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Amber Essence by Winarso

EUR 6.99

by Winarso Amber Essence

Amber Essence works well to sensually enticing, calming to the mind, and helpful in preparing for meditation or contemplation. Amber, known as the “King of Scents” helps one to let go of daily concerns and to enter the world of sensual arousal elevation, depending on the intention.

Either way, Amber Essence will assist you in entering an exalted realm where thoughts are suspended and time stands still. Amber Essence bring us to delight. Its irresistible fragrance helps to open the heart center and expand consciousness through a deepening of theta-wave brain states.

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Amber Essence by Winarso

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Energy Release Energetic Device from Winarso

EUR 6.99

by Winarso

Price Founder 25 $ year 2012

Energy Release Energetic Device

When we want to make changes in our lives and embrace the exciting possibilities of the future – by releasing the we draw new energy into our lives. When we are low and run down, lack of vitality can be caused by expending energy holding on to something that needs to be released. When we are experiencing the dark night of the soul and can see no light at the end of the tunnel. When we stand at a major crossroad in life, the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next.

Energy Release Energetic Device stimulates our desire to separate from that which we know is in longer serving us in a positive way. Working with this device allows us to see with more clarity that we do not have to hold on, we can surrender the reins of power to something beyond ourselves.

It opens doors to the past allowing tightly help emotional patterns which inhibit change to be released. Energy Release Energetic Device helps us look at the dark emotions such as anger, hate, fury, resentment, disgust without guilt or shame. Staying With it strengthens resolve when we look back, reminding us why we let go in the first place. This great energetic device makes adjustments to our aura so we are more receptive and accepting of new impulses as they enter our being.

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Energy Release Energetic Device from Winarso

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Solar Sword by Winarso

EUR 9.99

From Winarso

Price $ 60 year 2011

Solar Sword is powerful healing and cleansing modality and is reputed to cleanse the blood as well as helping to move energy around the body. It has such wonderful abilities to ease pain in joints and ligaments and energize the endocrine system, creating good healing outcomes in the stomach area.

It is a powerful that will enhance tissue revitalization. It relief from many different afflictions. It supports clearing of problems associated with the Sacral Chakra, and draws physical illness out of the spleen, liver and other organs in this area.

Solar Sword links the everyday self to the spiritual self and is highly protective against any negativity, especially from psychic sources, Solar Sword give us ways to relieve stress and may help to clear depression. They aid the emotions and creates a more positive outlook on life.

Solar Sword gives the person who works it a lovely sense of health and healing. It balances the emotions, clears the mind, releases negative energy, eases stress by clearing phobias and fears. It heals the glandular system and stimulates the healing of problems within the DNA as well as relieving karmic related illness. It connects you to inner wisdom via the Sacral Chakra and enhances clairsentience.

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Solar Sword by Winarso

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Shen Energy by Winarso

EUR 9.99


Price founder 70 $ year 2012

Sehn Energy is a high spiritual energy, where it dissolves old heart pain and encourages us to truly embrace the “spirit of the heart”.

Shen Energy is a very powerful heart cleanser and strengthener for those who must learn the deeper spiritual lessons of love freedom. Close and intimate relationships will be difficult and painful. Those on the outside will see that many of their trails and tributations will be self-inflicted, although those at the centre will not be able to understand this intellectually because powerful emotions will cloud any calm and rational thought. This energy promotes the ability to love unconditionally.

In traditional Chinese Shen is often translated as “God”. Shen Energy Attunement assist the individual using it to embrace their divinity and to radiate Light.

The Shen Energy brings us o Love, Light, Laughter, Joy. It is an energy of Peace, Allowing, Embracing, Acceptance. It is Comfort, Eases, and Enthusiasm.

Shen Energy kindles a space/time in our consciousness where we are able to respond from our hearts with generosity and ease.

The primary effect of this attunement is to raise the vibrational frequency of the heart centre to its highest range. It promotes self worth and lends new meaning to the dignity of being human. It allows us to interact with each other with grace, ease, and compassion. It is much needed on the earth plane at this time.

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Shen Energy by Winarso

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Lotus Body Vibration by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Lotus Body Vibration by Winarso

Price 70$

Lotus Body Vibration attunes you to a high spiritual vibration and assists in clarifying channeled messages and impressions received from the higher planes. It assist in linking to the universal wisdom embodied in ancient texts, it enhances communication and understanding of wisdom at any level.

Lotus Body Vibration facilitates out of body experiences, guiding the soul to its destination and promoting total recall of the experience. Lotus Body Vibration imparts urgency to spiritual evolution, speeding up the ability to move between multidimensional levels of consciousness and attuning the physical body to the changing vibration.

