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Orange Bubble of Light by Winarso

EUR 6.99

by Winarso

Price Founder 25 $ year 2012

Orange Bubble of Light works strongly within the thymus or higher heart chakra to encourage you to open your heart to Divine love. it surrounds you in a bubble of high-vibration orange light that is a barrier against negativity.

Orange Bubble of Light has a powerful energy that brings all aspects of your etheric body into alignment. It will aid you with developing your intuition and instinct. It kindles love and harmony within the etheric body and has a strong healing action within the emotional body.

It has a strong energy for both hyperactivity and Attention Deficit hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It is also said to aid those with bipolar and other similar disorders. It strengthens the blood and it has a strong healing action within the area of the heart chakra. Orange Bubble of Light is also helps to heal the heart and lungs and will aid in oxygenating the cells.

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EUR 6.99

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Orange Bubble of Light by Winarso

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EUR 7.00

by Winarso

Etheric Clearing Attunement 1 Level

Price $ 25.99

Etheric Clearing Attunement clears unlimitedly on a plantery, Solar, Galactic, Universal, Multiverse and Omniverse levels. This attunement allow us to clear/purge hundreds of negative and disempowering beliefs and programs that you are carrying on all levels and on others with their permission. After the clearing/purging is done the places/spaces that were cleared, are filled with light and sealed. You can also run the Etheric Clearing through the timelines which means you are extending the clearing through life experiences on all levels. You can clear/purge things like:

Anger, Rage, Resentment, Anxiety and Fear.

Home, Car, Real-Estate, Property and Healing/world service spaces and Places.

Crystals and all personal belongings.

Chakra and Aura Clearing.

Less-Than-Love Cords, Hooks Beings and influences.

Clearing your pets.

Programs and beliefs around unworthiness and hundreds of other negative and disempowering beliefs.

Clearing any less-than-love energies, beings and influences that are impacting your energy fields.

Clearing your money and all of your financial and economic exchanges.

Clearing any less-than-love energies, thought forms, feelings and programs you picked up through empathy with, resonance to or interactions with other people.

Negative self talk random inner dialogue and muck more.

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EUR 7.00

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Etheric Clearing Attunement Sequence Level 1 by Winarso



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EUR 7.00

Entity Removal Attunement

Price $ 25.99

Removal of intrusive spirit or intrusive energy which invaded the soul of the person and integrated within causing emotional or physical pain or illness. Many of medical conditions and addictions are caused by the foreign entities without any possible conscious knowledge of the person suffering from the effect of the entity.

Entities are non human energetic beings human energy field as their home literally.

They generate the various forms of fear inside the person and they feed of that fear.

To find out whether you are suffering from entity affecting you see if following applies to your situation:

Feeling lost, stuck, or unable to move on.

Unable to let go of the past hurts

Unable to control own emotions or thought

Feeling betrayed, abandoned and left out

Feeling not whole without someone else and needy of someone else

Feeling depressed, overly stressed and anxcious

Feeling empty, devastated, self hating

Feeling emotionally numb, crippled and torn apart

Feeling without power to change own life

The Entity Removal Attunement helps to clear and release entities, within you, your home, car and to release and clear astral entities for others with their permission.

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EUR 7.00

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Etheric Clearing Attunement Sequence Level 2

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EUR 7.00

Etheric Clearing Attunement 3 Level

Implant Removal Attunement

Price $ 25.99

The Implant Removal Attunement is a powerful easy tool that you can run on yourself, others, and also animal. Symptoms of headaches, anger, fear, drug addictions and nose bleeds for no apparent reason are amongst some of the symptoms of extraterrestrial implants.

When we are implanted by negative extraterrestrials, usually during a traumatic event like an accident, depression, divorce, drugs, any physical or psychological imbalance, this usually allows the negative elementals, also called parasites, to create more havoc as well.

This attunement assists in:

Defusing the implants

Clearing the implants

Clear imprints and cellular memory of the implants once defused and removed

Releasing and clearing cords and hooks connected to the implants

Resequences the areas back to divine order

Repairs holes and closes portals

Clears the genetic lines connected the implants that were removed.

