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Magic Protection Reiki Advanced by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Price 55.99 $ year 2010

Magic Protection Reiki Advanced

Magic Protection Reiki Advanced also called Magic Protection Reiki 2010, it has pre-requisite 3 rd Level of Magic Protector Reiki. The different between Magic Protection Reiki and Magic Protection Reiki Advanced is the energy of Magic Protection Reiki Advanced will increased 300% more than the 3 rd Level of Magic Protection Reiki, and it will simple to works with the Magic Protection Reiki Advanced, no need to draw any symbols or visualization.

After you’re taking the attunement, your energy of Magic Protection Reiki “auto – upgrade” to Magic Protection Reiki Advanced.

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 Magic Protection Reiki Advanced by Winarso

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Abundance & Prosperity Manifestation by Winarso

EUR 6.99

from Hari Winarso year 2009

The Abundance and Prosperity Manifestation Empowerment is more stronger, more than Full Abundance. The concept of Abundance and Prosperity Manifestation Empowerment is abundance comes from within, if for any reason you fell you don’t deserve unlimited abundance, this will be projected into your holographic reality.

On the other hand you could have all the material abundance available and continue to feel like you lack something. There is much more to abundance than material possessions and money. Get rid of the beliefs, attitudes, feelings, though-forms, etc. that are not letting you live in abundance and enjoy it.

Get rid of poverty conscious ids, raise your wealth consciousness, activate the energy receiving conduits in your auric field. Experience and discover the state of inner and outer abundance. Abundance Manifestation Empowerment will activate your DNA and auric field with the frequencies to attract and manifest the material abundance you desire.

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EUR 6.99

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Abundance & Prosperity Manifestation by Winarso

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Golden Flame by Winarso

EUR 7.99

from Winarso year 2010

Price founder 30 €

Transmits a very gently flowing, loving, Golden Flame which acts directly upon the Heart Chakra. It is very deep and warming as it opens the petals and expands the energy of this chakra. From the heart centre this ray then permeates through the whole of the physical being, cleansing each chakra as it goes. Invigorating the physical brain, it also brings a spiritual light to brain and begins to work upon the crown chakra. The Golden Flame then encourages a spiritual white light to enter though the Crown Chakra which also bathes the inner head area bringing a great calmness upon the physical brain. Generates a golden halo around the head and is spiritually very calming. Golden Flame also creates a very strong, direct spiritual link from the Crown to the Heart Chakra, so that spiritual insights are received directly at a heart level, healing one to meet and deal with one’s fears and heal them.

The Golden Flame has a powerful healing action on emotional scars within the Heart Chakra and also exposes emotional issues, thereby enabling one to work on this area.

At a mental level the Golden Flame increases clarity by increasing the intensity, strength and quality of neuro-transmission and reception. Improves electro-magnetic flow through the meridians enhancing the energy potential of all the major organs on an etheric and physical level. Helps link mental and spiritual faculties. Strengthens the central nervous system. Also cleanses and empower the etheric energies which permeate the spinal cord. It brings strength to the physical heart and purifies the blood by releasing toxins. Stimulates red blood cell production.

Golden Flame are transmitted within the aura and in close proximity to the physical body in a thunderously powerful cloak of psychic protection. Golden Flame is a great power of psychic protection.

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Golden Flame by Winarso

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Visva Shakti Level 1 by Winarso

EUR 6.99

from Hari Winarso year 2010

Proce $ 30

Visva Shakti consist of 2 words, that is Visva = Universe; Shakti Power. So, Visva Shakti has a meaning “ The Power of Universe”.

Visva Shakti is a transformational universal life force energy and shakti healing technique that merges touch and intent. The Visva Shakti practitioner’s focused intent affects changes that bring about healing for the recipient. The practitioner’s is used to identify areas on the body need attention. Visva Shakti is a tool that brings about shifts in the consciousness. It appears to be more about “clearing away” old ideas that block energy or “getting out of the way” and letting energy take its natural path.

It is a process for life and healing based on a powerful evolutionary therapeutic approach that seeks the integration of all aspects of our humanity – the emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual.

Visva Shakti is based on a deep understanding of the ways in which energy and consciousness work together in the transformative process of healing. This is achieved gradually by bringing consciousness, movement and, ultimately, transformation to the cure’s overlying defensive structures.

