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Indigo Light Body Vibrational by Winarso


by Winarso Price 45.99 $ year 2010

Indigo Light Body Vibrational is an art off healing energy, with specific techniques to enhance essential health and well-being. It is a state of consciousness in which the spirits of love and truth are allowed to predominate, letting the current of life flow through us.

Indigo Light Body Vibrational is available to everyone is on path of healing. This attunement clears the pathways in your body and raises your light body bringing it closer to the Divine. This means that you will be able to connect with your higher self, personal guides, Angel, Ascended Masters and other Light Divine Beings on a clearer channel as you have stepped closer to them.

There are other benefits from this attunement. As the light vibration in your body shifts and becomes lighter, this is felt on many levels. On an emotional level, you may feel more positive and will be able to assert your truth and allow yourself to be heard more, this means that positive changer may occur within relationships for you are able to speak and listen more clearly and consciously. As the attunement re-awakens your inner light truth you will sense your own intuition more guiding you on a heart led path to happiness and joy.

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Indigo Light Body Vibrational by Winarso

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Meteorite Energy by Winarso


From Hari Winarso year 2010

Price founder 45,99 $

Meteorite Energy is an unique and higher Energy from. There are 2 levels for this system.

A meteorite is a natural object original in outer space that survives impact with the Earth’s surface. Most meteorites derive from small astronomical objects called meteoroids, but they are also sometimes produced by impacts of asteroids. When it enters the atmosphere, impact pressure causes the body to heat up and emit light, thus forming a fireball, also known as a meteor or shooting/falling star. The bolide refers to either an extraterrestrial body that collides with the Earth, or to an exception bright, fireball-like meteor regardless of whether it ultimately impacts the surface.

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Meteorite Energy by Winarso

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Nature Elements by Winarso


From Hari Winarso

Nature Elements System

The four elements build up forms of the subtle and physical bodies, exist on all levels ( or planes) empower the functioning of the bodies. Any disease produces a distortion or impairs the elements in the body.

If one of them is weak, the devitalized element will produce a dysfunction in the body concerned, in the location that is the sphere of its influence.

Each element is connected with a specific chakra. In once sense, a chakra is equivalent to the axis of receptivity of the elemental energies and of the vital energies ( life force or prana) distributed the subtle and physical bodies.

The Nature Elements System work on two levels:

- To restore the health of elements in the body. For example, Earth Element works at the level of the lst chakra (Base Chakra) and unites with the force/prana.

- To strengthen the receptivity of vital energies in the chakra.

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Nature Elements by Winarso

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EUR 9.99

Laviliat Attunement ( Lavender Violet Light Atomic) by Winarso

Price $ 70

Laviliat Attunement or Lavender Violet Light Atomic is a great and excellent modality with the great energy, where the energy is reaching to the atomic structure and its parts, until the smallest.

The attunement of Laviliat raises the human vibration to an even higher spiritual connection. An excellent stimulation to a new high. An attunement of self re-membering and heightened self-awareness, it enables recall of what you do in all dimensions of consciousness and re-membering the vast spectrum of your spiritual self. Laviliat brings about profound emotional and multidimensional healing.

Laviliat clears negative energy, aids joyful spiritual service and higher states of consciousness, giving guidance and protection. This energy shields from unwanted energies, providing a protective sheath around the aura, and dispels attached entities and mental influences from the aura. It imparts the ability to be self contained even within a the crown. It strengthens the energy field around the body.

It is an excellent energy for meditation and soul retrieval and aids going back into past lives to regain soul energy that did not make transition away from a past life death. It facilitates the journey back to the site of the soul loss and can be used as the receptacle for the soul until it is reintegrated into the body. In this respect, it can heal past life death trauma and point the way to soul healing.

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La Viliat (Lavender Violet Light Atomic) by Winarso

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Aura Infusion's System by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Aura Infusion’s System by Winarso

Price $ 70

Aura Infusion’s System has a vibration that increases the amount of light coming into your auric field to aid ascension and spiritual growth. This added light is highly effective at helping to create excellent results in many areas of the body and particularly in the throat chakra. By bringing additional light into this area, your overall communication abilities will be improved, and as well you may acquire enhanced psychic communication gifts. The vibration of this system brings you an increase in joy, with the flow on effect healing your emotional state to improve as well as assisting the healing of any relationship problems you may have.