Lotus Body Vibration is an excellent stone for facilitating deep change and for leaving the past behind. It can act as a karmic cleanser particularly for the heart, releasing miasms and mental imperatives that have been carried forward. It starts the soul off on a new direction.

When meditated with, Lotus Body Vibration facilitates the retrieval of information encoded in the subtle DNA, retrieving ancestral patterns and events, and the soul and far memory.

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Lotus Body Vibration by Winarso

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Tiger Soul - by Winarso

EUR 9.00

Tiger Soul by Winarso

Price 50$

Tiger Soul It is very powerful and unique energy pattern where it can stimulates the vitality and enhance the immune systems. It enhances courage, brings passion and physical strength, and allows these attributes to be tempered with mental clarity and a joyful outlook. Tiger Soul strengthens force of will and courage and can be quickly utilized as a protective shield.

Tiger Suol is useful in slowing down the Third Chakra and flushing out excess energy. In general is an emotional balancer that soften stubbornness and gives clear insight. It will ground and center, thus strengthening the connection with will and personal power.

Tiger Suol Beneficial to aid with dream work, and enhance dream recall. It is said that this energy will enhance responsibility, choice and compassion. Metaphysically it is surported to have a stabilizing effect, and can help one take all one’s energy and use it in a more balanced manner.

It is said to bring joy into life, acting somewhat like adrenaline, waking up and energizing areas of the body that appear to be sleeping. It is believe to encourage a deep connection with life and of the earth. It inspires a positive, joyful attitude and give the motivation and energy to take creative action.

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Tiger Soul - by Winarso

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Star of Heart - by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Star of Heart by Winarso

Price $ 60

Star Of Heart connects to all of the chakras. Its energy helps to clear all one’s energy fields of negativity including entities and attachments within one’s etheric body. Star Of Heart helps to protect one’s energy fields from all forms of radiation and energetic imbalances, bringing high vibrational energy into one’s energy fields. Thus allowing one’s energy fields to stabilize and re-balance the flow of energy.

Star Of Heart helps one to acknowledge and release negative thought from and emotions by replacing them with positive energies which allows one to “step into one’s personal power” and help one overcome addictions and negative emotional patters.

Star Of Heart is an excellent modality for generating and focusing energy beams for use in healing a person or environment, Star Of Heart remover emotional energy blockages and enhances positive vibrations. Extremely helpful in psychic attack or negative thinking, it repairs the aura after attachments have been removed and turns thought positive.

Star Of Heart boosting the body’s self-healing systems, it enhances the healing energy of other modalities.

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Star of Heart - by Winarso

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Spiritual Power Influx System - by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Spiritual Power Influx System by Winarso

Price $ 70

Surrounding the use of Spiritual Power Influx System is the belief that there lies outside of us, above and beyond, a greater force which has the potential to heal. Many therapists consciously tap this spiritual reservoir of energy to aid their client’s recovery.

The universal healing energy permeates every atom within the cosmos, is eternally present and can be used if conscious intent is applied. There is no one way in which this is achieved, each individual who is aware of this source does it in their own unique way.

All forms of healing create vibrations within the subtle anatomy that are in harmony with this universal healing source. Spiritual Power Influx System is a vibration which, when used, externally or internally, stimulates the spiritual healing energy and opens fully the channels which allow the flow of this energy into the personal aura.

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Spiritual Power Influx System - by Winarso

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Abundance Magnet Orb - by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Abundance Magnet Orb by Winarso

Price $ 70

Is a unique helpful energetic tool, it aligns Body, Mind, Emotions, and Spirit to act in a unified manner to achieve to individual goals while forging a connection with the larger flow of all of life. It promotes “abundance consciousness”.

Abundance Magnet Orb alleviates self doubt, encourage self worth, and promotes willingness to receive participate in the flow. It is an essence of transformation of consciousness.

Abundance Magnet Orb brings to mind the joy – the feast of love, joy and abundance. It is both warning and soothing to the Body/Mind and helps to maintain the fine line of balance between the excitement and fear of new ventures. It frees us to participate fully in the adventure of life by gently releasing limiting attitudes.

The Abundance Magnet Orb Treatment is a 21 day commitment to yourself. The purpose of the 21 Day treatment Program is to create a new framework for manifesting Abundance at any and all levels of your life. You may choose your focus to by money, relationships, work, family, health, or any area where you are experiencing lack or scarcity.

This is channeled and designed to release “stuff” which no longer serves you, or to assist you in creating a particular experience of Abundance in your life.

Essentially the program will repattem cellular memory so that you can experience your own inner power to manifest exactly what you want.

