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Naga Digdaya by Hari Andri Winarso


year 2013- $ 80

Naga Digdaya has a meaning as " The Powerful Dragon "

It has a powerful magickal energy that helps you to acquire respect from friends and rivals,high -defensive invulnerability powers ,protection against black magick ,psychic attacks ,the evil -eye ,obsessing spirits etc...

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Naga Digdaya by Hari Andri Winarso

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Pusaka Lokajaya by Hari Andri Winarso


year 2013 $ 80

Pusaka Lokajaya has a meaning as " The Heirloom of World 's Victory"

The magickal power of this Pusaka Lokajaya will empower ,strengthen and inspire you in many subtle ways ,and influence all those around you to attend to your needs and requirements

It will gradually improve you life in a significant manner ; You will prosper in all aspects of your life ,be lucky in everything that you do ,and progress in your worldly work and career

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Pusaka Lokajaya by Hari Andri Winarso

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Ice Ball High Energy by Winarso


35$ year 2012

Ice Ball High Energy is grounding and protective energy that stabilizes your life and stimulates your inner strength particulary when faced with extreme conditions

It can help people make appropriate decisions in life and release different aspects of unconscious denial

Ice Ball High Energy strengthens awareness of all the bodies harmonizing the physical etheric and biomagnetic sheaths

In healing activate this energy will enhance transfer of healing energy ,it facilitates release of blokages emotional ,calmness ,release of anger

It is a high energy for dissolving conscious or unconscious resistance to healing and transformation ,clearing victim mentality and opening the heart to receive unconditional love and healing ,holds the emotional body stable while psychosomatic changes takes place

is also guards against mental influence or psychic attack and psychic owerwhelm

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Ice Ball High Energy by Winarso

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Protection Ki Vibration by Winarso


30 $ year 2010

Is a very powerful vibration of protection

The vibration will help open you up to unconditional love and peace ,overcoming negative thoughts and attitudes

It help dissolve negative blocks at cellular level ,non beneficial frequencies memories and suggestions ,readjusting them ,opening you up to the flow of positive vibrations

Protective Ki Vibration to help

Protect against harmful unseen energies ,blocking intrusive vibrations

Protect against bad vibes psychic attacks and emotional pollution

Connect to the divine protection

Ground spiritual energies

Protect from other people negativities and more...

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Protection Ki Vibration by Winarso

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Self Growth Energy Empowerment by Winarso


35 $ year 2010

Self Growth Energy Empowerment has been used to bring access to the astral ,ethereal and higher planes in order that one may remove barriers and may understand the patience of step-wise progression

It can assist in proceeding through traumas and changes with ease promoting understanding

Out of limitation appears something of beauty These amzing energy helps us to see before after and the struggles in between as part of an evolutionary process

They help to instil a sense of magic many of us lost along the way

A valuable stone for the spiritual seeker clearly showing how the inner is the foundation of the outer ,subtle the foundation of the gross ,spiritualthe foundation of the material

As a healing tool this energy bring a powerful healing and progressing energy to ones life

It is a very warm loving healthy energy that is beneficial to the healing process

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 Self Growth Energy Empowerment by Winarso

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Star Frequency Activaction by Winarso


35 $ year 2010

Star Frequency transmits e very high frequency of star

Works directly at a crown chakra level whitch helps with depression

Accesses very powerful uplifting properties at an emotional level

Helps dissolve emotional issues at a heart level allowing the heart chakra to breathe more easily

Enhances memory recall of pleasant experience

Promotes a positive mental outlook and happiness

Brings confidence and courage to the heart centre and imbues the spirit with an air of optimism for a bright future

Extremely cleansing and uplifting at a mental level

Lighten up the mind and refreshes the physical brain ....and more

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Star Frequency Activaction by Winarso


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Price $50 year 2010

Pure Spirit Empowerment Workshop opens your consciousness to your ocean of knowledge, wisdom, and creativity.

its energy illuminates the hidden causes of physical, emotional,and mental conditions so that you may better master their lessons.

