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EUR 9.99  by Maha Kamaleksana

60 $ year 2012

The world is full of unhealthy relationships

. In These relationships, individuals cling to one Allowing another cord attachments to occur between them. Ending relationships ranks pretty high up in the "tough stuff" category.

It does not matter if you were the person who He walked away or if someone else left you, a loss is felt either way.

It is especially painful if at relationship ends without closure.

Unfortunately, Often times When people "breakup" what They are that they do not realize they may very well still have cords attached.

The cord keeps intact an open channel for continuous feeding on each others emotions and anxieties.

Among the healers sharing of energy is Referred to as cording.

This cord Represents life support energetically tubing connecting two individuals together.

Through this cord, the energy exchange is occur, penetrate and influence among relationship.

Thus, it is possible to all of us get disturbance and imbalance turbulence through the cord to our energetic body. They act like a toxic spreading Throughout our energetic body and blocked the stream of Energy Within our energy channels. They may also have big possibilities to immobilize our energy centers. Thus we may experience continued feelings of sadness or separation, anger, anxiety, loneliness being, not passionate, fatigue, sluggish, etc.

Toxic Relationship Cord Cutter Device is a strong energetic and sharp cutting device Which helps us to cut off the cord of energetic relationship.

This energetic system stops the energy That field interconnections allow our energetic body to be influenced or influencing the others.

It Allows us to have a strong and healthy own life source Which is free from the energy attachment from the others, especially from our close relative. Why? Because the closer relationship, much stronger and the cord automatically much bigger the energy attachment That influencing our energetic body. This system is very helpful to present the feelings of freedom, peace, calm, and equanimity confidence Within our life. Especially, Those who have a bad or broken relationship. it helps them to have a new beginning. Not interrupted by all the moments behind, but to stepping straight forward in Their Own Life.

Also this system works strongly to present a healthy state at our physical body as well.

We will works with several methods of cutting the cord:

Just as no one else can be happy for you, no one else can be responsible for taking away your unhappiness, your regret, your suffering, your samsara, except yourselves

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Earthly Vibration Amplifier by Maha Kamaleksana

EUR 6.99   by Maha Kamaleksana

year 2012 $ 30

Helps us to connect to a deeper connection with nature and with plants, trees and animals and with Mother Gaia herself.

It has a vibration of happiness and joy for life and contributes to more cheerful, pleasant people entering our life.

It carries a strong vibration for change as gradual soft energy to flow outwards, Throughout our life.

So, If you are person who is passionate about the earth and who feels That it is time to step forward to help heal the earth, then this energetic system will be of benefit to you! This very energetic natures tool assists us to feel emotionally balanced . it may Strengthen relationships as it brings a stream of happiness, joy and contentment to our life Which will flow through to Those with-whom we are in contact with. Also it Encourage blackberries enthusiasm for the healing of our environment as well as Bringing us personal healing. The lovely energy flows out of this energy system and aids us to personally we heal any emotional problems we may have. Even if we feel That all is well in your Life, the Additions of extra joy and happiness will benefit us! The vibration of this energy system challenges us to feel blackberries respect for all life, including plants, animals and all environments. Thus, it is very energetic excellent tool to heal our pets, garden, even the earth, our Mother of Lif

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EUR 9.99   by Maha Kamaleksana

50 $ year 2012

What is EMF?

Nowadays, this modern day, modern life pollution is invisible and can not be felt.

We are Constantly being bombarded with electromagnetic radiation from the likes of radio and television transmitters, electricity pylons, high voltage electric cables, electricity sub- stations, the mobile telephones, computers, fax machines, industrial machines, military installations, methods of transport and Significantly, from millions and millions of domestic and office, man-made electrical appliances.

Constantly we are saturated with These modern electromagnetic day vampires, Whether we are outside, in the home, or at the office.

All metallic objects, such as water pipes, gas pipes, electrical circuits, telephone lines, keys, rings, watches, jewelery, metal fillings, springs for mattresses and more : to act as antennae collecting and radiating energy waves disorientating Which can alter the natural Polarities of our bio-physical body.

