Self Knowledge Rays by Mariah Windsong Couture


Self Knowledge Rays by Mariah Windsong Couture - Buy and get free one system of egual or less value

EUR 25.00

year 2011 - 25 $

Self Knowledge Rays speeds up the time it takes for you to learn about yourself.

When you know yourself you can make wise, steadfast decisions.

Self Knowledge Rays brings to the surface the information you need to make educated decisions about what is right for you in any life situation.

Many people experience regret When They make commitments Which they later learn are incongruent With Their natures.

This is a cause of dis-ease.

Self Acceptance Rays are included to help you accept That Which is not Within You ready to change at this time.

There is value in knowing yourself and accepting the core of your self, without a need to change it.

Self knowledge is a key to knowing what is right for you and what is not.

This knowledge is incredibly beneficial for you to have prior to any major life decision. Entering a school, job, career, relationship or marriage requires That you know enough about yourself to discern if the commitment will be healthy for you years later.

While it is not possible to know all of how you will feel about a person or situation down the road, Self Knowledge Rays will bring your attention to the areas Within You That Are Necessary to consider right now. You may notice your inner truth in a way That you could not before.

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