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Thunderbolt Essence by Winarso

EUR 7.00

25 $

Is a great energetic essences that assist your mental state development and stimulates your personal awakening

It will help you to enhance your focus and also your will power for achieving your life goal and realize your vision

It shows you that there are still other ways that have not been seen from the side view you have

Like a big whip and whipping your body ,Thunderbolt Essence reconnect you with your higher self ,to communicate what are your body want and motivate you in need fulfillment and personal achivement

It drives you to always realize your dream and vision and take more responsibilities

THis essence will help you to neutralize your body from all negativity

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Thunderbolt Essence by Winarso

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Happy Life Energy by Winarso

EUR 7.99

25 $ year 2013

Happy Life Energy is a subtle inner peace energy as a soul tranquilizers

This energy will lead you to achieve your life goals and improve your life quality

It assist yourself to be more filled with gratitude and kindness

Happy Life Energy assist to transform bad past memories into positive energy and force yourself to be strong personal and will continue to be better

It also promote your spirit to achieve higher spirit level and also makes you will always optimistic and confident

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Happy Life Energy by Winarso

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Green Egg Energetic Device by Winarso

EUR 7.00

25 $

Green Egg Energetic Device very helpful to heightens intuition and enhances psychic abilities ,making it great for working with the Third Eye Chakra

Intuition and intellect are balanced by this Green Egg ,illusions are dispelled and true intentions are seen more easily wit its use

Green Egg Energetic Device is also very protective against negative energies balancing and protecting the aura and sealing the aura from energy leaks

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Green Egg Energetic Device by Winarso

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Bright Life Essence by Winarso

EUR 7.99

2014 - 25 $

Bright Life Essence is a beautiful pattern of bright energy

Its bring spirit of joyful and happiness energy

If you feel lack of motivation ,ispiration and idea ,this energy can help you to increase your motivation and ispiration and expanding your idea

It lead you to set a new life direction to reach your life goal

It fills your mind with peacefulness and sincerity

Strengthen your personal magnetism and personal tranquillity and also increase your self maturity

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Bright Life Essence by Winarso

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Divinorum Transmission by Hari Andri Winarso


40 $ year 2010

Divinorum Transmission hepls you to see in new light the world around you ,shimmering .Divinorum Attunement is a very strong energy .It was channelled to give you inner insight ,a view inside and a deep trip into your soul

Divinorum Transmission is ahigher level of energetic system and spiritual development ,also heal our broken DNA ,reconnecting us to the light of the information that has been lost to Earth's people

You can use Divinorum Transmission in every aspect of life ,for blessings ,healing ,clearing karmic purification ,remove any energy blockages etc...

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Divinorum Transmission by Hari Andri Winarso

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Inner Light Awakening Initiation by Winarso


35$ year 2012

Inner Light Awakening is a initiation that help us to activates and radiates our Inner Light.

This Initiation will align between our mind ,heart and soul.

An energy healer that has been receive this initiation ,their touch and their energy will provide pain relief endurance and strength.

Their energy brings comfort and peace to peoples around him.

It will helps to heal broken heart

This initiation will increase the charisma ,strengthen aura and someone who have receive this initiation ,when talking will have powerful words and brings the light through the voices

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Inner Light Awakening Initiation by Winarso


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Rainbow Spirit Essence by Winarso


year 2013 -25 $

Rainbow Spirit Essence is a great essence of universal spirit .It conveys spectacular from universal spirit.
Itleads you to achieve higher inner wisdom and consciousness.It makes a difference in your vision through great frames of the divine greatness.

To capture the positive notion of truth and right decision.

Rainbow Spirit Essence improve inner firmness and /or inner tenacity
It brightens one's life,lift up passion and boost radiance enthusiastic mind.
It carries a powerful
energy with emotional intelligence and great mental strength
Its spirit allows to deal any challenges of life cycle process.

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Rainbow Spirit Essence by Winarso

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Throat Chakra Flush 2012 by Winarso


25 $ by Winarso

Throat Chakra Flush is great for activating and healing the Throat Chakra and for balancing the brain.

This flush system enhances verbal communication and expression ,helping on to be more discerning in their world choices.

Throat Chakra Flush when speaking in pubblic to help clear away any jitters and promote clarity.

It is said to be a very supportive energy pattern ,promoting the acceptance of one 's emotions

This Throat Chakra Flush can help those who may be feeling depressed or worried ,and is believed to bring peacefulness.