The result is the release of a vast amount of energy, creating vitality, greater life fulfillment, joy and pleasure.

Visva Shakti using 4 energies that work together when you activate and work with this Visva Shakti, that is:

1. Earth Element Energy

2. Shakti

3. Prana

4. Inner Heat

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Visva Shakti Level 1 by Winarso

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Visva Shakti Level 2 by Winarso

EUR 6.99

from Hari Winarso year 2010

Price $ 30

Visva Shakti 2°Level

At this 2 level, the Visva Shakti energy will increased 1000 times more than the 1 level.

Initiation will open and active 365 Chakras and 72.000 Nadis. The aura will be more stronger and brightness. This level contain of 6 energy patterns.

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Visva Shakti Level 2 by Winarso

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Visva Shakti Level 3 by Winarso

EUR 6.99

from Hari Winarso year 2010

price founder 30 $

Visva Shakti 3°Level Master

This is the Master Level. At this level, your aura will be very stronger and bright.

And you can give initiations for others. This level contains 5 energy patterns.

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Visva Shakti Level 3 by Winarso

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Visva Shakti Levels 1-2-3 by Winarso

EUR 9.99

from Hari Winarso year 2010

Price founder $ 30 each

Visva Shakti 1

consist of 2 words, that is Visva = Universe; Shakti Power. So, Visva Shakti has a meaning “The Power of Universe”.

Visva Shakti is a transformational universal life force energy and shakti healing technique that merges touch and intent.

Visva Shakti 2

At this 2 level, the Visva Shakti energy will increased 1000 times more than the 1 level.

Initiation will open and active 365 Chakras and 72.000 Nadis. The aura will be more stronger and brightness. This level contain of 6 energy patterns.

Visva Shakti 3°Level Master

This is the Master Level. At this level, your aura will be very stronger and bright.

And you can give initiations for others. This level contains 5 energy patterns.

Receive manual, attunement chi ball, & lineage.

EUR 9.99

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Visva Shakti Levels 1-2-3 by Winarso

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Violet Orb by Winarso

EUR 6.99

from Hari Winarso Violet Orb year 2009

Violet Orb carry a myriad of positive properties to be drawn upon as we need and carry universal energy which:

- Creates innovation

- Enhances our ability to open minded

- Promotes rationality

- Carries spiritual protection

- Helps insomnia

- Calms highly-strung, excitable people

- Provides a bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind

- Gives peace of mind

- Represents inner light, and spiritual guidance

We can call upon the Violet Orb, using any of the following methods, or indeed any method that prefer. In time, calling upon the Violet Orb will become so natural, that we will call upon the Violet Orb automatically, and without the need for ritual. But above is a simply procedure that I often to this Violet Orb.

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Violet Orb by Winarso

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Chakra Prana Empowerment by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Chakra Prana from Winarso

Founder Price 50 $ year 2010

A person can collect energy from several different levels of vibrations–including color–that are utilized in various parts of the body. Throughout our body we have main energy centers, which are connected to major organs or glands that govern other body parts. Each of these main energy centers are referred to as chakra–chakra is a Sanskrit word which means wheel. A chakra is a wheel-like spinning vortex that whirls in a circular motion forming a vacuum in the center that draws in anything it encounters on its particular vibratory level.

It is said that our body contains hundred of chakras that are the key to the operation of our being. These “spinning wheels” draw-in coded information from our surroundings. Coded information can be anything from a color vibration to ultra-violet ray to a radio or micro wave to another person’s aura. In essence our chakras receive the health of our environment, including the people we are in contact with (that’s why other people’s moods have an affect on us!). As well our chakras also radiate an energy of vibration.

It is also believed that we have seven main chakra centers and that each main center is connected to our being on several different levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. On the physical level each chakra governs a main organ or gland, which is then connected to other body parts that resonate the same frequency.

Every organ, gland and body system is connected to a chakra and each chakra is connected to a color vibrational frequency. For example, the heart chakra governs the thymus gland and it is also in charge of the functioning of the heart organ, lungs, bronchia system, lymph glands, secondary circulatory system, immune system as well as the arm and hands. And the heart chakra resonates to the color green.

