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Resentment and hatred energy flush by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

We all love and need to think we are good ,we love others,we only help and we would never hate other people but deep inside we all know it’s not true.

When we’re really and deeply wounded, When we are humiliated or really hurt or when because of someone we fall into serious misfortunes we can hate and we can’t forgive and forget for a long time.

We are humans,it’s ok,even Angels and Masters know it!

But resentment and hate cause many serious and dangerous damages to our body and our life.

With this attunement you can wash away theese old Resentment and hatred blockages and free your self .

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 7,99 EUR



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Guilt blockages energy flush by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99  year 2018

More than once in our life we felt guily ,sometime for something we made,often because our limitative beliefs told us we were guilty,we were doing something we shouldn't have done and many times because someone else made us feel guilty.

The guilt is something that works round and round inside us and goes deep more and more in a fast way because to be guilty means to be wrong ,to be unworthy of Love and this brings us a big lack of self esteem and self love. Our blockages , as you know, prevent us from reaching our goals,making right decisions and be healthy and happy.

With this attunement you can wash away theese old guilty blockages and free your self .

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

7,99 EUR



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Fear blockages energy flush by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

Sometime we feel fear ,we’re afraid, scared for something or because we’re under a danger. Then,when the danger passed away, when the situation has been fixed and the peace is back everything turns back to normality.We think it’s all ok but that fear,that bad feeling grows inside us and becomes bigger and deeper so deep that one day ,our mind doesn’t remember it anymore and you are sure that problem has been solved…but it’s still there and if you don’t remember it’s just because it went even deeper.

That emotion is not only in your unconscious but in your cells and in your body .Our blockages prevent us from reaching our goals,making right decisions and be healthy and happy.

With this attunement you can wash away theese old fear blockages and free your self .

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

7,99 EUR



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Anger blockages energy flush by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99  year 2018

Sometime we feel anger ,we’re angry with someone or something but when the situation has been fixed and the peace is back everything turns back to normality.But things not always goes this way and that bad feeling grows inside us and becomes bigger and deeper so deep that one day ,our mind doesn’t remember it anymore and you are sure that problem has been solved…but it’s still there and if you don’t remember it’s just because it went even deeper.

That emotion is not only in your unconscious but in your cells and in your body .Our blockages prevent us from reaching our goals,making right decisions and be healthy and happy.

With this attunement you can wash away theese old anger blockages and free your self .

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 7,99 EUR



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Angel Haiaiel Grace Flush by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99  year 2018

angels as you know,are being of light who are with us since the origin of the world and they’re here to help,guide and inspire us all but they even are higher parts of us ,of our soul. Ancient Rabbis used to ask people “what angel are you”? And not “who is your guardian angel”?

The Angels are doors to our way home and to the multidimensional portals. in this special time,the time called kaliyuga by the ancient Veda ,they are powerful messagers of light and love and they are even more present because we need help to change,to evolve and to help planet.The word angel comes from the old ebrew word mal’akh” that means messanger but means even multidimensional warrior .

Usually we use and we know just the word angelos in greek and we think of them just as messangers.

This systems brings you the energy ,the presence ,the protection and the divine skills of Haiaiel.

This angels cleans your aura from blockages and darkness and brings you inspiration,psychic skills and divine Awareness.

In the manual you’ll find the prayer to contact this angel and to receive the help you need.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 7,99 EUR


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Angel Poyel Grace Flush by Manuela Fasoli


Angel Poyel Grace Flush by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

Angels as you know,are being of light who are with us since the origin of the world and they’re here to help,guide and inspire us all but they even are higher parts of us ,of our soul. Ancient rabbis used to ask people “what angel are you”? And not “who is your guardian angel”?

The angels are doors to our way home and to the multidimensional portals. In this special time,the time called kaliyuga by the ancient veda ,they are powerful messagers of light and love and they are even more present because we need help to change,to evolve and to help planet

.the word angel comes from the old ebrew word mal’akh” that means messanger but means even multidimensional warrior .usually we use and we know just the word angelos in greek and we think of them just as messangers.

this systems brings you the energy ,the presence ,the protection and the divine skills of poyel .

Poyel is the angel of fortune and support.

This angel brings fortune on every level of your life ,he fills you with hope, optimism and positive ideas.

This angel can even restore your health.

In the manual you’ll find the prayer to contact this angel and to receive the help you need.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 7,99 EUR


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Angel Mumiah Grace Flush by Manuela Fasoli


Angel Mumiah Grace Flush by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99  year 2018

Angels as you know,are being of light who are with us since the origin of the world and they’re here to help,guide and inspire us all but they even are higher parts of us ,of our soul. Ancient rabbis used to ask people “what angel are you”? And not “who is your guardian angel”?

