lavinia sina szendrei (121)

Clairvoyance Attraction Magic von Lavinia Sina Szendrei - in German only


year 2014 - 44 euro

manual in German only

...magische Anziehung von Hellsicht.

Dieses magische System ist Lichtenergie pur.

Es ist hochkonzentrierte geballte Magie!!

Und nicht zu unterschätzen!!!

Nutze es intuitiv. Anwendbar für alle, die mit dem Verkauf von Waren oder Dienstleistungen zu tun haben.

Hiermit wird Hellsicht kraftvoll erweckt und/oder mehrfach verstärkt...

Hinweis: Bitte sei Dir sicher, dass Du dies auch wirklich willst, denn es gibt auch Wesen und Energien, die nicht lichtvoll isind und durch eine "echte" Hellsicht werden diese nun mal auch "gesehen".


You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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High - Magnetic Elixir 999 by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2015 - 399,99 euro

Channeled through the involvement of KRYON Is cumulative, highly concentrated MAGNETIC energy in the frequency 999.

It serves to increased and concentrated absorption of high-magnetic energy and transforms all of your

electromagnetic energy levels to pure magnetic energy levels, in order to adjust and align you to the new

energies on Planet Earth as soon as possible and in a simple way.

Light Body symptoms will be alleviated, your awakening promoted, your psychic abilities stabilized, anchored and sealed deep in your cells... ..and

powerful magnetism radiated out of you and flow through you into the world.

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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9756922053?profile=RESIZE_400xMagical Angel´s Sphere by Lavinia Sina Szendrei manaul in German only


year 2014 - 199,99 euro

manaul in German

...Engelmagie. Hiermit werden deine Schutzengel eine Sphäre aus ihren Energien um dich herum bilden.

Diese Sphäre enthält all ihre Liebe, Zuneigung, Hilfe, Schutz und alles was du in jedem Moment brauchst. UVM.

!! Du kannst deine Schutzengel auch bitten eine Sphäre aus ihren Energien um andere Menschen, Tiere, Gegenstände oder auch Orte zu bilden.

Diese magische Energie ist bei JEGLICHEN Problemen und Anliegen SEHR unterstützend !!! Engel haben gewaltige Mächte. Du bist in Sicherheit…


You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Magical Blessing Power by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2013 - 80 euro

... the power of magical blessing.

This magic gives you the power and strength to make magical blessings in your life. The power of magical blessing is one of the most powerful powers.

Bless all you want consecrate to the divine and thus with the power of light. All that is blessed with the power of light, is pure, sublime, full of light, successful, dignified, victorious, unshakable, untouchable, honorable and "immortal".

This attunement will bless magically you and your life, raise you and put you in GOD`s hands ... trust in HIS blessings ... because without HIS blessings you can get lost on dark paths ... Each will be individually, magically blessed by GOD and the powers of light.

This can bring multiple and very different life changes.

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Magical Love Light by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


Magical Love Light by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2013 - 37 euro

... magical love. Cover yourself with the magic of love ... draw attention, passion, loyalty, kindness and confidence from others to you.

The magic of love has not only effects in partnership area but also in business / professional matters, in all interpersonal relationships and your spiritual development.

Activate Magical Light Love intuitive and enchant other with just one glance ...

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Starry Sky Night`s Magic by Lavinia Sina Szendrei manual in German only


year 2014 - 200 euro

manual in German

…magische, Sternenhimmel-Nachtmagie.

Starry Sky Night`s Magic ist eine mystische, hochwirksame, berauschende und „schwere“, magische Energie.

Sie macht sich die kosmischen und magischen Kräfte der Nacht zu Nutze, verstärkt jegliche, magische Rituale, segnet deine Vorhaben, bringt dich in Kontakt mit höchsten, magischen Wesen, bringt Erfolg, Durchbruch, okkultes Wissen, ermächtigt dich mit den Kräften des Universums uvm !!

Und der Himmel kommt auf die Erde… …und lässt göttliche Wunder, wie Sternschnuppen auf dich herabrieseln.


You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Powerful Magical Fire by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 320 euro

manual in German only

…mächtiges, magisches Feuer!

Diese Magie heilt jegliche Symptome die von schwarzer Magie und negativen Angriffen aller Art (bewusst UND unbewusst), verursacht wurden.

Darüber hinaus erhellt die Energie deine Sicht und lässt dich, schwer erkennbare negative Wesenheiten, wie Dämonen und satanische Mächte, aufkommende Blockaden/bestehende Blockaden, negative Absichten/Vorhaben anderer, festgefressene, schwarze Magie/negative Energie, etc.

erkennen und du hast die Möglichkeit mit dieser Magie, jegliches Aufgespürtes abzuwehren/zu verscheuchen/zu neutralisieren.

Dies ist eine der mächtigsten Magie die ich entwickeln durfte.


You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fantasy Starlights Magic by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 70 euro

... this system is PURE magic.

It is not combined with spiritual or other energies.

The name of the system is a fantasy name, that's why the word "fantasy" is located in the system name.

There is no energy used here, which match the system name. It is standalone magic, "who wanted to be named ".

This magic was NOT channeled.

