Eight Fold Noble Path Activation 1 / 3 Level and Master by Mariah Windsong Buy and get free one system of egual or less value
EUR 25.99
Only Usui Reiki Master Teachers may pass attunements to others
Those who aren 't Usui Reiki Masters may still provide sessions to others
Eight Fold Noble Path consists of Buddhist tenets for right living
The firts level activates wisdom and helps you find the right views and intentions for you .
The second sets in place your ethics compass and assists you to gain right speech ,action and be in the right livelihood for you .
The third level activates mental development and discipline so that your efforts are in the right place ,and that you have right mindfulness and concentration
If you are an Usui Master Teacher this 4 level will also confer upon you the right to pass attunements of this Eight Fold Noble Path Activation energy system onward to others
receive 2 manual in english ,distant attunements
you can send payment 25.99 EUR with the link http://paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo
and Please in add a note paypal - name of the system or after the payment send email to trubiolo@ymail.com