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Shaman visions mask by Manuela Fasoli


Shaman visions mask by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99

Many shamans,as you maybe already know, in many ancient traditions in some rites use to wear some special masks.

theese masks may be a strong coloured “make –up” or real masks like the ones used by tibetan,burian,russian or indian and some african shamans.

Usually theese masks represent some gods or spirits.

There’re healing masks,visions masks,banishing masks and others.

This systems allows you to call down and receive ,when you’re in need, an etheric mask to have visions from the invisible world.

You can see the future ,a danger in advance or just the right way for you to take in yours or in others situations.

To use this system you have to fallow the instructions in the manual because this mask must be used just when you need and then must be taken off.

you will receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement

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Exorcism reiki by Manuela Fasoli Manual in English or in German

EUR 7.99   year 2018

An exorcism is the casting out an evil spirit from a person, a location or an object

.As you know, It’s usually carried out by priest or someone with special gifts or powers called 'Exorcist'.

there’re simple exorcisms and hard exorcisms and the second one must be performed by a true expert priest but in the majority of cases you can learn how to exorcize yourself people,places and objects.

With this attunement and its manual you’ll be able to exorcize all you need without dangers but when you ‘ll call down this sacred energy,you must fallow the steps you’ll find in the manual .

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 7,99 EUR


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Saint Benedict etheric medail by Manuela Fasoli manual in English or in German

EUR 7.99  year 2018

The Saint Benedict medal is the most powerful tool when you’re performing an exorcism, and when you want to to remove bad spirits and negative entities from yourself,your home or life and when you want to be protected by all theese demons,evil spirits or negativity.

this system puts an etheric saint Benedict medail on you so you can be always protected and the manual provides a powerful ancient invocation for this medail.

you will receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 7,99 EUR


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Residual hauntings remover energy by Manuela Fasoli Manual in English or in German

EUR 7.99   year 2018

Residual hauntings are echos from the past.

There is no ghost or disembodied beings involved.

It’s simply a memory from the past, playing here and there in the house again and again.

Nowaday we could say it’s an informational quantum pack, It's a hologram that acts like a ghost.

Usually it’s very hard to remove residual hauntings but this new energy helps you very much in this work.

This energy can even remove ancient negative memories and energies and protect you during this work.

you will receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement

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Haunted house clearing by Manuela Fasoli manual in English or in German

EUR 7.99   year 2018

Like everyone of us know an haunted house is a house inhabited by disembodied spirits of the deceased who may have been ex residents or were familiar with the property.

Usually an haunted house it’s not easy to clear because theese disembodied beings are deeply linked and really attached to the place.

the first thing to do as you know ,is to be sure to deal with an haunted house and not with residual hauntings because here the things are really different.

If you’re sure you’re dealing with an haunted house you know you should fallow some sacred steps to free this home (you’ll find all in the manual) but with this system you can free your house or other houses just with this energy and a special sacred blessings that you’ll find out in the manual.

This system is very powerful but it’s not for all: if you’re scared or emotional call a priest or a paranormal expert.

you will receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 7,99 EUR



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Anti smokers energy by Manuela Fasoli


Anti smokers energy by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

This attunement protects you from smokers around you and from the bad effects of their smoke.

Smoke is not positive for heath even if you are just near a smoker being not a smoker.Passive smoke is dangerous ,

Passive smoking is as damaging as the active smoke.

This energy protects all non smokers who may have in their family,or friendships or coworkers som

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 7,99 EUR



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High spirits spells by Manuela Fasoli


High spirits spells by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99  year 2018

When a witch write her own book of shadow and composes her spells usually is guided by her creativity or intuition or by some familiar spirits.

With this attunement you’ll be guided just by high Spiritual beings so that your spells not only work better but work for the best of all beings and creation really harming no one and pleasing the Lord,all the Angels and the light Masters.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

7,99 EUR



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Working spell flush by Manuela Fasoli


Working spell flush by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

Every witch has to make her own personal spells but to make a spell that works we need much energy,magick energy !

Unfortunately not all the days ,not in every moment we have a lot of this special energy because often we may be tired,or stressed or worried or simply not in tune .

This energy gives you more magick energy and helps your spells work better and faster.

you will receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 7,99 EUR 



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Open your spiritual path flush by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99  year 2018

We are all spiritual being and first or later we all will come back home to light,life after life.

But everyone has his/her special way home,everyone has his/her spiritual path: for someone may be meditation,for someone else is prayers or yoga or reiki or angels therapy or some other way.

This attunement helps you to find and fallow your own path both in spiritual life and material life .

This energy brings you in the right place in the right moment to do the best thing for yourself and for all your life ,inner and outer!

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 7,99 EUR



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Black salt protection energy by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

Often in ancient magick traditions to protect people from curses or hexes or bad entities the healers or the witches used a black salt bowl .

they gave this bowl to the ones who needed and they had to put this black salt bowl in their home to be protected.

This attunement places on you and your aura an etheric black salt magick bowl to protect you and your space from evil and to repel bad energies.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

7,99 EUR



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Hexes and curses remover essence by Manuela Fasoli Manual in English or in German

EUR 7.99  year 2018

Many people even withou knowing are cursed or hexed and their lives are less happy than they could be.

Sometimes they have always money problems,or love problems or some health problems that seem to have no real reason or causes.

