EUR 9.00
40 $
True Self Illumination is an energetically potent empowerment hat infuses your entire system with light
Its strong metaphysical properties for transformation assist you to recognize your purpose for being here ,as it illuminates your true self
It gives you the ability to make major change that will move your life journey forward in a profound way
THis is an empowerment of moving forward quickly on your life journey and it may assist you to find your true path
Its vibration may illuminate your true self ,the inner you and make you aware of those things within yourself that you need to take action on
THe vibrationof the energy emitted ,encompasses the energy of the highest vibration to the lowest and will energize each of the chakras as specifically required by that chakra
This is in alignment with the souls purpose
This empowerment works within all chakras as it will connect the Soul Star chakra with the Earth Star chakra
This connection between these two chakras will activate stimulate and align the entire chakra system
Helps you to navigate out of body journeys with safety
It you have psychic powers this will enhance your telepathic gifts ,to allow for more accurate delivery of information from the higher realms
This empowerment will aid those who are caught up in addictive behaviors
While this may be addiction to smoking ,alcohol or drugs,it may include self degradation of a immoral or dishonest nature
It also will aid you to more fully love yourself and through this accept who you are and the reality of your life 's journey
receive manual english,chi ball attunement, lineage
you can send payment 9.00 EUR with the link
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True Self Illumination by Hari Winarso