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Abundance Magnet Orb - by Winarso

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Golden Sun Star by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Golden Sun – Star by Winarso

Price $ 50

Golden Sun – Star opens a blocked or an unawakened Third Eye. It heals the Third Eye and Soma Chakra . This energy facilitates visualization, grounds spiritual vision and connects to higher spiritual forces. Golden Sun – Star is uplifting to the spirits and imparts the ability to face life’s challenges. It disperses dark moods and brings emotional balance. It unites Base, Sacal and Solar Plexus Chakra blocked by criticism and disapproval.

Golden Sun – Star imparts abundant energy and stabilizes the link between physical and subtle bodies, enhancing sexuality and enters every cell of the body, recharging and invigorating cell functions, imparting physical and psychological strength. This energy enhances ones physical vitality and brings more energy into the auric field. It is an energy pattern of the new consciousness when the great transformation of humanity takes place.

It is stimulating to the auric field and meridians, acting as a prism for soul- level energy, infusing the aura with a rainbow spectrum of light. During healing this energy enhances and strengthens the energy of other modalities and provides protection from electromagnetic fields created with electronics and computers.

Golden Sun – Star bring metal and emotional balance and bestows new energies to dismiss traditional issues. It has been used to provide contact with the “fairy kingdom”, bringing openness and receptivity to tranquility and abundance, and can favorably influence the outcome of lawsuits, petitions and judgments. Golden Sun- Star directs energy to where it is needed most to stimulate, heal, recharge, and re-motivate. It imparts an energy of sovereignty and eliminates self-sabotage.

It is a manifestation energy and increases the flow of abundance into one’s life.

Golden Sun-Star aids the digestive system, fortifies the nerves, and stimulates the immune system. It supports and oxygenates the blood, liver, spleen and overcomes anemia. It brings the body into balance and excellent in soothing bums. Golden Sun- Star is an excellent energy to those prone to nervous exhaustion or physical depletion. This energy increases vitality, highly programmable and can amplify one’s intention in any area especially those inspired by love and compassion. It uplifts one’s mood and puts one into a state of serenity and peace allowing one to perceive and receive the love energies of the higher planes.

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Golden Sun Star by Winarso

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Sun Radiance Attunements - from Winarso

EUR 9.99

Sun Radiance Attunements by Winarso

Price $ 70 year 2011

Sun Radiance Attunement has a higher frequency of energy, it have high vibration.

You will not find any techniques to use this energy, it just attunement (s), because i will work differently for each person who uses it for it will be “fine-tuned” by the person’s own Guides and Master Teachers. This is one of the most exciting aspects of this energy for me, to know that each person who resonates with it and works with it will be receiving the added benefit of their own Guides and Teachers working with them in this whole new way!

Too, the person’s own Guides and Master Teachers shall be guiding each person on how to use this energy for their own best benefit so it is very important to be sure that one pays close attention to such things as dreams, synchronicity, intuition and so forth.

This is such an amazing time to be alive, the sky and beyond is truly the limit for what any of us can manifest and experience in our lives!

This is a modality that we shall be co-creating with The Beings Of Light as our planet becomes more and more aligned with the Highest Vibrations of The Universe.

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Sun Radiance Attunements - from Winarso

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Earth Star Super Radiance - by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Earth Star Super Radiance by Winarso

Price $ 60 year 2011

EarthStar Super Radiance is a strong modality and energy to heal the earth, and to heal us, both emotionally and spiritually. It resonates strongly through the Base chakra and the Earth Chakra to release excess energy and spiritual grounding into Mother Gaia.

The radiance of these energy aids us to feel a stronger sense of support and connection to the earth. The energy of EarthStar will balance and support our lower chakra and provide us with a feeling of stability within our life.

These energy have an excellent radiance for allowing us to feel more grounded, fully present and centered. It may aid us be more patient and to be more content about our life circumstances. It may relieve anger and resentment and help us if we have anxiety, stress or other negative emotional feelings.

Earthstar Super Radiance give us useful ways to relieve stress and when we are generally having difficulty coping emotionally with the circumstances of our life, these energy may be particularly helpful.

EarthStar Super Radiance help to clear the auric field of disharmony, then balance our chakras. It may bring our vibration to higher point, in preparation for making contact with spirit. Once it has succeeded in raising our vibration this energy then flows through to energize the physical body.

These energetic tool have a strong healing vibration and will work within all chakra. It will clear and balance the chakras as the energy flows out into our auric field.

EarthStar Super Radiance creates an impressive result, because it distributes energy and light outwards to create an amazing energetic charge. This strong field of light will then flow out into our aura. The result is a deep sense of peace and harmony. Any energy blockages that may originate from past life issues that have not been resolved, may then be able to be healed.

