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Eight Shape Binder by Maha Kamaleksana


by Maha Kamaleksana     EUR 7.99

year 2013 - $30.00

Eight Shape Binder is a lovely yet strong energetic tool that allows the lovers who love each other to be able to stay connected and develop their unfolding relationship in peace.

It will bind the lovers’ soul to infinite relationship and stop interference from friends and relatives which disagreed or have bad intention to them.

By amplifying their feeling of love, it will build a strong binding energy that strong enough to disable any intentions or influences which want to break or disturb their relationship.

Eight Shape Binder brings the lovers heart frequency in its maximum rate and allow them build any heart based relationship.

This lovely energetic tool is also can applied to other relationship, as simple like business relationship, friendship, professional relationship, family relationship, etc.

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Titanium Energy Essence by Maha Kamaleksana,


by Maha Kamaleksana   EUR 7.99

Titanium Energy Essence

year 2013 $ 25

Titanium Energy Essence It has very precious energy Which helps to activate all the energy centers, the rainbow bodies, the entire chakra system and brings vibrant energy and zest for life and clears the path for the life force to manifest dimensionally.

It is a high vibration energy essence, energizing the entire chakra system and the physical body.

Titanium Aura Essence enhances ones physical vitality and brings energy into the auric field.

It is stimulating to the auric field and meridians, acting as a prism for soul-level energy, infusing the aura with a rainbow spectrum of light.

It is an antidote to sluggishness, fatigue, negative emotions like resentment or grief.

It is beneficial for emotional trauma and hurt, for dysfunctional relationships, for multi-dimensional healing, for multi-dimensional cellular healing, efficient receptor for programming and brings the body into balance.

Therefore, Titanium Aura Essence brings the body into balance and puts one into a state of serenity and peace Allowing one to perceive and receive the love energies of the higher plane.

Titanium Aura Essence Also stimulates the endocrine system and activates a sluggish immune system

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Mystical Black Panther by Maha Kamaleksana


by Maha Kamaleksana   EUR 7.99

year 2012 -

Mystical Black Panther

Black Panther is symbolic of the feminine, power and protection.

She is Mother, power of the night and dark of the moon.

She gives understanding and rids fears. Mystical Black Panther designed to Encourages people to understand powers available to them, to acknowledge them and to rid them of fears of the shadow and darkness.

It has a greatest energy mysticism as a deep understandings of spiritual things, psychic and artistic.

When you cross into a side path of life and need a fresh energy of life, this energy system I would help you so much.

It releases the old passions That are no longer serving our goodness and bring a new period; the new beginning of life.

A period in cui we are discovering our desires, and living our dreams.

Mystical Black Panther promotes our intuitive ability to know the dark, cunning, perseverance, oldness, beauty, swiftness and Gaining confidence. En Also Strengthen our power, guardianship, courage, valor and good for the people who to much melancholic, to IncreaseTheir aggressiveness. It awakens our heroic quest.

It believed can be given great power, magic and mastery over all dimensions.

It is the link to all that lives and all of life's manifestations.

It is asking us to resolve old sexual issues, or to embrace our sexuality fully.

When experiencing the presence of panther, One of their most striking features is Their unblinking stand. It seems to see right through the body.

Thus Mystical Black Panther Also Utilized the mystical power of eyes of this animal as a healing tool and has the potential to heal on a cellular level

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Rainbow Lightning by Maha Kamaleksana


by Maha Kamaleksana    EUR 6.99

year 2012 - 25 $

Rainbow Lightning It has a gorgeous That energy can be described as blissful Which is helpful to aid spiritually growth.

It contains a remarkable potential energy That naturally gorgeous exhibits flashes of luminescence or rainbow colors of light.

This system has an extremely high vibration That We may feel its vibration in a quite potent number of areas of the body. Especially, this system has an amazing resonance in the heart chakra and higher heart or thymus chakra.

It beautifully stimulates a rush of pure pleasure, inner delight and love, That wells up Within energizes us and our heart, thus can bring feelings of joy and happiness.

Once we connect into this energy, we may find That it quickly take us into a very deep inner awareness, and once there we will not want to come back until we have fully experienced all that will be offered to us.

