year 2012 - 29 $
Every business is the business of SELF.
No matter how big or small the business, still the Business of Self. The Self is a central business of life.
Of course all experienced moment Within our life were Self business. The business on physical level is mental creation of Self, like the universe is mental creation of the Absolute-ness. The physical business like our body Which is determined by mental and balanced with spiritual aspects. There are no different at all between physical and Business our Self as The Business of Self.
Self Business Generator is a wonderful energetic tool That can help us to develop our inner potentials as our true Self properties Which are a center point for the business That We projected out.
Our business is a container of our mind and spirit manifestation as our true Self and the purpose of it. It is a tool That presents a higher goal to Achieve and Generates the power to Express it into our business instead just a financial profits.
It opens the door of abundance and infinity as progress of business development on physical level. As same as to progress in mental and spiritual at the same time. Also it stimulates us to become strong, patience and persistence to leading our business to Achieve its goals.
This system works best at all chakras to presents courage, creativity, vitality, confidence, strength and calm to us to lead our business forward.
Also it helps us to increase to our intuition to find a creative thought to resolve the problem or to answer the business challenge.
It raises integrity, honesty, compassionate and love that are showing the balance of body, mind and spirit.
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