Pure Spirit Empowerment Workshop deeply relaxes the body and mind and helps you let goof any resistance to the truth within.

As a source of spiritual nourishment, it imparts youthful energy and brightens your aura.

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Pure Spirit Empowerment Workshop - by Winarso


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Poseidon Essence Attunement by Winarso


year 2009

In Greek mythology, Poseidon was the god of the sea and, as "Earth - Shaker," of earthquakes.

The name of the sea-god Nethuns in Etruscan was adopted in Latin for Nepthune in

Roman mythology : both were sea gods analogous to Poseidon.

Poseidon was a son of Cronus and Rhea. In most accounts he is swallowed by Cronus at birth but later saved, with his other brothers and sisters, by Zeus.

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Poseidon Essence Attunement by Winarso

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Pluto Essence Attunement by Winarso

EUR 6.99

Price $ 13.99

Pluto, also the name of a planet, has been revered for centurias as the Roman God of the Underworld.

Originally he was honored as the God of Metals; however, in time since metal were mined, he took on the attributes of the God of the Underworld.

The name "Pluto" is derived from the Greek world for wealth, "Ploutos".

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Pluto Essence Attunement by Winarso

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Crystalline Rays Stabilizer - by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Price $ 50

Crystalline Rays Stabilizer works in 2 rays that is Red and Green.

Both rays works on difference chakra in the same time when you use Crystalline Rays Stabilizrer in your sessions.

Red Ray works on the Root Chakra and Green Ray on the Heart Chakra.

Crystalline Rays Stabilizer is a higher healing energy.

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Crystalline Rays Stabilizer - by Winarso

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Energetic Clearing Reiki - by Winarso

EUR 9.00

Price $ 45.99

Energetic Clearing Reiki is a unique, powerful and effective method of releasing blockages in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy bodies.

These blocks hold us back from achieving success, happiness, love, hearth and abundant flow in all areas ofour life.

This Energetic Clearing Reiki, also helps to clear the energetic spaces in our aura and electromagnetic energy field.

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Energetic Clearing Reiki - by Winarso

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Energetic Life Protection - by Winarso


EUR 7.00

Price $ 30.99

Negativity in any from can be damaging to the human energy field (aura).

Fear, anger, depression, negative / places, arguments and more actually create negative

energy that can cling to you or build up in your home and cause problems over time.

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Energetic Life Protection - by Winarso

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Blue Star Energy Flush - by Winarso


EUR 9.99

Price $ 50 year 2012

Blue Star Energy Flush is a great energy. It is used to center and ground Physical energies and is very uself during stressful time.

Blue Star Energy Flush stabilizes the base chakra, and strengthens your connection with the earth. Blue Star Energy Flush promote a sense of balance while cleasing the surrounding energy. Use these to fortify strength and confidence and to open yourself to new visions.

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Blue Star Energy Flush - by Winarso

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First Life 1 - 2 by Winarso & Titisari

EUR 9.99

Price $ 60

First Life promoters healthy living by enhancing the flow of energy through the human energy field that strengthens the innate healing wisdom of the body. First life regenerating damage part of human spirit, so that original function is restored. It is stimulates every aspect to be a better human with a better life. This system influence all levels of being, spirit - mind -body.

First Life 2 can be done after completing the Fire Life 1.

