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Karmic Flowers by Winarso


Karmic Flowers Attunement   20$

Karmic Flowers Attunement are a powerful system that consist of some activations of Flower Essence energy, this system can help to open inner doorways and take straight to the heart of an issue, promoting a swift, release of any unconscious belief pattern that is holding we back.

Karmic Flowers Attunement consist of some activation of Flower Essence energy, each Flower Essence will help to release the unconscious beliefs that underpin the surface personality issues of one of these groups.

After you have receive the Karmic Flowers Attunement, you can activating Flower Essences like as below:

- Lily Essence

- Valerian Essence

- Pink Rose Essence

- White Bluebell Essence

- Iris Essence

- Orchid Essence

- Yellow Rattle Essence

- Fuchsia Essence

- Geranium Essence

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Karmic Flowers by Winarso


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DNA 4 Success by Winarso


From Winarso year 2009

25,00 $


Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and some viruses. The main role of DNA molecules is the long-term storage of information. DNA is often compared to set of blueprints or a recipe, or a code, since it contains the instructions needed to construct other components of cells, such as proteins and RNA molecules. The DNA segments that carry this genetic information are called genes, but other DNA sequences have structural purposes, or are involved in regulating the use of this genetic information.

DNA 4 Success:

You can read DNA 4 Success as “DNA FOR SUCCESS”. And it also have a mean and purposes to get 4 kinds of success, that is: HEALTH – WEALTH – LOVE – PERSONALITY.

DNA 4 Success has benefits to activating and heal your DNA. For health, it’s meant to improve physical health, increase body metabolism and immune system, speed up health recovery after illness, etc. For wealth, has benefits to attract the prosperity and good fortune, increase the creativity. For love, to attract anyone to be more love you and make you happy. About Personality, will change the negative habits into positive habits, make you to be more easy to positive thinking, make you to be more easy to motivating for yourself.

Why “DNA 4 SUCCESS” Can Work Like the Purposes:

The DNA 4 SUCCESS change the negative habits into positive habits, make you to be more easy to positive thinking and make you to be more easy to motivating for yourself, so if you have positive habits, positive thinking and can motivating yourself, anothers in around you will certain to be more love you. When has positive thinking, your positive thinking attract the positive things come to you (The Law Of Attraction). And if you has positive thinking, your health certain to be more better. That is all make you happy and get a happiness in your life.

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$ 7.00

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DNA 4 Success by Winarso

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Sunstone Light Body by Winarso


Sunstone Light Body from Winarso year 2010

Sunstone have a strong solar energy, so they embody within them the warmth, strength, and openness of the sun. when you are feeling that life is no longer pleasant. These energy help you to feel that life is worth living ! They release stress and aid mental clarity and help you to open to blessing others with your personal abilities and gifts.

These are strong energy to enhance leadership qualities, although this leadership is from the new way of thinking. This leadership brings the aspects of responsibility for being of service and aiding others to help themselves on their journey. They awaken cosmic consciousness and this makes them strong energy for these more challenging times we are living in.

These are powerful energy for bringing joy and other positive feelings into your life. These energy embody potent healing qualities that will re-energize your body.

Their vibration will bring through powerful energy to support and assist the development of the Merkabah within the Lightbody. Through this you may awaken your cosmic consciousness. By the action of Sunstones Sunstone to enhance this area of your life, you will create a more simple and straightforward way of thinking.

If you find that in winter you suffer from the SAD disorder, these energy are affective to help you as they bring warmth and strength. They carry a strong anti-depressant vibration and they are effective if you are feeling stressed.

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Sunstone Light Body by Winarso

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Quantum Purification Healing by Winarso


from Hari Winarso year 2010

Quantum Purification Healing
Quantum Purification Healing is used to purify and detoxify both the spirit and places it is about healing on all levels place it around computers and the workplace to reduce stress and relieve negative forces. It is very good for the cellular and nervous system. Quantum Purification Healing allows us to let go of everything. We can forget about all the worries and enjoy the surroundings. It helps one get out of ruts.

Quantum Purification Healing is also a good physical energy healer, protection one from infection by purifying the body, cleansing the spirit and eliminating almost any virus or bacteria. Quantum Purification Healing are effective for auric cleansing and reaching a deeper state of meditation.

Use these beautiful energetically to heal what hurts within you own life and home as well as your office or business. It can seal the rips and tears in your energy field, caused by past/present/future traumas.