It is a truly warm and lovely energy to aid in meditation and connects us quite easily to the higher realms. It is powerful energy to use to aid us to awaken our inner serpent by activate all of the chakras; all the way up the chakric column from the base chakra through to the soul star chakra; Which is located in the etheric body above the crown chakra.

It have a great help to changing our energy patterns and helping us to anchor and ground our Lightbody to Mother Gaia. By clearing any discordant or stagnant energy in our auric field, this energy system opens the way for ascension, spiritual awakening and growth.

Since spiritual experience is personal, you may have a number of different types of That experiences from one to another person are not same. Each of us are different and no experience is more right than another. Physically it is re-energizing and awakening physical and conscious That aid many areas health issues.

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Golden Body Protector by Maha Kamaleksana


by Maha Kamaleksana  EUR 6.99

$ 25 USD

Golden Body Protector is a great system That can produce a very strong energy by attracts energy around us to help us to feel safe and comfort all into our daily life. Also it then radiating our inner self to the others around us.

The energy possesses a very strong appeal That can gather energy all around us and able to process and form These energies into a powerful protective energy for our bodies to prevent us against negativities around us.

The protection of energy generating vibrations Those Provide warmth and comfort the body. Thus, our minds can be relaxed and at ease.

Golden Body Protector vibrations can stimulate Solar Plexus Chakra to be stronger and ease the nervous system, metabolic rate, digestive, and skin problems. En Strengthen the aura That We dismiss all negative thought, intention and deed, So That we can prevent undesirable moment into our present life. Auric field That We have can be extensive and stronger.

Thus who use this energy system will have bright aura and attract the other's attention into us, make us the center of them.

Golden Body Protector can help us to be intelligent and blackberries ripe in thinking and solving the That problems we face

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Auric Blockages Sweeper by Maha Kamaleksana


by Maha Kamaleksana    EUR 7.99

year 2012 - 40 $

It has endless waves of pure and high universal energies That can sweep or blockages negative energies Which has influenced our auric body.

The wave of pure energies will be concentrated to our auric body to cleanse all negativity That Caused imbalance and unharmonious State Within our body. Also energies this will stimulate our energy centers Throughout our body, thus can Increase our body, vitality and strength.

Auric blockages Sweeper makes a balance and harmonious State Within our mental plane Which is the most fragile body against the influence of negativities. Anger, sadness, hate, jealously, distrust of self, hesitancy, etc will be soothed as our auric body is swept over and over again by pure universal energies. At the same time, the wave frequencies will resonate strongly with all energy centers Within our body and create a strong auric field from the inside.

Thus this energetic system has a pattern to increase to our self power from within and simultaneously Facilitating the cleansing process as outer stimulation. Also this energetic system helps us to improve our physical endurance against disease or Increasing illness by our immune system well.

With regular application Within our life activities, it can heal any illness or chronic disease. The pure energies will Increase our cells regeneration of broken or infected ones and create a balance in its generation.

It is a special That energy system is Provides State Within a healthy physical, mental and spiritual body.

We will work with several methods to cleanse our auric body.

Pure White Light Waves

Cosmic Ocean Waves

Spiritual Pure Energy Vortex

Fire of Universe

Sphere Light Universe

Angelic Light

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by Maha Kamaleksana    EUR 6.99

year 2012 - 22 $

Brilliant Spiritual Fiery Energy

It is a brilliant energetic tool to help us with developing intuition and stimulate our current level of intuition to increase to as well as aiding us to develop stronger psychic abilities.

Its strong healing energy embodied Within our auric field to balance the virtuous aspects Within us.

It also has an effective spiritual grounding vibration.
It brings the spiritual energy down from the higher transpersonal chakras via the crown chakra then moves it to all of the lower chakras. It will ground this energy at the base chakra, and then take the energy down to the earth star chakra and Mother Gaia.

I know this tool works energetic Within all of the chakras to stimulate the movement of sluggish energy. If we have problems That are causing us serious issues, and we need to take our self Out of the situation, meaning to distance our opinions and take guidance from spirit, it will help us.