The seven main chakra centers are aligned along the spinal column. If there are disturbances on any level, this shows in the chakra’s vitality level. Also each of the seven main chakras is their own intelligence center. This means that each chakra is not only associated with our physical health but also controls aspects connected to our emotional, mental and belief system.

To help balance a chakra–whether on an emotional, intellectual, physical or spiritual level–we need to bring in the chakra (color) vibration,

which resonates at the same frequency.

In the study of the anatomy of the aura it is important to understand the significance of the chakra system and the language of colors expressed in the aura.

Chakra Prana Empowerments is an energetic system channeled to help :

Align, clear and activate the whole chakra system to the flow of love,Restore the energy balance, clearing and strengthening the auric field.,Balance the subtle bodies and nervous system.,Restructure DNA,Heal holes and energy cysts,Enhance the connection with the divine, universal source, higher self,Transmute lower energies into higher vibrations.,Uplift, bring joy, positive thoughts and well being ,Enhance meditation.

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Chakra Prana Empowerment by Winarso

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Eagle of Wisdom by Winarso

EUR 6.99

from Hari Winarso year 2010

Eagle symbolize a close connection to the Divine, freedom, wisdom, power, majesty and great beauty. They have powerful sight, intuition and represent a deeply spiritual creature. This is a high vibration of spiritual energy.

Eagle of Wisdom Attunement useful to:

1. Putting past issues and hardships into the past and helping remove the negative effects they carry into one’s present life.

2. Surrounding one with protection and courage and gives one “wings” to fly above and beyond your problems to live a happier life.

3. Promote positive thinking

4. Using the energy to give one the ability to “soar” and helps one live life to one’s highest potential.

5. Working to your highest potential as a Lightworker so we can revitalize the world.

6. Helping receive known messages from other worlds.

There are 3 initiations before taking the Eagle of Wisdom Attunement:

- Eagle Wings Initiation

- Eagle Heart Initiation

- Eagle Eye Initiation

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Eagle of Wisdom by Winarso

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Tibetan Black Quartz Healing Energy by Winarso

EUR 6.99

year 2009

Tibetan Balck Quartz double-terminated crystals are among the most powerful stone of spiritual protection ever found. Carrying or wearing one creates a “bubble of light” around the body, allowing only positive vibrations to penetrate the auric field. Sleeping with or near Tibetan Balck Quartz protects one from lower astral energies and can help eliminate disturbing dreams. Keeping one or more of these stone in ones living space can purify and cleanse the area of negative influences. I even recommend putting one on top of the television or computer screen to counteract the disharmonies these might emenate.

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Tibetan Black Quartz Healing Energy by Winarso

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Celestial Moon Reiki by Winarso

EUR 6.99

from Winarso year 2009

Price 22,99 $

Celestial Moon Attunement is a powerful tool for healers and anyone to helps deepen the awareness of the rich support and bounty of experience. It restores gratefulness. This attunement is provide mostly for it’s energy and not so much for providing healing/treatment techniques. I believe that people should find their own way of doing thighs.

The Celestial Moon Attunement has benefits like as below:

- Helps to connect us with our personal dreams: We may find the power to bring our intentions into life. Celestial Moon Attunement is a stimulating and empowering energy attunement, increasing our momentum in visualising and recognizing our goals, and in strengthening our deepest spirit, so that we may attain them. We might find The Celestial Moon helpful at start of a project, or at the beginning of time of change and upheaval in your life. At these times, it should help you to keep in touch with your own intension and goals, and not be deflected by petty details, or swamped by other people’s demands on your time. The Celestial Moon could also help you clarify your ideas and to remember your dreams more fully. It’s nature carries you into your mystic self, and helps you to intensify your skills of looking forward, of healing and of the self belief that comes with building a strong link to your intuitive sensitive self.

