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Silver Star Cosmic by Winarso


from Hari Winarso year 2009

Silvers Star Cosmic

It is simply a trigger designed to unlock any individual’s true potential as soul spiritual beings.

This new energy system is a powerful system to heal physical, mental, emotional, and also the subtle body. This is a powerful transformation process in all areas of the individual’s life – both mundane, physical, mental emotional and spiritual- aiming to uproot old locked patterns and re-align the individual with their True Purpose and ultimate potential in this lifetime.

Some benefits of Silver Star Cosmic system:

- Increased intuition and activate the Third Eye.

- Stronger contact with their sense of purpose

- Increased creative flow in all areas related to this purpose

- A greater reservoir of energy

- An opening up or enhancement of psychic/medial abilities

- An opening up or enhancement of Healing abilities

- The attraction of their ultimate life-partner, if he/she is not already present.

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Silver Star Cosmic by Winarso

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Rainbow Mandala Empowerment by Winarso


year 2009

Rainbow Mandala Empowerment

Rainbow Mandala is not a healing system. Rainbow Mandala helps to open and expand ones compassion, meditative insight, and inner divinity, guiding the soul toward expressing its spiritual nature through its physical limitations. Rainbow Mandala works effectively at harmonizing the lower and higher chakras. It gives a grounded presence, influencing alignment with the Earth. It also frees the spiritual capacities that tend to remain trapped in the upper energy centers to converge more fully throughout the body. It also creates an emotional balance, structuring a protective fields that allows the chakras to remain open without experiencing feelings of being overly exposed. Promotes clairvoyance.

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Rainbow Mandala Empowerment by Winarso

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Earthbound Spirits Flush by Winarso


Earthbound spirits are disembodied people who have remained attached to the physical realm, that did not move into the after their physical bodies expired. Ghosts are lost souls, no matter how nice the ghost may seem. When the body dies, the spirit of the person should move unto the light, where loved ones and a feeling of peace, love, and joy are experienced. Departed pure and clean spirits may visit loved ones for different clan reasons and may become a spirit guides, or messenger (angels). Clean spirits are of light and come from the light. Earthbound spirit ( ghosts) are not of light, they are lost souls and are in darkness. That does not necessarily mean a ghost will have ill-intent, it simply means the condition of the disembodied spirit is unhealthy.

Earthbound Spirit Flush channeled as cleansing and protection tool hold a very powerful vibration of protection against. It helps you to:
- Assist ghosts(earthbound spirits) to leave an area.
- Protect against harmful unseen energies, blocking intrusive vibrations.
- Increase personal power and protect against fear envy.
- Ground spiritual energies.
- Protect from other people negativities.
- Cleanse negative energies, replacing them with loving energies.
- Increase well-being.
- Protect against and eliminate psychic attack.
receive manual, attunement chi ball & lineage.

 $ 8.00

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Earthbound Spirits Flush by Winarso

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Magical Flowers 1/3 From Hari Winarso


Price founder 30 $

Magical Flower 1-2

The Magical Flowers Program will attune and connect you to the energies of many kinds flowers. Each flower has unique energy patterns and difference benefits. After you attuned to these energies and work with them, you will find that every types of flowers have specific purpose and high vibration. And every time you work with them, this energy will increase and will enhance your abilities for using the flowers related their specific functions, such as love, friendship, purity, goal, success, protection, etc.

Magical Flowers Program has 3 levels:

- Level 1: You will attune 4 kinds of flower energies as with 4 elements. That is: Heliotrope ( Fire element), Vervain (Water element), Cherry (Earth), and Water Lily (Air Element).

- Level 2: You will attune many kinds of flower energies at this system that used for physical healing, mental healing, help you to resolve all problems and achieve your purposes or goals.

Magical Flowers Program has 3 levels:

- Level 1: You will attune 4 kinds of flower energies as with 4 elements. That is: Heliotrope ( Fire element), Vervain (Water element), Cherry (Earth), and Water Lily (Air Element).

- Level 2: You will attune many kinds of flower energies at this system that used for physical healing, mental healing, help you to resolve all problems and achieve your purposes or goals.