This is powerful system as the addition of light into your auric field charges the light body and creates a clear spiritual purpose. It you wish to expand the growth of psychic powers including amplifying your medium ship and channeling gifts, this system may be of benefit.

It may also help you to make contact with angels and to find your spirit guides.

It has a deep resonance within the Heart chakra, Throat Chakra and Third eye chakra. As the third eye chakra is strongly related to developing psychic abilities.

Aura Infusion’s System will be a definite asset to you if you are working on these gifts.

It you lack self confidence this energy will be benefit to you. Aura Infusion’s System aids courage and self respect, and brings joy, happiness and improved self esteem. It may enhance your creativity and brings good luck and good fortune.

The energy may the healing of various problems, including blood diseases and ulcers and may aid pain relief. It supports normal appetite and reduces mental and spiritual fatigue. It also has excellent protective qualities against psychic manipulation.

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Aura Infusion's System by Winarso

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Go Green Resonance - by Winarso

EUR 7.99


Price 25 $

Go Green Resonance is associated with the Heart Chakra, it strengthens the heart, will to live and life force while soothing the emotions. Cleanses meridians & blocks, stimulates new growth, rejuvenates heart.

Use this energy to draw money and success in business, when worn it stimulates one’s creativity. Go Green Resonance is also to emanate the energies of love, joy and inner harmony.

Go green Resonance clears the emotional body of past life as well this life traumas and negative emotional patterns, it is protective in the sense that it offers safety and trust while detoxifying. It help us to understand that helping and protecting energies surround us.

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Go Green Resonance - by Winarso

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Electric Blue Light Force by Winarso

EUR 7.99

Electric Blue Light Force by Winarso

Price 25 $

Electric Blue Light Force is a wonderful energy, assists in one’s life journey, life-image and insight. It acts as a guiding hand for the release of difficulties, stress and non-achievement feelings. It also promotes awareness as well as guidance on ones life path.

It bringing clarity of mind and expansion of insights, and is especially helpful when diligent study needed to uncover the truth. It is a good balancer of energies, emotions, chakras, and subtle bodies, as well as male and female aspects of the self.

Electric Blue Light Force can help to develop psychic and connect the user to higher levers of spiritual guidance. Use it to deepen and maintain focus in meditation. It can also initiate, stimulate, and/or increase the development of psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance and clairaudience.

It is effective in dispelling unwanted energy from one’s etheric fields. It also provides a protective energy to us. Electric Blue Light Force also eliminates blockages and returns the body to balance. Electric Blue Light Force can cleanse the aura of cluttered energies, bringing a renewed sensation to the body.

Electric Blue Light Force is a good energy to help balance the chakras, as well as the energies of Yin and Yang. Used at a physical level, Electric Blue Light Force will focus healing energy on the boby’s systems, glands, meridians and organs

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Electric Blue Light Force by Winarso

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Green Ray Energy Vortex by Winarso

EUR 7.99

Green Ray Energy Vortex by Winarso

Price 25 $ year 2012

Green Ray Energy Vortex is a great energetic system who has a gentle but powerful energy, and is an excellent complement to energy healing modalities because of its excellent properties of energy magnification. It is a calming energy, that heals the heart chakra.

It fills the heart with universal love and self-love. It offers hope for the best. It heals inner child hurts and past abuse by filling one with a sense of motherly love. It is also excellent for channeling and astral travel, and for studying and retaining information learned. Physically, Green Ray Energy Vortex is beneficial for general hearth and healing, bones, joints, and physical heart issues.

Use to release fear, to open your heart and move towards that which you desire.

Green Ray Energy Vortex in particular helps us to experience feelings of absolute safety within our own heart and can give us strength to cope with emotional pain.

Perfect for study or those who need a sharp memory and extra energy to get through their day, as it is an energy amplifier. Use to speed up your spiritual development.

Green Ray Energy Vortex creates stability and trust in ourselves. Provides a state of constancy. It helps us to overcome difficulties and to put our ideas into action.

It enhances memory and makes us more energetic, industrious and successful.

Helps to alleviate fear.

