EUR 6.99
by Winarso
Price Founder 25 $ year 2012
Orange Bubble of Light works strongly within the thymus or higher heart chakra to encourage you to open your heart to Divine love. it surrounds you in a bubble of high-vibration orange light that is a barrier against negativity.
Orange Bubble of Light has a powerful energy that brings all aspects of your etheric body into alignment. It will aid you with developing your intuition and instinct. It kindles love and harmony within the etheric body and has a strong healing action within the emotional body.
It has a strong energy for both hyperactivity and Attention Deficit hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It is also said to aid those with bipolar and other similar disorders. It strengthens the blood and it has a strong healing action within the area of the heart chakra. Orange Bubble of Light is also helps to heal the heart and lungs and will aid in oxygenating the cells.
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