Nikel Body Protector by Mariah Windsong
EUR 16.99
Nikel Body Protector
The Hexoctahedron geometry is one of the key components to this unique energy system’s effective power for your protection against other people’s pictures of reality, ill intents, obsolete beliefs, psychic probing, thought installation, and control by means of influencing your will or desires.
Nome of us wish to our have feelings, desires or actions influenced by others, without our conscious consent. Many of us have no idea how many of our urges, thoughts and even actions are a direct result of someone else. If someone has a strong will and want to control us, they don’t have to be consciously psychic to adversely influence us. Nikel Body Protector with Ethereal Taenite give us a layer of shielding to assist our sovereignty to make our decisions, free of the unrealized influence of other people.
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