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Fighter Spirit Energy by Jalu Wasonoadi


by Jalu Wasonoadi   EUR 7.99

Fighter Spirit Energy

year 2013 - 26 $

Fighter Energy Spirit brings you into the higher consciousness, this emphasizes the reality and the fact, That we must fight for our own lives and bring good from others.

It make you aware of the great challenges That such. This will help you to let go of saturation and the stress That comes Often disturbing.

Fighter Spirit Energy Also assists to protects you from excessive fanaticism, it helps you to stay calm and focus on your original purpose.

It will be easier for you to carry yourself, regulate emotions and Increase self awareness

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Three Magical Light by Jalu Wasonoadi


 by Jalu Wasonoadi   EUR 7.99

year 2015 -    35 $

Three Magical Lights

It is a powerful energy That collect and combine our creative, feeling, and intention into a single point where we re-filled as before.

Often a person Becomes desperate after the failure was in sight.

This helps us Establish ourselves from strong will and action.

This give strong push to us to always do and do and are ready to be ahead and always strong to face whatever comes.

This assists the movement of resistance against laziness and ignorance.

It's such a great blazing fire

That burning passion. grounding routinely

are very recommended

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Rose Quartz EnergyRadiants by Jalu Wasonoadi


by Jalu Wasonoadi     EUR 6.99

year 2011

Rose Quartz Radiant Energy

Rose quartz is an excellent heart-healing gemstone.

It is a nature remedy That can be used for treating any issue That needs emotional healing.

Rose quartz is a pink-colored crystal That carries a very gentle and soothing energy and gives comfort to anyone Whose heart Has Been wounded.

Rose Quartz Radiant Energy is an energy system That is very useful to overcome problems related to the heart.

Derived from a rose quartz Gemstone, this system will connect you with the energy frequencies of the Gemstone.

This will help you to avoid a broken heart, feeling unloved, Self-accusatory, Can not feel and express joy, Judgemental, Malevolence, Excessively in search of self / egocentric, Lacks compassion, Emotionally instable.

Remedy Benefits of Rose Quartz:

Encourages self love

Heals emotional body

Eases heartache

Relieves loneliness

Releases repressed hurts

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Universal Link Luminosity by Jalu Wasonoadi


by Jalu Wasonoadi   EUR 6.99

year 2012 - 27 $

Universal Link Luminosity is a great tool and has a high energy That helps us to connect with higher spiritual realms.

This helps issued white light in the highest chakra and helps us connect with the universe.

The strong vibration will be generated by the Third Eye and Crown Chakra with the help of Universal Link Luminosity.

Our minds are Strengthened and pushed to think Clearly That Provides clarity in communication.

Universal Link Luminosity gives positive effect on each chakra and Provide protection to the auric field and expand it. And this presents a clarity and ease of reaching a higher spiritual realms and Enables us to make extraordinary leaps in our spiritual growth

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Red Revitalizer by Jalu Wasonoadi


by Jalu Wasonoadi   EUR 6.99

year 2013 - 26 $

Red Revitalizer is great energy and stimulate immune cleanser system, stimulates the flow of lymph and the metabolic processes.

Red Revitalizer help you as an excellent blood cleanser and a powerful healing tool for removing negative energy from your auric field while aligning your subtle energies.

Red stimulates Revitalizer and cleanse the base, sex and solar plexus chakras and realigns Their energy, know your vitality helped to Enhance.

With activate Red Revitalizer, you will assisted to revitalize the body and mind, detoxifying the liver, intestines, kidneys, spleen and bladder. With cleansed the third chakra below you will assisted to Increase your intuition, Enhance Your grounding, help in protecting and keeping you from out undesirable influences.

Red Revitalizer give courage and support to you in daily life full of challenge

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by Jalu Wasonoadi   EUR 7.99

year 2013 - 28,5 $

Passionate Energetic Charger Facilitates the visualization and connects you to a higher spiritual power.

It's a passionate energy That helps you embed the ability to face life's challenges. and this soothing dark moods and bring emotional balance.

Passionate Energetic Charger gives support to instill you with abundant energy and stabilize the relationship between the physical and subtle bodies.

Passionate Energetic Charger has beautiful energy Enhance sexuality and entering and refreshing every cell of the body, this obviously brings physical and psychological strength to you.

Passionate Energetic Charger blackberries brings energy into your auric field, counteract lethargy and fatigue.

Another benefit of Passionate Energetic Charger is:

Strengthening superior properties That help your mental and spiritual growth.

Bring mental and emotional balance.

Bringing openness and acceptance of tranquility and abundance.

Assist in healing the digestive system, fortify nerves, and stimulates the immune system.