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EUR 7.00

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Etheric Clearing Attunement Sequence level 3

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EUR 9.99

Etheric Clearing Attunement

Price $ 35.99

As we go through life, we actually surround and fill ourselves with what we think, feel, and do. We’re enter these energies in our day-to-day lives, they are constantly reminding us of the thoughts and emotions that put them there in the first place. Of course the same thing happens with positive, joy-filled thoughts actions and emotions. We’re actually leaving a cosmic trail as we go through life, part of our karmic pattern.

People are receptive to energy, even when they don’t consciously realize it. Have you ever gone into a building and instantly like the “feel” there or walk into a room and think you could cut the air with a knife? If so you’ve sensed the energy of the space.

Master Space clearing helps you create that lovely energy that feels so good walk into. And if you live in a house that was lived in by others, you may be inheriting their energies and, if so, they could be affecting you!

Master Space Clearing is an attunement system of cleansing and consecrating spaces. It is a profound and highly effective technique for clearing and revitalizing the energy in homes, offices, schools, and hospitals. Just as cleaning your house keeps the physical space looking and feeling nice to live in, space clearing makes the energetic space you live in feel clean and fresh.

Not only for a place/a room, this Master Space Clearing also highly effective for you energetic body systems, emotional, relationships, etc.

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Etheric Clearing Attunement Sequence Master Winarso

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Universal Peace Attunement by Winarso

EUR 6.99

Universal Peace from Winarso

Universal Peace Attunement helps us to clear energies of trauma and desecration due to acts and thoughts of man (and violent acts of nature) that have become imprinted in property including accident sites, negative thought forms and energies from battlefield areas, energy patterns and thought forms due to alcoholism, psychological imbalance, drug abuse, and other forms of abuse and discordant energies of man that have become imprinted into the material substance of your property and possessions. It provides a protective barrier against interfering influences and “dark forces” of many kinds.

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EUR 6.99

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Universal Peace Attunement by Winarso

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Harmony Pink Light Healing by Winarso

EUR 6.99

by Winarso

Price $ 25 year 2012

Harmony Pink Light Healing is a great healing energy, where it opens you consciousness from one extreme to the other, from the Goddess or Earth Mother at one extreme to Guiding Spirit or the Father Heaven at the other extreme. Both extremes of the spectrum of connection, like both extremes of the word from hart sound to soft sound. From Earth to Heaven.
Harmony Pink Light Healing attempts to bring harmony and balance through every aspect of the Being between the two extremes. When you have this type of balance it is then possible to connect into some very deep places and some very high places, with many “other” places in between. It is in the “other” places where we find the realms of the Devic consciousness which are balanced between Earth and Spirit.
When harmony and balance are created through the whole spectrum between the extremes of Earth to Spirit, or Mother to Father, then Gladness manifests within the heart or the centre of the Being. If Gladness awakens in the heart, then it awakens into the Divine and when Gladness is in a Divine state, the heart sings.
When the heart sings, the Devic Realms all hear the music and gather to see where such joyous sounds of Divine Gladness emanate.
Harmony Pink Light Heart boosts the immune system, and when you have an active immune system you enjoy better health. Therefore, Gladness in the heart brings better overall heath and when you have better overall health, you are uplifted and everything within your life is perceived at a higher level. You begin to see more with your heart, and less with your intellect.
You enter more closely into the Divine. Use this energy to raise yourself to new heights within your own Being. Allow yourself to be raised and then see what other sources of Divine consciousness gather round you.

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Harmony Pink Light Healing by Winarso

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Spiritual Force Transmutation by Winarso

EUR 9.99

by Winarso

Price $ 70

Opens to cosmic consciousness and aids in spiritual purification. This is a protective force that enhances meditation and attunement. It takes you to a very calm and clear spiritual dimension from which causes can be ascertained and transmuted.

It is particularly useful for ancestral and family healing as it reaches back to a time before the dysfunction arose. It provides a safe environment for spiritual contact or for a vision quest. It activates and energises the process, and at the same time grounds during spiritual activity.

This force calms the aura and opens the throat and higher crown chakras, linking to high spiritual vibrations. It moves you beyond your present metaphysical abilities, linking to the highest levels of spiritual knowing, and facilitates speaking of what one sees during spiritual visions.

