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Authority Power of Bear by Jalu Wasonoadi


Price 23 $ year 2011    EUR 7.99

The bear is an animal that has a great power. He was used by the majority of the population as a highly respected animal. Bears include a symbol of strong forces, patience, protection and Authority, opened a path for us about connecting to both earth-based energy and celestial.

In earlier times many people wore costumes using bearskin for those who wear it is a great honor to have all aspects of being owned the bear. They imbibe essence of the bear itself. They use the spirit bear as their totem. The bear is a strong Native American symbol to the Cree who are powerfully connected with the bear. Recognizing its girth, and amazingly effective teeth and claws, the Cree adopted the bear as a symbol for successful hunt.

Receive distant attunement chi ball, manual English language, spiritual lineage

EUR 7.99

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byJalu Wasonoadi year 2011    EUR 7.99

Price from $ 55 founder

This system has an energy model that serves to strengthen our relationship with the person who we want to close for the rest of our lives.

It helps those who need to find a partner.

This system also has the power to restore the relationship with our partner / a has the ability to generate a strong connection to our relationship, strong as a platinum chain, strengthens our connection cable linking his mind and soul to ours, in the full report of dependence with us.

ATTENTION Note the Founder !!

The major risk that we must remember is that this system, Ring Mate Platinum can 'create problems to the person, to his mind if / we let him.

He / she could "go crazy" trying to find our self everywhere.

It 'requires a full knowledge to use it.

All the result of abuse or misuse of this energy system is personal responsibility.

Please be wise and aware!

And if you do not feel more a feeling for your spouse, take the release procedure to release his soul this energy system.

Those who receive activation ball, manual in English, and lineage

EUR 7.99

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Add to Car  Platinum Ring Mate by Jalu Wasonoadi - Generate Strong Bond in Relatioships


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Black Wolf Protection by Jalu Wasonoadi


by Jalu 27,99 year 2012        EUR 6.99

Black Wolf Protection is an energy system that we

can lead to greater self-control and improve our intuition, it is also able to strengthen our immune system and physical body in general, protects us from anything that may adversely affect our stability.

And 'possible to divert or return all the negative energy to anyone who wants to attack. Can help the root chakra, we feel the

protection, shielding, and we find security in ourselves.

Receive activation with those ball, manual in English

EUR 6.99

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Sacred Hamsa Attunement by Jalu Wasonoadi


by Jalu Wasonoadi      EUR 7.99

Hamsa literally means "five" is a symbol used in amulets to protect against the evil eye.

The energy can be used for protection, entering the places full of vibrations of jealousy or envy by others, and for the general protection against the evil eye protect people and material goods in addition to this activation attracts protection in your home joy and love wealth.

After activation you can send this energy to other people.

In the manual you will find the information in order to receive the activation pass it to others even at a distance meditation healing sessions and more.

You receive empowerment Remote

Manual in English and spiritual lineage

EUR 7.99

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from Jau Wasonoadi year 2010   EUR 7.99

price of $ 35.00 by the founder

Purification Hum is the meditation technique of Buddhism in order to cleanse all karma that created blocks in all our past The blocks have disturbed the circulation of energy causing; poverty, disease ... etc.

This is a wonderful yoga meditation technique.

With a powerful energy connected with the vibrating HUM it brings us a pure and clear mind. We can use it to rid our lives of karma and trauma.

Master this simple technique of meditation and 'useful for healing, prosperity' so live a more 'peaceful life in sickness and absence of fear.

Receive attunement with those ball Manual in English and lineage.

EUR 7.99

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Black Blast Reflector by Jalu Wasonoadi


Price $ 60,99 Year 2010    EUR 7.99

Negative energy, consciously or unconsciously can disrupt or damage the vibration energy, subtle body. That negative energy can be emitted by a person intentionally or unintentionally. Negative energy emitted by accident it could come from the people around us, when they are angry, depressed, stress. Behavior that is done, it contains negative energy that sooner or later can affect the mental, emotional, physical and even other people around them. Vibration is absorbed along the negative energy we communicate with them from to time. Many of the victims are not aware if the energy is absorbed slowly, the effect of the damage comes from stress, emotional unstable, easily hurt.

Negative energy emitted intentionally is a form of direct or indirect attacks intended to undermine the psychological mentally. Negative energy that was brought directly collided with the victim energy. 60; There are attacks that do not require a long time to cause damage effects, and some that require time. Usually it depends on the purpose of the attacker, the size of the radiated energy, or the distance of the location of the victim with the attacker.

Receive manual English, chi ball attunement,

EUR 7.99

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Golden Magnet Success by Jalu


by Jalu year 2011   EUR 7.99

Price of the Founder $ 35

Golden Magnet Success is an energetic tool to amplify our bio-magnetic force as strength and expansion of its influence power to fulfill our purpose. It can increase our possibilities to achieve a success in whatever we are doing. It aimed to bring success into our business.

Our bio-magnetic field influences the other’s and keeps them to always “sticky” with us. The connection that we had is beneficial for both of us for long term. It said our relationship as like as a valuable gold which always be regarding high value. This allows us to radiating a golden force of magnet and increase prosperity and abundance in financial.