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$ 7.99

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Quantum Purification Healing by Winarso

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Etheric Body Healing by Winarso


Price founder 55,99 $ year 2010

Etheric Body Healing

The Etheric Body Healing gives you the direct, powerful techniques clear yourself of any energetic blockages. Clearing these blocks in layers allows you to attune your body, mind and energetic field to evolve to its highest potential. A wonderful energy for everyone interested in optimum health, this is the first for those interested in the ascension process.
This is simply system, no symbols, no visualization, only with an intention the energy will flow and works. So, You will learn easy but amazing techniques that allow you to self-diagnose any blockages that might be preventing you from your next step in your growth and how to clear them in minutes. You will learn to self-muscle test and use other system to self-diagnose and then clear and reset the etheric body to a new attuned level. These techniques empower you to heal yourself and other in a new, fascinating manner that has immediate effects in one’s life experience. By attuning the etheric body we increase the vibrant force of the physical body for optimum health and to increase your ability to hold and receive new, higher energies. You will also learn to heal your energy body which governs the health of your physical and emotional states.
Etheric Body Healing offers:
Clearing Yourself of “Over Energy” (excess energy in the meridians that can keep you awake at night, cause anxiety, etc).
Activating your Body’s Ability to Regenerate and Rejuvenate
Clearing from Shock and Trauma
Clearing and Shielding Yourself and Others from Negative Forces ( such as cell phone radiation)
Improve your Learning and Processing Skills to Deeply and Preventing Jet Lag
Patching Auric Holes
Expanding Your Energy and Accelerating Your Evolution.

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Etheric Body Healing by Winarso

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Chakra Key Level 1 by Winarso


The Chakra Key’s system energies chakras and open up the energy field to clear and open new inner doorways. Works on energy body from Heart Chakra to Brow Chakra and from the Crown Chakra to the highest Chakras, opening and stabalising these chakras to allow your energy body to hold and access higher frequencies.

. These Chakra Key 1 is consist of:

1. Chakra Key Link Attunement

2. Crown Chakra Clear Attunement

3. Heart Chakra Attunement

4. Inner Communication Attunement

5. Body Alignment Attunement

The Chakra Key 1 hold a very high vibration which is aligned with energy centres in the body associated with each chakra. Each attunement works by being in your energy field or aura.

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$ 7.00

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Chakra Key Level 1 by Winarso

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Chakra Key Level 2 - by Winarso


Chakra Key energy

Chakra Key 2

The Chakra Key’s system energies chakras and open up the energy field to clearand open new inner doorways. Works on energy body from Heart Chakra to Brow Chakra and from the Crown Chakra to the highest Chakras, opening and stabalising these chakras to allow your energy body to hold and access higher frequencies.

These Chakra Key 2 is consist of:

1. Chakra & Aura Release Attunement

2. Chakra &Aura Protection Attunement

3. Descent of Grace Attunement

4. Spiritual Direction Attunement

This Chakra Key 2 are more general relating more to the general aura/energy than to specific chakras.

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Chakra Key Level 2 - by Winarso

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Celestial Golden Chi by Winarso


Celestial Golden Chi from Hari Winarso
51 $ year 2010
The Celestial Golden Chi has a purpose to help us to take charge of our own life and to increase our capacity for positive change. One can experience a new, expanded perception and a more objective understanding and outlook on life. Importantly, through this we are able to make choices that take us to greater heights and levels in our life.
This Celestial Golden Chi will resonate with your own bio-energy field, thus your energy field will begin to resonate to the higher frequencies raising your personal bio-energy signature to new higher energy levels. When you work this Celestial Golden Chi, your intuition greatly increases as your third eye chakra balanc es, energizes and opens up, that means greater psychic abilities such as remote viewing, remote sensing, remote influencing, and astral projection. When you resonate at high vibratory rate you have a move positive attitude as negative energies or thought forms seem to drop away. Neutralize detrimental energies and only let in the positive higher energies as you are protected from negative psychic influence with a protective energy shield. You can manifest more powerfully when your vibratory rate is at an ultra high frequency because you have a more powerful connection to your higher self and the universal intelligence.

The growth and expansion brought about by Celestial Golden Chi help a person to build on their old frameworks without any trauma; they a new perspective and therefore make better choices. Celestial Golden Chi expands their consciousness helping then to be more objective and therefore are empowere

2 levels

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Celestial Golden Chi by Winarso

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Abundant Dreams from Winarso

EUR 6.99

by Winarso year 2009

Abundance Dreams Empowerment:
Abundance Dreams is available considerably overflow at Universe and ay our way of thinking. Abundance Dreams Empowerment system that aim to brace your mind, brace your motivation to reaches the dreams, and if we still not yet has or not yet knowing surely what be our dreams, Abundance Dreams Empowerment will help you with will open end your mind, so you can find what be your dreams.

Is not using symbols to this system, just an activation when you will sleep or do a meditation. Abundant Dreams will work with automatically and natural.

Abundant Dreams Empowerment will help you to will realize that NORHING IS IMPOSSIBLE during we have a DREAM.


Before you sleep or before do a meditation, relaksation, and of a kind it. 

