25 $ year 2012 EUR 7.99
Cat Eye Vortex Energetic is a system that stimulate intuition and to enhance concentration and awareness
It helps you increase your awareness and sensitivity to the energy around you
Cat Eye Vortex Energetic will provide an alarm for you to banish the energy that are not desisred by the aura and also automatically provides effective protection ,protect from astral attacks and protect you from the evil eye
With away from negative energy ,you will be assisted to improve luck and opportunities that come to you
Brings happiness,peace and emotional stability for you change negatoive thoughts into a positive
That way Cat Eye Vortex Energetic will also enhance creativity and kindness and optimism ,generosity and confidence
Provide clear thinking and insightful
You helped to have a feeling of unity and more direct in all thoughts
Receive manual english,chi ball attunement,lineage
EUR 7.99 paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo
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