Increase vitality and Strengthen your intention That is based on love and compassion

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Body Power Cleaner by Jalu Wasonoadi


Jalu Wasonoadi EUR 6.99

year 2013   $ 26 USD

Body Power Cleaner brings a spiritual vibration That helps you clear up blockages in your meridians and aura in your field, and with clean your meridians and auric field this can Encourage the growth of your health physically and spiritually.

Body Power Cleaner helps you in optimizing the movement of energy in the body. it supports you to come back into harmony with the system of the universe.

Body Power Cleaner very helpful in healing, especially in the chest area. Helps in improving blood circulation and accelerate cell regeneration.

This lovely energy is moving on up actively into the cell to aid in healing on all levels

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 by Jalu Wasonoadi    EUR 7.99

year 2012 - 33,33 $

Auric Energy Attachment Clearing is a system for protecting and That Work cleaning our auric body from unwanted energy in the auric body or attached.

It can affect us and continue to travel with us in the patterns inherent in the soul, through reincarnation and push through our energy to the point of Controlling the physical body, it can even lead to physical disability.

Auric Energy Attachment Clearing helps us to escape from the feeling of being forced, constrained, and bound.

It Also Prevents changes to our behavior patterns and habits in unwanted patterns.

It Increases energy and well-being, reduce stress, help in understanding our true purpose, and so can free us from feelings of limitation, and eventually Achieve them to more fulfilled life.

Auric Energy Attachment Clearing release our bond with things of the past and That eventually, after the energy is released we can get ourselves back to our full and continued on with joy and deep satisfaction

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Biomagnetic Spectrum by Jalu Wasonoadi


Biomagnetic Spectrum by Jalu Wasonoadi
EUR 7.99

year 2011 - 35 $

Biomagnetic Spectrum is a powerful energy system and performs useful to our physical body in completely function.

It's Strengthen our nervous system to receive and emits all information from and surrounding Within our-self, Which is radiated as vibrational wave.

This system directs and Generates the electrical currents That related with our body as magnetic field known as auric body.

Allows our nervous system sent the information all over the body for a variety of life functions

Creates a strongly and healthy bio-magnetic field to perform vital life functions all the way sensory information from computing, cellular chemistry and firing electron across the synapses.

Our body is a complex electric circuits That wherever is electrical activity but have a tiny magnetic field than surrounding planetary and environments. Therefore this system will helps us to Overcoming the obscured negative energy field of them and allow us to gain a healthy body at all level of life.

was designed to cleanse and Enhance our energy field to have an incredible healing energetic system and Provide us with high frequencies of bioelectrical currents, Therefore produces a powerful energy field.

This system influences presents to our mind a thought That Generates pattern changes and create a variety changes bio-magnetic field at certain frequencies Which determined the speed and length of wave frequencies thought.

is useful to increase to our health quality, especially to recovering from injuries, a great assistance for chronical disease treatment, Provides a strong and healthy vital organs, stimulates the glands to secrete its appropriate hormones to presents calmness, silentness, peace and joy Which usefully for daily life Thus activities Achieves balance and harmonious been at physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body. Improve the manifestation process through amplification of thought wave radiance to environment, surrounding planetary and even the universe, to gain a life fulfillment

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Blue Body Electrical by Jalu Wasonoadi


by Jalu Wasonoadi   EUR 6.99

year 2013 -   25 $

Blue Body Electrical give big supports in Enhance our ability to generate an electrical charge When We work with our aura.

This helps us to reinforce our auric stronger field for integrity in our own fields and keeps us away from fatigue, depression, headaches, disorientation, confusion and fear.

Blue Body Electrical is useful to lift up our spirits and helpful to calm the brain, good aid for the concentration problems.

I know this can helps us in meditation too, as it will quiet the mind, and helps us integrate with the guidance we may access

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Heart Peace Vibration by Jalu Wasonoadi


572345996?profile=RESIZE_710xby Jalu Wasonoadi (Satya Prajna Lokasaranga)  EUR 6.99

year 2012 - 28 $

Energetic refutal Removal Device helping people to have understanding and acceptance of the situation at hand and much helping people on life's journeys.

This brings with it a sense of peace and freshness from the old to the new.

Energetic refutal Removal Device assists on move people out of unsteady and unsuitable stages of life, Into That of benefits and true warranty.

break through bad habits and damaging patterns of life.

Energetic refutal Removal Device it's very good for the people feel who's trapped, lonely or weak at getting out of such way's.

This help to carry Out of period's of depression and anxiety, as well as helping to calm nerves, protect from panic attacks and ward from sudden drops in the mood state

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Lighting Vesper by Jalu Wasonoadi


by Jalu Wasonoadi   EUR 6.99

year 2010 - 20,02 $

Lighting Vesper

Venus is the second planet from the Sun, orbiting it every 224.7 Earth days.

