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year 2020  - 9,99 euro 

This system helps you to charge or re-charge your talismans,amulets and objects that for you have some special meanings or memories.All these items must be cleaned and recharged even just once every 2/3 years to have new positive energy. With this system you can charge them all.

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9,99 euro 



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year 2020  - 9,99 euro

This system helps you to clean your talismans,amulets and objects that for you have some special meanings or memories.As you know all these objects,especially pics,talismans and amulets are full of thoughts,hopes,memories,low and negative energies that they absorbed and often they must be cleaned.With this system you can clean them all.

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year 2020  - 9,99 euro 

This energy helps you to open the path of comunication with your beloved beyond the veil bringing you their love and messages with protection from low energy and without harming them.This contact may be done with automatic writing,hearing/clearaudience, or with their signs (a fresh breeze on your face,some little bright lights ,strangers who tells you something with a specific meaning,a parfume of your beloved or a music/song they used to hear…)

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9,99 euro 




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year 2019 - 7,99 euro 

This system is just for lightworkers,healers and people who help human beings,our planet and mother hearth ,nature and animals.

This is a blessings,a Grace,sent from the source and our beloved Masters and Angels to heal us when we’re in need of a deep cleansing for our home or job/spiritual /healing space.

This is a real blessed clearing session from higher dimensions.

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7,99 euro 




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year 2019 .- 7,99 euro 


This system is just for lightworkers,healers and people who help human beings,our planet and mother hearth ,nature and animals.

This is a blessings,a Grace,sent from the source and our beloved Masters and Angels to heal us when we’re in need of a deep cleansing especially when we’ve cleaned many low energy or hexes,curses or even just entities that we helped going towards the light and we need a boost to clean ourself.

This is a real blessed cleansing session from higher dimensions.

You can use it even for your pets.

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7,99 euro




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year 2019 - 7,99 euro 

This system is just for lightworkers,healers and people who help human beings,our planet and mother hearth ,nature and animals.

This is a blessings,a Grace,sent from the source and our beloved Masters and Angels to heal us when we’re in need especially when we’re surrounded by our customers/patients low energy and we need a boost to heal ourself because we’re tired or stressed.

This is a real blessed healing session from higher dimensions.

You can use it even for your pets.

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7,99 euro 





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Protected pregnancy by Manuela Fasoli


year 2019 . 7,99 euro 

This system comes from the source and our beloved Archangel Raphael to help all the future moms to feel safe and protected and to be really helped and protected by Angels.

It brings blessings and positive vibrations both to moms and babies.

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year 2019 - 7,99 euro 

this ancient faery goddess helps you to have the best justice according to divine will if someone harmed you or your beloved or friends/customers.

she even helps you to be honest especially with your self about what you really want and feel.

this system gives you a permanent link with this goddess and her mystical and powerful energy

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7,99 euro 




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year 2019 - 7,99 euro 

this ancient faery goddess helps you to be protected from low and negative energies,hexes,curses and all can ask neyx even to clean your home,garden,job space and ,of course,your friends or relatives and customers.

this system gives you a permanent link with this goddess and her mystical and powerful energy

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year 2019 - 7,99 euro 

this ancient faery goddess helps you to heal your traumas,blockages ,limitative beliefs , gives relief even to broken hearts and helps you to see again the light where you see just dark.she gives hopes and lift you up. this system gives you a permanent link with this goddess and her mystical and powerful energy

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yera 2019 - 7,99 euro 

this ancient faery goddess helps you to reach your goals and to be a winner,to belive in yourself ,to follow your dreams without quitting if your dreams are for your highest good.

this system gives you a permanent link with this goddess and her mystical and powerful energy .

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year 2019 - 7,99 euro 

we all know that a sport may be useful for our wellness but often we have no time or we don’t feel in tune with sport.

with this system you can have in your etheric field the benefits of a regular physical activity without going in a gymn but we can use this energy even to find out which is the best sport for us as a body,mind and soul and this is very important because often we do what others think is good for us and not we deeply feel good for us.

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7,99 euro 




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year 2019 . 9,99 euro 

this system helps you to find the best way to sell a home,helps you to promote it and sell at your best with the right strategy or with the right real estate agency and to find good customers.with this energy your home will be more interesting .

this system must be used often if you need a fast can use it for yourself or others

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year 2019 - 9,99 euro 

The Teurgy (from the Greek theos - god and ergon-work) is the highest, purest and even wisest aspect of what ordinary man calls Magic

.The teurgic magic was given king Salomon by archangel Raziel to help people according to God’s will for our highest good.

This system gives you the white,high ,pure and powerful energy of this holy imprinting: to make magic according to the divine will.

This means that we should realize when a wish may harm someone because,as you know,not all our whishes are for our highest good even if we think we must have something .

With this system you may be sure that your casting is guided by Divine Beings for the highest good.

This energy gives you even a great protection from lower energies when you work for yourself or others.

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9,99 euro 




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Regrets healing flow by Manuela Fasoli



year 2019  Euro 9.99

Often in our life we regret we haven't done things that we wanted to do and this regrets become harmful memories that settle in our cells and in our energetic field.

This system helps you to find out and wash away them bringing a new and healtier energy.

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Euro  9.99




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The shaman magick breath by Manuela Fasoli


year 2019   Euro  9.99

In all the magical ancient traditions and in shamanism the breath is very very important.The breath must be used to charge an item blowing on it or to achieve more energy from the elements or mother nature or to pass the power, to give the magick power to someone.

Ancient shamans had to receive the divine breath from an older shaman before being initiated.This system gives you the energy of the divine breaths of your shaman masters guides from beyond .

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Euro 9.99




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