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EUR 6.99

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Abundant Dreams from Winarso

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Bereavement Healing Flush by Winarso

EUR 6.99

by Winarso Bereavement Healing Flush  year 2009

Bereavement Healing Flush is a mental and emotional healing system that helpful to transform buried grief & loss, possibly manifesting as an unreasonable fear of loss or an inability to deal with another’s grief.

Grief a very powerful emotion and one that many people are unaware that they carry at an unconscious level. A deep loss, whether caused by death, divorce in some other way, leaves a shock in our energetic system. When we are unable to release the accompanying very natural emotions of grief and sadness these feelings are gradually buried deeper and deeper into the unconscious. Buried grief can often be recognized as a sense of unexplained sadness in the heart or perhaps as a fear of making a real heart connection with someone in case the pain of loss is repeated. Sometime when working with this emotion we can find that the root of the issue comes from our original feelings of grief at separation from our soul. As we release and transmute these old memories we are able to open our hearts and recognize that we have always been connected to the Whole.

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EUR 6.99

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Bereavement Healing Flush by Winarso

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Dolphin Crystal Essence by Winarso

EUR 6.99

by Winarso year 2009

Dolphin Crystal Essence
Dolphin Crystal Essence works well to promotes unconditional love, wisdom, gentleness, playfulness, laughter, and loyalty. Teaches us to protect and nurture all living things.

Dolphin Crystal Essence is energy from and great to transmuting the negative energy to positive energy, brings someone to living in happiness.

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Dolphin Crystal Essence by Winarso

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Earth Harmony Reiki from Winarso

EUR 6.99

By Winarso year 2009

Earth Harmony Reiki channeled with the help of Devic Forces of Nature and Forces of Light to relieve pressure on tectonic plates (provides etheric lubrication) and to mitigate the noxious effects of man’s consciousness and negative emotional thought forms that have become imprinted into earth contributing to earthquake stress. It also negates the effects of earth fault stress upon the human energy field. This energy is programmed to transfer through water, global grid lines, the Christ grid and all other geomagnetic and etheric grid system from the site of installation.

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Earth Harmony Reiki from Winarso

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Golden Sunrise Attunement from Winarso

EUR 6.99

Short Description:

Golden Sunrise is a physical and mental healing system. This is a simple system, without symbols and the energy will flow and work only with your intention.

Golden Sunrise has primary benefits:

- Heaping to reduce the risk of some types of cancer

- Reducing asthma – like breathing symptoms

- Helping you sleep at night

- Lowering stress levels

- Speeding up healing

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Golden Sunrise Attunement from Winarso

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Ken Dedes Ray by Winarso

EUR 6.99

from Winarso year 2009

Ken Dedes Ray is a attunement process and a energy system that has benefits for clearing you Aura from negative energy, so your Aura will be more lightning. Ken Dedes Ray is also to strengthenes your body metabolism and to be normal your body cell regeneration. So when according to physical aspect, somebody in a well condition, his body metabolism body is normal, and also according to energy aspect in a well condition too, physical condition that wells and energy body is clear from negative energy will make his mind to more calm and peace. With like that, Inner Beauty will be appear and to be more strong somebody will be seen with more beautifull or handsome.

Ken Dedes Ray is feminine energy, so this system has a very calm and soft energy. Generally, Ken Dedes Ray is benefits for:
- Normality your body metabolism and cell regeneration;
- Your mind to be more calm and peace;
- Clearing your Aura from negative energy;
- Appear and increase your Inner Beauty.
Ken Dedes Ray is a energy system that work with automatically after you have receive the attunement for this system. This system is can’t to used to give a healing or clearing for anothers, but if someone want and need this system and feel the benefits from Ken Dedes Ray, you can pass to attunement for him.

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EUR 6.99

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Ken Dedes Ray by Winarso

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Kundalini Quartz Essence by Winarso

EUR 6.99

by Winarso year 2009

Kundalini Quartz Essence is an unique, simply and powerful system to help us to activate the Kundalini energy upwards in a snake like or DNA Helix like pattern. Working from the base chakra it rises to the 8 chakra above the crown. It opens and then help one to move forward from any previously blocked chakras.

Please remember if this system is no a healing system, you can’t using this system to do a healing/treatment for another. This system is for yourself, but if you wish this system can work for another, you can pass the attunement for others.

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Kundalini Quartz Essence by Winarso

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Power Wolf Essence by Winarso

EUR 6.99

from Winarso year 2009

Power Wolf Essence

The main prosperity of Power Wolf Essence is about healthy relationships.

Power Wolf Essence has benefits:

- Brings you to balance between independence and being with other, between honoring own needs and those of others.

- Brings you loyalty without losing the personal in integrity.

- Finding freedom in relationship.

- Friendliness and socialibility.

- Keeping clear boundaries with others.

- Truthfulness.

- Sincerity.

- Joyfulness.