The energy helps us to be organized and to act effectively to do what we need to do to Achieve our AIMS.

Brilliant Fiery Spiritual Energy stimulates sluggish energy to move down from the higher chakras to the earth for grounding, clearing and energizing as it goes.

This may have a dynamic effect on our health like aiding muscle problems and dizziness and may help us to let go of feelings of depression and anxiety and feel happier Within our self

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Aqua Gold Energy by Maha Kamaleksana


by Maha Kamaleksana   EUR 6.99

year 2012 - 25

Aqua Gold Energy It has a very high and quite intense energy Which Also has very powerful metaphysical properties.

This is Particularly strong energy to increase to our communication and psychic gifts, thus aid us to let go of perceived limitations we may feel, and be speak the truth without fear.

Aqua Gold Energy resonates strongly Within higher chakras Particularly our Throat chakra and quiet potent Within Heart chakra. Therefore, this energy system is aiding heartfelt communication with others; aid us to connect with spirit and understand Their communication with you more clearly. Also it is stimulate our Solar Plexus chakra as well and other rest chakras to aid us to have a strong action to create calm and an excellent healing energy in the body, to cleanse and heal our auric field.

The vibration of Aqua Gold Energy is so powerful to release stress and Increase our ability to attract wealth and success.

The energy Provides a solid and strong psychic protection to prevent any negative effects from any type of energy we may connect with in our daily activities

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Maha Kamaleksana   EUR 6.99

year 2013 -25 $

Energetic Healing Meditation designed to Strengthen Chi (Life Force) and attune the meridian system and natural magnetic field of the body. it presents balance and purifies energy systems of the body to avoid ourselves from over-stimulate or under-stimulate.

As we attuned to this energetic tool, we vibrate at higher vibration of light Which Can Be Found Within all life.

It aligns us to peaceful, meditative state That Allows the meridians and chakras to be balanced.

Energetic Healing Meditation works spontaneously in union with the receiver's who and the Transmitted whom.

The benefits we may Achieve:

Promotes self healing, healing, restful sleep and deep meditation are.

Brings positive experience and a greater ability to be in and enjoy the moment.

Stimulates us to show greater courage and discernment to detach from Circumstances or negative relationships and release bad habits.

Helps open up the flow of Chi (energy) through the meridians and energetic centers and clears blockages in the etheric field. As our people Increases energy, negative These patterns and problems begin to shift Resulting and transmute in manifesting greater emotional balance, physical health and well-being, clarity of mind and greater happiness.

Makes it possible to fight against stress, helping to prevent the causes and conditions of disease on all levels and creating a balanced energetic Resulting exchange for regeneration and self-vitalization

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Sexual Fertility Essence by Maha Kamaleksana


by Maha Kamaleksana    EUR 8.99

year 2013 - 40$

Sexual Fertility Essence helps couples who want a child's presence in Their lives.

It is a soft and warm energy essence That will stimulate our second chakra; for either father or mother; to be cleaned, activated and Strengthened.

Fertility in a mother's womb and a father's will testis increased At at energertic level.

Thus the mother's physical body can produce strong and healthy egg cells, as well as father's physical body will produce strong and agile sperm cells.

Lots of infertility Caused by blockages of Their energy channels and chakras, Thus causing impaired Their reproductive cells. Stress, fatigue, fear, feeling unprepared, anxious etc are signs of obstacles Within them.

Sexual Fertility Essence helps us to restore our reproductive organ function as health. And with this system, we will clean up the barriers and Strengthen the function of our sexual and reproductive organs, as well our sex chakra.

This energy system, Also open the door of our hearts and sincerity of sexual behavior with whole-hearted and completely.

I know we can gratefully perform this sacred union and ultimately Increase the natural fertility of human.

Benefits of this energy system:

Improve our fertility.

Increase our sexual desire.

Increase stamina.

Enhance our creativity.

Improve our sensuality side.

Improve our grateful and sincere heart

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Spirit Beauty Within by Maha Kamaleksana


by Maha Kamaleksana    EUR 6.99

year 2013 - 24 $

For over the years, our body has Suffered greatly and silently for abuse, neglect, rejection and the absence of true regard for Their needs.

