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Namasmarana Flush by Manuela Fasoli


EUR 5.00

Namasmarana Flush

One of the most important kind of meditation according to ancient veda ,is namasmarana,the chant of God’s sacred names!

When you repeat the sacred Name of God everything betters in you,inside and outside, when you chant His Name you reach the goal of His Divine Presence in you and,as it’s said in ancient Veda,you even reach your personal goals.

Being in the holy Grace of God means even being fulfilled in all area of your life .

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Vipassana Flush by Manuela Fasoli



EUR 5.00

Vipassana flush year 2016

Vipassana is a kind of meditation that brings more peace,wellbeing,awareness and joy

. The word “vipassana” in ancient pali language means deep vision . when you have the deep vision of your truly self And who you are everything changes for you and your life.

This system helps you to do a good meditation even if and when you have no time: the flush will work in you and for you and you will have the benefits of this ancient practise even if you’re busy and without much time to dedicate to your daily spiritual work  

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Vampires Reiki by Manuela Fasoli



EUR 5.00

Vampires Reiki year 2015

Vampires reiki This system is not for all!

The gift of this attunement Are The skills that you may develop

. This energy created a great connection with vampires'powers and skills.

The most amazing thing about the vampire is the charisma and ability to draw others to them.

The erotic sex appeal is one of the most alluring features of this magical creatures. even The ability to mentally control wind and air flow, The that n separate and control one's astral body outside of the physical body and the ability to hear sounds coming from the spiritual plane and more

The benefits of this system can be:more energetic health charisma sex appeal ,obe and psychic skill 

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Radionic Cleaning Reiki by Manuela Fasoli



EUR 5.00

Radionic Cleaning Reiki year 2016

Is a beautiful and gentle healing energy That we can all use in our daily lives. Not only it Helps us heal from different ailments and causes,

Also it can help us to remove blockages That prevent our progress on our life path.

Radionic cleaning reiki This attunement was given by archangel Michael and serves to purify all your etheric fields from all kinds of negativity.when our subtle bodies are not too many things go wrong in our life and, usually you, we feel not well.

With this system you can be free from all negative energy , Entities, implants and bad emotions

Usually, to do a good radionic healing, we use a pendulum, some loss plan or tool to biotensor.some time we're far from home without our tools and if we feel negative energies we can use this system. With this attunement Archangel Michael will clean away all the negativities from us in a deep but sweet way.

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Avalonmist Reiki by Manuela Fasoli



EUR 5.00

Avalonmist Reiki year 2015

Is a beautiful and gentle healing energy that we can all use in our daily lives.

Not only it Helps us heal from different ailments and causes, Also it can help us to remove blockages that prevent our progress on our life path

. Avalonmist reiki The mists around Avalon were protective,

They hid the island for those who were not intended to as the in.Avalon is island where king arthur was borne and went after death and was a magic place full of magical creatures.

Avalon was not for all, nature and that'swhy mother her guardians protected it. with this attunement you can protect your self from harming energy and people.

This energy will wrap you like a fog so your energetic field will be safe and protect.

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EUR 5.00    year 2016

Angelic white witches Caudron Reiki is a beautiful and gentle healing energy That we can all use in our daily lives.

Not only it Helps us heal from different ailments and causes, it can Also help us to remove blockages That prevent our progress on our life path.

Many witches were pure and compassionate healers, they were angels on earth and still they are, in the astral realms where we do not see them. But they're still ready to help us and work for us

. With this system you work with four witches:

Atuna: this white witch helps you to heal with herbs and stones, she send you the intuitive knowledge of vegetal and mineral realm to choose the right remedies.

Fornarina: this white witch helps you to wash away all etheric negativity with her broom.

Myra: this white witch is a healer on all levels and you can work Both with her for physical and emotional problems

Thara: this witch will help you with spells. She can give you more energy When you cast a spell or suggest you a special spell During your sleep or meditations. 

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Magnet of success flush by Manuela Fasoli


Magnet of success flush by Manuela Fasoli

year 2019

This system comes from the source and our beloved Archangels Raphael ,Michael and Tzadkiel and helps you to be like a magnet for success in every area of your life because helps you to better all your energetic fields and aura but,most of all,helps you to change your mindset and your self esteem.

The energies of these three Archangels together are really a blessed Grace for us!


you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement


7,99 euro 




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Healing mental illness by Manuela Fasoli


year 2019

There’re many kinds of mental illness : depression,panic attacks,psychosis, Phobia, obsessive compulsive syndromes and much more.

This system with its divine healing energies can bring relief and helps us to work better on these deseases and to heal them according to God’s Will.



you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement


7,99 euro 




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Cellulite and skin imperfections removal flush by Manuela Fasoli

This system helps you to remove better both cellulite and other skin imperfections that usually we don’t like and helps us to choose the right products,remedies and the right food for our wellness and beauty.

This energy speeds up our skin healing processes.

