital force of the body .

Pure Breath essence also helps you release and transmute feelings of grief and sadness become joy and happyness .It also strengthen self -confidence .

This essence is a powerful healer of your physical and subtle body .

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Pure Breath Essence by Winarso


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Pure Body Essence by Winarso

EUR 8.99

40 $ - year 2014

Pure Body Essence is a beautiful energetic essence that has a great healing energy in your mental and physical body.

It renew your life force with harmonize your body with the subtle body ,conscious and unconscious mind

Pure Body Essence will enhace your spiritualy and lift up self maturity.

Breacks all of any blockages in your energy field .

This energetic essence regenerates your cell and immune system in your body .It will also greatly help you in dealing with the various imbalances that occur in your body and also your mind.

It gives you the opportunity to refresh what 's already in your body over the years ,

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Pure Body Essence by Winarso


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High Immunity Essence by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 8.99

year 2014 - 40 $

High Immunity Essence helps to boost your immune system as it releases the energies that are weakening it and making you susceptible to getting sick. All illnesses and diseases have specific frequencies and we carry many such frequencies within us.

We also hold many belief systems about getting sick that have been passed on to us from family, society and the medical professions and now have become part of mass consciousness belief.

High Immunity Essence will helps us to release them all, boost the immune, and create an energetic field to get a better health condition than before .

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High Immunity Essence by Hari Andri Winarso


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EUR 39.99

200 $

Senggoro Macan itself is Javanese Mystic term by by taking the charisma and power of a tiger ,beacuse when a tiger issuing his roar the prey can't move anywhere .

In ancient times this term is often having by kings and warriors to increase their power and charisma ,because a man who have this Senggoro Macan is like as a

man with a tiger body ,where when peoples see the owner of this term like as seeing a tiger ,their guts where gone and when tiger roar can stop their desire for doing a bad thing to the owner of this term .

Senggoro Macan Inner Power is a simple method to transfer the magical abilities & Inner Strength abilities of Senggoro Macanusing inner power .So ,we don 't need any fasting or long time training to master it .

No More 30 minutes for initiation the magickal abilities of Senggoro Macan inside you !

This term is very beneficial if you a leader of company ,business man ,police and or very helpful in any proffessions any genders

Senggoro Macan has the following virtues :

Protection against accidents & aggressors

Protection against psychic attackes and Black magick

Develops the Will power

Develops courage

The Power Shout :Magicla Force permeating the mouth -as you shout you will end up knocking over enemies or aggressors

Increases one authoritative bearing

The power to influence others

Senggoro Macan Inner Power has 3 levels ,you can take the initiations level by level or all levels in once initiation

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Senggoro Macan Inner Power Master Level by Hari Winarso


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EUR 14.99

year 2013 -80 $

Lintang Geni has a meaning as " The Star Of Fire "

this magickal power give us general protections ,physical and metaphysical

It also increase our physical power and strengthen the immune system

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Lintang Geni " The Star Of Fire " by Hari Winarso


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EUR 14.99

80 $ year 2013

Bajra Suci has a meaning as " The Holy Thunder ",it protection against all physical threats ,witchcraft ,black magic: charisma ,love -facination,power punch magickal punch ,builds an invisible fortress around our home,improve business immobilizes enemies

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Bajra Suci by Hari Winarso manual in English or in German


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EUR 29.99

150 $ year 2014

Nur Qudrat Rizki Semesta is a strong energy for clearing paths for abundance and prosperity.

Using this energy you will find it much easier to attain your goals, be successful in life, acquire wealth, prosperity, health and happiness.

Problems, and obstacles will be removed

You can expect lots of luck from unexpected sources, progress in work/business, real success and riches manifested in stages.

It helps with the following and more:

Attracts Customers

Increases Sales

Helps the Jobless

Inspiration for Money Making Ideas

Helps win lotteries and games of chance in time of need

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Auszug aus dem Skript:

Energieterm folgende Kräfte :

Den Erwerb von viel Glück von verschiedenen, unerwarteten Quellen.

Vorwärtskommen in der Arbeit, Geschäft, etc. Dies resultiert in echtem Erfolg und Reichtümern, manifestiert in Etappen.

Probleme, Sorgen, Katastrophen und Hindernisse werden entfernt und werden somit nicht lästig.

Hilft Ausschreibungen zu gewinnen, zieht Kunden an, steigert Umsätze usw.

Hilft Arbeitslosen, Arbeit zu finden.

Inspiration zu Ideen die Geld bringen.

Hilft einem Lotterien und Glücksspiele in Zeiten der Not zu gewinnen.

Hilft einem allmählich wohlhabend und reich zu werden.

Wehrt schwarze Magie und psychische Angriffe ab, die von geschäftlichen Konkurrenten geschickt wurden.

Flößt Ruhe des Verstandes, Stabilität am Arbeitsplatz ein und schützt einen vor dem Konkurs.

Zieht Glück aus den vier Himmelsrichtungen aus den physischen und ätherischen Ebenen an.

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Personal Fire Flush by Hari Winarso

EUR 7.99

year 2013 - 25 $

Personal Fire Flush

On the way to achieve the goals ,sometimes someone needs encouragement and support

Both boost physical ,mental and spiritual.With Personal Fire Flush those needs will be properly fulfilled.

This will act as a facilitator in the process of revitalizing the physical and mental body .

This energy will produce self confidence and positive mind within yourself

Allowyour mind to always be on fire .In general ,to solve various problems of life that came to block ,this will help you to formulate strategies hefty.

With its special essence .Personal Fire Flush gives lashes on you to keep up passionate ,leaving the cradle of laziness and pessimism pressure.

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Personal Fire Flush by Hari Winarso


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Blessing Water Essence by Hari Winarso

EUR 9.99

45 $ year 2014

Blessing Water Essence hva ean extraordinary life force

When you use this essence ,it will give extra power to your physical body ,it very useful when you are feel tired

It helps to strengthen the physical organs and rejuvenates the physical system .

This essence will slow down the aging of your body.

Blessing Water Essence helps to neutralize and remove negative energies in our energetic system ,subtle body auric force.

You can also use this essence to healing yourself and others for medical and non medical diseases

Blessing Water Essence will become a real blessing for you

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Blessing Water Essence by Hari Winarso


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Abundance Rain Essence by Hari Winarso

EUR 8.99

40 $ year 2015

By receive the attunement of Abundance Rain Essence your life will filled by blessing ,wealth and abundance

It helps us to improve the life by deflecting bad luck and attracting abundance and prosperity in any aspects of our life.

Abundance Rain Essence will cleans the negative energies ,remove blockages and wash-away the bad luck .

THis Essence also assist you to solve problemsand complicated situations with ease ,pay back debts with ease and become wealthy and rich but be able to maintain modesty and dignity

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Abundance Rain Essence by Hari Winarso


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Inner Love Flush by Hari Winarso



EUR 9.99

year 2016 - 40 $

Inner Love Flush was channeled to help soothe and heal deep emotional wounds helping to release and begin recovery from the traumatic memory of sexual abuse and other forms of physical or emotional abuses

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Inner Love Flush by Hari Winarso


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Peacock Elixir by Hari Winarso

EUR 8.99

year 2015 - 40 $

Peacock Elixir is a great and powerful elixir that has ability to align every chakra in the body

It can removes negative energy ,negative blocks and other disruptive energies from the body ,then replaces it with a positive energy

Peacock Elixir will help us tune into positive forces in life and channel that energy to others

It give you more power and new spirit when you need more vibrancy and vitality in your daily life.

The elixir can also help us on our spiritual Path and breath new life into our walk of faith

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Peacock Elixir by Hari Winarso

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