- Level 3 : The attunement for this level will strengthen your power to achieve your goals and manifest your desires when you working or using this system.

The attunement for this level will strengthen your power to achieve your goals manifest your desires when you working or using this system. The 3 rd level also called as Master Level, you can teach and pass the attunements to this system for another person.

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Magical Flowers 1/3 From Hari Winarso

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The Success Flush by Winarso

EUR 6.99

by Winarso The Success Flush year 2008

The Success Flush is a from nature energy activation that is really extraordinary in a human self. By getting The Success Flush activation, we can use the energies in our body, and wit the extraordinary potencies in our body.
The Success Flush accesses and activates two of greatest powers of human: MIND POWER and SOUL POWER, and two that greatest powers of human will be upgrade with a biggest power and pure in this universe, The GOD Power … a power that never false and move with its own orderliness pattern. The GOD Power is a power that usually used by Lhamas in TIBETAN as lucky power, abundance power, wealth power, the lucky patron. Abundance – Wealth … this power is known by the name of DZAMBAHALA(Jambhala). ;

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The Success Flush by Winarso

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Fire Crystal Reiki by Winarso

EUR 6.99

by Hari Andri Winarso year 2009

Fire Crystal Reiki is san universal life force energy pattern that has powerful benefits to heal physical and mental diseases, clean all negative energy and negative entities, and to make a protection. May you will felt warm or hot energy flowing on your body when you canalize this energy, and sometimes if you didn’t felt anything, don’t worries, the energy still flowing like as usually.

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Fire Crystal Reiki by Winarso

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Dragon White Wing by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Dragon White Wing by Hari Winarso

Price Founder 60 $

Dragon White Wing bringing sky Energy to earth. It strengthens all chakras, meridians, and subtle bodies. It actually elevates all chakras and can facilitate attunement between the physical and higher planes of existence. It can bring any and all energies to a higher level.

Dragon white wing is excellent in bringing communication skills to emotional issues, to creativity, and to intuition, white allowing for the application of love in all areas. It is phenomenal for spiritual attunement, for healing and cleansing of the energy centers and the physical body, and for providing protection. It can be used against environmental pollutants as well.

It can be used for attunement between those of the physical plane and the spirit world. It is valuable for grounding and help one for losing touch with the conscious mind during meditations.

Dragon White Wing is a healer of the spirit, providing for soothing energy and bringing peace of mind. It has also been known to guide one through the unknown, protecting while promoting ones independence in action. It is help in high esteem for both its spiritual and protective properties, as well as being known as a bestower of goodness.

Ir is very much an energy of balance and clarity. It also provides for a bit of an increase in ones psychic abilities and can help one to develop ones natural powers. It is to assist one in communication actives, both write and oral, such that, that which is relayed to other is direct and correct. It also acts to induce wisdom and understanding, and to enhance trust, kindness and the recognition of beauty.

It is said to promote spontaneity in issues of romance and t o stimulate the initiation of romantic love. dragon White Wing is a “master healer”, emanating a purifying energy, which tends to dissipate negativity. It can be used for emotional, mental and physical problems. It acts to strengthen the entire anatomy and can be helpful in the amelioration of all diseases and disorders.

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Dragon White Wing by Winarso

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Dragon Winds Healing by Winarso

EUR 9.99

By Winarso

Price Founder 55 $

Dragon Winds is a higher energy attunement allow you to immediate access to the etheric body and stabilizes it, bring it back to optimum condition even when there is physical or emotional trauma. The Dragon Winds has the ability to create a casual reality with others with a focused consciousness, locomotivators; the little engine that could multiply infinity to the infinite power that covers every spectrum of every reality.

Dragon Winds protects against radiation and generates electromagnetism and dispels static electricity. It raises energy to the highest possible level, Dragon Winds works on all levels of being. These energy are spiritual library waiting to be accessed and have the ability to dissolve karmic seeds. It enhances psychic abilities and attunes you to your spiritual purpose.

