well be-ing reiki (1)

Well BE-ing Reiki by Linda Colibert


Well BE-ing Reiki by Linda Colibert

EUR 6.99   year 2012

Well BE-ing Reiki There is something within us That goes beyond the physical being of our existence.

It is a sense of knowing, of awareness, of reaching out - reaching back to the source.

This sense of knowing always brings with it a warm, cozy feeling of Wellness, and Well BE-ing. We have all experienced en at some time in our lives, though we may not have acknowledged it or I recognized it at the time.

En Is that true connection with who we are. A true directness and links to our energy source, our soul. Well BE-ing is a Reiki quick links and connection to your true BE-ing, your soul source, and the Higher Beings of Light.

The energies of this system will help you with healing yourself and others, and it will help you with your recharging energies.

When you connect to the energy of Well BE-ing, healing and a quicker recovery always follow. Well BE-ing Reiki If you are vibrating with the energies of BE-ing Well, your existence in all realms must begin to change and become Well BE-ing. You always become what your energies vibrate.

If you ARE Well BE-ing, you can not be sick.

You can hold the potential to be sick since That is on the other end of the same scale, but if your energies are Well BE-ing, you must be well. It is sometimes hard to become just the vibration of BE-ing Well When You are not feeling well, are ill, and just plain sick. As long as you dwell on being sick, it gives a lot of attention to what you do not want -which is being sick or Unwell.

When you give your attention to something, even something you do not want, you will get more of it showing up in your life.

This always happens When You are giving a lot of attention to something- be it something you want to manifest or not.

Whenever you find yourself thinking or paying a lot of attention to being sick or being ill, you will need to change your thought patterns by moving your attention to the other end of the spectrum.

For example if you have a straight line and you have Well BE-ing on one end, then the opposite end must be unwellness.

So When You Are sick and you think of how much it hurts or how bad you are feeling, you will find it helpful to immediately stop yourself and think this is not what I want.

What do I want?

Then you with think, I want to be Well, I want to be Wellness, Well BE-ing. I want to be healthy and whole.

As you think of These positive things it moves your thought to positive energy and then you can visualize and imagine and see yourself as whole, perfect, and complete. See yourself well and happy. See and feel what it feels like to be well. Become Well BE-ing. Feel it. See it. Smell it. Taste it. Become the energy of Well BE-ing. This will change your Necessary changes the energies and begin to heal

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