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Cosmic Wheels Essence by Winarso

EUR 7.99

Price Founder $25 by Winarso

Cosmic Wheel Essence, this essence highly useful to

activate 7

Increase the power of chakras and chakras. It is also clears the aura

from negative energies, and Strengthen the aura radiance.

Cosmic Wheel Essence assists you to activates the inner eye and Increase the Intuition, also It helps you to access the Higher Self and accelerates the spiritual.

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Cosmic Wheels Essence by Winarso

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Octagon Star Tetra Energy by Winarso

EUR 8.00

by Winarso

The Octagon Tetra Energy Star is a higher frequency energy who combination from 4 th energy elements of the nature: Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire.

This kind energy is used for all aspects of elimination, working on the eliminative organs (digestive system, kidneys, liver, skin and lungs) It also has a powerful effect on micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses, etc.).

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Octagon Star Tetra Energy by Winarso

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Full Abundance by Winarso

EUR 7.00

Full Abundance

from Winarso

Full Abundance is a system that used to accessing and make use abundance energy in the Abundance Zone with comprehensive.

Why said “with comprehensive”, because many happen the miss - perception that the abundance just about money. Actually abundance not only limit of that, although money is one of the base from abundance. Abundance energy related also with money, wealth, success, freedom of time, and others.

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Full Abundance by Winarso

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Environmental Stress Removal by Winarso

EUR 6.99

Price $ 15 from Winarso year 2009

Examples of Environmental Stress includes trying to get things

done amongst clutter and disorganization, being late for work or an appointment and then getting caught in a traffic jam, being interrupted When trying to concentrate or aches and pains from sitting all day in an uncomfortable chair. In Additions, environmental stress can include such things as the quality of air we breathe, the That type of lighting we have to work in, and the level of noise in the environment.

Although environmental stress may seem minor, These constant irritations add up to decrease our overall feelings of happiness as well as causes us to secrete small Amounts of stress hormones into the blood stream.

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Environmental Stress Removal by Winarso

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Trauma Healing Flush 2015 by Winarso

EUR 7.99

Price founder $ 20 method 2015

Trauma Healing Flush help us to process traumatic memories and attain new approach towards the situation, new healthy point of view.

It help us to reconnect traumatic experience stored in isolated memory network with more adaptive, positive and realistic informations contained in our other memory networks.

This flush can assist with relieving traumas, helping us to find a new pathway, or seeing things in a new light.

Trauma Healing Flush also heal our emotions: instead of painful feelings, and sensory disorders through the process of healing, we get new positive emotions, of love, joy and compassion and feeling of relief and freedom.

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Trauma Healing Flush 2015 by Winarso

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Throat Chakra Flush 2015 by Winarso

EUR 7.99

Price founder &25 method of 2015

prerequisite Throat Chakra Flush 2012

This flush system enhances verbal communication and expression, helping one to be more discerning in their word choices.

Throat Chakra Flush when speaking in public to help clear away any jitters and promote clarity.

It is said to be a very supportive energy pattern, promoting the acceptance of one's emotions.

This Throat Chakra Flush can help those who may be feeling depressed or worried, and is believed to bring peacefulness. It is also used for dissolving repressive blocks that inhibit expression.

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Throat Chakra Flush 2015 by Winarso

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Serotonin Flush 2015 by Winarso

EUR 7.99

Price founder $ 20 method of 2015

prerequisite Serotonin Flush year 2013

Serotonin Flush is a great energetic system that beneficial to stimulate release of Serotonin hormone and to lift up your mood if you suffer from depression. When are not depressed and cannot use drugs to improve your serotonin levels, it is a great alternative to stimulate the serotonin.

Activates Serotonin Flush is also help in improving the mind’s vibrations and easily to achieve a state of relaxation. It can help you improve your sleeping patterns and in relieving your of stress, anxiety and other psychological conditions that can lead to depression.

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Serotonin Flush 2015 by Winarso

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Nirvana Lights - by Winarso

EUR 7.00

Nirvana Lights from Winarso

Price $ 25

Nirvana Lights is very spiritual energetic tool. It brings energies of perseverance, very high energy spirituality. They are said to attune one t potential of all that can be.