A lot of problems, Whether psychological, energetic and physical, arise When there is a breakdown in attention and disturbance of the flow of information between our conscious mind and our physical selves.

Stress, chaos and anger at self takes its toll in every way

When the result of our conscious mind and physical selves break down; such as low self esteem and bad body image are arise.

It makes us miserable and Everything That we want to Achieve Becomes very hard, if not impossible Entirely.

Spirit Beauty Within has a unique energetic patterns to improve the energy system from the ground up, to help Significantly improve mind-to-body communications and build a correct foundation to new body image.

It comes to rescue and help us to appreciate the true wonder and ultimate holiness of our Creator given physicality.

Spirit Beauty Within Encourages the true beauty and Holy Which is common to all things derived from the Creative Order itself - such as our bodies as "the House of Spirit "

Beauty Within Spirit helps us to:

Increase to heal and mind-body-spirit connections

to reduce and release blocks and barriers between mind and body

to re-define the meaning of physical perfection and beauty;

to restore and re-build truthful, beneficial and positive self concept

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Rose Magical Essence by Maha Kamaleksana


by Maha Kamaleksana EUR 7.99

year 2013 - 28 $

Magical Rose Essence

This is all about falling in love - it could be with an idea, a skill, your health, prosperity, yourself, the world, etc.

A person who is in love has wings on Their feet, and is empowering, lifting delightful action can be applicable in many more places.

Magical Rose Essence raises your inner awareness about happy you are, how strong you feel, how beautiful and how beloved by the Universe itself. it charges your whole energy system by its magical power to it for Utilized romantic purposes, sexy purposes and in general, to really give a lift to whole incarnation.

This is a simple and powerful love and empowerment to make you ready engage willing to take your first step in the right direction.

To be happy, more love, excitement joy.

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by Maha Kamaleksana    EUR 7.99

year 2012 - 40 $

Torsion stands for Life Force Energy and Can Also be known as Chi, Ki or Orgone. Torsion energy is energy consciousness and the world we live in, That runs on energy. Torsion energy can be used for clean energy as well as restore the human body to a perfect blackberries consciousness vibrational rate. Torsion Energetic Device meditation is an interactive tool designed to help and prepare mankind for the planetary changes.

The human mind and body can go through tough times, can be the most common stress, and Therefore Resulting in slowing down the bodies ability to heal.

People who suffer from physical disabilities will be is brought back to Their balanced been. It helps us to restore the body by neutralizing any mental illnesses and diseases. it upgrades our DNA strands to full capacity, transition us to a higher dimension and connect us to a Higher Consciousness Akashic Intelligence.

Torsion Energetic Device Generates a huge amount of Torsion and converts the negative energy into positive energy. It speeds up the healing process and can give us results such as increased At energy, longevity, reversed addictions, enhanced intuition, and much more.

Have a meditation with this device presents energetic calmness and physical relaxation, to improve psychological balance, to cope with illness, or to Enhance overall health and well- being. It helps our meditation to Achieve its highest state and connect with Higher Consciousness. A Reiki or energy healer can use the device in conjunction With Their therapy or practice to Enhance Their Own healing abilities. This level Also Allows us as channel to heal and have the authorization to attune the others. You may work the device with the Reiki or gTummo symbols, in order to power up the energy flows. Along the device activation Within this level, your energetic body and the energy centers through out your body are tremendously Strengthened and balanced.

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by Maha Kamaleksana   EUR 6.99

year 2012 - 30 $

Torsion Energetic Device (Personal Use)

Torsion stands for Life Force Energy and Can Also be known as Chi, Ki or Orgone. Torsion energy is energy consciousness and the world we live in, That runs on energy. Torsion energy can be used for clean energy as well as restore the human body to a perfect consciousness vibrational rate

. Torsion Energetic Device meditation is an interactive tool designed to help and prepare mankind for the planetary changes.

The human mind and body can go through tough times, can be the most common stress, and Therefore Resulting in slowing down the bodies ability to heal.

People who suffer from physical disabilities will be is brought back to Their balanced been.