The angels are doors to our way home and to the multidimensional portals.

In this special time,the time called kaliyuga by the ancient veda ,they are powerful messagers of light and love and they are even more present because we need help to change,to evolve and to help planet.

the word angel comes from the old ebrew word mal’akh” that means messanger but means even multidimensional warrior .usually we use and we know just the word angelos in greek and we think of them just as messangers.

this systems brings you the energy ,the presence ,the protection and the divine skills of mumiah,the angel of psychic abilities,of endings and rebirth.this angel can help you to have a new birth,a new begining in your life,new positive situations and can help you to better your psychic skills and gifts but most of all,this angel of ending can help you heal incurable diseases.

In the manual you’ll find the prayer to contact this angel and to receive the help you need.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 7,99 EUR



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Witch Magickal Luck Ring by Manuela Fasoli


Witch Magickal Luck Ring by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

This energy allows you to create magickal rings for luck

.magickal rings may be created to attract luck ,wealth, money or simply to be more lucky.

Magickal rings are very powerful and very used in magick because you may always have with you its power only wearing the ring you created!

In the manual you’ll find out how to create your ring with this energy.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

7,99 EUR



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Witch Magickal Health Ring by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

This energy allows you to create magickal rings for health problems

.magickal rings may be created to better your healing skills,to have some relief from pain, or to help healing from a problem.

Magickal rings are very powerful and very used in magick because you may always have with you its power only wearing the ring you created!

In the manual you’ll find out how to create your ring with this energy.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 7,99 EUR



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Witch Magickal Love Ring by Manuela Fasoli


Witch Magickal Love Ring by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

This energy allows you to create magickal rings for love problems .

magickal rings may be created to attract love,soul mates, or to rekindle old passion or simply to be more sexy.

Magickal rings are very powerful and very used in magick because you may always have with you its power only wearing the ring you created!

In the manual you’ll find out how to create your ring with this energy.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

7,99 EUR



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Fibonacci Codes Healing Flush by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2018

Everyone knows fibonacci was an italian matematician from Pisa named Leonardo Pisano.

Fibonacci found out some sacred numbers sequences that speak the language of our DNA and reminded it of our original fractal blueprint.
you know the human body is an analogy of the universe and fibonacci ‘s golden ratio expresses the law of equilibrium ,of health and beauty.

When your dna is exposed to his golden ratio,to this sacred sequence of numbers,it has a resonant effect that helps your body,mind and soul to turn back to the original healthy equilibrium opening a door to our multidimensional potentials.

with this attunement the energy of this sacred sequence will fill your auric bodies and your energetic fields to help you in your wayhome to wellbeing and armony.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

7,99 EUR



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Angel Caliel Grace flush by Manuela Fasoli


Angel Caliel Grace flush by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99    year 2017

Angels as you know,are being of light who are with us since the origin of the world and they’re here to help,guide and inspire us all but they even are higher parts of us ,of our soul.

Ancient Rabbis used to ask people “what angel are you”? And not “who is your guardian angel”?

The Angels are doors to our way home and to the multidimensional portals.

in this special time,the time called kaliyuga by the ancient Veda ,they are powerful messagers of light and love and they are even more present because we need help to change,to evolve and to help planet.

The word angel comes from the old ebrew word mal’akh” that means messanger but means even multidimensional warrior .

Usually we use and we know just the word angelos in greek and we think of them just as messangers.

This systems brings you the energy ,the presence ,the protection and the divine skills of Caliel; this angel helps you To receive always help in any situation. this angel is the angel who makes innocents winners.

You can use this system to receive help in your healings and in all your problems .

In the manual you’ll find the prayer to contact this angel and to receive the help you need.

you receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 7,99 EUR


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Angel Lauviah Grace flush by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2017

Angels as you know,are being of light who are with us since the origin of the world and they’re here to help,guide and inspire us all but they even are higher parts of us ,of our soul.

Ancient Rabbis used to ask people “what angel are you”? And not “who is your guardian angel”?

The Angels are doors to our way home and to the multidimensional portals. in this special time,the time called kaliyuga by the ancient Veda ,they are powerful messagers of light and love and they are even more present because we need help to change,to evolve and to help planet.The word angel comes from the old ebrew word mal’akh” that means messanger but means even multidimensional warrior .

Usually we use and we know just the word angelos in greek and we think of them just as messangers.