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Green Ray Energy Vortex by Winarso

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Essential Unicorn by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Essential Unicorn from Winarso

Price $ 60 year 2011

Essential Unicorn has a pure energy with many different colours . It brings transformational abilities to pick any colour out it own energy field. Essential Unicorn giving access into a Divine healing realm. Thus the Essential Unicorn is able to give healing, also it has the ability to awaken a human’s psychic development through intention. The Essential Unicorn generates in people a feeling of awe, fascination, inspiration and after you become comfortable in their presence you begin and love.

Essential Unicorn has an excellent energy to aid you if you have experienced any negative effects from the opening up of your psychic abilities. At this time some people experience symptoms such as headaches, dizziness or vertigo. You may find it hard to sleep if you have not turned off your connection with spirit. This Essential Unicorn will help to balance your brain and will alleviate any of these symptoms.

This energy resonates strongly within the Third Eye Chakra and the Crown Chakra and it is a powerful energy to assist you with problem solving as well as inspiring and stimulating the mind and the higher functions of the brain. This strong resonance within the higher chakra and in particular within the Third Eye will aid with developing intuition, telepathy, clairvoyance, and other psychic abilities. Its energy makes you more open to receiving information from spirit and from your gudes and helps you to integrate and receive information from the future that will assist your present life.

This Essential Unicorn will stimulate better problem solving abilities in everyone. It stimulates agility of thought, and fosters the solving of problems by using information from the past. It will help you if you are studying as it allows you to use all parts of your mind.

It has a strong vibration that provides psychic protection. Essential Unicorn is also a highly protective energy and a spiritual insulator that will seal your aura and prevent psychic attack. If are worried about doing spiritual development work as you are wary that you may make contact with spirits that are not positive this energy will protect you while making contact with your spirit guide.

It helps you to allow the clients that you treat, to do what needs to be done in their own time and circumstances. It is also good to have it there as a preventative and it will resonate its lovely energy into the area where it is located.

Essential Unicorn is a strong aid for anyone who has allergies as well being helpful for those with blood-sugar concerns. It is a positive energy to aid the kidneys and will help problems associated with dehydration. It is an excellent energy to brighten your life including promoting shiny hair and radiant, shining eyes.

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Essential Unicorn by Winarso


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Essential Earth Love by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Essential Earth Love by Winarso

Price $ 65 year 2011

The Essential Earth Love represents the element of the Earth. When you attune and align with the energy of Mother Earth she will provide you with all you need.

Earth is also associated with stability, nurturing, prosperity and support.

The Essential Earth Love help calm the emotions and bring the body back into a state of peace. It help one to clearly communicate from a calm, cool state of expression. Essential Earth Love connect with the energy of the Earth’s vibration and consciousness. It helps one to understand that living in balance and having respect for the Earth is vital for us at this time.

The Essential Earth Love’s energy promotes confidence, abundance, and an increased sense of possibility. An energy with powerful regenerative energy, the Essential Earth Love is particularly recommended for people experiencing a sense of burn-out in financial matters. So if you’re in a period where you feel like you’re working hard but getting nowhere fast, or if the ladder of success is feeling more like a treadmill, it is for you.

Often those who are experiencing financial troubles feel themselves at the mercy of a system beyond their control. In such instances, Essential Earth Love will work to restore confidence and a sense of direction. Imparting what might best be called a sense of willful optimism, Essential Earth Love will also help to mitigate depression and eradicate irrational attitudes toward financial dealings. With its fast-acting energy, it will put you back in touch with a sense of what you need to survive in the world and will further improve communication from the soul to the ego.

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Essential Earth Love by Winarso

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Financial Energetic Care - by Hari Winarso

EUR 9.99

Financial Energetic Care by Winarso

Price $ 60

Financial Energetic Card is an unique abundance and prosperity energy system, where it helps us to uplift our thoughts and beliefs about Money that we may come to view it as a Good and Positive expression of flow of life. Negative thoughts and beliefs about Money Push it away while living and joyful thoughts immediately begin to attract it and cause it to grow and expand in our lives.

This modality is also assist us to develop the Wisdom we need to attract and maintain Money and all forms of Prosperity in our lives. For not only do we need to have the consciousness of attracting Money and Prosperity, we also need to have the consciousness that we can keep it and attract even more in whatever amounts we desire.

It helps to increase our awareness and ability to heed our intuition which will help us to prosper greatly!

