Digestive Care by Mariah Windsong


Digestive Care by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 31.00

31 $

Digestive Care energy system is designed to assist you and your body to have an efficient and comfortable digestive system

Digestion of solid and liquid foods is important Digestion of the information resulting from situations in your life ,and your positioning to them is another factor in your digstive system health and comfort

Digestive Care contains a Digestive Shakti who brings assistance targeted at specific areas and purposes and these energy functions

Aloe Vera Healer ,Villi Healing Session and Gut Instinct Trust Ray Villi are the finger like protrusions on the inner lining of your intestines

receive manual english ,chi ball attunement

you can send payment 31.00 EUR with the link http://paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo

and Please in add a note paypal - name of the system or after the payment send email to trubiolo@ymail.com