The treatment / healing of it will help you release disharmony and stress and aid the healing of physical problems, including aches and pains. EarthStar Super Radiance is also help to aid the immune system and to help with calcium absorption. It bring an influx of energy into the body creating increased sparkle, liveliness, endurance and zest for life.

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Earth Star Super Radiance - by Winarso

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Magickal Dolphin Healing - by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Magickal Dolphin Healing by Winarso

Price founder 60 $ year 2011

Magickal Dolphin Healing is beautiful healing energy, it heals very deep trauma on soul and karmic levels. The dolphins have such amazing healing abilities which is why this modality is so powerful in its ability to transmute deep emotional and physical trauma.

This Magickal Dolphin Healing will help allow the woman to take their power back and men to honour the power the power of women without feeling intimidated by it. This helps facilitate bring back the balancing energies of the male and female to support each other instead of feeling the struggles that are such common place in our society today.

This energy works with women and men in different ways so we will explain how it works when a male takes the essence and how it works when a female takes it. There are also aspects that work for both the masculine and feminine energies.

Also remember that the human form has both male and female energies healing will take place with the male aspect of a woman and the female aspect of the man as well.

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Magickal Dolphin Healing - by Winarso

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Black Vortex Reiki - by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Black Vortex Reiki by Winarso

Price $ 60

Black Vortex Reiki is a powerful energy for psychological and auric clearing that never needs clearing, the striations rapidly move negativity out of the subtle bodies, aligning and grounding the chakras, and draw disease and stagnant energy from the physical body replenishing it with positive energy and reprogrammed cellular memory.

With strong links to the earth, Black Vortex Reiki supports environmentalism and connects with those are assisting the evolution of the planet. It is helpful to keep cells connected to the overall divine blueprint to maintain health.

Black Vortex Reiki grounds the soul and spiritual forces into the physical plane, bringing them under the direction of the conscious will and making it possible to manifest spiritual energies on earth. Black Vortex Reiki forces facing up to one’s true self, taking you deep into the subconscious mind in the process. It brings imbalances and shadow qualities to the surface for release, highlighting hidden factors. It magnifies all negative energies so that they can fully experienced and then released.

Black Vortex Reiki is protective, it repels negativity and disperses unloving thoughts.

It facilitates the release of old loves and provides support during change.

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Black Vortex Reiki - by Winarso

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Celestial Fire Vortex by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Celestial Fire Vortex by Winarso

Price founder 60 $

Celestial Fire Vortex has higher energy vibration that connected with the Crown Chakra. The energy of Celestial Fire Vortex is an effective energy for cellular regeneration and cause a flush of pure healing energy.

It acts as a trigger, causing old patterns of disease or imbalance to all away and new patterns to be created. It is an energetic tool to bringing the physical body into line with the Light energy. It can be used to enhancing and harmonizing any chakra or any other part of the body.

It helps us to have insight and allows one to predetermine the destination prior to or during astral travel. Celestial Fire Vortex stimulates the female energies and can be used to balance an excess of male tendencies.

Celestial Fire Vortex works too balance or stabilize the inner self integrating the personality with the higher self. Also help to enhance psychic knowing, guidance and direction. Brings us information about the soul, structure and spiritual realities.

Physically, it can treat disorders of the lower back and offers healing energy to the male reproductive system. It also used to rid toxins in the system from addictions – alcohol, smoking etc. celestial Fire Vortex is a very powerful healing tool that you will surely use in every healing session … By itself or combined with other modalities.

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Celestial Fire Vortex by Winarso

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Metallic Laser Trilogy by Winarso


From Hari Winarso year 2010

Silver Laser. Golden Laser. Platinum Laser.

Silver Laser can be used to disperse the negative thoughts and can protect against diseases, it helps financial stability and protecting the business. Align the root chakra and stimulates the Kundalini.

Golden Laser Prerequisites: Laser Silver. Golden laser activates the heart chakra and aligns with the throat chakra and the third eye synthesizes the energies to produce thoughts of love and loving communication. It connects to infinite source of 'love, which is purified at all levels.

Platinum Laser is the last of Metallic Laser Trilogy, Silver and Golden Laser prerequisites. Platinum laser allows the exploitation of 'intuition and clarity of communication. It helps in spiritual growth. It stimulates psychic abilities and clairvoyance, spiritual vision and telepathy.