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Financial Energetic Care - by Hari Winarso

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Fire Vortex Beauty Care by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Fire Vortex Beauty Care by Winarso

Price $ 60

Fire Vortex Beauty Care has a strong vibration that enhances confidence, your strength of will and mental clarity. It helps you to become more and break through your own self imposed limitations. These energetic care encourage good vibrations within your life as they have a positive and encouraging energy that imbues you with feeling of comfort and loving support. It is also a helpful energy to heighten your individual attraction or appeal and it may assist you to develop inspired ideas.

The energy of Fire Vortex Beauty Care is highly stimulating to the metabolism, so this may help you to lose weight. Its healing vibration within the Solar Plexus Chakra, helps to remove stagnant energy and to improve your digestion.

The energy aids the liver, gall bladder, pancreas and spleen and has a strong detoxifying action. The action of its vibration within the body helps to remove cellulite and as this is released, sometimes you may find that anger has been stored within the tissues and this may also be released into your energy field.

The vibration of Fire Vortex Beauty Care helps to neutralize any anger as well as to infuse you with greater confidence and courage and overcome shyness. It also enhances your feelings of self-worth and it will help you to have a more positive and enthusiastic outlook on life. It may aid you to release feelings of inadequacy, or shame.

The effect of any exercise you do is strengthened by its vibration and it will benefit you by elevating the amount of energy available to you generally. It is said to boost the immune system and may be able to treat chronic fatigue, lethargy and depression.

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Fire Vortex Beauty Care by Winarso

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Golden Pure Vibration - by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Golden Pure Vibration by Winarso

Price $ 65 year 2011

Golden Pure Vibration is a higher pure energy vibration, the vibration enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind. It is excellent for overcoming depression, fears and phobias.

Golden Pure Vibration promotes inner calm so that wisdom can emerge. It helps in digesting information, analyzing situations and steering them in a positive direction. This energy vibration awakens the higher mind.

It releases negative traits, fears, and feelings at the deepest of levels. It overcomes fear of responsibility and stops anger. The Golden Pure Vibration helps you move into the flow of feelings and become emotionally balanced.

Golden Pure Vibration is an excellent vibration for energizing and recharging. It is highly beneficial for reverses degenerative disease. Golden Pure Vibration stimulates digestion, the spleen, and the pancreas. It negates infections in the kidney and bladder, increases blood circulation, detoxifies the blood, activates the thymus, and balances the thyroid. It has a warming effect and fortifies the nerves. Golden Pure Vibration is an eliminator-it relieves constipation and removes cellulite. It is helpful for menstrual problems and menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, balancing the hormones and alleviating fatigue.

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Golden Pure Vibration - by Winarso

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Great Golden Light by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Great Golden Light by Winarso

Price $ 60

Great Golden Light is a very spiritual manifestation energy. It is an incredible energy.

Great Golden Light is a very strong, powerful, intense, focused energy. It cleanses all of the chakras, removing blockages and stagnant or negative energies. It also helps to remove entities that are attached to one’s energy fields.

Great Golden Light Carries the high vibrational energy of the Great Center Sun. it raises the vibrations of all of the chakras allowing pure “light” energy to flow throughout one’s being, thus helping to clear negative emotional patterns held within one’s cellular memory. Its energy can stimulate the Heart, Third Eye and Crown chakras simultaneously. Activation of these chakras raises one’s vibrations so that one may integrate the high vibration energy, which in turn helps to activate one’s “ Light Body”.

Great Golden Light helps one to manifest or create one’s reality in a non ego-based manner. It helps one align and integrate one’s thoughts and actions with the emotions of love and wisdom held within one’s heart centre. Great Golden Light empowers one so that one is in alignment to the frequencies of joy.

Great Golden Light has a strong connection to the Solar Plexus Chakra. Its energy aids one with issues of personal power and will, thus allowing one to move forward on one’s spiritual path in a positive, confident manner. It aligns the Solar Plexus Chakra to the Third Eye Chakra enhancing mental clarity and discernment.

This enables one to be clear and focused to manifest and harmonize that which is in one’s highest good, and for the “good of all”.

Great Golden Light allows one to receive higher vibrational energies that fill one’s heart centre with love, truth and compassion, which then radiates from one’s being out to help others to also be filled with these joyful energies.