I have created this magic and picked a suitable name.

Where I got the inspiration for this type of system, by the spiritual world ...

This is a system of the "fantasy series" of my magical systems.

Fantasy Starlights Magic acts in the following areas:

Achieve goals with ease



Mental freedom

Fast success

Fulfilment of wishes

Magnificent victory


Magnetizing charisma and MUCH MORE

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fantasy Shining Purple by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 70 euro

... this system is PURE magic.

It is not combined with spiritual or other energies.

The name of the system is a fantasy name, that's why the word "fantasy" is located in the system name.

There is no energy used here, which match the system name. It is standalone magic, "who wanted to be named ".

This magic was NOT channeled.

I have created this magic and picked a suitable name. Where I got the inspiration for this type of system, by the spiritual world ...

This is a system of the "fantasy series" of my magical systems.

Fantasy Shining Purple in the following areas:

Refinement of the aura

Sexy atrraction power



Affection of other

Resolution of blockages


True beauty

Harmonisation (money, succes, relationships etc.),


You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fantasy Mystical Place by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 70 euro

... this system is PURE magic.

It is not combined with spiritual or other energies.

The name of the system is a fantasy name, that's why the word "fantasy" is located in the system name.

There is no energy used here, which match the system name.

It is standalone magic, "who wanted to be named ".

This magic was NOT channeled. I have created this magic and picked a suitable name. Where I got the inspiration for this type of system, by the spiritual world ...

This is a system of the "fantasy series" of my magical systems.

Fantasy Mystical Place acts in the following areas:

Create a holy environment

Astral travel

Mystical knowledge

Energies of the night

Magic rituals

Contact to other souls

Energetic cleaning

Tranquility, peace, satisfaction

Consecrate of the altar, ritualistic objects and MUCH MORE

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fantasy Magic Wand by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


Fantasy Magic Wand by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 70 euro ...

this system is PURE magic.

It is not combined with spiritual or other energies.

The name of the system is a fantasy name, that's why the word "fantasy" is located in the system name. There is no energy used here, which match the system name.

It is standalone magic, "who wanted to be named ". This magic was NOT channeled. I have created this magic and picked a suitable name.

Where I got the inspiration for this type of system, by the spiritual world ...

This is a system of the "fantasy series" of my magical systems.

Fantasy Magic Wand acts in the following areas:

Bundles energy and increased it by a mutiple

Seals energies / magical and energetical works

Selas auras / chakras / houses after a cleaning

Serves as a magical wapon

Great for defense rituals

Cover with powerful protection (places, web stores, objects, peoples etc.)

At pleasure programmable for ANY purpose

Applicable for all areas (love, money, business, success etc.)


You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fantasy Mystical Moon by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 70 euro

... this system is PURE magic.

It is not combined with spiritual or other energies.

The name of the system is a fantasy name, that's why the word "fantasy" is located in the system name.

There is no energy used here, which match the system name. It is standalone magic, "who wanted to be named ".

This magic was NOT channeled. I have created this magic and picked a suitable name.

Where I got the inspiration for this type of system, by the spiritual world ... This is a system of the "fantasy series" of my magical systems.

Fantasy Mystical Moon in the following areas:

Mystic femininity

Female power / self-esteem

Contact to goddesses

Witches Magic

Expansion of consciousness

Incredibly fascinating meditation travels

Mystic Aura

"Add things" (luck, success, love, positive energy etc.)

"Remove things" (bad luck, negative energies, failure etc.)

Sexy attractive charisma / grace, elegance in movements and words


You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fantasy Mystical Rose by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 70 euro

... this system is PURE magic.

It is not combined with spiritual or other energies.

The name of the system is a fantasy name, that's why the word "fantasy" is located in the system name. There is no energy used here, which match the system name. It is standalone magic, "who wanted to be named ".

This magic was NOT channeled.

I have created this magic and picked a suitable name. Where I got the inspiration for this type of system, by the spiritual world ... This is a system of the "fantasy series" of my magical systems.

Fantasy Mystical Rose in the following areas:

Enchantment of the opposite sex

Reveales truths in love affairs

Opens the heart of the coveted person

Provides a mystically romantic atmosphere

Brings longing tender in the sought after person

Stimulates love feelings towards you

Helps to create a partnership with the coveted person

Helps to convince the opposite sex from you

Envelops you with an irresistible love energy

Helps to get the person to fall in love with you

Lets shine your eyes and provides you with beauty energies AND MUCH MORE ...

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fantasy Warrior Goddess by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 70 euro

... this system is PURE magic.

It is not combined with spiritual or other energies.

The name of the system is a fantasy name, that's why the word "fantasy" is located in the system name.

There is no energy used here, which match the system name. It is standalone magic, "who wanted to be named ".

This magic was NOT channeled. I have created this magic and picked a suitable name.

Where I got the inspiration for this type of system, by the spiritual world ...

This is a system of the "fantasy series" of my magical systems.

Fantasy Warrior Goddess acts in the following areas:

Massive Power

Awe-inspiring radiance

Warrior energies

Magical abilities

Mesmerizing glance

Mental influence

Enormous protection

Reversal of any negative energies, situations

Enforcement of goals

Defense of harm, failure, misfortune etc.