Receive 3 activations, 3 manuals in English by founder and lineage

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Metallic Laser Trilogy by Winarso

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Metallic Laser Platinum by Winarso


from Hari Winarso 16 $ year 2010

Platinum Laser è l'ultimo dei Metallic Laser Trilogy, prerequisiti Silver e Golden Laser.

Metallic Laser Trilogy – III

Platinum Laser

Platinum Laser is the last of Metallic Laser Trilogy, you must have been receive the Golden Laser, before take the attunement of Platinum Laser. Platinum Laser allowing for enhancement of intuition and clarity of communication. It aids in the quest for spiritual growth. It stimulates psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, spiritual vision and telepathy, linking guidance from higher dimensions. Promotes dream recall and understanding. The energy clears all chakras and opens channels for spiritual energy to flow.

Platinum Laser is used to bring access to the astral, ethereal, and higher planes so that we can remove barriers and understand the patience of step by step progression. It can help remove blockages in the chakra system, assisting the flow of Kundalini energy throughout the energy centers and bodies. Helps in the removal of doubts and places you into being completely in command of your life. They can be conduits for currents of profound inner illumination, yet this awakening is not and ascension out of the world.

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Metallic Laser Platinum by Winarso

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Metallic Golden Laser by Winarso


from Winarso Price founder 16 $ year 2010

Metallic Laser Trilogy II

Golden Laser

You must have been receive the attunement of Silver Laser, before take the attunement of this Golden Laser. Golden Laser activates the Heart Chakra and aligns the Heart Chakra with the Throat and Third Eye Chakra. It synthesizes the energies to produce loving thoughts and living communication. Just holding this stone produces the feeling of a powerful peace, gently penetrating the inner core of ones being. It connects one to the infinite source of love, providing for purification on all levels. It further initiates the internal acknowledgement and external expression of self-love, unconditional love, and romantic love. it is an excellent energy for those who are not totally relaxed when expressing the emotions of the heart.

It can also used to remove obstacles from ones path. It further provides indication of the procedural steps required to attain the desired end result and acts as a facilitator in the physical, emotional, and intellectual realms. It dissolves negativity, automatically raising the vibrations of the area surrounding it; the diameter of the energy field can range from two inches to infinity (if directed properly). It can be used to dispel possession from outside influence/entities, providing protection on the outer areas of the aura, Golden Laser produces a shield from unwanted energies.

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Metallic Golden Laser by Winarso

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Metallic Silver Laser by Winarso


From Hari Winarso 16 $ year 2010

Metallic Laser Trilogy –Silver Laser 1

Silver Laser can be used to dispel fearful thoughts and can protect against illness and violence. Enhances stability of finances and protects in business pursuits. Aligns the base chakra and stimulates the Kundalini. When you work with this energy it enables the kundalini to rise. Silver Laser calms and helps diminish depression.

The Silver Laser also enhances the care for others. Helps to provide psychic and physical protection. Aids in grounding. Useful for long periods of stress and when the energy is low.

This energy is warms and energises physically and emotionally. It aids meditation and promoters patience, persistence and compassion. Assists in achieving emotional balance, self-confidence and the implementation of creative energy.

For physical, the energy of Silver Laser strengthens the blood, muscles and kidneys and promoter physical stamina. It boosts sexuality, passion and fertility. Its’ warming and energising powers aid in arthritic and rheumatoid conditions.

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Metallic Silver Laser by Winarso

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Indigo 3rd Eye Power System by Winarso


To learn and receive the Indigo 3 rd Rye Power System, you must be a Reiki Master and already have doing the 21 days self healing.

The Indigo 3 rd Eye Power System has 3 times of attunements, that is:

1. 3 rd Eye Clearing Attunement: This attunement have purposes to clear any negative energies and release any blockages you may have. Emotions like anxiety, fear and insecurity are some blockages to your 3 rd Eye.

2. 3 rd Eye Activation Attunement: This attunement have a purpose to activate the 3 rd Eye Chakra.

3. In digo 3 rd Eye Power Attunement: the Indigo 3 rd Eye Power Attunement is the main attunement at this system, establishes a direct connection to your pineal gland, pituitary gland and nervous system. It seeks to slowly and safely bring your Minds Eye ( 3 rd Eye) into higher vibration and level of activity, thus resulting in greater mental faculties, greater intelligence, greater imagination, greater insight into many areas of life and also seeks to calm and balance ones own nervous system. Also this attunement will increase your physic abilities. At here you will use a symbol. There are minimum 3 days between 3 rd Eye Clearing Attunement and 3 rd Eye Activation Attunement. Then, 7 days between 3 rd Eye Activation Attunement and Indigo 3 rd Eye Power Attunement.

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$ 9.00

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Indigo 3rd Eye Power System by Winarso

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