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Dragon Winds Healing by Winarso

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Transformational Water Energy by Winarso

EUR 8.00

Price $ 45.99

Water is one the most amazing substances in creation. This system will help you begin to understand this important element and how to transform it into a sweet and delicious elixir for supporting your life. The Transformational Water Energy will help support you and all life it comes in contact with as we go through the great shift. Create a refreshingly sweet, full bodied, energized water. The resulting water is delicious; more full bodied and sweeter. Easy to taste with many other benefits. Restructure your water to help the earth clear is negative patterns.

Water is liquid crystal. Crystal can receive and retain vibrational patterns, so water has memory. When it is mistreated, it de – structures and too many the molecules cluster together, thus the cells cannot properly absorb it. Cells use water for many of their vital functions. All living things have water in them can be programmed.

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Transformational Water Energy by Winarso

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EUR 9.99

by Hari Winarso

God Vibration 1

Price $75.99

The God Vibration Mastery Sequences will clear/cleanse and remove any negative energies/ vibrations and replace them with more harmonious and positive energies/ vibrations. Normal clearing and cleansing practices can leave a void which may leave it open to attract energies negative or positive. Using intent you can fill this void with energies that you wish to attract. Negative energy is absorbed into the walls, furniture etc. and, when consistent negativity is released a toxic build-up can occur. A similar situation can occur if you take over premises where the previous occupier had financial problems. These negative energies remain as a vibration until they are cleared.

You spend a lot of time either at home or work and these places hold energy whether you realize it or not and can contribute to your moods positive or negative. Have you ever been to a house or place where you have felt really uneasy and couldn’t wait to get out of it? Well you were responding subconsciously to the energies of that place and your feelings were telling to get out of there!

The God Vibration Mastery Sequences that are consciously placed in your home, office or sacred space will bring in more harmonious energies and assist with your well-being. It can also be used as a spiritual tool that you can use to assist your Higher Purpose. With intent you can have your home/office /special space infused with positive energies you would like to bring into your life.

The God Vibration Mastery Sequences will help people to realize the “GOD” within themselves. At each sequence of God Vibration Mastery Sequences consist many attunements and activations are all about connecting to one’s GOD presence within and bringing that energy or force through our vehicle for its divine expression. As we do this, it anchors this high blissful energy to this world.

The Gog Vibration Mastery Sequences are a part of GOD’s plan to assist us with our evolution and mastery of the GOD within and to bring this ”heaven” here to earth.

This manual is about the first sequence of God Vibration Mastery Sequences or called “God Vibration Mastery I”. This sequence consist of:

1. Co smic Soul Alignment

2. Qu antum Energetic Field Attunement

3. Ha rmonic Laws of God Attunement

4. Sh ield & Sword of Divine Flame

5. Ba lance and Harmony of God Alignment

6. Ne w Templates Attunement

7. Jo urney Acceleration Attunement

8. Di vine Will Empowerment

9. He aler Legions of God

10. Divine Tune – Up

11. True Self Attunement.

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 God Vibration Mastery Sequence Level 1 by Winarso

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EUR 9.99

by Hari Winarso
God Vibration Master

Price $ 75.99

This manual is about the second sequence of Gog Vibration Mastery Sequences or called “ God Vibration Mastery II”. You can take this sequence minimum 3 days after you take the God Vibration Mastery I. This sequence consist of:

1. Cosmic Rays of Light

2. Divine Love Power Attunement

3. Holy Spirit Attunement

4. I AM Pressence Initiation & Alignment

5. Radiance of God Attunement

6. White Light Body Attunement

7. Omniverse Attunement

8. Passion of God

9. Magical Powers Attunement

10. Omnipotence & Omniscience Empowerment

11. Manifestation of God.

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God Vibration Mastery Sequence Level 2 by Winarso

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New Earth Reality by Winarso

EUR 8.99

50 $

It’s the most incredible energies tools that provides us a ground, stability and endurance. It is commonly associated with qualities of heaviness, matter and the terrestrial world. New Earth Reality helps us to present calmness, practical, patience and honesty. Influencing as much to attracting health, wealth, prosperity and good relationship. Amplify Mother Earth vibration to remove the blockage as grounding tool and recharges our energy vibration.

The benefits of New Earth Reality:

- Positively increase stability, endurance, strength, calmness, patience as well as mental health.

- Incredible strong grounding tool.