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EUR 9.99

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Spiritual Force Transmutation by Winarso


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by Winarso

Pre-requisite 2º Level Reiki

price 1º level $15.99
price 2º level $25.99
price 3º level $40.99

As a healing energy, this light vortex effective Shakti to heal physical illness, mental emotional, and even spiritual problems.
- Vortex Light
- 7 Chakra Empowerment
- Palm Chakra Empowerment
- Terra Natura Empowerment
- Lights Vortex Sun Moon
- Diamond Turning Vortex Light Shield

2 Level
He brings a calming peace where he resides, and promotes the thought of love before speaking to the intellect. It helps to be gentle with yourself as well as others.
- Vortex Light Shakti
- Vortex Light Shakti Healing Meridian
- Trisula Light Shakti
- Empowerment of the Heart Chakra
- Vortex Light Shakti The Shield Activation
- The Kundalini Shakti

Level 3
He brings a calming peace where he resides, and promotes the thought of love before speaking to the intellect. It helps to be gentle with yourself as well as others.
- Vortex Light Shakti
- 7 subtle bodies cleaning Empowerment
- Vortex Light Shakti activation Shield II
- Kundalini Shakti II
- Fourth Chakra Dimensional Attunement

Manual English, attunement chi ball, and lineage.

$ 9.99

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Course Vortex Light Shakti Levels 1/3 by Winarso

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Vortex Light Shakti Level 1 - by Winarso


Price 15,99 $

Vortex Light Shakti i san excelent energy for enchancing our sense and feeling of security and helping us to establish our boundaries. It promotes a more relaxed attitude to life, balancing mood swings and making us more aware of our own emotions and promotions and promoting inner peace. It is also a protector from negative energies.

This energy is an excellent for meditation, enabling you both access and retrieve ancient wisdom and information about past lives. The Vortex Light Shakti Vortex is full of compressed shakti and is channeled to be intensely active so it can energize the system, and so it can break down and transform emotional and karmic conditioning. As a healing energy, this Vortex Light Shakti effective to heal physical, mental emotional diseases, and also spiritual problems.

1. Level :

- Vortex Light

- 7 Chakras Empowerment

- Palm Chakras Empowerment

- Earth Nature Empowerment

- Sun Moon Vortex Lights

- Diamond Vortex Light Shield Activation

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Vortex Light Shakti Level 1 - by Winarso

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Vortex Light Shakti Level 2 - by Winarso


Price 25,99 year 2010

Vortex Light Shakti is an inter Dimensional vortex energy that has the ability to transform the quality of glands, chakras and various energies, especially the kundalini energy. Vortex Light Shakti helps to raise the kundalini, it stimulates an opening in the pathway through which the kundalini may travel. It also help to lessen the discomfort involved in the movement of energy.

Vortex Light Shakti also assists in the movement of the kundalini into and through the heart chakra. It brings a calming peace where it resides, and promotes thinking with love before speaking with intellect. Helps one to be gentle with themselves as well as others.

2. Level :

- Vortex Light Shakti

- Vortex Light Shakti Meridian Healing

- Trisula Light Shakti

- Heart Chakra Empowerment

- Vortex Light Shakti Shield I Activation

- Kundalini Shakti I

receive manual, attunement chi ball

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Vortex Light Shakti Level 2 - by Winarso

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Vortex Light Shakti Level 3


from Hari Winarso Price 40,99 $ year 2010
Vortex Light Shakti is an inter Dimensional vortex energy that has the ability to transform the quality of glands, chakras and various energies, especially the kundalini energy. Vortex Light Shakti helps to raise the kundalini, it stimulates an opening in the pathway through which the kundalini may travel. It also help to lessen the discomfort involved in the movement of energy.

Vortex Light Shakti also assists in the movement of the kundalini into and through the heart chakra. It brings a calming peace where it resides, and promotes thinking with love before speaking with intellect. Helps one to be gentle with themselves as well as others.

3. Level:

- Vortex Light Shakti

- 7 Subtle Bodies Cleansing Empowerment

- Vortex Light Shakti Shield II Activation

- Kundalini Shakti II

- Fourth Dimensional Chakras Attunement

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Vortex Light Shakti Level 3


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Spritual Radiance Healing - by Winarso


Spiritual Radiance Healing

Spiritual Radiance Healing i san unique and wonderful healing energy. It is very suitable for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing work. Spiritual Radiance Healing has a very soothing and meditatively calming effect.