It is an awesome tool for meditation, and it bring visions of the path to one’s destiny. It help us increase awareness of evolution, in ourselves and in the world around, us showing how growth, rest, and rebirth cycle through all existence. The energy of Nirvana Lights activating and balancing all chakra and work with any individual chakra also.

Nirvana Lights help to relieve stress, anxiety, and tension, bringing relaxation and peace. Nirvana Lights is excellent for initiating healing, bringing great energy to the healing process, and are especially helpful for hearing disorders and emotional healing.

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Nirvana Lights - by Winarso

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Lavender Reiki by Winarso

EUR 9.99

From Hari Andri Winarso 2010

Lavender Reiki awakens you to your true spiritual essence. It helps you embrace you spiritual birthright and make it a reality. To do this, it aligns and integrates all your bodies-physical, emotional, causal, mental, and intuitive. As your physical and subtle bodies move toward alignment and greater cooperation, they become more aware of each other. This increased awareness further improves alignment and enhances the flows of life energy throughout your entire being.
The physical body has seven major chakras through which life energy flows. These chakras are reflected in each of the subtle bodies. These subtle-body reflections are some of the primary channels through which life force flows its infinite source through the subtle bodies to the physical body. When all the chakras in all the bodies are perfectly aligned, life force flows freely to enliven and nourish one’s entire being. Yet this is rarely the case; in response to the various stresses of life, any or all of our subtle-and physical-body chakras may have shifted out of their ideal positions. As a result, the natural flow of life energy throughout our being becomes impeded, and a host of ailments can arise.
There, the Lavender energy begins to abolish the negative energies that weigh you down and prevent your physical and subtle bodies from aligning themselves. The Lavender also strongly encourages all your chakras in all your bodies to move into better alignment with each other. It does this by awakening each of your bodies to become aware of its relationship with the next highest body. This inspires all your bodies and all your chakras to align and cooperate with each other.

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Lavender Reiki by Winarso

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Quantum Body Qi by Winarso

EUR 8.00

By Hari Andri Winarso

Price $ 30

Quantum Body Qi

Quantum Body Qi is an unique, simple and wonderful healing energy system. It is very suitable for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing work. Quantum Body Qi has a very soothing and meditatively calming effect. It helps to ease stress and tension and supports the natural self-healing powers and energetic equilibrium.

Quantum Body Qi is a powerful energy, it can say if the Quantum Body Qi as the next lessons of Holy Fire gTummo and also as an advanced lessons of Sathya Tummo.

Quantum Body Qi also can be combined with all other conventional types of therapy and even intensifies their characteristics. Quantum Body Qi strengthens one’s own consciousness and self-responsibility in dealing with this life force or cosmic energy.

Quantum Body Qi is independent of religion and can be taught to anyone without previous knowledge or experience.

Quantum Body Qi System:

- Quantum Body Qi is very efficient with regard to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing work.

- Quantum Body Qi is an easy application and in its efficiency, clarity and purity.

- Quantum Body Qi not addictive.

- Quantum Body Qi supports one’s consciousness and self-responsibility in dealing with the life force or cosmic energy.

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Quantum Body Qi by Winarso

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Emerald Light Vortex by Winarso

EUR 6.99

by Hari Andri Winarso year 2010

Price 25,99 $

Emerald Light Vortex will assist you to discover deep creatix energies of your own. This attunement will assist you to stand strong in your heart energies, as deep creative energies emerge. Working with The Emerald Light Frequency enables us to identity, target and loosen deep core issues and patterns that limit and can hold people captive over several lifetimes.

The Emerald Light Vortex giving peace and harmony to the body, heart, soul and spirit. This frequency also carries the power to align us with natural forces. It is both energizing and restful, replenishing and calming.

The energy of the Emerald Light Vortex useful to transmuting illness, emits vibrations of balance, healing and infinite patience to all who need attunement and inspiration, providing us with a serene inner lift.