These are electromagnetic frequencies or EMFs' (Magnetic fields) and electrical fields from electrical low frequencies or Elfs and very low frequencies or VLFs.

How could I know danger for our health? Modern physics has confirmed what eastern philosophy Has Been based upon for Thousands of years - all living matter is energy - with its own electromagnetic fields.

The Earth has its own magnetic field, a field with Which man has Harmonized over many Thousands of years.

Electrolytes in our body are either positively or negatively charged. Based on this we can accept That Man-made electromagnetic energy can affect the movement of all energy patterns Within the body.

It Has Been Demonstrated That's EMF can disrupt the flow of calcium through the cell walls - and this can affect a number of important cellular functions, including cell division. Therefore, we can confidently assume That any effect upon our energy system, life enhancing or life-damaging, will have a consequential physical, neurological or immune response.

The effects of this new, unseen and unfelt danger to our bioelectric and biological bodies can be termed as 'electromagnetic stress', and affects each and every one of us. Those of us who are currently unwell, Those Whose immune systems are Already low, (or underdeveloped in the case of children) are Likely to be affected Because the body's natural defense mechanism is Already overworked and weakened.

You may find it difficult to shake off a cold, flu ', an illness just will not go away, you feel tired all the time, but sleepy Unable to sleep, testy, irritable for no apparent reason, have weak muscles or aching joints,

How we can protect ourselves from EMF's radiation?

Earth Resonance Amplifier Devices brings a perfectly balanced nervous system Which will tend to protect us from chaotic disorganizing and vibratory fields.

It acts as Relatively wonderful supports to a high level, in cui we're able, on our own, to maintain a strong connection to the earth's resonant field, despite the sea of manmade EMF's in cui most of us live.

The Energetic Devices are:

Natural Green House Devices

Earth Resonance Device

Earth Resonance Device for Children

Electronic Communication Devices Protection

WiFi Radiation Neutralizer

Vortex Ultimate Protection

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Earth Blood Essence by Maha Kamaleksana

EUR 6.99 by Maha Kamaleksana

25 $ year 2013

Earth Blood Essence It links us to the strong vibration of the Heart of Earth.

It Encourages us to follow our bliss.

By Increasing our life force energy or those distribution in our life,

Earth Blood Essence Encourages passion for life in heart based perspective Which full of love and compassionate instead of in a self-destructive way. it Increasing our ability to overcome exhaustion, lethargy And Also can used to calms hyperactivity.

Its strong vibration stimulates us to be who we are supposed to be. it supports us to learn to step forward and speak the truth,Provided for protective energy to be During stronger of us disputes or controversy.

It improves our motivation and setting of realistic goals and sustains a positive progress.

Earth Blood Essence presents abundance aids and retaining wealth and passion. Releasing doubt and relieving anxiety.

Also it can stimulate our sexual attraction as well.

Physically, Earth Blood Essence has benefits for the heart and circulatory system.

It stimulates the adrenals, kidneys, reproductive organs and spleen. it Provides us a body, blood and lymph detoxification And Also can treat fevers, infectious disease, and restricted blood flow.

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Beauty Body Enhancement by Maha Kamaleksana

EUR 6.99  by Maha Kamaleksana

$ 30

It is your time for body optimization.

You can take anti-aging one step further with most advanced energetic body enhancement tools.

Beauty Body Enhancement helps stimulate, purify and refresh your skin to reduce the visible signs of aging for more contoured, smoother, firmer looking you.

Beauty Body Enhancement has three energetic tools to bring optimum benefits for your body to beautiful one.

The benefits are:

Minimize and smooth the appearance of body fat and cellulite for a slimmer looking body

Provide the body with a smooth, contoured appearance.

Improves appearance of skin firmness

Improve overall appearance of the skin

Help energize and purify skin

Hydrate the skin

Optimized energetic pulsating current aids in stimulating skin, helps purify and refresh skin, and helps reduce the visible signs of aging

Enhance the delivery of anti-aging substance for entire body.

To get the optimum benefits we have to perform all energetic tools, Regularly Within 3 months as it is the time period for cellular regeneration.