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Banish Thieves flush by Manuela Fasoli



Banish Thieves flush by Manuela Fasoli

year 2019

As you know,often when we get stolen we feel violated,we feel some injustice beside we get deprived of something that was ours!

Being robbed is always a bad thing to face!

This system gives you more protection against thieves ,being stolen and helps us to live this problem in a different and better way especially for your psyche and your emotions.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement


7,99 euro




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Banish stalker flush by Manuela Fasoli



Banish stalker flush by Manuela Fasoli

year 2019

A stalker may be a very great problem in the life and may be dangerous ,sometime for the body sometime for the peace of our mind and often for both.

With this system you’ll be more protected from these evil and crazy persons and from any danger.



you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement


7,99 euro 



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year 2019  EUR 9.99

This energy helps you to catch and send to the light ghosts and entities around you or in your space.

This system work as the etheric tool of our beloved archangel Michael,in this system there’re two symbols,one to take them and one to send them into divine light.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement

9,99 euro




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year 2019  EUR 7.99

This disorder can have multiple causes: it may be due to a wrong posture, excessive exertion, a sedentary lifestyle, problems related to the joints or bones of the spine or muscular trauma or a nerves inflammation.

This system helps you to have some relief from pain and inflammation but,of course,you should see even your doctor.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement



7,99 euro 




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EUR 9.99

Back pain and inflammation can be due even to implants,etheric devices ,entities attached on this area or low energies .

This second level helps you when your pain or your inflammation are not due to physical causes

.Of course in both cases you must work on yourself to remove the causes but with this system you can have some benefits and have some reliefs .


you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement


9,99 euro 




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year 2019 EUR 7.99

The corpus domini old church is a sacred place where many people received miracles and Graces.

So,if you’re in need of holy help you can have this sacred energy with this attunement and pray the Lord to help you or your family for your needs.

In the manual you’ll find a special prayer to receive graces and miracles .

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year 2019  EUR 7.99

Saint Andrew is a sacred place in south italy where hosts sometime are turned into holy blood by the holy spirit.

An old story says that an incredulous woman about the truth of the Eucharist stole a host in the course of Holy Mass.

At home the woman placed the consecrated host inside a pan filled with boiling oil and suddenly from the particle began to come out large amounts of blood.

In this sacred place many healings happened .With this system you’re linked to this holy place and its energy !


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EUR 7.99

The name "Francigena " indicates the way that "from the land of the Franks" allowed the pilgrims of the Alps to arrive in Rome. The entrance to Italy at the mountain passes carried pilgrims along the consular roads and on the Appia in particular, to arrive in Rome in prayer, but following the diffusion of the "Diary of Sigerico " began to retrace the stages.

The abbot Sigeric, in fact, appointed Bishop of Canterbury in 990 by Pope John XV, in his diary tells of the 80 places he crossed from Canterbury to Rome, to receive the investiture.

The Via Francigena thus became a path for all the pilgrims who want to make a real spiritual journey to change inside and receive the gift of faith.

With this system you can do an astral journey to all these sacred places and receive the energy of this pilgrimage without going anywhere.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement


7,99 euro




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year 2019  EUR 7.99

According to an ancient tradition, now proven by historical and archaeological Researches, the Holy House is precisely the house of Nazareth in which Mary was born, she was educated and received the angelic announcement.

The house consisted of a masonry room made up of three stone walls placed at the closure of a cave dug into the rock. The cave is still venerated in Nazareth, in the Basilica of the Annunciation, while the three stone walls, according to tradition, in 1294 were transported to Loreto when the Crusaders were expelled from Palestine.Documents and archaeological excavations must be confirmed by the hypothesis that the walls of the Holy House were transported to Loreto on a ship, on the initiative of the noble family Angeli, which reigned over Epirus

.In this place many people feel and find peace ,faith and deep healings.With this system you’ll receive this beautiful holy energy

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement


7,99 euro 




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year 2019  EUR 7.99

From these sources gushed water from the prodigious powers, thanks to which was damposed and cured the epidemic of plague that in that year had brought to the knees the population. Men and animals were healed simply by drinking water and in a short time many pilgrims wanted to visit the place.

With this system you’ll receive the energy of this special holy water in your energetic field .

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement


7,99 euro




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year 2019  EUR 9.99

According to the myth of the Magic Gate, in a mansion near Rome, went a pilgrim, in search of a miraculous herb capable of generating gold.

This figure disappeared mysteriously leaving at the entrance of the door three golden specks and indecipherable inscriptions, thanks to which it would have been possible to know the secret of the Philosopher's Stone.

The inscriptions were then engraved on the arch of the door and even today it was not possible to decipher them but it’s said that Those who stop very much under this door increase their intuitive abilities .

With this system you’ll receive this magick energy that will help you to improve your psichic skills and to turn your inner plumb (negativities,blockages,conflicts) into gold (high consciousness).

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement


9,99 euro




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