Wound Healer Reiki Level 1-2-3 by Mariah Windsong Couture - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value
EUR 65.00
Prerequisite Master Reiki o Seichim
Levels 1 - 2 - 3 each Level price 21,99 $ total price 65,97$
Wound Healer Reiki level 1 shall attend to your emotional and physical wounds
It shall heal tears and holes in your etheric bodies and is wonderful for people who are new to Reiki as well as those who are already teachers
is a unique energy calibration makes it perfect for everyone who wants to feel whole and healthy in every area of their being
Complete instructions for doing a session for another people in the same room
Level 2 Wound Healer Reiki tends to wounds you experienced in other times and places and during other incarnations
You are taugh how to conduct healing session for in person or distance healing work ,for wounds that occured in other times and places incluiding their various incarnations or dream states
Wound Healer Reiki 3 brings an upgrade of the energies ,more strength and a broader band of healing .After you receive your Wound Healer Reiki 3 attunement ,you will find it easy to send these energies long distance for locations on Earth ,Trees,Rocks ,Crystals and other Mineral Beings ,Ocean Life ,Wild Animals,Birds and others life here on this planet
You would follow the instructions set forth in Wound Healer Reiki level 2 for long distance healing .Once you have your attunement for Eound Healer Reiki 3 you will notice moreand more opportunities to heal in Service to Source.The Source of Eternal Life ,Love and Light will beckon you to assist with healing of the various life forms here on Earth
Receive 3 manual english language ,attunements chi ball
you can send payment 65.00 EUR with the link http://paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo
and Please in add a note paypal - name of the system or after the payment send email to trubiolo@ymail.com