Strengthening of your own position and MUCH MORE

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fantasy Red Lipstick by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


Fantasy Red Lipstick by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 70 euro

... this system is PURE magic.

It is not combined with spiritual or other energies.

The name of the system is a fantasy name, that's why the word "fantasy" is located in the system name.

There is no energy used here, which match the system name.

It is standalone magic, "who wanted to be named ".

This magic was NOT channeled.

I have created this magic and picked a suitable name.

Where I got the inspiration for this type of system, by the spiritual world ...

This is a system of the "fantasy series" of my magical systems.

Fantasy Red Lipstick in the following areas:

Sexy charisma





Love / Sex

Arrest attention


Be the focus

Highly erotic aura AND MUCH MORE

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fantasy Love Water by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


Fantasy Love Water by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 70 euro

... this system is PURE magic.

It is not combined with spiritual or other energies.

The name of the system is a fantasy name, that's why the word "fantasy" is located in the system name.

There is no energy used here, which match the system name. It is standalone magic, "who wanted to be named ".

This magic was NOT channeled. I have created this magic and picked a suitable name.

Where I got the inspiration for this type of system, by the spiritual world ...

This is a system of the "fantasy series" of my magical systems.

Fantasy Love Water in the following areas:

Big success in love

Strong love attraction

High-erotic aura

Seduction Irresistible beauty

Magnetic glance

Power of the female

Control in matters of love

Dominate of men and MUCH MORE

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Fantasy Golden Love by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


Fantasy Golden Love by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 - 70 euro

... this system is PURE magic.

It is not combined with spiritual or other energies.

The name of the system is a fantasy name, that's why the word "fantasy" is located in the system name.

There is no energy used here, which match the system name.

It is standalone magic, "who wanted to be named".

This magic was NOT channeled. I have created this magic and picked a suitable name. Where I got the inspiration for this type of system, by the spiritual world ... This is a system of the "fantasy series" of my magical systems.

Fantasy Golden Love in the following areas:

Increase of love vibrations

Removal of disharmony in love relationships

Maintenance of love from others towards you

Golden aura

Strengthening of love between to persons

Refinement of thoughts

Love attraction

Finding suitable mate

Attract and hold up affection from others and MUCH MORE.

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Lilac Power Lightning by Lavinia Sina Szendrei manual in German only


year 2014 -199,99 euro

manual in German

…der magische „Blockadenlöser“… …eines der heftigsten „Energieausbrüche“ und Energiekonzentrationen, die ich kenne.

Es zerschlägt mit einer gewaltigen Kraft, JEGLICHE Art von Blockaden!!

Die Strahlungen und Energien dieses Blitzes arbeiten sehr präzise, schnell und effektiv.

Nutze es für Blockaden in der Liebe, Geld, Erfolg, Spiritualität etc. oder Blockaden, die durch schwarze Magie, Flüche, Besetzungen, negative Energien, wie Stress, Streit,

Angst, Zweifel, Sorgen etc. entstanden sind. Lasse dich von Blockaden nicht aufhalten!!

Auch, wenn dein Körper, deine Psyche und dein Geist noch so „schwer“ sind… …überwinde dich und aktivere dieses System…


You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Iron Giant Empowerment by Lavinia Sina Szendrei


year 2014 -299,99 euro

... to "giant" among the magical energies!

A giant magical that makes you a HUGE "giant of iron"!!

Nothing will easily weaken you, "blow you away" or harm you. This empowerment will make you "Heavy", irrefutable and insurmountable !!

ANY kind of negativity, such as black magic, curses, hauntings, malicious spirits of all kinds, insults, bullying etc. will bounce off you!

And negative emotions, like sadness, depression, despair, worries, fears, doubts, etc. will be destroyed. AND MUCH MORE !!

All that makes up YOUR life, like your position, your personal path, your livelihood, such as your income, financial stocks, business, business

relationships, etc., but also everything else that you want to be, will be under an exceptionally strong protection ...

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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Lilac Power Essence by Lavinia Sina Szendrei manual in German only


year 2014 -199,99 euro

manual in German only

…der magische „Spiritualität-Booster.“

Lilac Power Essence richtet dich auf die Spiritualität und spirituelle Energien aus. Öffnet kraftvoll, blockierte Kanäle, reinigt, bringt dein energetisches System zurück in einen optimalen Zustand, verstärkt JEGLICHE spirituelle Energien und psychische Fähigkeiten.

Stellt den Kontakt zu höchsten Wesenheiten her, bringt dich in deiner spirituellen Entwicklung schnell voran, beseitigt das Gefühl, innerlich leer zu sein, erfrischt deine Seele und deine Gedanken.

Es bekämpft auch Besetzungen jeglicher Art, negative Energien, bösartige Wesenheiten, Flüche, negative Angriffe etc., schützt deine Spiritualität und deinen spirituellen Weg und ist allgemein, als kraftvollen, magischen Schutz anzuwenden UVM.!!

Nutze es intuitiv.

Es ist ein unglaubliches Gefühl, wenn diese Energie durch einen fließt…


You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.


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