mariah windsong couture (18)


Efficient Memory Shakti by Mariah Windsong Couture -

EUR 20.00

year 2011 - 20 $

Efficient Memory Shakti™ provides education for your mind to better choose what to keep in your short term memory and what to send to long term memory. Sometimes a memory is not stored in the proper location. If your memories are in the wrong location, you could have too much unnecessary information in your short term memory and have difficulty recalling the important information necessary for daily life.

Your brain records everything. Efficient Memory Shakti™ increases your memory efficiency so that the proper information is in the right place.

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Copper Elemental Spirit Empowerment by Mariah Windsong Couture - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00

Copper Elemental Spirit Empowerment

Copper Elemental Spirit Empowerment ™ has several functions That Are ready to protect your body and household from Electromagnetic Fields emitted by computers, cell phones and high powered electric lines.

You'll be imbue this amazing elemental spirit into objects and stairways too!

Electricity Pollution affects many people who are electrically sensitive and others who do not even realize That they are.

Copper Body Protector ™ is an excellent spiritual function That Provides a layer of protection for you.

Copper Grounding Rods ™ are etheric copper rods That Can be Placed around the edges of your home and roof to move EMF radiation down and away an more

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Acupressure Therapy by Mariah Windsong Couture


Acupressure Therapy by Mariah Windsong Couture - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00

Hand Care or Etheric Hands Awakening is prerequisite to Acupressure Therapy.

Acupressure Therapy may be received by anyone who has received Hand Care energy system attunement but may only be passed on by a Reiki or Seichim Master Teacher.

This is an advanced energy system.

An attunement to Acupressure Therapy Provides you Intensive Acupressure Therapy Which you may activate for various zones in your body.

Acupressure Therapy may be activated for any health issue.

It removes energy blocks in your meridians to increase to healing.

Acupressure Therapy is etheric That acupressure uses Both your etheric hand ability and the innate knowledge of your body's consciousness to Provide your body with relief of discomfort and stress.

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Worry Flush by Mariah Windsong Couture


Worry Flush by Mariah Windsong Couture

EUR 20.00

Worry Flush is an easy way to emotionally drop away your current That worries and the recycled ones keep cycling back into your mind. Worries are one of the most insidious ways our peace and happiness erodes away.

The wild part is that a person's mind really believes's it is dutifully doing its job to "watch out" for possible problems and find solutions.

By "worrying" a person's mind is simply replaying the concern over and over again and your emotionally discomfort is amplified.

Worry Flush ™ can be activated as Often as you feel yourself worrying about anything!

You may need to activate it Often at first until your mind That learns it does not "need" to worry in order to do its proper job for you!

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My Eternal Love by Mariah Windsong Couture


My Eternal Love by Mariah Windsong Couture - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 39.00

Many people have an unanswered longing for a love that they have not found here on Earth.

Others are with Their Eternal Love, yet here in physicality

That person is not healthy enough to connect with them at the level they need and want. Some people's loves have passed on as Their body She died.

Now there is a way to connect with your Eternal Love in a safe and healthy way for Everyone Involved.

Levels 1 and 2 described in the manual.

You gain access to dance and merge consciously at the soul level with your Eternal Love.

This Creates completion rather than longing.

You gain access to the place in your and the other person's soul who is your Eternal Love.

Any romantic relationship you have here will be Entered into and lived with an openness and depth of connection That was not possible prior to working with this energy system, Because your soul will not be tugging you in another direction.

Only a Reiki Master Teacher or Seichim may pass attunements.

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Bio Life Kundalini by Mariah Windsong Couture


Bio Life Kundalini by Mariah Windsong Couture - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.25

Bio Life Kundalini is a comprehensive energy system and gently That effectively dissolves away any plugs in your chakras or thorns That previously inhibited your Kundalini's movement and laughed Within Your Body.

it activates in every cell's nucleus and DNA spiral fueling you through your microcosm.

Bio Life Kundalini gives you greater access to your soul's wisdom beckons your Kundalini to rise and Enhance Your sexual magnetism.

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Punishment Flush by Mariah Windsong Couture


Punishment Flush by Mariah Windsong Couture - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00

year 2011

The idea of being punished for one's wrongs or is deeply seated in all cultures.

