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year 2020  - 11,99 euro 

Malki-tzédek is the king of Salem realm, Priest of the Highest Elyon,the Lord.In the old testament he was both king and priest. He’s the lord of human and divine justice he can give you what you ask if you deserve and he can help you to pay your debts or be paid and to reach your goals according to our Lord’s will .In the ancient secret cerimonies the number 888 was a powerful seal and the meaning is “so be it”or “be done” .This system has a symbol and a powerful short powerful ancient magick prayer that help you to manifest reality in the name of God

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year 2020  - 9,99 euro 

Many of us know matotipila as devil’s tower,one of the most sacred mountain for all the native
shamans,especially for Lakota and Dakota.

This sacred place is linked to the pleiades , to Archangel Michael and to the bear totem .

Its energy is sacred,powerful and very strong and protective.With this system you can receive the energy of this shaman sacred place to be stronger,protected from dangers and evil energies and to be guided to your true spiritual path.This system has a symbol

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year 2020  - 9,99 euro 

Siberia is one of the oldest home of shamanism, where this sacred knowledge passed down from father to son originated. For siberian shamanism the most powerful shamans are only those who have had shaman ancestors, the holders of "shamanic blood".Buriats shamans used to cast their rites in front of the red big stone on the olhkon island ,the island in the middle of bajkal lake.
This place,with this magical stone is really really powerful and magical.With this system you’ll have the access to its magick and powerful energy to ask your needs and to have your important whishes granted.This system has a symbol.

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year 2020  -  11,99 euro 

As you know, Marie laveau was a beautiful and powerful healer and witch of new orleans and she was so powerful as to become the woodoo queen of all new orleans.

Her powders,magical creams and potions ,as her spells helped a lot of people.

This energy comes from her protection powder and helps you to be protected from negative energies and intrusions ,bad enemies and serious deseases.


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year 2020  - 9,99 euro 

This system comes from Ascended Master Saint Germain and from Lord Babaji,i twill helps you to pay your karmic debts in a different ,more gentle and soft way but most of all i twill help you to do it on a different plane or with different actions and this changes all.

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Erzulie magical energy by Manuela Fasoli


year 2020 - 9,99 euro 

Erzulie is an ancient,beautiful,powerful female Loa.She’s the goddess of wishes and love

.She can grant your love whishes and needs.

With this system you’ll have a link with her power so you can manifest faster your goals and whishes.

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Dangerous virus protection by Manuela Fasoli


year 2020 - 9,99 euro 

This system helps you to be more protected from bad virus and helps your energetic field to be strong and healthy.Besides helps you or your friends,customers or family to banish entities that can make you weak.This system comes from angel Omega and archangel Raphael to give us a hand in these times.




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year 2020  - 9,99 euro

The yuwipi is a sacred healing shaman cerimony still in use among some lakota native.It’s one of the most sacred , misterious and miraculous healing!Here all the great shaman Spirits and old medicine men from beyond come to heal someone or to give messages bringing a lot of magic,power,wisdom and healing energy.With this system you can have this magic energy in your energetic field!

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year 2020  - 9,99 euro 

This system helps you to work hard and better on yourself or someone else to heal an addiction removing its causes and brings more motivations and energy to reach your goal.It can be used even to be guided to the right therapy or healer,physician,psychologist.

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Dreams helpers by Manuela Fasoli



year 2020 - 9,99 euro 

whether we remember or we don't remember our dreams ,when we sleep we dream and our beloved guides,our invisible helpers work on us for our highest good and for our spiritual growth.This system helps us to work better with our dreams,their interpretations and most of all helps you to catch the hidden spiritual message that they sent you to lead you home! These messages will reach you as a new thought or idea or goal in your mind or even remembering your dreams and understanding them better and deeply.

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9,99 euro 




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year 2020 - 11,99 euro 

This system puts an etheric book of shadows created by many white witches from beyond the veil and surrounds your energetic field with its powerful magical knowledge that will be implanted in your aura to increase and refine your magical power,intuition, knowledge and wisdom.This book of shadow has endless spells inside so when you need to cast a spell you’ll be guided to the perfect spell for your need and when you got the right idea,if you can’t cast the spell, you can use others magical attunements that allow you to have a spell casted without working.

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year 2020  - 9,99 euro 

This system brings and activates in your energy field the magical temple with its tools, protections and ritual seals allowing you to have everything you need
to operate in salomonic magic even without real ritual tools.When you call down this energy you’re in your occultum safe and protected.

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Angelic healing hands by Manuela Fasoli


year 2020 - 9,99 euro 

This system gives you the benefits of an angelic massage and healing session in your or your friends,customers,relatives,beloved’ energy field where the ethereal light hands of angelic spirits touch and massage you or the subject receiving the session

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Relaxing massage flow by Manuela Fasoli


year 2020  . 9,99 euro

This system comes from the source and Archangels Raphael and Jophiel ; it brings you ,without going to a real Massager the benefits of a relaxing massage session in your or your customers,relatives or friends’ energy field

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year 2020  - 9,99 euro 

This white magick spell helps you to be more open to see and hear paranormal ,to have clairvoyance and psychic powers ,to better your spirituality,to open your third eye and even to be more perceptive . This system brings you the energy of this white magick spell without any casting.

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year 2020  - 9,99 euro

This ancient white magick spell was used to create an etheric clone,an other you to help you to solve or find the right solutions to your life problems.This clone actually is one of your multidimensional self who already solved the problems you’re having in this life and dimensional plane. With this system you can have this energy without any casting.

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Mirror magick spell flow by Manuela Fasoli


year 2020 - 9,99 euro 

The mirror magick spell is an ancient powerful spell used to see beyond the veil,especially in other dimensions and this is very useful because in other dimensions we can find out new informations ,messages and visions that we may need here in this dimension.With this system you can have this energy without any casting.

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