by Maha Kamaleksana EUR 6.99
year 2012 - 22 $
Brilliant Spiritual Fiery Energy
It is a brilliant energetic tool to help us with developing intuition and stimulate our current level of intuition to increase to as well as aiding us to develop stronger psychic abilities.
Its strong healing energy embodied Within our auric field to balance the virtuous aspects Within us.
It also has an effective spiritual grounding vibration.
It brings the spiritual energy down from the higher transpersonal chakras via the crown chakra then moves it to all of the lower chakras. It will ground this energy at the base chakra, and then take the energy down to the earth star chakra and Mother Gaia.
I know this tool works energetic Within all of the chakras to stimulate the movement of sluggish energy. If we have problems That are causing us serious issues, and we need to take our self Out of the situation, meaning to distance our opinions and take guidance from spirit, it will help us.
The energy helps us to be organized and to act effectively to do what we need to do to Achieve our AIMS.
Brilliant Fiery Spiritual Energy stimulates sluggish energy to move down from the higher chakras to the earth for grounding, clearing and energizing as it goes.
This may have a dynamic effect on our health like aiding muscle problems and dizziness and may help us to let go of feelings of depression and anxiety and feel happier Within our self
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EUR 6.99