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Emerald Light Vortex by Winarso

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Polaris Star Essence by Winarso

EUR 6.99

By Hary Andri Winarso

The star of “Centred Purpose” directs Energy to find it’s centre. When your energy is scattered, this essence pulls you back to your true nature. Polaris Star Essence provides an escape from the harsh realities of the material world. If your life has become “ hardened” though material consciousness or there never seems to be any time for you to simply “be”. Polaris Star Essence will assist you to reconnect to your true purpose and your own beautiful gentle spirit amidst the chaos. Serenity, gentleness, brings back a sense of connection & a flow onto life. When we are connected our true purpose we have this ability to “flow” with life. It is only when we are off our life path that things become “struck” and very difficult. This essence brings a sense of continuity and meaning.

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Polaris Star Essence by Winarso

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year 2010

Inner Power is a popular concept in Southeast Asia particularily Indonesia and Malaysia Inner Power- this is the strength within you that you can used it to help you to go through your daily life. Inner Power also call ki, chi, subconcious, inner energy, reiki, prana and many more.

Everyone have this power within but one need to seek and find it in his self then only can used it in daily life. The demonstration of this power is very amazing - people heal other with this inner energy, people do amazing feat such as walking through fire and many more. This inner energy to help us to reduce stress, to be more relax and be confident with ourself.

Raja Besi Inner Power helps you to strengthen and protect your physical power, immune system and stamina. Protect yourself from enemies and aggressors. Weaken aggressors as soon as they enter your force field. Protection yourself from psychic attacks, black magic.

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Raja Besi Inner Power Practitioner level by Winarso

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Odin Essence Attunement by Winarso


by Winarso 2009

This energy of essence is for strength and fortitude, giving us the bravery to venture forth from the “black night of the soul.”Connect with Odin as you mist and/or anoint and visualize tube of light surrounding you from the Divine. Feel the connection and tap into the infinite resource of strengthening energy, filling every part of your Being. Visualize being infused with this Divine strength, feeling strong, centered and connected. With this connection, power comes from inner strength for inn that unity with Divine, inner strength exists.

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Odin Essence Attunement by Winarso

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Bio - Light Auric Cleansing by Winarso

$ 14.99

Bio- Light Auric Cleansing by Winarso

price 50 $ year 2012

Cleaning your aura is essential for spiritual hygiene. By cleaning tour aura on a daily basis, you protect yourself against psychic attacks and illnesses. A clean aura is charismatic and will encourage better relations with others. People will naturally be more considerate and grant favors to one whose aura is clean and radiating with energy. Here is where we influence people and get them to do as we wish. Negative thought forms used in black magic and generated from the ill will, jealousy or anger of others attach to one’s aura and invite misfortune-accidents, illnesses and so forth. Cleaning the aura only takes a few minutes a day and is well worth it. When one is ill, depressed the aura is dirty and can take many meditations to clean. What is within reflects in one’s aura.

Boi-Light Auric Cleansing is a powerful modality to clears the auric pathways. It is not only to cleans the aura, it also connects the energy centres, stimulates the chakras and removes negativity. It can stimulates the meridians, reducing blockages and enabling energy flow.

Ideally, one should clean the aura twice a day – upon awaking and before falling asleep at night. Cleaning your aura before you go to sleep is essential. The more people you come into contact with throughout the day, the more thought forms and energy will attach to your astral body and result in problems. People’s astral bodies intermingle on a daily basis. Like viruses and physical germs, the astral body picks up energy.

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Bio - Light Auric Cleansing by Winarso

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Light Rain from Winarso Clears negative


price 55 $ year 2010
Light Rain is an excellent energy for Heart Chakra

flushes and heals heart blocks (loss, hurt, guilt, fear) for allowingness, self-forgiveness, peace of heart, patience. Keeps one light, love, and healing daily. On Throat, expressing feelings, verbal and artistic creativity, thyroid. Also heart bloodsugar, and emotional balance. High conductivity from copper draws out pain, heat (fevers, inflammations, arthritis), Excellent therapeutic assistance for healing loss, incest traumas. Cleanses auric field. It helps one feel more comfortable speaking the truth. Help develop personal confidence.