This systems brings you the energy ,the presence ,the protection and the divine skills of Lauviah.

Lauviah helps you heal mental problems and deseases, sadness and gives you prophetic dreams.

You can use this system to banish depression,sadness and grief or to work on your dreams and the messages they bring up to you from the deep parts of your Unconscious.

In the manual you’ll find the prayer to contact this angel and to receive the help you need.

you receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 7,99 EUR



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Angel Mebahel Grace flush by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99  year 2017

Angels as you know,are being of light who are with us since the origin of the world and they’re here to help,guide and inspire us all but they even are higher parts of us ,of our soul.

Ancient Rabbis used to ask people “what angel are you”?

And not “who is your guardian angel”?

The Angels are doors to our way home and to the multidimensional portals.

in this special time,the time called kaliyuga by the ancient Veda ,they are powerful messagers of light and love and they are even more present because we need help to change,to evolve and to help planet.

The word angel comes from the old ebrew word mal’akh” that means messanger but means even multidimensional warrior .

Usually we use and we know just the word angelos in greek and we think of them just as messangers.

This systems brings you the energy ,the presence ,the protection and the divine skills of Mebahel.

Mebahel helps you to fight Against enemies, injustice and brings you truth and freedom; this angel protects innocent prisoners and theese prisoners are inside us,theese prisoners are old forgotten parts of our self.

When we free and heal theese parts we really can reach our goals and we really can be the Divine Beings we’re bound to be.

You can use this system to banish visible or invisible enemies, to find your inner real truth about your choices,to overcome legal problems and to be free from your hidden traumas.

In the manual you’ll find the prayer to contact this angel and to receive the help you need.

you receive pdf Manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 7,99 EUR



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The Light Elves blessings by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2017

The Light Elves are very wise,pure and noble.

They can enhance Magic abilities, open your third eye and psychic senses.

They can grant any wish and council you on ANYTHING that you need.

They can tell you secret knowledge and protect you from evil energy

With this attunement you create a permanent link with them and their secret realm.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

7,99 EUR



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Khodham blessings reiki by Manuela Fasoli


Khodham blessings reiki by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2017

The Khodhams are purest and highest beings of light who serve God and protect the lightworker.

Their protection and their care are Immense and immeasurable : they protect you from evil,from dangers,from any harm or problems if you call them by your side but they’ll do just if your heart is good and if you work for the light.

A khodham blessings is an high ,pure , loving and cleansing energy that can really help you and your spiritual growth.

This attunement is a blessed gift from Spiritual realm.

Everytime you call down this energy you’ll receive a healing blessing!

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

7,99 EUR



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Khelmiryah djinn reiki attunement by Manuela Fasoli manual in english or in german

EUR 7.99  year 2017

This djinn is an old good female wise granting whishes genie, she’s very powerful and very kind.She has a special skill for love whishes!

With this attunement you create a link between you and her and you may have her help and her energy flush without any other tools . this is a different way to approach a djinn because you just create a link to her energy.

You may call down this energy when you ‘re in need or when you want to reach your goals but you even may let her in her dimension when you’re not in need!

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

7,99 EUR



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Almhael djinn reiki attunement for money problems by Manuela Fasoli manual in english or in german

EUR 7.99  year 2017

This djinn is a strong,angelic and loyal granting whishes djinn , he’s very powerful and very protective.

he has a special skill for money whishes!

With this attunement you create a link between you and him and you may have his help and his energy flush without any other tools . this is a different way to approach a djinn because you’ll hane no creature attached to you ,you just create a link to his energy.

You may call down this energy when you ‘re in need or when you want to reach your goals but you even may let him in his dimension when you’re not in need!

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 7,99 EUR



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Saint Clare blessing for whishes by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2017

Saint Clare was born in assisi in 1194 and lived in the Grace of the Lord helping poors toghether with saint Francis.

Her blessings can help you to

Find your way home to your real spiritual mission and to realize your life goals.

This attunement creates a permanent link with this Saint and her energy of Grace and helps you in finding solutions to your life problems.

In the manual you’ll find a powerful secret prayer to receive her help.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

 7,99 EUR



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Saint Anthony marriage blessing by Manuela Fasoli

EUR 7.99   year 2017

Saint Anthony can help you in many ways but one of his greatest
Help is the love and marriage’s one.

His marriage blessing helped many couples to get married or to rekindle their lost passion and devotion.

This attunement creates a permanent link with this Saint and his energy of love.

In the manual you’ll find a powerful secret prayer to receive his help in your love and marriage problems.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

7,99 EUR



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