Curtains of Aurora by Mariah Windsong


Curtains of Aurora by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 28.00

Price $ 28

Curtains of Aurora energy system provides curtains of energy expansive color bands that you send to treat your walls, closets, floors and ceilings.
These curtains are the energy of the Northern and Southern Lights. The application of these energies makes your living spaces more sacred.
Your Curtains of Aurora provides you with a more comfortable living space and increased protection against adverse energetic influences entering it.
Stale and stagnate energy can harbor negative influences and inhibit the manifesting of a fully prosperous and joyful life. Cluttered corners and closets slow down your co-creation efforts. Curtains of Aurora lifts and expands the energy so that anything that does not belong crops away.

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