These three energetic tools are:

Energetic Body Spa

Energetic Body Shape Gel

Body Vibration Dermati

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Beauty Sleep by Maha Kamaleksana

EUR 6.99  by Maha Kamaleksana

$ 25

Beauty Sleep It is a simple but profoundly effective energy system Which helps you to combat Increase your insomnia and quality rest.

By performing Beauty Sleep meditation, just before going to sleep, Also useful to draw energies of healing just the right frequency towards yourself.

Through the quantum energy spaces, you make bed time to time of true rest and restoration for all parts of mind and body.

Its energy is very soothing and has strong healing benefits.

You be re-charge yourself and balance your mind and body at any time of the day

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Self Sensuality Enhancement by Maha Kamaleksana

EUR 6.99  by Maha Kamaleksana

22 $year 2012

It is a well know repute many to days of problems with couples are dealing with problems With Their sex life.

The problems are largely from sex organ dysfunction, not in passion with Their couple, fertility, and more other.

The underlying cause is lack of sensuality of self.

Many of them just deal the problem at the top, far enough to reach the root of the problem and heal the problem from it.

And consequently, the problems will come up again later in Their life.

Sensuality is a key ingredient for richer sexual expression. However, while sensuality Seems an essential part of good sex, sexuality is not the only arena for sensual expression.

Sensuality is something Broader much.

Beginning with awareness, sensuality encompasses the exploration and experiencing all of our senses. Self Enhancement Sensuality is a strong and warm energy to tool works into the deepest root problem of sexuality, at the center of energy Which is responsible.

The energy was direct connected into the energy center of our Mother Earth to dissolve the blockage and old baggage Within our energetic body, especially at sacral chakra, thus our sexual energy could be free flowing and then enhances it to be its excellent health were.

This is an energy system That Creates high passion to enjoy our life.

It brings happy, feeling of free, enthusiasm, vitality and sensuality of Belonging self. Thus, we pass through our life time by time with respect and confidence. It Also Increases our creativity as well.

Our love and compassionate promoted as well. We will feel comfortable with ourselves and be loving our self blackberries than ever. And this sense of love be radiated to our couples and Within them resonate to increase to the feel of compassion. Thus this system Also can repair the broken relationship between couples or family.

Self Enhancement Sensuality is good to heal reproductive system and Enhance our cell regeneration to present healthiness.

Also it can use as anti-aging treatment and Maintains menstruation circulation.

Also this system helps the people who is dealing pre- menopause syndrome

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Blue Tranquilizer by Maha Kamaleksana

EUR 6.99   by Maha Kamaleksana

year 20 $ 2013

Blue Tranquilizer It helps you to clear deep seated emotional pain like release deep seated pain, resentment and fear.

If you have problems managing anger, this energetic tool is very useful one.

It has a strong healing vibration That will help you to calming and soothing the emotions.

Blue tranquillizer Also assists the removal of energy blockages and to clear any negative entities or other attachments.

It works specially in the throat, chest, neck and head area.

If you have problem with blood pressures and infections On That area, it is very helpful.

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EUR 6.99    by Maha Kamaleksana

30 $ year 2012

Fireball Energy Radiance Increasing the demands of daily life have not only make people tired but Also left less time for important tasks like sleeping, eating and resting.

Fireball Energy Radiance was developed to meet this style of life brings to harmonious and balance were, physically, mentally and spiritually.

It is a strong mass energy ball That brings a great refreshing energy and is designed to revive body and mind especially at times of stress after intense activity.

Thus it gives additional energy for everyday activities as an energy boosting.

Fireball Energy Radiance is raising personal energy vibrations and Strengthening our aura. by in tune with this system, it will be easier for us to discern the truth. It enhances our psychic abilities, telepathy Encourage and aid lucid dreaming and astral travel.

It will help us deflect negative entities from our life and bring deeper insight into current situations or problems.

It resonates our third eye chakra to higher integrated energy vibrations from other realms.

In tune with this system in Allows its healing energy to work with our own body's energy system for maximum physical benefits.

Physically, it helps us heal quickly from illnesses and injuries.

Also it can reduce fevers and improve circulation and skin disorders.

If we have dark circles under our eyes, this system is good to reduce the discoloration Because of its effect on capillaries.

