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Comigo ninguem pode magick flush by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

The powders used in Umbanda spirituality are composed of herbs and essences that have a symbolic affinity and complicity with the name they carry .

Here is what the tradition tells about its use: no one can against me:

it serves to strengthen the psychophysical energy of a person, to make it safe and therefore winning.

It is used to pass tests, tests, to have a promotion and also to have the strength to overcome a difficult period and to win the insecurity.

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Met Kalfou magick power by Manuela Fasoli


Met Kalfou magick power by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99  year 2018

In the tradition Voodoo Met Kalfou is the dark half of Pope Legba, his double, the actuation of Legba in the Kingdom of Darkness. Its name translated from the Creole means Lord of the crosshairs and is the true master of the magic.

If Legba is light, met Kalfou is darkness, if Legba is peace, met Kalfou is war.

If Legba represents the four-arm cross, which represents the four cardinal paths, Met Kalfou represents an X, representing the four medial paths. is the alternative. An alternative that does not contrast with the laws of God (Bon Dieu) but it is part and completes them.

It governs all the spirits of the night and the Lost Souls and it is the Loa which can defend from darkness and all kind of problems and which can give everything that the man always desires: love, sex, money, success, beauty.

With this attunement you’ll receive his power and protection and you’ll be linked to him so you can always ask what you need.

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White Brotherhood reiki by Manuela Fasoli


White Brotherhood reiki by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

The ascended masters,many Saints and other light Beings are all a part of the Great White Brotherhood who stand before the throne of God.

The Brotherhood works with seekers and servants of every race, religion and path to assist humanity in their spiritual evolution.

Every master in heaven has already merged with the Spirit of the God Presence.

These masters are teachers of mankind and loving beings , servants of humanity who have ascended to the God dimension.

This attunement links you to their energy and their healing lights so you can have their healing energy and blessings always.

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Neuroplastic session flush by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99  year 2018

this system helps you to to re-wire the brain to improve health , mental and emotional wellbeing and give you a better quality of life.

This attunement can help you with negative patterns of problematic behaviors, emotional distress, depression, anxieties, insomnia, anger, fear, phobias, shame, guilt, and other reactive patterns.

Through a neuroplastic session, positive changes can be achieved by reprogramming the brain,creating new synapses and change your life by transforming your stress receptors and environmental emotion transmitter.

With this system you’ll receive a neuroplastic energy session.

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Quantum hypnotic regression by Manuela Fasoli manual in english or in german

EUR 7.99  year 2018

regression in hypnotherapy is used to change or erase emotions blocked in our spiritual, mental, emotional or physical bodies .

Using this attunement of regression, we can delete the negative emotional impact of those difficult events and we can cut attachments that link ourselves to the people involved in all our old trauma’s stories.

With this system we then can focus on some important messages that we receive during this attunement.

Acquiring wisdom allows us releasing and helps us to have a deep healing through forgiveness.

With this system you receive a quantum hypnotic session without payng a professionist.

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Time line healing flush by Manuela Fasoli manual in english or in german

EUR 7.99    year 2018

We are a spiritual being on earth and we are here for a very short time.

Our time line starts from the moment that we are conceived until we expire.

Our life consists is full of adversities and obstacles that have been written at the spirit level.

The evolution of our wisdom is the reason why we come here All the problems and the obstacles are lessons for our personal growth.

The pain that we suffer is a sign that something is not going in the right direction.

We are not meant to hold that pain for too long.

We are meant to learn the inner meaning of the message, get the wisdom attached to the pain and release it.

with this attunement you can heal your timeline ,go back to the past,change the energy of bad events or behaviors ,understand
and let go.

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Increase popularity and success flush by Manuela Fasoli manual in english or in german

EUR 7.99 year 2018

If you’re tired of others getting all the attentions and if you want to have more social confidence and that magnetic charm that draw people to you this is the right system for you.

this attunement works on your energetic field and your aura making you more attractive and magnetic so you can be popular as you deserve and have even more and better friends or customers.

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Rekindle love passion flush by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99  year 2018

This attunement is for couples who need to rekindle their passion and give a refresh to their relationship and their love.

It will help you to bring your relationship in the way that was in the beginnings.

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Almiskar magick essence flush by Manuela Fasoli Manual in English or in German

EUR 7.99   year 2018

The almiskar is a magick essence that makes you irresistible,charming and sexy.

It’s very used in hoodoo magick.Many practices of Umbanda require the use of these essences, prepared according to tradition with extracts and natural perfumes.

Almiskar is traditionally associated with Oxalà and Oxùm.

With this attunement you’ll have this essence ready for you in your etheric field whenever you need it.

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Barà dilogun oracle flush by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

The ritual attendant on divination is Ifá.

He is a very powerful and mysterious saint whose care is reserved for other priestly degrees.

The ordinary mortals are not able to comprehend his words, so his interpreter of honour is the unparalleled Bará who can answer all your questions and send you important messages about your life and your beloveds or friends.

This attunement links you to his wisdom and helps you to channell his answers to your questions during meditations or channelling or writing.

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Morgan la faye magick ring by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

This attunement gives you an etheric magick ring, the magick ring of Morgan le faye.Morgan,according to what Goffrey of Monmounth said and wrote, is said to be the daughter of Arthur's mother, Lady igraine, and her first husband ; she was an enchantress and a great healer , a very powerful healer and witch.

Her spells was really really powerful because in addition to having an innate skill for magick and healing she was formed by the great Merlin the wizard.

It’s said that Morgan had a powerful magick ring that gave her the help and the energies of all the spirits she needed to make her spells so powerful.

With this system the energy and the power of this ring will be placed on your left hand to give more power and energy on your spells or healings.