The planet is named after Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

After the Moon, it is the brightest natural object in the night sky, reaching an apparent magnitude of -4.6, bright enough to cast shadows.

Because Venus is an inferior planet from Earth, it never Appears To venture far from the Sun. Venus Reaches its maximum brightness shortly before sunrise or shortly after sunset, For which reason it Has Been known as the Morning Star or Evening Star, and Vesper is the planet Venus, When appearing as the evening star. Venus has relations with goddesses of femininity and love, Venus is held to influence desire and sexual fertility.

In Indian Vedic astrology, Venus is known as Shukra, meaning "clear, pure "or" brightness, clearness "in Sanskrit. One of the nine Navagraha, it is held to affect wealth, pleasure and reproduction; it was the son of Bhrgu, preceptor of the Daityas, and guru of the Asuras. Modern Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese cultures refer to the planet literally as the "metal star", based on the Five elements.

Lighting vesper help you to cleaning & purifying your soul, ma bright beauty of your soul and pull of love, wisdom, prosperity, and sexuality

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Diamond Magical Eyes by Jalu Wasonoadi


Jalu Wasonoadi   EUR 7.99

year 2011 -  36 $

Magical Diamond Eyes

What we want to happen When We make eye contact with him / her at first?

Creating a relationship going?

Yes! I Believe That We all want that to happen.

I am sure we all want to relationship of friendship or even romance though.

From the first eye contact there was a process of developing a sense of interest, feelings of curiosity, and the feeling of mutual trust.

Start from light conversation, then the first dates, second dates and so on.

It's just That not all eye contact

That happened to get good results.

Because our eyes not emit enough vibration to make them Attracted to us and opened Their hearts to get to know us further.

The eyes are one of the sensual attractions and eye contact is needed in flirting or attract the attention.

From the eyes, desire, courage, self-confidence, personality a person can be known.

The Diamond Magical Eyes makes our eyes become very bright and shiny and emit strong vibrations appeal for couples or opposite sex.

Give strength in our eyes to radiating confidence, self esteem and affection.

It's really helped us to communicate fluently.

Our eyes sights give a positive encouragement to anyone to be always close.

The Diamond Magical Eyes gives positive powerful vibration to each of our eyes sight.

Give strength to control, maintain emotional stability of couple or opposite sex to still stay with us. gives them feeling of safety and wants to always be with us

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by Jalu Wasonoadi (Satya Prajna Lokasaranga)   EUR 6.99

year 2012 - 26,9 $

Beauty Life Expands have vibrational energy is high enough, I easily felt like the sun coming into your life. The power of this energy help improve self-esteem, and help release the guilt, helping to reflect on past experiences.

It Also Increases self-confidence and assertiveness, balanced by patience.

Also it can help to create increased At love, joy and bring a better emotional health.

Beauty Life Expands activate the heart chakra and solar plexus and Produces a warm and powerful energy, it brings light and beauty in life.

This vibration connect you with the energy of the heart chakra to Encourage you to feel love for the earth and its creatures.

Beauty Life Expands really helps to learn how to be happy with ease.

Brings to unique vibration through spiritual energy That will bless and energize your life.
It is a soothing vibration to the body and helps to have a positive views on life

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Jalu Wasonoadi  EUR 7.99

year 2012 -   34,56 $

Spirit Essence of Enki

The God of Water Enki was a deity in Sumerian mythology, later known as Ea in Babylonian mythology. The name Ea is of Sumerian origin and was written by means of two signs signifying "house" and "water". Enki was the deity of water, intelligence and creation. Enki's emblem was two serpents [twin human DNA] entwined on a staff - the basis for the winged caduceus symbol used by modern Western medicine and the rod of Hermes.

He was the keeper of the holy powers called Me. The exact meaning of His Name Is not sure: the common translation is "Lord of the Earth": the Sumerian en is translated as "lord", ki as "earth"; but there are theories That ki in this name has another origin.

Enki was Considered a god of life and replenishment, and was Often depicted with streams of water emanating from His shoulders. Alongside him were trees symbolizing the male and female aspects of nature, each holding the male and female aspects of the 'Life Essence', Which he, as apparent alchemist of the gods, would masterfully mix to That would create several beings live upon the face of the Earth.

Enki was regarded as the protector and teacher of mankind. He is essentially a god of civilization, and it was natural That he was Also Looked upon as the creator of man, and of Throughout the world in general.

Spirit Essence of Enki have a lot of benefits for us:

Provide balance and harmony

Increase the power of life Which is Represented by the water

DNA upgrade

Present a good blood circulation

Increase body metabolism

Present calm, happy and peace

Deals emotion disturbance

Accommodates the spiritual growth

Presents consciousness

attracts wealth, health and happiness

Increase intelligence and creativity

Provide vitality and power

And more other

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by Jalu Wasonoadi (Satya Prajna Lokasaranga)  EUR 7.99

year 2012 -  30 $

Works to support you in improving your passionate relationship between the consumer and your business.

