by Maria João Sereno (Brigitt)
EUR 6.99 year 2011
Flirting is non-physical sexual the communication between two people to negotiate mutual attraction through body language and verbal tactics.
it is an initiation ritual of human mating and Consists of a playful sequence of Reveals and challenges That serves to communicate, test, and amplify attraction. Revealing attraction is accomplished primarily through specific Modes of b ody language th at specified contact readiness (hair flicking, eye contact, brief touching, open stances, proximity, etc.) and vocal tone (peace, volume, intonation).
Challenges (teasing, questions, qualifying, feigned disinterest) serves to increase to tension, tests intention and congruity.
Flirting may involve speaking and behaving in a way That suggests greater intimacy than is Generally Considered appropriate to the relationship or the That period they have known each other, without actually saying or doing That anything breaches any serious social norms
The Sparkling Light of Flirting help you with:
Glamour, Charism, Inner beauty ,Communication
Sex-appeal ,Self-confidence, Sensuality
Inspiration. Amplify attraction & Seduction
Love ,Increase intimacy and more
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