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year 2021 - 7,99 euro 

The shaman fire cerimony is used to purify and cleanse us from negativity,linitative beliefs and blockages and to help us manifesting our dreams.

with this system you’ll be lead in the invisible shaman dimension to partecipate to this sacred rite so that your energetic body can have the benefits of this experience.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

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year 2021  - 7,99 euro 

in this high dimension all the higher beings of light and masters heal us and mother hearth and all the cosmic plane.when they’ve to help someone or something in the world they go in a specific crystal pyramid altar that picks up and then radiate an immense healing and cleansing power. with this system you’ll receive the spiritual energy of this altar,for you,your healings and your spiritual growth.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

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year 2021 - 75 $  specila price 19,99 euro 

Sacred Princesses and Goddesses

In the Andean spiritual tradition, the Ñustas are the Princesses and Goddesses and Sacred Archetypal Feminine Energies of Nature, born of the great mountains (Apus) and sacred lakes along the highlands of Peru and Bolivia. They are linked to waters and mountains on our hearth ;the Ñusta Karpay are the initiation rites of the Seven Andean Goddesses from the shamanic tradition. Seeds of Light

The purpose of the Ñusta Karpay is to soften the hearts of men and women and to help empower the female part of us. The seven initiations transmit seeds of light to balance the feminine and masculine energies within oneself.

The rites are given as energetic seeds of the Feminine Goddess Archetypes and transmitted into our chakras and energy fields.

The Ñusta Karpay comes from the Andean Q’ero medicine people of Peru. The Q’ero medicine men and women knew that the best way to bring harmony and balance back to Mother Earth, and to bring ourselves into Right Relationship with her and the sacred feminine was by gifting these ancient rites to high the Divine Feminine in everyone of us .With this system you’ll be activated and linked to these seven sacred Goddesses and their energy.

The Goddesses in The Rites and what they can give you:

1. Mama Ocllo

She is the daughter of Father Sun and Mother Earth and originates from Lake Titicaca. She is the Earth Goddess, Great Mother of all Goddesses and also the Goddess of Wisdom. The essence of Mama Ocllo is to ground us in our center and find our inner holyness. This rite heals our female power and restores balance. This rite prepares us to receive the initiations from the other rites, as it opens our chakras and connects us with a luminous spiral of light from root to crown.

Benefits: better vitality, passion and physical wellness. Helps overcome hostility, anxiety, depression and lack of confidence.

2. Doña Mujia

The Goddess of Water. Mujia means mermaid and is the spirit of the water. Her energy helps you letting go the past,the bad things. This initiation helps us release the negative aspects of us and opens you to the union with others.

Benefits: Clears emotions and feelings, faith. Helps release bad feelings resentfulness, loneliness, and shyness.

3. Mama Simone

The Goddess of our ancestors. Connecting with the ancient feminine lineage, the ancestors, connecting with our roots, coming back to our holy self.

Benefits: Self-esteem, personal power, independence, happiness, better psychic skills, alignment with cosmic personal path. Releases dependency, lack of confidence, guilty, hostility, aggression.

4. Ms. Teresa

She is the Goddess of harmony and softness, connected to our souls, linked to the mountain Ausengate in Peru. This rite opens our hearts to all that is. It clears the energy around our hearts so that we may experience our emotions with joy without judgment and see life with clarity.

Benefits: Loving, caring, generous, healing, nurturing, balanced, discerning; releasing depression, and co-dependency.

5. Maria Sakapana

Spiral of the Wind, she is the Goddess of Communication, linked to the Lake Titicaca and a location between Q’eros Nation and Apu Asusungate. These are the places where the Inca shamans and others go to open up and clear their fifth chakra to speak their truth. This rite invites us to release all that holds us back from speaking our truths.

Benefits: Good communication and expression; creativity, inspiration, living in the present; harmony, intuition, vision, clarity of thoughts and emotions.

6. Huana Huaman Tikkla

Connection to the Falcon Temple or the Temple of Clear Vision. This is the journey we take to gain clarity and to do our deep visionary work. With this rite we are connected to the spirits of the Falcon, Hawk, Eagle, Owl and Condor to help us in understanding life with clarity .All of these are feminine characteristics. This rite is an energetic transmission for the opening of our third eye, inner vision, and the way to connect with the spirit realm.

Benefits: light energy, higher consciousness knowledge, connection to source, grounded in life’s purpose, releasing fogginess, reconnection to who we truly are.

7.Tomasa huaman tikkla

She is the goddess of freedom and blessings. This rite unify all the previous rite.

Benefits: freedom,complete cleansing,blessings in all area of your life,grace.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunements

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I’m a spiritual detective by Manuela Fasoli


year 2021  - 7,99 euro 

A spiritual detective is someone who see beyond the veil of this dimension but most of all is someone who see beyond what your mind and your customers minds tell you! More tha sometime we think we want something but this is not the truth ,often some of your customers or friends tell you they want to heal something but the truth is they just want to be consolated and have attention.things like these ones happen very often and we loose a lot of energy because we work on the wrong target!this energy will help you to find out the deep truth about hidden purpose of your and your customers’needs.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

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Janus flush by Manuela Fasoli


year 2021  - 7,99 euro 

Janus as you know was the god of time transition,chanching,doorways,passages,gates,beginnings and ends.he saw the past and the future and he could walk through dimensions.this energy flush helps you to see or catch past and future of people and situation.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

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My boundaries flush by Manuela Fasoli



year 2021 - 7,99 euro 

How many times we would say no but we say yes? How many times we think we really don’t deserve all the love,or health or wealth or luck or joy we need? When this happen usually others take advantage of us and invade our spaces.we all know it’s our divine right to have our space but not always we can't set limits!this system will help you to do this for your highest good.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

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You’re my mirror flush by Manuela Fasoli


year 2021  - 7,99 euro 

This system comes from the source and will help you to recognize that all the people and the experiences we meet and live are just hidden or unexpressed part of us .when we live really and deeply this truth we let go and heal from our blockages,fears,anger,limitative beliefs and we find peace ,healing and happiness.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

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Hathor flush by Manuela Fasoli


year 2021  - 7,99 euro 

The goddess hathor was the goddess of beauty,pleasure,charisma ,love and dance.this system creates a link between you and her wonderful energy so that you can download all these divine skills and gifts and use in your life.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

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Golden indra flush by Manuela Fasoli



year 2021

This system with its energy helps you to be protected against enemies and to be always a winner over’ll find always the way out when you’re in a difficult situation even if you r path is to live an experience you’ll live it in the best way .

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

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The unicorn’s king by Manuela Fasoli


year 2021 - 7,99 euro 

The unicorn’king is the is the oldest unicorn in its magical part of its realm.He can allow and help the other unicorns to heal or help who enters that realm.This wise unicorn can even give you its magic golden powder to heal and make miracles happen but this magic powder will be given just to the ones who deserve it: lightworker,wise,peple with a great heart and people who love the magical realm and use this energy for the highest good.This system will link you to the king of the unicorns.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

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Amadriade energy flush by Manuela Fasoli


year 2021 - 7,99 euro 

Amadriades are a particular type of Driads. They live inside the trees, to which they are linked, in fact they suffer the same fate and die if the tree dies. But towards

people who love nature and trees they’re very kind and sweet !they can pass their healing energy and the power of love. This system will link you to them and you’ll

have their help and their healing energy.


you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

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