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year 2020  - 7,99 euro 

Moxibustion is an alternative eastern therapy that burns herbs and use the resulting heat on some specific points on the body to heal many deseases.Burning these herbs you increase the chi or ki ,the vital energy that flows in our mo (meridians) healing the body and the mind. With this system you’ll have your energetic moxibustion session without going out of your home!

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year 2020  - 7,99  euro

The worst enemies we have as you know are all inside us ,what we meet in life is just a Projection of our inner world and if we are full of parts of us that work against us , our enemies, what we’ll find outside is not something good.With this system you can turn your enemies,inner and outer,and your shadows into allies.

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year 2020  - 7,99 euro 

The timeline for us is a pattern that all human beings have, an internal model of time representation. Each one, everyone of us ,represents the temporal flow in different way and this is true but the timeline is even a real etheric flowing line that contains our traumas,bad experiences and blockages.With this system you can reprogram your destiny especially in the past,because the pasti s the seed of what we are and have now and the presenti s the seed of our future.

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Raziel nous energy by Manuela Fasoli


year 2020  - 7,99 euro 

This system comes from our beloved archangel Raziel to hel you to see beyond ,to see the real divine project in every situation ,every person and in your life.We are used to think about “what and why” now but often when something,even something bad,happens there’s a bigger and higher reason .With this system we can catch sooner and more easily this hidden divine plane.

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year 2020  - 7,99 euro 

In ancient Jewish culture many wise men said that some people were endowed with a sacred skill: the yhbbur! This skill make you see and comunicate with high Spirit Guides Through the physical body of an unsuspecting and unaware person to speak by someone else's mouth.Sometime the high dimensions masters talk to us this way but we don’t realize that this happens because we don’t see the master but just a normal person.people who have the yhbbur soon recognize who’s really speaking and follow the messages without doubts.One of this amazing skilled soul was Mary Magdalene and like her some saints.With this energy,time after time and step by step you can develop this skill.

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year 2020  - 7,99 euro

This ancient fairy spell was used to increase attraction and affection, strengthen the attraction or to attract true love in your life and to rekindle an old flame. With this system you can have the energy of this ancient spell without casting any real spell.

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year 2020  - 7,99 euro

This ancient powerful spell will call down Shaila the most powerful Fairy, Muse spirit to assist YOU! the Fairy Muse can help you with : wishes granted, luck, power in many forms, guidance, Blessings for those around you, a strengthening of abilitites, new Magickal ability and "journeying" to other realms and dimensions.

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year 2020   - 7,99 euro 

The highest mission of a lightworker is ,as Jesus said,to give love to our enemies,to forgive even when this seems impossible but to be able to do this and to follow this divine love path,we must be able to find and see light even in the dark,to see the good beyond the evil face of a person or a situation.This system helps you to open your heart to this holy path helping the light and the high dimension’masters and the source.

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year 2020  - 7,99 euro 

The IBS symptoms are partly due to an increased permeability of the intestinal mucosa that exposes the underlying layers to non-physiological contact with irritants normally present in the intestine, making it hypersensitive.This energy helps you to better and take more under control this desease. This is not a replacement of medical therapies is an energetic help and you must go on following your doctors.

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Ischemia helping energy by Manuela Fasoli


year 2020  - 7,99 euro 

An ischemia is a serious desease where some part of your body, like heart or brain, isn’t receiving enough blood. This desease needs the help of medical care and theraphy because may be really serious.This system helps your energetic bodies to fight better and to have more chances to heal faster. This is not a replacement of medical therapies is an energetic help and you must go on following your doctors.

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Stroke helping energy by Manuela Fasoli


year 2020   - 7,99 euro 

A stroke is a serious desease that often strikes many people.this energy helps your energetic field to heal faster and better .This is not a replacement of medical therapies is an energetic help and you must go on following your doctors.

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year 2020 - 7,99 euro 

This new energy comes from the source and helps you to better your own karmic dna,even on material and physical plane and to create a new karmic line,a new future based on the real goals that your true self wants to reach with more joy ,peace and happiness.

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Dna karma removing by Manuela Fasoli


year 2020  - 7,99 euro

You know we have inside our cells all our family and ancestors dna and more often than what we think we are drawn to be or do something that is not really ours !This system helps you to remove from your cells’memory your family karma so you can be free to be who you truly are .

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Karmic clan cleansing by Manuela Fasoli


year 2020  - 7,99 euro 

The karmic clan can be removed because many people who don't belong to our genetic line are involved and we don’t have their permission ,but we can clean away their negative energies and give them light.A karmic clan is made of all the people who have come into contact with members of our genetic line without being related.These people may have caused problems for our ancestors,problems that are still present in our genealogy.With this system you help your blood line to be cleaned.

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Shaman eagle flush by Manuela Fasoli


year 2020  - 7,99 euro 

For the native shamans the eagle is the Spirit, is a sacred messenger, who brings our prayers on its wings to the Creator,the Father sky . This shaman energy helps you to have spirit visions,to receive messages from high dimensions and to help and heal with prayers,chants and rites.

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Shaman cougar flush by Manuela Fasoli


year 2020  - 7,99 euro 

For the native shamans the cougar has the power to see the truth, to proceed on its way avoiding obstacles and to be always awake and ready. This shaman energy helps you to be more in the here and now ,to be more grounded,present and to find out the truth beyond every veil.

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Divine source blessings by Manuela Fasoli


year 2020 - 7,99 euro 

The blessings of divine source is the blessings of all highest energies and masters of all dimensions and can help you in all areas of your life.All the angels,archangels,ascended masters,Gods,Goddesses and their high and pure energies will surround you and your energetic fields bringing healings,solutions,happyness,love and joy.

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