It helps to ease stress and tension and supports the natural self-healing powers and energetic equilibrium. Spiritual Radiance Healing is a very powerful energy. Spiritual Radiance Healing can serve as a health-care precaution. It can also bring relief to stress, tension, disturbed sleep, exhaustion and nervousness. It can have a supportive effect after illnesses or operation and can have a positive influence on the healing process.

Spiritual Radiance Healing distinguishes from other energies in its easy application and in its efficiency, clarity and purity. Spiritual Radiance Healing can be combined with all other conventional types of therapy and even intensifies their characteristics. Without hierarchical thinking Spiritual Radiance Healing strengthens one’s own consciousness and self responsibility in dealing with this free energy.

The meaning of the term ”physical energy” is the ability of a system to do work. We know the different forms as electric, mechanical, chemical and heat energy. The meaning of the term “subtle energy” is the ability of this energy to generate changes or transformations in ourselves. Seen generally it is a power of transformation or change, which can transform our ethereal, emotional, mental or spiritual body, our personality, our relationship to ourselves and our environment.

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Spritual Radiance Healing - by Winarso

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Rainbow Heart Clearing Ray by Winarso


Rainbow Heart Clearing Ray is a unique, simple and effective energetic activation, effectively clearing and charning any space with a rainbow of goodness & unconditional love.

It is an evolutionary energetic activation to assist us in expanding or ability to hold and create wisdom of the One Heart that unites all life in love.

Attunes the practitioner to the vibration of Unconditional Love and the next step we may take to claim this more fully in our lives.

It addresses negativity and issues through the various color bands, clearing the space and charging it with unconditional love.

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$ 8.99

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Rainbow Heart Clearing Ray by Winarso

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Life Force Infusion System Level 1 - by Winarso


from Hari Winarso Price 25,99 $ year 2010

Life Force Infusion System

Life Force Infusion System fosters balance in all aspects of your life. When you are more balanced, more life force can flow through you to touch every aspect of your being. This increased flow fosters even greater balance, which in turn attracts even more life force. Because this energy system is to promote balance, it brings your entire being into balance in a balanced way – slowly and steadily.

Life Force Infusion System balances you whole being; when you works with this energy in a specific areas of the body, it balances those areas. For example, if you works this energy on a disharmonious stomach, this will attract life force to the stomach, promoting greater balance there and helping the stomach become healthier.

Life Force Infusion System brings balance to your body’s physical processes, including those involved in the functioning of your endocrine, organ, nervous, circulatory, digestive, one other systems. Life Force Infusion System balances these processes one at a time, beginning its work with whatever requires its attention most. As this system draws more life force to your physical body, a healing may start to occur. Such healing is not the direct effect of this system but of the increased life force that this system brings to your body. As you continue to works this, your health will naturally improve.

1 st Degree: At this degree, you will use 2 symbols that is “ NinFa – Sha” and “ Re – Han – Ra” in your healing/ treatment session.

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Life Force Infusion System Level 1 - by Winarso

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Life Force Infusion System Level 2 - by Winarso


Hari Winarso Price 25,99 $ year 2010

Life Force Infusion System

Life Force Infusion System fosters balance in all aspects of your life. When you are more balanced, more life force can flow through you to touch every aspect of your being. This increased flow fosters even greater balance, which in turn attracts even more life force. Because this energy system is to promote balance, it brings your entire being into balance in a balanced way – slowly and steadily.

Life Force Infusion System balances you whole being; when you works with this energy in a specific areas of the body, it balances those areas. For example, if you works this energy on a disharmonious stomach, this will attract life force to the stomach, promoting greater balance there and helping the stomach become healthier.

Life Force Infusion System brings balance to your body’s physical processes, including those involved in the functioning of your endocrine, organ, nervous, circulatory, digestive, one other systems. Life Force Infusion System balances these processes one at a time, beginning its work with whatever requires its attention most. As this system draws more life force to your physical body, a healing may start to occur. Such healing is not the direct effect of this system but of the increased life force that this system brings to your body. As you continue to works this, your health will naturally improve. ---

2 nd Degree: At this second degree, you will use a symbol called “ChiKaiSin”.

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Life Force Infusion System Level 2 - by Winarso

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Life Force Infusion System Level 3 - by Winarso


Hari Winarso Price 25,99 $ year 2010

Life Force Infusion System

Life Force Infusion System fosters balance in all aspects of your life. When you are more balanced, more life force can flow through you to touch every aspect of your being. This increased flow fosters even greater balance, which in turn attracts even more life force. Because this energy system is to promote balance, it brings your entire being into balance in a balanced way – slowly and steadily.