It is also used for dissolving repressive blocks that inhibit expression

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Throat Chakra Flush 2012 by Winarso

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I'Am Love Device by Winarso


25 $ year 2012

I'm Love Device is an unique and beautiful energetic device ,it attracts love and helps maintain it.

I'm Love Device activates the heart chakra and connects us to Divine Unconditional Love

Activates I'm Love Device bring a sense of deep peace and joy .both within ourselves and with the world

I'm Love Device 's clear and pure heart energy eases the pain of old emotional wounds and forgotten traumas .

Unfulfilled emotional needs and unexpressed emotions are brought forth by this device asit nurtures the emotional body .

Encouraging patience and reverence for life and all living things ,I'm Love Device brings forth loving thoughts and actions keeping us centered in love

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I'Am Love Device by Winarso

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Healing Energetic Device by Winarso


25 year 2012

Healing Energetic Device works with all Chakras ,focussing most on the Root Chakra .This device can works as grounding and energizing together.

Activate Healing Energetic Device before meditation can help one to come up with important insights resulting from exploration of the subconscious mind.

Healing Energetic Device is a device with Full of healing energy.

Healing Energetic Device can be activated on any chakra to send healing energy to any tears or holes in the chakras and the aura ,can also help to open the lines of communication between people and also can help out in situations of conflict or misunderstanding

Bring a calming ,tranquilizing energy to the body ,centers you in preparation for meditation and assist in receiving intuitive and psychic thoughts,as well as dream recall.

It can restores QI to the physical body and balances yin yang energies

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Healing Energetic Device by Winarso

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Green Vibration by Winarso


year 2012 -$ 25

Green Vibration is a simple and wonderfulmodality ,it has a lovely healthful vibration..It connects to the energy of the Earth ,and can be used for connecting to life -force and for building and maintaining a sense of well-being in all areas of life .

It's work with the Heart Chakra allows one to tune into other's feelings ,to enhance self -confidence and to bring wisdom into new situations .

Green Vibration is an energy vibration of abundance ,helping one to make a greater connection with the source.This can make it a great vibration for use in manifestation programs

It also helps tobring the recognition and gratitude of the blessings that already exist in one 's life.

Activate Green Vibration before meditation can enhance the flow of abundance through one's life as well,by releasing blockages and helping one recognize that the universe is unlimited and there is no lack .

Green Vibration is helpful to the heart and nervous sytem.It also helps the body to absorb nutrients.It's attributeof clearing blockage helps with the circulatory system also .

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Green Vibration by Winarso


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25 $ year 2012

Energy Levels Transmutation Device is a wonderful and unique energetic device that Provides stimulation to the Throat chakra ,then a calming effect .Stroking it brings energy emissions.

It facilitates transmuations of lower energies into higher grequences of both spiritual and ethereal levels

The Device is representative of the principles of complete metamorphosis.It balances the energy of the mind ,emotions and physical bodies and provides a clear connection between the Earth plane and the other worlds.

It clears the aura and stabilizes and trasmutesany dysfunctional energy located within one body

Energy Levels Trasmutation Device also bestows stability ,strength,invigoration and peace

The peace being the perfect peace ,which was present prior to birth .The device brings cosmic energy that helpful on meditation ,being an excellent energetic device in conducting the energy of calm and peacefulness to help one to both enter and maintain the state

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Energy Levels Transmutation Device by Winarso

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Divine Love Heart by Winarso


year 2010

The words Divine Love have been used in many contexts to convey different meanings.

But in the context of our Heavenly Father ,Divine LOve Heart is the greatest gift in all the universe .

It transcend all else that can assist humankind fulfill their dreams of happiness and have them resolved within themselves .

God's Divine Love is the one thing in all of God 's infinite universe that can bring about eternal life and everlasting happiness in the Celestial Kingdom

The Divine Love Heart differs from the natural love of man with which he was endowed when created ,which belongs to all humans and which they all possess in a more or less perfect condition in this :that the Divine Love is that Love which belongs to or is a part of God possssing His Nature and composed of His Substance and which when possessed by a human soul to a sufficient degree ,makes him divine and of the nature of God .