It helps us to restore the body by neutralizing any mental illnesses and diseases. it upgrades our DNA strands to full capacity, transition us to a higher dimension and connect us to a Higher Consciousness Akashic Intelligence.

Torsion Energetic Device Generates a huge amount of Torsion and converts the negative energy into positive energy.

It speeds up the healing process and can give us results such as increased At energy, longevity, reversed addictions, enhanced intuition, and much more.

Have a meditation with this device presents energetic calmness and physical relaxation, to improve psychological balance, to cope with illness, or to Enhance overall health and well- being.

It helps our meditation to Achieve its highest state and connect with Higher Consciousness.

Notes: This system only for personal use, can not performed to attune the others person. If you would to use this system for helping the others, I recommend you to take the Master or Professional Use Level. The Master / Teacher / Professional Use level has a prerequisite to being attuned at Energetic Torsion Device (Personal Use) Or Master / Teacher degree of any modality.

There are separation days (7 days) to take the next advance level or the Has Been person attuned into a Master Level of any modality

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Heart Vortex Energy by Maha Kamaleksana


 by Maha Kamaleksana    EUR 6.99

year 2013 - 23 $

Heart Vortex Energy

This is high energy of love vibration.

Through reinforcement aura of our body, this lovely energetic tool offers self harmony, deep understanding of Self, relationship based unconditional love, reveal our hidden talents as our highest potential of Self and psychic abilities.

It releases our intense feelings to the rhythm of love.

The harmony of our love vibration helps us to Recognize our certain conditions and accept it as a path of love to become well-being.

This Energetic system Allows for the creation of a That is reality based on our highest potential.

Its high energy vibration penetrates our cellular structures to stabilizing our DNA pattern and inhibit the possibilities of cell degeneratio

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EUR 6.99   by Maha Kamaleksana

year 2012 - 27 $

Nautilus Spiral Chamber Energy

It has wonderful energy Accordance with the special pattern of nautilus shell. The pattern is in representation of the shape of the Golden Mean Spiral Which Has Been described as a symbol of sacred geometry.

Nautilus Spiral Chamber Energy Generates a huge amount of life force and converts the negative energy into positive energy.

It speeds up the healing process and can give us results such as increased At energy, longevity, athletic performance, reversed addictions, enhanced intuition, and much more.

It restores the body by neutralizing any mental illnesses and diseases.

People who suffer from physical disabilities will be is brought back to Their were balanced.

It upgrades our DNA strands to full capacity, you transition to a higher dimension and connect you to a Higher Akashic Consciousness Intelligence.

Its strong energy penetrates our bodies condition directly to the center of our bodies; our Heart region and then influence the energy centers to other works in the optimum degree. this system is helping much to Achieve our deep meditation were easily.

It is a good energy system for healers Which Can Provide an energy booster in Their healing session and speed up the healing itself.

The vibration energy Also helps us to increase to calmness and physical relaxation, to improve psychological balance, to cope with illness, or to Enhance overall health and well-being.

Nautilus Spiral Energy Chamber is used for various health problems, such as

: • Anxiety

• Pain

• Depression

• Stress

• Insomnia

• Physical or emotional symptoms That may be associated with chronic illnesses (such as heart disease, HIV / AIDS, and cancer) and Their treatment

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EUR 6.99  by Maha Kamaleksana

year 2012 - 19 $

Three Legged Toad Empowerment is one of powerful universal feng shui wealth symbols

That each one of us can use to Enhance our wealth luck.

And the Three Legged Toad is one of the oldest and most powerful wealth symbol charm or enhancer.

Three Legged Toad Empowerment is linked to the energy of the moon and celestial Thus the principle of yin.

This empowerment Increase our flow inwards and those who kept the strongest gathering point of those circulation

Within our homes, restaurants, offices and places of Business to Enhance money luck.

If you feel like you are spending too much money or you are having too many inconveniences, Which can be resolved with money, acquiring this system could help you end such problems.

Due to the uniqueness of its powers and symbolism, the Three Legged Toad can help solve any money related problems Which people might go through.