It has 3 Level of Attunements:

Level I: Fireball Energy Healing

Level II: Enhancing Energy Fireball

Level III: Fireball Energy Resonance

And not only them, we will work with the energy of Ksitigarbha Fireball as protection energy against negativity That Caused many problems, such as fights, verbal arguments, negative assertions, misunderstandings and lawsuits

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Super Energy Protection by Maha Kamaleksana.

127536902?profile=RESIZE_710xEUR 6.99   by Maha Kamaleksana.

24 $ year 2013

Super Energy Protection This is a powerful protection energetic That helps us to present unconditional love and peace, Overcoming negative thoughts and attitudes.

Super Energy Protection has a high frequency energy to dissolve negative blocks at cellular level, open our self to the flow of positive energy by discarding non-beneficial frequencies, memories and suggestions.

This is powerful yet smooth energy protection Which acts to cleanse any negative energies and replacing them with loving energies. Also it helps us to connect to the Divine Protection and ground the excess of spiritual energies.

Super Energy Protection cleanses and heals any holes in our aura and Strengthens and aligns all chakras and meridians.

Thus we could experience Increasing well-being, optimism and peace of mind.

This is the protection against harmful unseen energies, blocking intrusive vibrations, bad vibes, psychic attacks and emotional pollution

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EUR 7.99  by Jalu Wasonoadi & Maha Kamaleksana

26,33 $

Higher Eye Manifestation is strong and energetic tool That channeled to help manifesting our goals and establised a clear path of us.

Manifestation of your purposes will happen into your reality throught its connection with the high vibration of Divine Source. En Also Allowing you to get your spiritual growth and helps you to re-organize and restructure your life.

Bringing down to your consciousness and extraordinary insights you remain a strong positive vibration. In daily social activity you may absorb and contaminating a lot of negative energy throught word, visible sight, sounds, taste and mind of another people

Higher Eye Manifestation work with Muladhara Chakra (manifestation), Ajna Chakra (Clear vision and Knowledge) and Sahasrara Chakra (Divine Insight and Wisdom). They works together to attract all positive and highest energy of the universe to change our life Particularly if we majors are going through times of transitioning, to new Circumstances in our life. It helps with re-birthing and assists us to re-organize and restructure our life

Higher Eye Manifestation It aids us to remove old patterns. I know it helps us to deal with Adapting to new situations. Its action will Enhance our ability to develop our intuition and it may aid us to learn to be psychic. Specifically it is useful to allow us as see any negativity Within our-self, and it has a positive vibration. This helps to drain out negative thoughts and will aid us to begin to think in new way, as it stimulates positive thought

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Violet Ray Protection Flux by Maha Kamaleksana

EUR 7.99  by Maha Kamaleksana

year2012 - 30 $

Gives us protection from negative entities and its spiritual energy helps to remove negative attachments.

It is a powerful energy healing for emotional problem, assists us to let go of worry, promotes positive feelings to release stress and brings peace of mind and calmness.

This is a high spiritual energy That helps us to be spiritually advanced , the growth of psychic powers and abilities channeling our aid.

The flux of Violet Ray energy enhances our spiritual growth, deep spiritual love, wisdom and opens our Third Eye and Crown Chakra Which is to make the people from entering it and down stream to the chakras below fluent.

Which many of us are working on our spiritual development and are opening ourselves up to the light may attract darker energy. There fore using a strong protective energetic system is recommended.

Violet Ray Flux Protection has a strong capacity to attract healing power to us yet a strong psychic protection for any healer who may be aiding clients to release negative energy. Therefore, it protects us from any negativity That may be Attracted to our 'light'.

It has energetic properties in treating dyslexia and other learning difficulties, and effective in some cases of autism treatment.

Also a strong aid in the healing of headaches and other That problems arising in the head. Violet Ray Flux Protection is powerful energetic system to use in the healing environment

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EUR 7.99   by Maha Kamaleksana

year 2012 - $ 30

New Transformation Energetic Device promotes the shift of transformation and brings us a totally new outlook on life.

If we sono stati thinking of making changes in our life, using this energetic device helps us to manifest These changes. It aids us to change our career, our finances and our spirituality.