The Divine Love Hearts is a process that turns on your spiritual energy which unites in pure divine love of God .During this process God is able to connect you more strongly to his power which strengthen the divine energy coming from your sub consciousness.Divine Love Heart has 2 Attunement ,that is Divine Love Attunement and Sacred Heart of God Attunement

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Divine Love Heart by Winarso

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Celestial Sphere by Winarso

EUR 6.99

year 2012 -25 $

Celestial Sphere is a high protective energy which balances and harmonizes the chakras.

A protective energy Celestial Sphere help to absorb negativity ,strengthen the immune system ,cleanse ,purify and transform dense energy into a ligher vibration.

Celestial Sphere help with electromagnetic smog and increase physical vitality.

Celestial Sphere is also a fantastic energy for Grounding and for opening up the Root Chakra .

It can helps to remove fear and boost self-confidence.

Celestial Sphere is thought to balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain .

It is a great healer of the mental processes that can often lead disease

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Celestial Sphere by Winarso

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Bliss Light Body Activation by Winarso

EUR 7.99

30 $ year 2012

Most people find that they feel a strong energy of love and joy ,that merges into a profound spiritual depth of feeling that almost takes your breath away with its stregth and breadth.

Many people find it is quite unlike anything they have felt before as it is changingyour energy patterns and helping you to anchor and ground your lightbody to Mother Gaia

This energy has function:

Clearing discordant and stagnat energy in auric field

Helps spiritual awakening and growth

stimulate kundalini awakening

To aid achieve blissful heart

Bring feelings of joy and happiness

Stimulate the higher chakras

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Bliss Light Body Activation by Winarso

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BanyuBiru Rejuvenation Wave by Hari Winarso

EUR 7.00

Banyubiru Rejuvenation Wave is a special energy wave ,which act to rejuvenate the cellular structure in our body ,as well as activating ,detoxifyng and cleansing your liver.

The effect of this is anti aging effect due to the liver releasing its built up toxics ,this is a deep cellular liver activaction and cleanse ,acting as a reversal to the rapid aging that takes place deep within our cellular matrix not only in your life ,however your entire bodies DNA

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BanyuBiru Rejuvenation Wave by Hari Winarso

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Crystalline Living Water Matrix by Winarso

EUR 7.00

In all realm water is the main conductor of divine energies throughout the cosmos.

Water is the underlying supprt system of all that exists in the cosmic ocean .This Crystalline Living Water Matrix intent is to reconnect and balance your water ways throughout your body ,chakra systems,glands and organs anchoring once again the divine energies from source onto earth.This will bring more divine love.Divine light and divine power.As you work with this system it willhelp assist in the shift in consciousness to a higher level for all of humanity on earth.

This system is a self attunement system and only for touch healing /hands -on healing session.

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Crystalline Living Water Matrix by Winarso

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Intuition Booster Attunement by Winarso

EUR 9.00

$ 40 founder

Intuition Booster Attunement is an attunement with a vibration that is highly useful to assist meditation as it will calm the emotions .These powerful attunement vibrate within the third eye chakra ,the crown chakra ,the soul star chakra and theetheric chakras right up to the fourteenth chakra

It will aid your mind to relax and for you to slip more easily into the deep relaxed state needed for best results.The amazing energy will open the third eye .

The aids the awakening of psychic visions and clairvoyant abilities that are related to the third eye chakra .

It supports you to strengthen and bring through increased spirituals gifts and aids your psychic communication abilities

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Intuition Booster Attunement by Winarso

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Earth Sphere Device by Winarso

EUR 6.99

year 2012 -25 $

Earth Sphere Device helps the over analizer to ground and center all bodies (pysical,emotional,intellectual,etc.) to maintain balance and connection (working with )with the etheric energies .Earth Sphere Device is an energetic device of service .It can be used by those in the Veterinary energy to calm and soothe animals that are hurt and scared .It is a stone of service for all .Earth Sphere Device helps to harmonize the emotions and assists in maintaining composure ,even under the most difficult circumstances

Earth Sphere Device useful to cleanses the aura and any other sysfunctional energies ,dispels/ transumetes negative energy,and protects us from harm .

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Earth Sphere Device by Winarso

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Dragon Ring High Energy by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Price Founder $40 by Winarso year 2014

Dragon Ring High Energy is a powerful energy protection.

This energy avoid us from the negativity. It acts as a powerful shield.

In the spiritual side, This Dragon Ring High Energy will be guides can be enlightening and bring out some unknown and unexpected wisdom from the deepest

Within heart yourself, and then it brings swift change for yourself, and for your life.

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Dragon Ring High Energy by Winarso

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