Life Force Infusion System balances you whole being; when you works with this energy in a specific areas of the body, it balances those areas. For example, if you works this energy on a disharmonious stomach, this will attract life force to the stomach, promoting greater balance there and helping the stomach become healthier.

Life Force Infusion System brings balance to your body’s physical processes, including those involved in the functioning of your endocrine, organ, nervous, circulatory, digestive, one other systems. Life Force Infusion System balances these processes one at a time, beginning its work with whatever requires its attention most. As this system draws more life force to your physical body, a healing may start to occur. Such healing is not the direct effect of this system but of the increased life force that this system brings to your body. As you continue to works this, your health will naturally improve. ---

3 rd Degree: The third degree is the Master Level, this level has a symbol called “Tirasi” as the Master Symbol.

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Life Force Infusion System Level 3 - by Winarso

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Life Force Infusion System fosters balance in all aspects of your life. When you are more balanced, more life force can flow through you to touch every aspect of your being. This increased flow fosters even greater balance, which in turn attracts even more life force. Because this energy system is to promote balance, it brings your entire being into balance in a balanced way – slowly and steadily.

Life Force Infusion System balances you whole being; when you works with this energy in a specific areas of the body, it balances those areas. For example, if you works this energy on a disharmonious stomach, this will attract life force to the stomach, promoting greater balance there and helping the stomach become healthier.

Life Force Infusion System brings balance to your body’s physical processes, including those involved in the functioning of your endocrine, organ, nervous, circulatory, digestive, one other systems. Life Force Infusion System balances these processes one at a time, beginning its work with whatever requires its attention most. As this system draws more life force to your physical body, a healing may start to occur. Such healing is not the direct effect of this system but of the increased life force that this system brings to your body. As you continue to works this, your health will naturally improve.

1 st Degree: At this degree, you will use 2 symbols that is “ NinFa – Sha” and “ Re – Han – Ra” in your healing/ treatment session.

2 nd Degree: At this second degree, you will use a symbol called “ChiKaiSin”.

3 rd Degree: The third degree is the Master Level, this level has a symbol called “Tirasi” as the Master Symbol.

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$ 9.99

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Life Force Infusion System 1/3 Levels - by Winarso

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Inner Awareness Awakening by Winarso


Inner Awareness Awakening

Inner Awareness is from 2 words: Inner = Inside, within the essence of our being on some spiritual level; Awareness = one’s perception of reality from one level or plane/dimension to another.

Some people have only awareness of existing on the physical plane, other who are more sensitive to subtle energies around us experience other plane of reality. Therefore, what we are discussing when we say inner awareness, is our ability to use our inner awareness, our inner senses to perceive and interpret other vibrational frequencies or dimensions which exist side by side with us. I believe for each physical sense (sight, hearing, smelling, etc), each of us has a similar inner sense. The key thing to remember is that if one is attuned to these subtle vibrational dimension, the laws of these other realities can be extremely different than our own. For example what would a reality be like that did not have the constraint of time and space?

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$ 7.99

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Inner Awareness Awakening by Winarso

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Amethyst Flower Essence by Winarso

EUR 6.99

by Winarso

The Amethyst Flower:
The Amethyst Flower is a “stone of love”, a “stone of Healing”, and “a stone of blessings”. It provides for a connection between the crown the chakra and the heart chakra, stimulating a resonant love which can be felt by others and which is totally “in tune” with the vibratory energies of the perfect state of the universe (crown chakra correlation).

The Amethyst Flower Essence:

The Amethyst Flower Essence helps one to forgive oneself and others, enhancing one’s understanding of the lessons which have been chosen for this visit to the physical realm.

It assists in providing for clarity of communication between the worlds, enhancing messages with clarity, simplicity, and precision, and allowing for a re – charging effect for all. An Amethyst Flower Elixir is excellent for activating contact and bridging the interval of frequency and distance.

For discouragement or despair, using the Amethyst Flower Essence in one’s environment, provides for the flow of gentle loving information from the spiritual world to the mental plane, bringing peace and relaxation to the user. It has been used to enable the opening of the heart center allowing for the dissolution of stress and tension.

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EUR 6.99

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Amethyst Flower Essence by Winarso

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