The energy of Great Golden Light is also connects to all transpersonal chakras. Through the connection to the upper transpersonal chakras the energy of Great Golden Light helps one to integrate the high vibrational “Spiritual Light” energies into the whole of one’s being healing to increase one’s “Spiritual Awareness” of the Divine Essence that is within us all.

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Great Golden Light by Winarso

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Heat Vortex High Vibration by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Heat Vortex

Price $ 60

There are times the healing process when it is appropriate to cast the net afar, range widely, explore many avenues, and there are times when it becomes appropriate to focus on one issue, and reduce the endless possibilities to bring the healing intention to one specific point. Heat Vortex High Vibration has the quality to draw the healing energy generated in any form of treatment to a desired area within the physical body or subtleanatomy. This can be enhanced by the use of conscious intent to visualise the area of the body into which the energy is drawn. When in deep relaxation this process will occur naturally, the vortex that Heat Vortex High Vibration creates will settle over the area most in need of this form of treatment. The impulse of this flower will work equally as well on emotional, mental and spiritual issues as it does upon the physical body. The Heat Vortex High Vibration personality is one that is unable to concentrate for any sustained period of time, continually going off a tangent.

They are the type who lose their train of thought very easily. Some are restless and unable or unwilling to commit to achieve goals and ambitions.

When the vibrational impulse of this modality is used a vortex of energy is created within the aura which sits above a specific area. The healing energy generated in the treatment fills the aura and is then drawn into the vortex where it becomes concentrated. The concentrated light is then drawn back into the aura through a single point. It is possible to move the vortex to another location through visualization.

Heat Vortex High Vibration is also used to stimulate the Guru Chakra. This chakra is located in the centre of the head and on the physical level corresponds the hypothalamus and pituitary glands. The Guru has been likened to a little sun in the centre of the head. From it, energetic channels radiate out in all directions. It is proving highly effective in the treatment of many problems originating within the cranial cavity, for through its network of channels it can illuminate all areas of the head. The Guru governs the inner or divine knowledge or illumination which leads to enlightenment. The Guru contains our wisdom built upon experience and understanding; it lies behind the Brow chakra which contains knowledge sought through curiosity and learning.

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Heat Vortex High Vibration by Winarso

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High Spiritual Energy Flush - by Winarso

EUR 9.99

High Spiritual Energy Flush by Winarso

Year 2011 Price $ 60

Useful to flushing out hurt and loss, it removes detritus and toxins created from soul shattering events in current or previous lives, High Spiritual Energy Flush cleanses the thymus. Bringing about acceptance and inner reconciliation, it calls the fragments home and wipes the Akashic Record clean, reprogramming soul and cellular memory.

It is help increase spiritual attunement and to remove ingrained resistance to spiritual awakening. Its regenerative effect may create a powerful detoxification of negative energy from the aura, which can be experienced as a once-and-for-all catharsis or abreaction that clears the emotional blueprint and cellular memory.

A powerful energetic modality imbued with life force, High Spiritual Energy Flush expedites profound change and assists in learning from apparent mistakes. Connecting spirit and mind with the emotional body. High Spiritual Energy Flush brings about reorientation of your inner being. This energy draws together soul-companions and throws light into the reason for the reunion.

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High Spiritual Energy Flush - by Winarso

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Lotus Frequency Matrix by Winarso

EUR 9.00

Lotus Frequency Matrix by Winarso

Price $ 50

Lotus Frequency Matrix is a spiritual energetic toll, channeled from the Source and Ascended Master Kwan Yin as a spiritual healing system. It carrying a very pure vibration and working on the heart energy.

It activates intellect and high consciousness linking into the angelic ralms. Its brilliance comes from cosmic light and sometimes found with a Buddha formation that draws enlightenment and spiritual light.

The energy when worn provides a link to serenity and ternal wisdom. Used in meditation, it takes you to ahigh state of consciousness and accesses inner guidance, it is an energy for facilitating deep change and leaving the past behid. It can act as a karmic cleanser releasing miasms.

It can stimulates the Third Eye, the Crown, and the Higher Crown Chakras. It aligns the Heart Chakra and clarifies the aura. It also promoter lucid dreams, ease and changes recalcitrant attitudes, bringing patience and peace of mind.

Working with this energy can aid one in discovering one’s link to Source and can facilitate the process of clarifying and purifying consciousness so that one speaks and acts from the place of truth. It supports a state of enthusiastic well-being and enhances clairvoyance, mental clarity, gratitude, joy and awareness of destiny.