- Gives us a profound sense of self awareness: Celestial Moon gives us a magical blend of extreme energy and drive with a profound sense of self awareness that feels like it stretches back into the dawn of time. A great Strength of Celestial Moon is to stimulate our ability to learn and to develop mentally, for our mental powers are built on ancient wisdom and deep awareness of place and time. Celestial Moon stimulate our enthusiasm for life, for new adventures and getting started on new projects. It could stimulate our ability to see alternative and to grasp new ideas, rather than be held back by following old habits. This Attunement blend is also deeply supportive. By helping you balance the extreme enthusiasm of early sprung and the of deep old wisdom that you have through birthright and upbringing – it can help us to disassociate with both past and future and thus be more fully our self. Celestial Moon can be immensely helpful on spirit quests as well as more pragmatic and projects. This is because it embodies the same joyous drive toward clearing and cleansing, toward growth and expansion, and yet with the deep certainty of ancient roots universal wisdom on the spiritual plane as it does on all others. And more.

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Celestial Moon Reiki by Winarso

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Rainbow Aura Essence by Winarso

EUR 6.99

from Winarso year 2009

Rainbow Aura Essence

Rainbow Aura is also known as Opal Aura Quartz, Angel Aura or Pearl Aura Quartz. It is created by fusing platinum crystals to clear quartz via process similar to plating. Rainbow Aura Essence is protect and balance the aura and brings health on all levels, it is useful in meditation and helps one move toward “right action”. It lifts the spirit and helps to bring tranquility and peacefulness and contact our inner wisdom to create a blossoming of the Spirit.

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Rainbow Aura Essence by Winarso

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Self Transformational Symbols by Winarso

EUR 7.99

From Hari Winarso year 2009

Price founder 45,99 $

Self Transformational Symbol

Self Transformational Symbol channeled as a Spiritual acceleration system to balance the human” energy field” and promote harmony to facilitate Spiritual growth work, energetic healing and bodywork, meditation, visualization& other Spiritual practices. It was developed in cooperation with the Devic forces of nature and forces of light. It also assists in releasing mental stress that has become lodged in muscles.

Self Transformational Symbols is also channeled and intended to promote the following benefits:

- Aligns the Spiritual bodies

- Treats miasma

- Stimulates body electrical functions

- Increases clairvoyance, telepathy and other Spiritual gifts

- Balances and aligns the Chakras, meridians and nadis

- Promotes direct links to higher Spiritual bodies and Chakras

- Increases visionary states

- Attunes one to the level of Christ Consciousness

- Relaxes stress, especially mental stress lodged in muscles

- Treats emotional problems through the emotional body

- Repels negative thought forms and strengthens the etheric body so negative thought forms are less likely to penetrate

- Seals tears/holes/gaps/ruptures in the etheric body/sheath

- Fosters development of inner sight and auric vision

- Calms the mental body and cleanses Spiritual bodies

- Balances yin/yang functions and attunes one to higher wisdom

- Brings deeper levels of love and caring to help illuminate and soothe

- Helps one apply Spiritually inspired information

- Promotes reception of inspiration from higher Spiritual realms

- Enhances effectiveness of acupuncture and meridian work

- Promoter a state of inner peace and brings out creativity as well as numerous other benefits

There are 6 symbols and 6 attunements. You will receive an attunement for each symbol.

And take a minimum 24 hours for each attunement.

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Self Transformational Symbols by Winarso

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Peace Flame by Winarso

EUR 6.99

From Winarso

30 $ year 2010

Peace Flame is a calm and powerful energy channeled to calm to the mind and alleviate continual worry, anxiety, hypertension and obsessional thought patterns. Peace Flame works through Solar Plexus chakra, Heart chakra and Sacral Chakra.

The energy of the tool is powerful help us situations of grief and sorrow. Assists in moving through the emotions with grace and balance. This energy is also strengthens and shields aura from unwanted energies. Dispels attached entities, thought forms.

Peace flame promotes inner security, especially where one’s upbringing has been lacking in parental love or financial security. This energy promotes self-esteem, a positive attitude, courage in the face of adversity, and the removal of any ancestral or personal emotional patterns that have led to a feeling of unworthiness or lack of self-belief.

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Peace Flame by Winarso

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Fire Spectrum by Winarso


by Hari Andri Winarso year 2009

price founder 25,99 $

Fire Spectrum

This Fire Spectrum encourages spiritual growth and transformation. Release and transform negative patterns of behavior, dissolve blockages. Peel away the layers to the pure being within. Fire Spectrum is the great purifier. In times of great change use this energy to support the process of cleansing and renewal. To transform matter into light. Purification and Transformation operates on higher levels and results can be seen more on the subtle vibrations. The person’s aura for example, may show subtle change. Release and transform fearful situations wit this essence. Use this essence only when the change is underway, this will assist the process.