It provides comfort vibration on the professional relationship between the consumer and you, Bringing fertility and growth, and promotes creativity.

It helps release the bad image That is That in the past did not bring progress in your business.

Bring the progress on the Business That You manage to present a variation from brilliance and intuition That reflection you earn.

Up Business Empowerment presenting hope and faith in yourself,

Facilitating change and process, stimulating the passion, and support the creation of reaction and action for the betterment of ourselves.

This gives strong support to the thoughts and feelings and can release grief and trauma of the past

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White Blast Radiance by Jalu Wasonoadi


by Jalu Wasonoadi   EUR 6.99

year 2013 - 22 $

White Blast Radiance White Blast Radiance brings an explosive energy detonated by yourself, helping you to remove out your energetic trash from Deep Within You.

White Blast Radiance assists you to clean up bad feelings, clears mental clutter and negative thinking.

As a result, positive thinking and inspiration will flow to you easily.

White Blast Radiance helps in removing the Past issues That may bring some bad Which memories haunt you.

The bright day is beautiful and That Which is unfortunate is left behind.

White Blast Radiance helps Encourage you to release badness, soreness and negativity Caused by past experience

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Super Bright Golden Laser by Jalu Wasonoadi


 by Jalu Wasonoadi  EUR 6.99

year 2012 -   26 $

Super Bright Golden Laser is a powerful energy to Promote positive thinking and manifestation.

This is a beautiful golden energy.

It provides the energy That is beneficial to businesses Because It transforms negative energy into positive energy as we use in the workplace.

The vibration Also Increases our energy level.

Super Bright Golden Laser Provides Rapid Increases in strength and spirit. And helped Strengthen the resolve to conquer bad habits, and helps us to put new ideas for better health outcomes in everyday life.

Super Bright Golden Laser improve mental ability, and greatly assists us in keeping the focus on the task That We hold to the end.

Super Bright Golden Laser Provides Extra Power in your important activity of daily, with an easier level. So, tiredness and fatigue may be deductible, Because it helps Increase the supply of oxygen to the blood, and invigorating the circulatory system. It is beneficial for the lungs, and help asthma treatment and bronchitis, and improve our stamina

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 by Jalu Wasonoadi    EUR 6.99

$ 27 year 2013

Facilitates you with an expression of Divine Love. This beautiful Energy helps you to access the potential reality of yourself, and you Also helped to bring information into the present.

You assisted in the process to have the potential to actually reach into the future, see the gifts, talents.

Heaven Beautiful Love Vibrations is an aid to you in the transformation.

You were taken in the process of changing the field of creation around you, and Thus the accelerated growth of your self.

This vibration is healing your unconsciousness, I know you assisted in the growth of your soul.

This vibration leads you to the door of the release your "old" and able to say "welcome" to your new self-in-one in September awareness and beliefs That are now in line with the highest soul purpose in life

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Positive Bubble Rain by Jalu Wasonoadi


 by Jalu Wasonoadi   EUR 6.99

year 2012 - 28 $

Positive Bubble Rain works to transform negative patterns Which built by trauma or post traumatic stress disorder.

It helps us to identify the negative belief about ourselves connected to the trauma and once this is cleared to positive belief will be installed. We may notice how this negative belief is connected to other situations in our life as well.

This belief is Often One That is stored below our conscious awareness and permeates our daily life.

Accessing this belief and Bringing the awareness out in help us to open the Recognize how our behaviors have supported this negative belief, Which will allow us blackberries choices in our life.

Trauma and dissociation can create major blocks to developmental tasks, and Often people who experience them are disconnected from Their bodies in some manner.

One way to resolve health issues is to help people re-connect With Their bodies.

Positive Bubble Rain helps to Strengthen our inner resources So That if memories surface unexpectedly, we will be manage the memories and use this energetic system to help us feel safe.

We work with several visualization to change our thinking to something positive When We become overwhelmed with emotion and / or images.

we will realize our habits That support the negative pattern were remain and change it to the positive one.

Its smooth yet powerful energy catches the root of traumatic moments Within our life and wrap it into its bubble containers, so That We can direct it to flow down to the earth as grounding.Then, the new and positive one Attracted will and fulfilling our energy field and brings a chance to us to change or transform the energy pattern. It stimulates the birth of new habit and of course it will have a big impact into our life directions. It frees us from the directions of life That not align with us and bring ourselves back to our own track.

We will life with full of ourselves. Nothing more to waste or useless. Everything, every time and everywhere we are, always have the most valuable and important moments Within our memories

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