With this energy you can remove and delete all the hexes and curses from you and your energetic fields.

you will receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement

7,99 EUR



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Angels signs Awareness flush by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99  year 2018

Often ,to help us,our angels ,talk to us and give us messages,but usually we don’t realize,we’re not able to hear because our mind is already full of thoughts,emotions,problems and stress.

that’s why they give us their signs,their special signs for us!

Their special signs may be: colored feathers found in places where they should not be,sweet music when all the elettronics tools are off,golden or silver coins found where they should not be,sparkling lights that we can see in front of us for some seconds ,people with the name of your guardian angel who enter in your life just for one day to bring you a message then vanish and angels dreams .

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

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Guardian angels miracles by Manuela Fasoli


Guardian angels miracles by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

many people believe in guardian angels and i’m one who had the fortune to have some friends who knew and met the famous saint Padre Pio from petralcina.

This saint priest believed much in guardian angels and used to say something like.. “ if you need or want something ..send me or send God your guardian angel!

he’s here for this reason!

Pray your guardian angel : it’s the easiest way to obtain everything!” angels has always fascinated human being,they ‘re being of light who are with us since the origin of the world and they’re here to help,guide and inspire us all but they’re even here to grant our good whishes.

in this special time,the time called kaliyuga by the ancient Veda ,they are powerful messagers of light and love and they are even more present because we need help to change,to evolve and to help planet.With this attunement you’ll be more helped to be fullfilled in your needs and whishes by your guardian angels because what prevent us from receiving is we ask in a subdued voice believing we are not worthy of what we ask.

This system help us to eliminate the sense of unworthiness and inadequacy.

you will receive pdf manual and chi Ball Attunement

7,99 EUR



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The 72 Light Healers by Manuela Fasoli


The 72 Light Healers by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

The ancient Kabbalistic knoledge told us that there are 72 angels or light healers who are inhabitants of ten sephiroth of the tree of life and this attunement links you to all theese light beings and their frequencies!

Theese angels are our guardians and our guides but they’re even light frequencies,light energies !

They not only protect and guide us but they give us their light and their gifts in fact every guardian angel give us some skill ,some quality and some asset.

This system is unique and complete and has inside 72 single attunements ,prayers and 31 pages of manual.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

7,99 EUR



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Karmic Masters Blessings by Manuela Fasoli manual in english or in german

EUR 7.99   year 2018

This system brings you the washing blessings of all the Karmic Masters and will help you to reduce the bad effects of your karma in a gentle way so you can learn your lessons and pay your debts without great suffering.

Theese blessings will wash and forgive your sins,your bad actions,your karma for this life and even for past lives. As ancient wiseman said :”with the Grace of the Divine by your side,all the karma becomes just a little funny game”.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

7,99 EUR



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Love Portal Blessings by Manuela Fasoli



Love Portal Blessings by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99  year 2018

From the portal of haevenly love and all Angels ,ancestors ,Saints and beings of love comes this new energy that helps you when you need love,more love,for yourself,your family,your relationships and when you need help for your love problems.

This energy helps you even to love all your inner parts and your skills and to fallow your soul path .

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 7,99 EUR



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Protection from all Dangers by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

We’re always ,first or later,under some risk of danger that may be visible or invisible,little or big ,fixable or less but,as you know,we are not always perfect safe in all the days of our life.

This energy helps you to be more protected and Shielded from all dangers . In this manual you’ll find a powerful prayer given from a new light being named Asharyel who works with archangel Michael.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

7,99 EUR



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Manifesting Reality Through Sacred Angelic Sequences by Manuela Fasoli Manual in English or in German

EUR 7.99   year 2018

Everything God created has a frequency and a frequency is a vibration that you can express by numbers.

Even God and Angels creations can be express by numbers,sacred numbers and forms.Forms are waves in a different state.

When God created the universes and their living beings he created them perfect ,he created in perfection for perfection and perfection means health,joy,happyness and everlasting love.

This is our real nature and our mission! We’re here to come back to love and perfection.With this system you can turn back to health,wellness,love,wealth protection and much more with the help of angelic sacred sequences but you must fallow step by step the instructions in the manual and do what Angels say to do.

Here you will work with your spirit , Mind and Consciousness .

This system is very very powerful ,it’s a revolution in spiritual works.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

7,99 EUR



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Life Mirror Wisdom Flush by Manuela Fasoli


Life Mirror Wisdom Flush by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

Every experience in our outer life is a mirror of our inner life as you know.We manifest our life .

But sometime we manifest bad experiences that we don’t want and often we don’t understand.

The reason is we manifest our inner Projections ,our parts,all the parts of ourself even the neglected,refused and forgotten parts of us to learn some new lessons and to heal thoose parts.

But often it’s hard to catch soon the meaning,it’s hard to heal all thoose inner removed parts so the bad experiences go on coming back and back again.

With this attunement and its energy you’ll be helped to catch and change faster,to heal thoose parts in shorter times so you don’t have to fall into the usual vicious circle that we all know very well.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

7,99 EUR



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Leprechaun Orange Wand for Spiritual Luck by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99  year 2018

A leprechaun is a type of fairy male,they usually are the bringer of real luck and fortune and they can give you different types of luck as money,fame,fortune and wealth but what they most love is giving you the right way to be the happy spiritual being you’re bound to be .

This attunement gives you an etheric orange light wand that helps you to fallow always the right way for you in life and in your spiritual path.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 7,99 EUR 



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