The Fire Spectrum has a strong connection with a primordial time at the very beginning of intelligence on earth. This energy can open people to their most ancient source; back to the moment when the soul originally chose the life purpose for its earthly incarnations. This remedy helps to unlock the most sacred part of an individual, revealing one of the last bastions of inner secrets and ancient knowledge that a person possesses – their original and on – going life paths. When this is revealed an individual will be left with a “fiery” sense of purpose and direction. Consequently, he or is inspired and motivated to follow their life path and path and fulfill their highest destiny. There is no middle ground with this energy. There is nowhere to go except forward.

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Fire Spectrum by Winarso

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Etheric Assistant by Winarso


Etheric Assistant

Etheric Assistant is an “intelligent” Energy which is created in order to carry out specific tasks. In and itself, the Etheric Assistant like a computer program, an Etheric Assistant can be programmed to function as needed appropriate with your goals/ purposes. It gains a type of intelligence from its programming.

Unlike a computer program however, when creating an Astral Assistant, a psychic link is formed between you and your Etheric Assistant. This is done so that your Etheric Assistant can obtain additional instructions from you automatically. This occurs consciously, however to you, it will seem as a passing thought or a type of daydream of sorts. The Etheric Assistant does not directly access your subconscious mind as what it requires is instruction and therefore must go through the conscious reasoning mind. If the subconscious mind’s “database” is needed, your Etheric Assistant will obtain the needed information through your conscious mind.

This is a very useful, powerful energy system and can be one of the most powerful and effective ways to accomplish goals.

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$ 9.00

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Etheric Assistant by Winarso

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Blockage Removal Vibration by Winarso


Blockage Removal Vibration is a higher vibrational energy that removes frequency blocking and frequency blocking “sields” from the subtle physical bodies ( energy field) of individuals. This energy vibration can also be used with animals. The use this energy is also to applying other forms of vibrational or energetic treatment modalities can massively increase the effectiveness of these other treatment methods.

This vibrational energy is channeled and intended to remove blocks in the subtle “energy field” so one can become more receptive to vibrational and energetic healing modalities. It is also channeled and intended to boost endocrine gland function by clearing blockages in the subtle energy processing faculties of the body and energy field.

My experiences in subtle energy phenomena indicates that people having experienced abuse and trauma in all of its forms, especially childhood or sexual abuse, exhibit several physiological and emotional challenges as result of the abuse, as they mature into adulthood. At the time of the abuse, one seems to internalize feelings of shame and worthlessness at subconscious and emotional levels

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Blockage Removal Vibration by Winarso

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Deep Blue Reiki by Winarso


by Winarso year 2009

Deep Blue Reiki

Deep Blue Reiki is a small part of Universal Life Force energy with powerful and high vibrational energy.

Deep Blue Reiki has specifically benefits to:

Stimulate the latent abilities of subtle perception and intuitive skills.

Energize and balance Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakra.

Balance most systems in the subtle anatomy.

Quickly create stillness and tranquility, which make it ideal for meditation.

Enhance the functions of higher levels of consciousness, reduce tension and bring calm.

This Reiki system is very simple and without symbols in the practices. Only with thinking about Deep Blue Reiki, the energy will start to flow and stop with automatic.

Receive this distant Attunement chi ball , Manual english language and the necessary instructions, once it is prepared for you , chi ball not expire ,you can receive

your attunement when you wish .

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Deep Blue Reiki by Winarso

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Astral Experiences aim to give an experience and erudition that there is variois dimension at this world, and give an experience and erudition that is energy not limited on the space and time.

Astral Experiences on 1 package with Intuition Empowerment, will which Astral Experiences be begun at the time of you will acceptance process of Intuition Empowerment. But, may be not all that run the acceptance process of Intuition Empowerment will get Astral Experiences, therefore all also return in yourself and influenced by several factors before run the acceptance process, example: Well-being is not fit;

Mind or emotion in a not good condition, confused;

Way of thinking in immediacy to get Astral Experiences;

Riceive manual English, chi ball attunement, lineage.

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Intuition Empowerment & Astral Esperiences by Winarso

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