As a healing tool, it clears allergies, chronic conditions and has a strong detoxifying action. It treats the liver, gallbladder, aids muscular and motor function. It can be placed as appropriate, over the heart and under the pillow to promote lucid dreams, regulates cell disorders, activates T-cells and the thymus, relieves Meniere’s disease, eases high pressure, and alleviates pain and migraine. It also prevents heart attacks and heals heart conditions; it lessons fatigue and overcomes shock. It is a detoxifies, regenerating the liver and effective to overcome addictions and stress.

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Lotus Frequency Matrix by Winarso

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Metaphysical Harmony Healing by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Metaphysical Harmony Healing by Winarso

Metaphysical Harmony Healing help to balance the physical with the mental and spiritual planes. It brings a clarity of spiritual awareness, and feelings of serenity. This energy helps the mind release unwanted negative thoughts, which may be sabotaging a peaceful mind.

Works with Metaphysical Harmony Healing help bring positive manifestations to the physical reality. Encouraging concentration and intuition.

Metaphysical Harmony Healing used to heal and benefit the physical body. It brings harmony to body systems, balancing the glandular, nervous, and digestive systems. It also help to eliminate toxins, purifying the circulatory system. It’s also said to fortify veins, while increasing elasticity.

Metaphysical Harmony Healing has many other benefits, like as:

1. It guides an individual on then spiritual path, dissipating negative energies which may be in the way. Associated with the throat chakra, the energy of Metaphysical Harmony Healing facilitates self-expression, communication, and truth.

2. It is a protective energy. It also has grounding energy, which can be useful for confidence and security in one’s position in life.

r It is encouraging and attracting positive feelings of the heart-compassion, integrity, and trust.

It is also beneficial for vision, strengthening the eyes on the physical plane, and healing with dream recall on the spiritual plane.

4. It help with managing emotions and clearing psychological blockages. It attracts what is necessary for personal evolution.

5. It is an energy of spiritual connection and lightness of being. It stimulates the crown chakra, and is useful in meditation.

6. Heightens the power of the mind, and brings focus and awareness.

7. It us an energy of pyre, spiritual energy, opening the crown chakra and protecting the wearer on their evolutionary journey.

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Metaphysical Harmony Healing by Winarso

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Pink Flame Radiance by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Pink Flame Radiance by Winarso

Pink Flame Radiance raises self worth and helps ward off negativity. Pink Flame Radiance nurtures love and humanity and helps one to achieve their greatest potential. This is an excellent energy for stimulation, clearing and activation of the Heart Chakra. This is a balancing energy and is used to clear the psychic centers.

Working this Pink Flame Radiance promotes relaxation and brigs sense of well-being. It is a calming energy and can ease physical and emotional traumas. This energy is an emotional balancer that dispels anxiety.

It’s extremely beneficial to those with self destructive and abusive tendencies. The energy has forgiving qualities, useful for dealing with betrayal and abandonment issues. It will enhance self-esteem, confidence and the energy levels of both the body and the mind. It will be helpful for any sudden shock where you would feel that the rug is being pulled out from under you, such as loss of a job, or environmental circumstances where your home is damaged or violated. It is good for children and for animals, and it is very good for land clearing.

Pink Flame Radiance are used to strengthen the immune system and aid the heart. It is a good energy to recovering from heart attacks, accidents, facilitate quick recovery and healing of wounds. Pink Flame Radiance will also assist the nervous system, thyroid, immune system and pituitary gland.

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Pink Flame Radiance by Winarso

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Supra EL Supra Elixirs V Empowerment by Winarso


year 2010

At this Supra - EL V you will attuned to 10 kinds energy of Star elixirs

Like as the Supra -El II - III and IV before the energy of elixirs at this Supra -EL V is only works /treatments for yourself ,not for anothers

If you want this energy can be useful for anothers you can pass the attunement of this Supra

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Gienah Elixir

Graffias Elixir

Hamal Eixir

Helix Nebula Elixir

Hyades Cluster Elixir

Iota Geminorum Elixir

Izar Elixir

Kappa Ophiuchi Elixir

Kochab Elixir

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Supra EL Supra Elixirs V Empowerment by Winarso

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