Bet, the primary and benefits of Light Rain is to clears negative energy. When we are experiencing negative energy and the stress that comes with it, we feel negative emotions. This means that we are more likely to act or speak aggressively or negatively in order to try to release some of the negativity we feel. Light Rain protects you from being inundated with negative energy because it filters the energy that is around your body, cleansing negative energy and transforming it into energy that is beneficial to you: energy that you can dram from to feel stronger, more powerful and more positive. Light Rain helps you in clearing negative energy from yourself and your immediate surroundings.

Light Rain has the effect of filtering the energy frequencies of illness and transforming them into energy that can be used by the body to support its functions. In addition, the harm that is caused to the body the stressful feelings people feel when exposed to negative energy is reduced.

The amplified powers of the Light Rain are right next to your body, above your heart, clearing negative energy from your body.

Work with Light Rain makes you feel good – happier, more loving and more generous. The Light Rain makes you a generator of positive energy. People will want to be around you and get along with so that they too can be near your positive energy.

Work with Light Rain curb the energy drain that happens from exposure to negative energy, leaving you with more power and vivacity.

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Light Rain from Winarso

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Surya Vajra Reiki Level 1 - by Winarso


Surya Vajra Reiki 1 Level

This system has an unique and powerful energy for healing and many other purposes. Is not only for physical purposes, this system is also useful for mental and spiritual purposes. Even has a powerful energy, but very simply and easily to works with this system. Don’t need any symbol and specific hands position.

In this system, we will works with 2 kinds of energy, that is : Tummo/Inner Heat, and Reiki Life Force. This 2 kinds energy will combined works together in your session. The Surya Vajra Reiki is also helps to arouse the Kundalini/Fire Serpent.

The Meaning of Surya Vajra Reiki:

- Surya = Sun.

- Vayra = Diamond.

- Reiki = Life Force Energy.

This Surya Vayra Reiki has 3 levels:

1 Level : In the first level, the attunement will open your 3 main channels (Sushumma, Ida, Pingala), open the energy channels to your palms, activate the 7 major charkas, and activate the Lower Dan Tien, then with this the Inner Heat will be active. At this level, you’re using the healing energy only for hands on session. In this level, you will find some extra tools like as:

- Surya Vajra Chakra Clearing

- Surya Vajra Chakra Alignment

- Surya Vajra Three Channels Clearing

- Surya Vajra Auric Cleansing .

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 Surya Vajra Reiki Level 1 - by Winarso

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Surya Vajra Reiki Level 2 - by Winarso


by Hari Andri Winarso year 2010

price founder 40,99 $

2 Level: In the second level, the attunement will activating your Middle Dan Tien, so the Tummo/Inner Heat energy will increase. The attunement also open your main channels and the energy channels to palms to be more bigger, so the life force energy will flowing more faster and the healing session will be more effective and efficient. At this level, you can doing the distance healing session. In this level, you will find some extra tools like as:

- Surya Vajra Negative Entities Removal

- Surya Vajra Trauma Removal

- Surya Vajra Energetic Cord Cutting.

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Surya Vajra Reiki Level 2 - by Winarso

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Surya Vajra Reiki Level 3 Master - by Winarso


by Hari Andri Winarso year 2010

Price 50.99 $

3 Level /Master Level: In the third level, the attunement will open the 72.000 energy channels in the body, activate the 365 chakras , the upper Dan Tien will be active, so the inner heat energy more strongest than before. This is the Master Level, after you have receive the attunement of this level, and doing the meditation in the level for about 21 days, you can passing the attunement for an others.

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 Surya Vajra Reiki Level 3 Master - by Winarso

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Surya Vajra Reiki - 1/3 Levels - by Winarso


by Hari Andri Winarso year 2010

Surya Vajra Reiki 1-2-3 Levels

This systems has an unique and powerful energy for healing and many other purposes

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$ 15.99

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Surya Vajra Reiki - 1/3 Levels - by Winarso

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