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Morgan la faye magick wand by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

Morgan,according to what Goffrey of Monmounth said and wrote, is said to be the daughter of Arthur's mother, Lady igraine, and her first husband ; she was an enchantress and a great healer , a very powerful healer and witch.

Her spells was really really powerful because in addition to having an innate skill for magick and healing she was formed by the great Merlin the wizard.

With this attunement her etheric wand with its magick and its power will be linked to you and placed on your dominant hand so that you can use it when you cast your spells or do your healings.

in the manual you’ll find all instructions both for spells and healings.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

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Multidimensional Heavenly power portal by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

Some time ago my guides showed me a beautiful multidimensional portal and then they made me cross.

There i found and saw a wonderful and very strong loving and shining sparkling light and my Angels told me it was the portal of God’s loving and healing power.

The energy we need when we want to heal or to reach a goal or to change something comes from there,all the energy we need comes from there.

This attunement opens that portal for you and will give you direct access to this energy/power and will help you receive this Heavenly power.

You can use this energy to heal yourself or others,to help planet,to cast a spell,to give more energy to your goals or just to feel the joy of this energy.

This energy is really wonderful and gives you a great refresh to all your energetic fields!

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Doctor Fritz Backenehim multidimensional healer by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99  year 2018

Fritz is an afterlife physician and etheric surgeon ,he lived in Europe before the second world war and used to heal his patiens not only with regular medicine but even with his blessed and powerful energy.

He helped many pooor people and gave much love and care to all were in need and now is one of the healing guide of the other dimensions.

He can help you with your healings and he can even make etheric surgery.With this attunement you’ll have a permanent link with him and his skills.

He will work Through you,using your hands and suggesting you the right healings and the right energetic diagnosis.

In the manual you’ll find all the instructions.

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 7,99 EUR



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Forgiving my self first by Manuela Fasoli

Forgiving my self first by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

We all know and hear and read we must forgive all,especially the ones who harmed us but you know that this thing it’s easier to say than to make because if we’re not able to love and forgive ourselves how can we love and forgive others?

Jesus said love your neighbor,love others like your self but the real problem is that we really do this!

We don’t love and forgive ourselves so we can’t forgive anyone else.

The first thing you’ve to know is that forgiving doesn’t means forgetting or letting you or someone else harm you again.

Forgiving means understand and let go the past but the first person you’ve to forgive is you!

We all criticize ,blame and judge ourselves always!

Now is time to change,to change and let go.

With this system and its energy you’ll be able to work better and faster on these parts of you that blame, criticize and judge yourself

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Listen my inner Master by Manuela Fasoli


Listen my inner Master by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99  year 2018

The inner master is our own self,our true self,is the wise one inside us who has all the answers and the divine knowledge that helps us to do everything and reach any goals.

Unfortunately we usually don’t listen to him and we search help and answers out of us.

But this voice wants to be listened and always send us messages.

This attunement helps you to be more aware of this voice and to understand his messages sooner and better.

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Artistic skills attunement by Manuela Fasoli


Artistic skills attunement by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99  year 2018

This new system has inside 7 single attunements and helps you to find out,develop and better your talents and skills.

As you know our talents are a gift to open our wayhome,our right brain and our right brain is our door to multidimensional realms

.We can study,read,have knowledge,do reiki,meditate but if we don’t open our metaphysical door we can’t be the complete and aware being we’re bound to be .

Usually we’ve many artistic skills ,some of them are easy to use and recognize but other ones are hidden even to us because the firsts are karmic skills and the seconds are new gifts for this life.

Angels and Guides say that we should use them all because these gifts,not only open the right brain, but help us in very many ways and help us to get in touch with all our inner parts.

In this system you’ll be attuned to:

singing,acting,writing,painting,sculptin g,dancing and drawing.

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Magick Angelic servants by Manuela Fasoli


Magick Angelic servants by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

This system calls down and links to you you an angelic servants to help you reach your goals in the best way for you and your highest good.

An angelic servanti is different from a guardian angel who protect us and help us to fallow the God’s plane for us,an angelic servant is a high frequencies light Spirit who can help you in everything and grant all your whishes as long as they do not harm other.

In the manual you’ll learn how to find out the name of your angelic servant,the prayer and the symbol to call him/her down.

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Solving primal relationships blockages by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99year 2018

Wounds from primal relationships, may be a great problem in your life.

If you were raised in a dysfunctional family, you may have had to leave your innocence and your joy in order to keep you safe

If your childhood involved absent, rough, or abusive parents, you may have these problems

Low self-esteem

People-pleasing, approval-seeking and codependency

Feeling often angry, including repressed anger or worried,scared or too stressed

Choosing partners in your love stories who remind you of your dad or mom

Intimidation surrounding authority figures

With this system you can help yourself working and solving these wounds and forgive all the past.

In this manual you’ll find prayers, daily affirmations and a healing meditation

you will receive pdf manual and chi Ball Attunement

 7,99 EUR



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Shamanic magick dolls creation by Manuela Fasoli manual in English or in German

EUR 7.99  year 2018

Usually when someone talk about magick dolls most of us remember and think of woodoo dolls andThey associate theese dolls to black magic or harming or evilness but shamanic dolls are totally different!

A shamanic doll or puppy is a healing tool imbued with a strong shamanic spell to heal or help people.

Sometime a shaman doll is more powerful than the mesa itself because it’s tailored on person’s needs and problems.

Personally i created for me and many friends many healing dolls . with this system you can create a shaman doll for many purposes : physical healing,emotional healing,clearing or cleansing person or places,money healing,love and relationship healing and karma healing.

To create theese dolls you must fallow the steps you ‘ll find in the manual and use the symbol.

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 7,99 EUR



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