Golden Magnet Success promotes happiness and joyful of life within and surrounding is.

When we are happy and joy to our life, we achieved more and more prosperity as pie life is an abundance presentation of Universe Infinity.

Receive manual, attunement chi ball,

EUR 7.99

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Roaring Lion - by Jalu



 EUR 7.99  byJalu 

Price founder $ 38 

This energy system and 'useful for self-esteem, dignity', the pride helps at all times of the day,

gives energy to our words attracting the attention of our listeners,

excellent in particular for those who must keep speeches in front of groups of people.

receive activation with those ball, manual in English.

EUR 7.99

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White Waterfall from Jalu Wasonoadi



EUR 7.99 from Jalu Wasonoadi price 40 

White waterfall have a pure energy from cosmic source that is pouring our energy field as a waterfall of white gloving color to washing away all darkness to be transmuted

this energy system has a great properties of cleanse all negativity cascading down through our crown completely filling and surrounding every part of our internal energy and aura

White waterfal provides a balance state and reconnect our water ways throughout your body ,chakra systems , glands and organs anchoring once again the Divine energies from source onto earth .This s a conductor of Divine energies throughout the cosmos

helps us to re-calm our mind refreshing our energy and have a great aid to our consciousness shifting
as it as a great properties of white color ,the system will promotes our spiritual development as a balance with the other aspect off well being
Includes manual, lineage and distant attunement.

EUR 7.99

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EUR 7.99  Peace Savior Amulet Energetic 40 $ year 2017

Often we do not know That When there is an obstruction in our schedule of events, is Often an attempt of the universe to keep us safe That would otherwise bad events happen.

Peace Savior Amulet Energetic helps you become sensitive to more positive encouragement slightest.

Peace Savior Amulet was Energetic I channeled know you can receive positive energy in any form.

Peace Savior Amulet Energetic brings Peace Within Yourself and with this energy you are helped to be incendio think more fully with logic and then take active steps to Fulfill your desires and the intuitiveness of Realizing When a obstruction may possibly be in our best interest

you will receive manual and ChI Ball Attunement

 EUR 7.99

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Add to Car  Peace Savior Amulet Energetic by Jalu Wasonoadi


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EUR 7.99  Charming Luck Magnet Energetic  40 $ year 2017

Charming Luck Magnet Energetic assists good luck to draw close to you.

This energy helps you become a powerful magnet for the fortunes That roams around you.

Charming Luck Magnet Energetic helps your business become enhanced your career and become profitable more.

You will enjoy going to work more fully than before.

Working with Charming Luck Magnet Energetic, you are helped to gain more trust than ever before.

Charming Luck Magnet Energetic helps you to radiate energy That is very tempting teaser for fortunes to be Attracted by your side

you will receive manual and ChI Ball Attunement

EUR 7.99

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Add to Car   Charming Luck Magnet Energetic by Jalu Wasonoadi


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Golden Eternal Fire - by Jalu Wasonoadi


EUR 16.99  year 2018 - US $ 40

Golden Eternal Fire forms a shield that protects the circumference of your energy field and inhibits the

formation of foreign patterns that can decrease your physical and etheric body health.

This energy helps you to prepare your body to receive and process a higher flow of energy.

Golden Eternal Fire assists you in receiving personal alignment energy from your environment and

strengthens the intended results of all your activities while increasing positivity.

you will receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 EUR 16.99

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EUR 16.99  year 2018 - US $40

Golden Path Abundance Energetic helps you to radiates your enchantment energy , to attract abundance

of any kind.

That includes love, abundance in material form and also abundance in the form of self-ability.

Golden Path Abundance Energetic helps to centralize and amplify the vibrations of the tempestuous of your

desires, and to be a support force for you to determine the definite step in making it happen.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 16.99

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Golden Medallion Energetic by Jalu Wasonoadi


EUR 9.99  year 2017 $ 40

Golden Medallion Energetic energy assists for the expansion of potential and to intensify your focus and learning into a new skill that will develop into other potential capabilities.

Golden Medallion Energetic helps you with exceptionality with your new skill expertise well as strengthening your creativity.

An added benefit of this Golden Medallion Energetic is that it helps you to stimulate your sex chakra and strengthen the vortex of energy in it.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 9.99

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Golden Circle Energy Vortex by Jalu Wasonoadi



EUR 9.99  year 2017 $ 40

Golden Circle Energy Vortex helps you to be back "on track" again, and retrieve your focus and energy which has stolen by unnecessary circumstances.

A high benefit of this energy, it that it assists you to be better protected and more able to neutralize the negative energy that whirls around you.

Golden Circle Energy Vortex helps you to remove any energy connection with vampires, this is the energy that has been eating away your focus and energy, draining your power and strength.

Golden Circle Energy Vortex helps you to reject the energy connections with energy vampires that can or will lead to an energy dependency to them and lead to harm to your mind, spirit and physical well-being.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 EUR 9.99

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