- Promotes health, wealth, prosperity and relationship as well as manifestation matter.

- Overcoming back ache, leg aches, overweight, underweight, anaemia and bone problem.

- Improving fertility, vitality, emotional balance, etc.

- Healing our past-life negative patterns and unlock the wisdom.

- Connecting with the spirit of mother earth and all its manifestation from.

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New Earth Reality by Winarso

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Holy Light Vortex by Winarso

EUR 8.99

by Winarso year 2011

Holy Light Vortex is an unique energy pattern that acts like a black hole, sucking in negative energies and purifying then before releasing them back into the Universal flow. I especially love this one for releasing negative thoughts and beliefs. This energy is also wonderful for releasing the “tapes” of negative messages given you by parents or other primary care givers.

Being and open channel for bliss and joy. It helps one to drop garbage and stay in one’s joy. For overwhelming stress, helps one to see that nothing except what we love and enjoy is important in the larger scheme of things.

It is also a very healing energy, soothing energy that clears debris from the upper Chakras so that nigher energies can flow down into the 2 nd chakra for greater creativity.

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Holy Light Vortex by Winarso

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Lunar Radiance Reiki by Winarso

EUR 7.99

by Winarso year 2011

Lunar Radiance Reiki energies the Heart chakra while assisting with emotional balance of Gastrolntestinal system of the body. It helps to develop flexability for a broad range of emotional difficulties, thus mastery of the Heart centre. It eases emotional stress that effects the abdomen, spleen, digestion and help with transcending this area into the seed of power - initiating balance, health and the ability the assimilate nutrients. Lunar Radiance Reiki helps to re – channel stress and anxiety into grounding and clarity.

This is recommended when a pattern of rigidity and inflexibility starts affecting a person’s life, when career or a particular position in life dominates and supersedes the importance of Self, when learning to “get out of your own way” and simply be, means allowing energy to circulate and nourish.

Lunar Radiance Reiki helps you to understand that the constant drive to be secure comes from getting in touch “with one’s own resources of Self”, for therein lies ultimate security.

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Lunar Radiance Reiki by Winarso

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Etheric Dragon Athame by Winarso

EUR 7.00

by Hari Winarso

Price $ 25

Etheric Dragon Athame i san unique protection tool where it have a powerful ability to clear your auric field of negativity. This energy acts as a powerful protective field of energy, to keep you safe, and shield you from harm. It has an excellent psychic protection energy and a strong spiritual grounding capacity as well.

It acts to transmutes negative energy into positive energy. This is why it is so powerful to use for psychic protection. Any negativities in the situation will be transformed or deflected by Etheric Dragon Athame. Working with the etheric Dragon Athame will help to heal you in many ways, including your mental, spiritual, emotional and physical bodies Etheric Dragon Athame has excellent ability to infuse the auric field with light.

It aid you to clear negativity from your environment. It is known to aid you to clear emotional problem as it helps to dissolve crystallized patterns within the auric field.

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Etheric Dragon Athame by Winarso

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Love Energy Resonance by Winarso

EUR 7.00

from Hari Winarso

Price Founder 25 $

Like as the name “Love Energy Resonance”, this modality is the strong vibration of unconditional love, joy, warmth and healing. This love is all encompassing : love for yourself, your partner, your children your community and the whole world ! Love of your country and your fellow human beings is encompassad within this energy influence.

Love Energy Resonance is also an energetic modality whose powerful love will resonate to the whole body and heal all chakras. This has a powerful effect to aid your emotional healing and helps heal relationship problems.

It will bestow a peaceful and calming sensation that can assist in healing of the heart by dissolving anger and resentment. It will enable you to heal old negative emotions such as anger, resentment, fear and jealousy … from past experiences.

This energy will resonate put the love energy into its surrounds. Not only will it assist you with healing yourself but its energy may bring faith and hope to all in the vicinity. One of the facts about Love Energy Resonance that is very important is its effectiveness at healing personal relationships.