- Strength of character, spirit, and stamina. Etc.

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Power Wolf Essence by Winarso

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Golden Yellow Energetic by Winarso

EUR 7.00

from Winarso

Golden Yellow Energetic

Price $ 25

Golden Yellow Energetic helps to reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness. Promotes compassion and empathy. Encourages perseverance. It relieves stammers and severe neuroses. Golden Yellow Energetic Activation stabilizes one’s state of mind, stimulates perception and enhances creativity.

It Aids in seeing alternatives and possibilities. Calms anger and irritation. Golden Yellow Energetic Activation is also Promotes feelings of well-being. The Golden Yellow Energetic Activation assist to balances male-female energy. It encourages regeneration of the heart. Protects against environmental pollution.

Physical, Golden Yellow Energetic Activation benefits the thymus gland and nervous system. It balances blood pressure and stimulates the metabolism, lowering eases skin eruptions, allergies, migraines, and soothes the eyes. It heals lungs, sinuses, heart, muscular and urogenital systems.

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EUR 7.00

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Golden Yellow Energetic by Winarso

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Light of Life Resonance by Winarso

EUR 7.00

by Winarso

Price $ 25

Light of Life Resonance resonates with that part of our consciousness that stimulates our capacity make moral judgements over the nature of right and wrong, good and evil. It is therefore a useful aid when we are placed in situations where we are confronted with such situations.

Light of Life Resonance softens that harsh and uncompromising line between the two polarities, helps us to discern the light within the darkness and the shadows cast by the light. It allows us to see and better understand why the light is not always white.

During our endeavours we all make mistakes. Best intentions can cause disorder and damage. Light of Life Resonance is available to help us connect with our inner compassion, so we do not feel so bad about ourselves, indulge in self-balme and guilt. This state of mind can also be projected, so Light of Life Resonance is also indicated for anyone who is unfortunate enough to be standing in the firing-line. Use Light of Life Resonance when blame is being thrown around. It is particularly useful when we are being accused by another, when we become the focus of someone else’s polarization of consciousness.

The Light of Life Resonance folk are those amongst us who are quick to take moral decisions and define others as wrong, bad, evil or dark. They fight for the high moral ground by portraying their “enemies” in as poor a light as possible.

They are the ones who take up the crusades, pursue witch-hunts and look to blame others when things do not go as they would have liked. Asphodel is useful in the process of forgiveness for it helps in the realization that set backs are a necessary part of a much great unfoldment than we can comprehend.

Suggested uses for Light of Life Resonance:

- For blame, guilt, shame and anger directed at self or another.

- In the process of conflict resolution.

- When there is spiritual fear – fear of the devil, the dark side of life – when the shadow confronted.

- To trigger our inner compassion - forgiveness.

- As a powerful cleanser – for purging.

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EUR 7.00

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Light of Life Resonance by Winarso

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High White Energy Transmitter by Winarso

EUR 7.00

From Winarso
Price $ 25
High White Energy Transmitter helps with knowing and intuition. It Aids spiritual journeying, protecting and maintaining physical contact while traveling. Used at its highest vibration, aids traveling into the highest spiritual realms. It is also used for psychic direction and guidance from guides, guardian angels, and totem animals.
High White Energy Transmitter stablishes a conscious a conscious connection between the spiritual and physical realms. It helps to provide a well-defined connection to the physical body during astral travel and also allows one to retain and bring back to the conscious self any information that obtained during travel.
High White Energy Transmitter also stimulating the third-eye enhancing intuitive vision. It brings “white light” energy to one’s soul and love to one’s heart. It is also used to activate the heart chakra. Beneficial in assisting one in reaching and sustaining the meditative state and a very powerful energy in activating the crown chakra. High White Energy Transmitter allows one to recognize their behaviors and attitudes and encourages chakra to become more positive, and helps one to see the truth in all aspects of life and promotes honesty.

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EUR  7.00

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High White Energy Transmitter by Winarso

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Children Joy Empowerment by Winarso

EUR 6.99

Children Joy empowerment from Winarso -

Price Founder 25 $ year 2012

Children Joy Empowerment aids you to break down barriers that you have created as protection around yourself. This allows you to move forward in life and discover your true purpose for being here. It may also relieve the need to take revenge on anyone who you feel has done you wrong, as its vibration help you to release any lack of trust other people.

It has a lovely energy that reminds you that you can enjoy life, that its okay to have fun. The Children Joy Empowerment bring through an energy that encourages positive attitudes, good luck and happiness, irrespective of the conditions of your life.

It is excellent energy to assist you to sleep well. This is because the energy of Children Joy Empowerment will suck up any negativity or disharmony that it finds in the surroundings. It will convert the negativity into positive energy … allowing an excellent effect on your well-being.

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Children Joy Empowerment by Winarso

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