Once we attuned with its frequency and empower its power into ourselves, we attract good news soon and a Majority of the time, good news

These would transmit to monetary income and bring wealth-related information auspicious.

Therefore, this Three Legged Toad Empowerment is ideal for Those Who wish to attract wealth as well as they wish to Protect Their money income

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Self Business Generator by Maha Kamaleksana

EUR 6.99   by Maha Kamaleksana

year 2012 - 29 $

Every business is the business of SELF.

No matter how big or small the business, still the Business of Self. The Self is a central business of life.

Of course all experienced moment Within our life were Self business. The business on physical level is mental creation of Self, like the universe is mental creation of the Absolute-ness. The physical business like our body Which is determined by mental and balanced with spiritual aspects. There are no different at all between physical and Business our Self as The Business of Self.

Self Business Generator is a wonderful energetic tool That can help us to develop our inner potentials as our true Self properties Which are a center point for the business That We projected out.

Our business is a container of our mind and spirit manifestation as our true Self and the purpose of it. It is a tool That presents a higher goal to Achieve and Generates the power to Express it into our business instead just a financial profits.

It opens the door of abundance and infinity as progress of business development on physical level. As same as to progress in mental and spiritual at the same time. Also it stimulates us to become strong, patience and persistence to leading our business to Achieve its goals.

This system works best at all chakras to presents courage, creativity, vitality, confidence, strength and calm to us to lead our business forward.

Also it helps us to increase to our intuition to find a creative thought to resolve the problem or to answer the business challenge.

It raises integrity, honesty, compassionate and love that are showing the balance of body, mind and spirit.

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Money Fertilizer by Maha Kamaleksana

EUR 8.99  by Maha Kamaleksana

year 2012 -40 $

The Money is alive!

It is real as same as the other life manifestation in the universe. it has That source of energy helps our mind to manifesting the life

That we desire. As it alive, money can grow as big as it can, Depending on us.

Money is life Within our mind body.

When we plant it into our mind for the first time, Money started to grow.

If we take care of it carefully with Love and Respect, Money will grow well.

But if we ignored it and so called no Love and Respect to it, Money will dying into our reality.

Here then we experience Rich and Poor.

We can empower money Within ourselves and all of our desires will treated by it

. Thus, it makes a loop of life empowerment Which brings to life of goodness within US. Our life will be a light for ourselves and others.

This unique energy system has a calming energy That assists us to feel centered. The lovely That energy Fertilizer embodies the Money will bring joy and happiness into our child-like life. It has a strong vibration That assists us if we sono stati Unable to work out our purpose.

This is an energetic system tool of luck, joy, increased At synchronicities, abundance and manifestation. Also it aids us to take the action required to manifest what we desire into our reality.

This system works to attract possibilities to bring changes Within our financial report by invite either the positive opportunities Within our business or carrier Which related with the growth of our money income.

Money Fertilizer not only works to attract many possibilities of growing money, but Also grow our mental capacitive Which much important part to Achieve the prosperity itself. it Also cultivates our spiritual path to realize our life purpose and presents happiness, joy, strength, respect, confidence and courage through day to day living.

We will practice to plant, nourish and growing the Money as below:

Living Kindness Meditation

Money Cleanser

Money Fertilizer

Plant Money

Money Nourishment

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Energetic Program Links by Maha Kamaleksana


EUR 6.99  by Maha Kamaleksana

Energetic Program Link has very intelligent energy Which created to do certain tasks in order to accomplish our goals.

When we activate the Energetic Program Link and be given specific instruction to accomplished, it builds an energetic connection between our etheric body and astral forces.

The Astral Forces interacts with the etheric layers and Thereby transform our passion, purposes / goals and intentions to incarnate and Creates the physical substances.

Energetic Program Links Can Obtain additional instruction from us automatically in order to accomplish our goals anyway.

It will Seem like a flash of mind or daydream, When The next step we grasp it completely and get it in actions. it stimulates our conscious reasoning mind to collect and combine as much as information into new thinking patterns as we may unconscious from where it as to us.

This energetic tool can be the most powerful and effective ways to accomplish goals.

It presents the most original and intuitive thinking Within our life

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