Particularly, it can bring transformation on a grand scale as a totally new outlook on life for the better. Its metaphysical properties have the potential to bring great wealth and power. It brings abundance and prosperity into our life on a grand scale and aids us to manifest money, but it Should be used with care.

It enhances personal power as it attunes us to new frequencies as you release fear around spiritual exploration. It may magnetize to us, a range of different experiences and it has an element of coincidence and synchronicity Within its vibration. So we may simply trip across different positive assistance seemingly by accident.

This energetic system helps us to be avoid the physical problems Often felt When We take journeys spiritually, That might otherwise have left us very ungrounded.

New Transformation Energetic Device is Also an excellent aid to meditation, as it Allows us to slip easily into meditation and brings through a state of mind where we may be less distracted than usual.

It is Also a strong psychic protection devices energetic That Creates a psychic barrier against intrusion During the time we are doing our spiritual practices.

Its energy will stimulate Within us a greater amount of personal courage, to reject contact with beings That We do not want to associate with.

It has the Possibility to allow us to contact extra-terrestrial or inter-dimensional beings
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Energetic Gold Wand Power Maha Kamaleksana

EUR 7.99  by Maha Kamaleksana

30 $ year 2012

Energetic Gold Wand Power energizes the higher mind as it is very powerful Within all of the chakras from the heart chakra up.

It will assist us to receive spiritual knowledge and guidance, to help us to gain concentration and mental clarity.

This energy system is very powerful to move our life in a new direction very quickly. it will Enhance our creativity and bring a joyful vibration through.

Energetic Gold Wand Power cleanses the aura as it draws off negative energy. Once we are let go of this negative energy, we may move forward in our personal and spiritual growth. Its powerful energy supports us as we let go of past issues of an extremely negative nature and it will even aid us access to past life issues.

Also it is a powerful tool for energetic psychic protection and this will render us safe as we release negativity, especially the deep, That darker energy this energetic tool assists us to release.

It has an ability Within it to lift our mood That is so powerful for us if we are depressed. it aids us to relieve anxiety, fear, phobias and self loathing and to forgive ourselves on all levels.

It stimulates and balances the thyroid, and to repel parasites. It stimulates growth in the cells and aid with healing torn tissues

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Healing Energy Yellow by Maha Kamaleksana

EUR 7.99  by Maha Kamaleksana

29 $ year 2012

It is a powerful healer and cleanser energetic tool to help to move energy around the body.

It gives a lovely sense of health and healing as it balances the emotions, clears the mind, releases negative energy, manifestation and eases stress by clearing phobias and fears.

Yellow Energy healing brings healing energy the solar That always Creates the feeling of warm spread all over our body.

It has such wonderful abilities to ease pain in joints and ligaments and energize the endocrine system, thus creating good healing outcomes in the stomach area. It supports clearing of problems associated with the sacral chakra, and draws physical illness out of the spleen, liver and other organs in this area.

This energetic tool gives us ways to relieve stress and may help to clear depression. it aids the emotions and Creates a positive outlook on life. Also it can be a better natures psychic protection by link our everyday self to the spiritual self to present highly protective energy against any type of negativity, especially from psychic source

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Astral Body Protection by Maha Kamaleksana

EUR 7.99  by Maha Kamaleksana

year 2012 - 30 $

His is a good protection for the people who inordinately sensitive to impulses and psychic currents around them, such as conflicts in the workplace, the psychic energy of a fellow rider on a bus, and of course, the fear of war, financial disaster, and other "what ifs."

Often they are aware of developing conflict before others around them take notice. They Seem to be "caught" In That emotional and astral plane

That we all pass through every night in our dreams - the planes That harbor our personal emotional experiences, along with our notions of heaven and hell, superstitions, and even fairy tale ideas.

Their personality has a disproportionately developed astral body, especially in relationship to the ego, or conscious awareness. Such persons readily receive impressions from other planes of reality; However, These intimations are perceived on the subconscious level, and Often it produces feelings of fear and foreboding.

Even in extreme cases, the fear turns into full-blown anxiety attacks, complete with trembling, bouts of sweating, and fluttery feelings in the stomach.

