Virtual Massage Empowerment by Mariah Windsong - Buy and get free one system by of egual or less value
EUR 37.00
37 $
Virtual Massage energy system contains 3 levels and attunements
A person must already be attuned to the Master Reiki or Seichim in order to qualify to receive any Virtual Massage Attunements or levels
Virtual Massage level 1 acquaints your body with the energy techniques that allow it to receive touch in a physical bodies
Virtual Massage can be received by any area of the body you direct with your mind
Level 2 of Virtual Massage teach you how to facilitate long distance virtual massage for other people in real time
Level 3 teaches you how to co create virtual massage sessions for other people in a manner that makes it available for a person to call in at their convenience to receive a complete session
receive manual english and chi ball attunement
you can send payment 37.00 EUR with the link
and Please in add a note paypal - name of the system or after the payment send email to