If you have ever been punished there could be imprints of it in your mind and your body.

These imprints of punitive action upon you-can stand in the way of your self worth being Realized.

Punishment Flush easily flushes away the That punishment imprints limit your ability to attract good to you.

That many people think they deserve to be punished for even unkind thoughts.

Others have subconscious memories of punishments

That happened in other times and places. Bodies hold memories of ancestral punishments.

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Inadequacy Flush by Mariah Windsong Couture


Inadequacy Flush by Mariah Windsong Couture - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00

Inadequacy Flush Has Been brought` to us in order That We may flush away Those feeling of not being good enough. "Not being good enough" are feelings That can strip away joy and confidence.

Feelings of inadequacy are some of the most insidious of all feelings.

This is Because of the emotional injury Which Occurs When a person feels That they do not meet standard. Your immune system's health is adversely affected by emotional imprints of trauma or unworthiness.

When a person Has Been Told That they do not measure up in the eyes of another, they feel "less than". Often this can be registered by Their body as not being good enough.

This is stressful. such Stress is the leading cause of a person's immune system being weakened.

Inadequacy Flush is a fast and easy way to flush away Those imprints of being "less than".

Self Confidence Enhancement is Also included to help you Increase your self confidence, thus rebuilding your health in many ways.

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Disappointment Flush by Mariah Windsong Couture


Disappointment Flush by Mariah Windsong Couture

EUR 20.00

year 2011

™ with Hope Empowerment ™ Disappointment Flush ™ energetically flushes away the emotional impact of disappointment and helps you be ready to think of your next steps.

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TMJ Care -Mariah Windsong Couture


TMJ Care -Mariah Windsong Couture

EUR 20.00

year 2011

TMJ Care is care for your Temporomandibular joints.

These are the That gliding joints connect your jaws to your head.

There are a variety of That disorders can cause this joint to have inflammation and slip out of place.

An ache or pain in your jaw, headache, dizziness and tooth or earache can all be indicators of TMJ disorders.

The CARE Team brings you relaxation, and relief of tension So THAT any physical joint misalignment can be adjusted.

TMJ Care ™ energy, When activated attends to any other area of your body That may be out of balance as a result of your Temporomandibular joint problems. Chakra spins are adjusted and inflammation of your TMJ joint can He is reduced.

TMJ Care ™ promotes physical healing of Both your jaw joints.

TMJ Care's energies synergize with all other healing modalities for you.

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Inflammation Reduction Ray by Mariah Windsong Couture

EUR 20.00

Inflammation is a problem for many body areas.

Inflammation is the body's natural response to outside influences That it Deems to be a threat.

When the threat is no more and inflammation remains it causes problems in the body such as swelling, tissue damage and pain.

Inflammation is a protective attempt by your body to remove the injurious stimuli and to get the healing process moving forward

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Bio Life Sphere by Mariah Windsong Couture


Bio Life Sphere by Mariah Windsong Couture

EUR 19.99

Bio Life is self sustaining Eternal Living That energy most optimally fuels all biological organisms from the Heart of Eternal Sacred Source

Humans are the only species That Seem to have forgotten to reach to Source always.

Bio Life Sphere replenishes the body and being of any species.

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Self Knowledge Rays by Mariah Windsong Couture


Self Knowledge Rays by Mariah Windsong Couture - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00

year 2011 - 25 $

Self Knowledge Rays speeds up the time it takes for you to learn about yourself.

When you know yourself you can make wise, steadfast decisions.

Self Knowledge Rays brings to the surface the information you need to make educated decisions about what is right for you in any life situation.

Many people experience regret When They make commitments Which they later learn are incongruent With Their natures.

This is a cause of dis-ease.

Self Acceptance Rays are included to help you accept That Which is not Within You ready to change at this time.

There is value in knowing yourself and accepting the core of your self, without a need to change it.

Self knowledge is a key to knowing what is right for you and what is not.

This knowledge is incredibly beneficial for you to have prior to any major life decision. Entering a school, job, career, relationship or marriage requires That you know enough about yourself to discern if the commitment will be healthy for you years later.

While it is not possible to know all of how you will feel about a person or situation down the road, Self Knowledge Rays will bring your attention to the areas Within You That Are Necessary to consider right now. You may notice your inner truth in a way That you could not before.

