Relationship Care by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value
EUR 28.00
Year 2012 - 28$
Relationship Care is an energy that works behind the scenes of your relationships ,in the spaces where we really relate .It enhances healthy relationships ,dropping away interferences.Any misunderstandings or the beginnings of a misunderstanding can be dissolved with Relationship Care.
Realtionship Care is to be approached as a "Session" for you will lift up ,in your mind 's eye ,any relationships you want it to attend to .In truth it is the Responsive Eternal Beings of Love ,Light and Life who arrive to tend the relationships you activate Relationship Care for.When we think of relationships it is usually people who come to mind.
They are certainly a major focus of this energy system ,but they are not the only relationships we have .Relationships Care also assists to improve the health of relationships we have with our pets ,money ,technical devices ,ourselves ,our spiritual guides and guardians as well as Eternal Sacred Source itself
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