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Love Energy Resonance by Winarso

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Lightning Orb by Winarso

EUR 7.00

Lightning Orb from Winarso

Price Founder 25 $

Lightning Orb are a wonderful Energy that used to clear negativity. It is also used to raise vibration levels. Lightning Orb is an excellent energy to help achieve deep meditation. Lightning Orb brings emotional awareness and expansion. It is a very calming energy that brings tranquility and peace to individuals and to one’s environment. It help one to be gentle with self and others, and promotes keeping promises, openly sharing opinions, and considering all thoughts with love. it engenders loving companionship of all kinds.

Lightning Orb provides protection and support for the emotions. Lightning Orb help relieve loss, particularly in the areas of love money. It is a very beneficial energy that helps engender compassion for others. It also bring trust to relationships of all kinds.

Lightning Orb help to heal “broken hearts”, to relieve stress and anger, and to bring love, peace and harmony. It is also an energy to removes obstacles. Lightning Orb is to help strengthen the circulatory system, and to be helpful in the treatment of lung disorders. Physically, Lightning Orb help regain youthful-type vigor, skin regeneration, any diseases from repressed emotions.

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Lightning Orb by Winarso

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Cosmic Blue Light by Winarso

EUR 8.99

Price $ 50

Cosmic Blue Light is a gentle energy that feels kind of dreamy. It is to foster balance between mind, body and spirit. It is an energy of calm and peace that is reputed to reduce or negate hostility, anger, and irritation.

Cosmic Blue Light soothes and fosters mental and emotional stability and can engender emotional honesty. It can calm anxieties and stress, and bring emotional healing in times of grief.

It is also reported to metaphysically encourage and ease communication, particularly what would otherwise be emotionally charged communication. Cosmic Blue Light is excellent for the psychic work and skills of clairvoyance, intuition, and energy healing.

It is also used to help reduce or eliminate bad dreams by getting rid of the influences that cause them. Cosmic Blue Light has a very protective property, metaphysically, which is evidenced in both the physical and emotional realms, and it is used often for protection from the evil eye and protection from evil, particularly evil magic.

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Cosmic Blue Light by Winarso

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Eagle of Light Brigade by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Eagle of light Brigate by Hari Winarso

Price $ 65

Eagle of Light Brigade is a beautiful and powerful physical and energetic experiences. The Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakra are attuned by the Eagle of Light’s energy during the potentially to increase wealth and vitality. It enhances courage, brings passion and physical strength, and allows these attributes to tempered with mental clarity and a joyful outlook. As a power Eagle of Light Brigade has a wonderful reputation for attracting wealth, money and luck. However it has some powerful spiritual uses as well. The movement of light makes it an excellent tool for vision or divination work.

The Eagle of Light Brigade also a healing tool, it can help slow the flow of energy through the body which makes the energy very helpful in stress related illnesses. Eagle of Light Brigade is useful in slowing down the third chakra and flushing out excess energy. It is an emotional balancer that soften stubbornness and gives clear insight. It will ground and center, thus strengthening the connection with will and personal power.

Because it works in our first, second and third chakra, so it can bring about a balance of energy between mental and physical health. It you constantly worry over your health, this energy can prevent hypochondria and psychosomatic illness. The energy can also bring calm to stressful environments.

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Eagle of Light Brigade by Winarso

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Grounding Empowerment by Winarso

EUR 6.99

Grounding empowerment by Winarso year 2010

Grounding Empowerment have strong affinity with the Earth energies, making one feel comfortable within the environement. The Grounding Empowerment is a simple energetic tool channeled to help ground and earth ones energies restoring the energy balance, preventing the energy field.

Grounding Empowerment is a powerful and useful energetic tool channeled to help:

- 0; Reduce confusion and anxiety

- 0; Restore the natural flows of energy, grounding and aligning the wearer with earth’s magnetic field

- 0; Facilitate control and direction in life

- 0; Ground spiritual energies and excess energies

- 0; To make you comfortable within your surroundings

- 0; Grounding during meditation allowing clearity of thought

- 0; Sort out problems

- 0; Transmute negative into positive energies

- 0; Increase well-being and bring optimism

- 0; Balance yin and yang and align meridians

- 0; Facilitate control and direction in life

- 0; Energize physical body.

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EUR  6.99

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Grounding Empowerment by Winarso

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