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Psychic Privacy Protection by Mariah Windsong Couture

EUR 14.99

year 2012 Psychic Privacy Protection Personal use only

This is for personal use only. Psychic Privacy Protection ™ is an energy system you are attuned to and then you can activate anytime for the remainder of your life. this protective Energy is especially designed to conceal information you wish to remain private, from the prying eyes and consciousness of other people.

There are people who hire psychics to look and probe anyone who Their clients ask to them.

I'm sure you do not want your private information to be revealed just Because someone paid a psychic to do so.

There is a need for special protection for your private thoughts and now it is easy to protect the information you carry in your mind from others

. You may not have had any reason to consider your thoughts and the information in your mind to be anything other than private

Some people are naturally psychic and will "pick up on" your thoughts without even trying to. In truth, for These People, they try hard to screen out other people's thoughts. However, if something applies to list them, it is difficult not to notice your thoughts.

In "spiritual" communities, where many people have psychic abilities, the boundaries of privacy can feel blurred and this energy system is very valuable.

When you are around people or just in contact by email or telephone with people who can instantly perceive your thoughts, privacy takes on an additional level of major importance.

Remember to activate it as Often as you think of wanting your privacy to be strong and intact

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Purchase Attraction Rays by Mariah Windsong Couture Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 21.99

Purchases happen Because of agreements.

Attracting agreements is what These Purchase Attraction Rays do.

They seek out people who want and have the means to purchase whatever it is that you are offering.

Those people will become aware of your business offerings then agreement occurs.

Purchase Attraction Rays are in full alignment with Divine and Cosmic Law.

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Pancreas Care by Mariah Windsong Couture


Pancreas Care by Mariah Windsong Couture - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00

25 $

Pancreas Care energy system promotes the health of your pancreas and gallbladder.

There are some things you can do by means of diet, and others by means of energy system activation to bring spiritual life force energies to nourish and maintain your pancreas.

Pancreas Care energy system is easy to activate with thought intent after you receive your attunement. If you want a more intensive session, ask the Pancreas Care Team to work with you

Some benefits of Pancreas Care include, but are not limited to:

Increased balance of blood sugar levels

Increased digestion quality

Increased energy level for your daily activitied

Blood sugars less

Less insulin needed for diabetics

Less sugar cravings

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Light Body Integration by Mariah Windsong Couture

EUR 16.99

If you experience strong influxes of energy that seem to have no place to go inside of your body this energy system is for you

If beneficial spiritual energies are arriving unto you ,yet build up instead of being utilized by your body Light Body Integration will help you

Light Body Integration assists your body to utilize rather than resist the more intense energies of you that have arrived from the higher realms of you.

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449285508?profile=RESIZE_710xWound Healer Reiki Level 1-2-3 by Mariah Windsong Couture - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 65.00

Prerequisite Master Reiki o Seichim

Levels 1 - 2 - 3 each Level price 21,99 $ total price 65,97$

Wound Healer Reiki level 1 shall attend to your emotional and physical wounds

It shall heal tears and holes in your etheric bodies and is wonderful for people who are new to Reiki as well as those who are already teachers

is a unique energy calibration makes it perfect for everyone who wants to feel whole and healthy in every area of their being

Complete instructions for doing a session for another people in the same room

Level 2 Wound Healer Reiki tends to wounds you experienced in other times and places and during other incarnations

You are taugh how to conduct healing session for in person or distance healing work ,for wounds that occured in other times and places incluiding their various incarnations or dream states

Wound Healer Reiki 3 brings an upgrade of the energies ,more strength and a broader band of healing .After you receive your Wound Healer Reiki 3 attunement ,you will find it easy to send these energies long distance for locations on Earth ,Trees,Rocks ,Crystals and other Mineral Beings ,Ocean Life ,Wild Animals,Birds and others life here on this planet

You would follow the instructions set forth in Wound Healer Reiki level 2 for long distance healing .Once you have your attunement for Eound Healer Reiki 3 you will notice moreand more opportunities to heal in Service to Source.The Source of Eternal Life ,Love and Light will beckon you to assist with healing of the various life forms here on Earth

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