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First Life 1 - 2 by Winarso & Titisari

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Higher Soul Fire by Winarso & Wara Estrini

EUR 7.99

40 $

Higher Soul Fire carries the vibration of universal love

It may assist you to let go of issues you have been holding onto and forgive both yourself and the other person

Higher Soul Fire peace of mind and freedom from fear

Neutralises anti-social and confrontional attitudes

Enhances co-operation

Dispel negative attachments and entities Repair holes in etheric body

Balaces astral body

Improves chakra and meridian functions

Liks conscious mind to higher self

Assist higher self in working through psysical form

Free on from limiting behavioural programming of ones upbringing and release past life family patters

These energy radiate a very high vibration

It many open the Third Eye Chakra ,the Crown Chakra and the Soul Star Chakra and many align and purify the entire chakra system

Are pwerful energy to heighten metaphysical abilities

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Higher Soul Fire by Winarso & Wara Estrini


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Ra Essence Attunement by Winarso

EUR 6.99

Year 2009 RA is the ancient Egyptian sun god

By the fifth dynasty he became a major deity in ancient Egyptian Religion ,identified primarily with the mid -day sun ,with other deities representing other positions of the sun

Ra changed greatly over time and in one form or another ,much later he was said to represent the sun at all times of the day

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Ra Essence Attunement by Winarso

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Life Protection Orb by Winarso

EUR 9.99

50 $ year 2011

Life Protection Orb generates a powerful auric shield that provides protection from negative energies and dark forces

It functions in a similar manner to other protection modalities ,however there are several important differences that make this Life Protection Orb unique

Linke other modalities ,it provides protection against negative energies ,dark forces and the ill wishes of others ,the bad vibes that not only male us feel uncomfortable but actually harm us in a very real sense

In addition to the many powerful protective capabilities ,The Life Protection Orb allows us to tap into our subconscious and elevates our psychic and spiritual abilities and more ....

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Life Protection Orb by Winarso

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Universal Spiritual Harmony by Winarso

EUR 7.00

25,99 $

This Universal Spiritual Harmony will attune you to the some of being important spiritual symbols of universal harmony from a range of different cultural backgrounds ùEach has excellent and wonderful energy who can help you in your life

Ganesh is a well known symbol commonly seen throughout India

Fairy ,Faries are found all over the earth and are usually sweet and helpful though they can be mischievous as well

Quan Yin ,is the bodhisattva of compassion

Aum is the primordial sound that was present at the creation of the Universe ,the original sound that contains all other sounds

Angel ,the Angel brings us messages to guide and protect us and comes with a frequency of unconditional love

Unicorn ,the Unicornis a mystical beast ,famous for its virtue ,courage and strength,symbolize purity ,elegance and charm ,are also said to possess the power to grant wishes

Yin Yang ...represent harmony and balance and illustrates the concept of unity in duality the underlying state of the Universe

Green Tara ..embodies the transcendent wisdom and compassion of the enlightened mind

White Dove ,,,is a symbol of peace which has spread all over the world though its origins are from the ancient strory of Noah

Medicine Buddha ,the blue of his body reflects the blue stone lapis lazuli which is traditionally used for healing wisdom and compassion

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Universal Spiritual Harmony by Winarso

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Life Water Elixir by Winarso

EUR 7.99

year 2014 25 $

Life Water Elixir bring purity of nature energy

It will accelerate your energy circulation and fill your body with great passion

It will renew yor motivation by cleansing your mind from negativity

It helps to heal the headaches and high tension in your body and also break the blockages in your body circulation energy

a fresh and positive energy to your body ,mind and soul ,it give you a new idea in your creative side and fill your mind with fresh and new idea

If you feel diffident and lack of motivation and confidence ,use Life Water Elixir to get more confidence and encourage your mind to be more wide and larger

It assists you to find out your unseen ability and broaden your perspective in any learning process

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Life Water Elixir by Winarso

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Shining Heart Flush by Winarso

EUR 6.99

25 $ year 2012

Is a beautiful energy that helps to balance and support your Heart Chakra

Shining Heart Flush can help you to find Love and Compassion for any situation and is great to facilitate meeting the Love of your Life

It bring emotional balance and a knowledge of Divine Love

Heps dissolve old energy patterns and beliefs that may be holding you back ,is very benefits for the lungs ,liver sinuses and heart

It can loosen and release negativity and energy blockages including disease

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Shining Heart Flush by Winarso

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