Astral Body Protection quiets and subdues the astral body, I know That the spiritual ego can gain greater strength and awareness.

It calms and harmonizes the innate psychic capacities of us, by Allowing the conscious mind to receive and process more information.

In this way, Astral Body Protection brings greater strength and confidence, and balanced use of soul forces

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Black Diamond Energy by Maha Kamaleksana

EUR 7.99  by Maha Kamaleksana

year 2012 - $ 30

It brings the mystical ancient earth energy into our energy field.

The energy of Black Diamond assists us to Ensure good health by infusing our aura with intense light and it Allows only positive and beneficial energy to reach you.

The energy embodied Within this energetic system absorb and eliminate anything That is a health hazard to human life.

Black Diamond Energy has a strong healing quality That is powerful anti-oxidants.

Its healing vibration helps us to neutralize any organism Within our body That is harmful to us.

Its strong energy vibration can infused into water to purify it from dangerous substances for our health.

It can be said it has the ability to cure many health problems and water infused with it may be used to cleanse problem areas.

Black Diamond Energy Also has a powerful nano-energy Which protection shields us from the electro-magnetic radiation given off by electrical equipment, including computers, mobile phones, microwaves and televisions.

It is Also Provides psychic protection and spiritual grounding tools Which is useful for us who wishes to do magical and mystical practices as its deep primordial energy brings ancient spirits into the process in a protective role

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Love Magnetism Field Maha Kamaleksana

EUR 7.99

25 $ year 2013

Did you ever to feel drawn to someone you never meet before?

Did you or remember how you meet your couple?

How you can Attracted to her / him?

Most people know it as Love attraction. But they may not aware how it can happen to them.

Magnetism Love Field is a beautiful and simple energetic tools That magnifies and purifies our personal energy field. It Strengthens our personal energy field. Therefore it makes us blackberries attractive to other people.

This beautiful energetic Also tool helps us be in That state of happiness and completeness. It is all about Love helps us in attracting into our life.
Not only will we attract love, but Also the right kind of people as

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Romantic Energetic Fire by Maha Kamaleksana

EUR 11.99

year 2012 - $ 50 USD

Romantic Energetic Fire by Maha Kamaleksana

Romantic Energetic Fire Increases our relationship, especially for a couple to have a sense of sensual romantic.

It improves our sexual energy as well as our love to our own couple.

Also this powerful energetic system to present a strong energy That has beneficial to help us to manifest our desires.

This is a warm-energetic System That Allows us to have a good sexual appeal Which can attract our sexual partners to arouse her / him with the basic sexual desire of love.

Thus this energetic system can not be used with improper intention like an affair, sexual abuse, etc.

This system wonderfully improves our relationship with our partners and Also can be heal the broken one.

For a single person, he can help he / she to find him / her accordingly couples him / her heart desire.

For physical, it helps us to overcome sexual dysfunctions and fertility.

Also it Strengthens our kidneys, heart and circulatory system as well.

Romantic Energetic Fire has 5 steps:

• Arousing the Fire

• Climb the Fire Peak

• Garden of Fire

• Honey of Fire

• Point of Fir

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EUR 7.99  by Maha Kamaleksana

28 $ year 2012

In China, the dragon and the phoenix are traditional animals symbolic of auspiciousness.

According to ancient records, the dragon Appeared in a magical variety of forms

During times of drought, dragons could bestow precious water, and in times of flood, they could stop the rain and clear the skies.

The phoenix was commonly Referred to as the "King of Birds."

A supernatural bird, it embodied the five virtues of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and sincerity.

any sighting of a dragon and a phoenix was Considered an extremely auspicious sign, said to herald a glorious period of peace and prosperity for the people and the country.

This is reflected in the Chinese saying, "When the dragon soars and the phoenix dances, the people will enjoy happiness for years, Bringing peace and tranquility to all under heaven. "

The dragon Thereby Became a symbol of the ruler, while the phoenix Became an embodiment of His mate.

The forms of the dragon and phoenix were Transformed gradually into images associated with the court, representing imperial nobility , authority and power.

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